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Socialism in 21 century?

OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
17 Feb 2022   #61
Let's strengthen democracy in cooperatives!

I think there are to key elements to the future cooperative economy.
1) Elections must never been falsified.
2) Every voter must understand elections as a science.

in modern history to be the most efficient administration - Germany, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, etc.

Yes, very efficient. 100+ millions of the dead combined!..
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
20 Feb 2022   #62
Human progress is 99% white.

In this case you need to prepare for a big changes. In USA the Whites are no more absolute majority among working age population.

The non-Hispanic White share of the US population fell to 57% in 2020, shrinking by six percentage points since 2010
But 57% - this is of total, not working age population. There are more than 50 mln. of White babyboomers in US, all of whom are older than 60 now. Long live modern economic system!

"Data from the U.S. Census Bureau show that there are 76.4 million baby boomers.
There were actually a total of 76 million births in the United States from 1946 to 1964"

UK whites will be minority by 2100
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
20 Feb 2022   #63

What does skin colour matter?
Culture is what matters.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
20 Feb 2022   #64
What does skin colour matter?

I didn't say it matters anything by itself. It just was my respons to "Novichok". I think situation in the modern World wouldn't be different if all the people would have the same skin colour. Let say tomorrow all the blacks, Asians and Latinos will start to have white skin colour. What is it going to change? I don't claim it will change something. Therefore I don't claim that skin color is important. I just think that under present social system people with higher IQ and better eduation have tendensy to have fewer children than people with lower IQ and worse edudation on average. Therefore it leads to falling of average national IQ and education. Even if all people will change their skin colour to white it's not going to change something by itself. Therefore I don't imply something about skin colour in particular.
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Feb 2022   #65
Therefore I don't imply something about skin colour in particular.

Of course, skin color doesn't matter. I go to Florida to be darker and that doesn't make me want to loot and kill. Wanting a homogenous society is another matter just as nobody really wants a multiracial or LGBT family. If it happens, you live with it - like with lower IQ or bad hearing.

My wife's sister married a guy from Puerto Rico some 40 years ago. Great guy.

leads to falling of average national IQ and education.

That's why in black schools, 2+2 is approximately 4. Just plain 4 is racist.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
21 Feb 2022   #66
According to NAEP, one-third of Latino students perform below grade level. In the most recent NAEP results (NCES, 2003), only 11 percent of Latino eighth-graders scored at or above proficient in math, compared to 36 percent of white ninth graders. In reading, only 14 percent of Latino eighth-graders scored at or above proficient, compared to 39 percent of white eighth-graders.

Now what China has to do is at least maintain what they've acheived already. And in 2100 all the World will fall to their knees like a rotten tree.
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Feb 2022   #67
And in 2100 all the World will fall to their knees like a rotten tree.

I couldn't agree more. Then the "Western world" will look back and wonder why that tolerance, love, multi bullsh*it, and social justice didn't work as well as it was supposed. This followed by why didn't we listen to Novichok and his idea of shooting the invaders.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
21 Feb 2022   #68
I don't idealize such countries like USSR, GDR, PNR, etc, but no one attempted to invade these countries after 1945 and subsequently there was no need to shoot someone. Population size was relatively stable. Fertility rate in Russian Soviet Republic was 2.12 children per family in 1990. (In USA it is 1.7 in 2021.) Even so USSR agressively promoted multiculturism and BLM and potentially there could be not a few immigrants from the poorest African countries who would want to live in USSR, only few of them ever managed to do it. So, largerly situation with fertility and immigration depends on the social system. Japan and Korea restricted immigration more than other developed country, but I wonder what will they do just in 50 years...

Chinese were forced to restric fertility, but this is just because there are more than 1.5 billions of them already. But they promiced to cancel all the restrictions soon!

social justice didn't work as well as it was supposed.

Social justice in which exactly country? Could I move there?
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Feb 2022   #69
Social justice in which exactly country?

Social justice - a race to the lowest common denominator so nobody is "left behind". That's the US where 2+2=4 is as good as 3 or 5 as long as the student made a good effort plus an adjustment for his race.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
21 Feb 2022   #70
adjustment for his race.

I don't want to play around with the great and noble concepts. Social justice for me isn't a something to mock around.
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Feb 2022   #71
Japan and Korea restricted immigration more than other developed country, but I wonder what will they do just in 50 years...

50 years from now Japan and Korea may have their problems but those will not be the result of the imbeciles' decision to turn their countries into multi hellholes like Sweden, Western Europe, and the US.

Social justice for me isn't a something to mock around.

Social justice is a battle cry of the low-IQ underachievers who want to even out things by government fiat. That is why the American-style social justice should be in quotes. As in "social justice". There is nothing "just" about affirmative action and that is why I will never choose a black doctor.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
21 Feb 2022   #72
imbeciles' decision to turn their countries into multi hellholes

So, who needed such decision and why? And who are the imbeciles?

I will never choose a black doctor

I would choose a black surgeon if I would be certain his skills are better than skills of a white surgeon.
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Feb 2022   #73
I would choose a black surgeon if I would be certain

I have no patience to review his records or the need since there a many doctors who meet my specs. Those exclude "black" or American-African.

That "if" in your post ends the debate since you will never be able to find that out.
A white guy, on the other hand, is guaranteed not to be the product of affirmative racism in reverse.

So, who needed such decision and why?

The morons who let Somalis into Sweden, for example. If you want names, you can find out who was in charge when the first Somali pos was allowed in.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
21 Feb 2022   #74
What does skin colour matter? Culture is what matters.

Culture is quickly changing. For example in France more than 40% of all the newborn babies have at least one parent of non-French ethnicity. To which culture they will belong, do you think, when they will grow up? Many of them already live in the ghettos and even constitute majority in some cities. I don't see the ways how they could be ever assimilated in such numbers already.

The scope of foreign origin can be estimated by the National Screening Program for Sickle Cell Disease because the genetic disease very rarely affects European people.

"The screening suggests that in 2000, 19 percent of all newborn babies in Metropolitan France had at least one parent originating from one of the risk regions. The figure for 2007 was 28.45 percent, for 2010 31.5 percent, for 2012 34.44 percent, for 2013 35.7 percent,[48] and for 2015 38.9 percent."
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Feb 2022   #75
For example in France more than 40% of all the newborn babies have at least one parent of non-French ethnicity.

In a democracy, people should vote directly on immigration policies. They are not allowed because Western "democracies" are fascism in hiding, ready to pop up when the time to remind the naive who is in charge is right. As they did with covid. Or the "refugee" flood in Germany.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
21 Feb 2022   #76
remind the naive who is in charge

And who if not the rich and powerfull are in charge? Green aliens from Mars?
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Feb 2022   #77
In a democracy nobody is powerful. People are powerful. That's what the naive, Civics 101 suckers believe when they vote and that is why I don't.

I know it's bs so your sarcasm is misdirected.
Alien  25 | 6353
22 Feb 2022   #78
We are not green.🥶
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
22 Feb 2022   #79
Whether you are green or not, what are your plans regarding humanity? Total degradation and return to what epoch?
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
23 Feb 2022   #80
Sounds like eugenics.

I believe that if genetic engineering would allow as to create humans with exceptionally strong moral qualities, it is the must to implement everywhere. Probably this is one of the main tasks, that humanity has to work on as soon as possible.
Novichok  4 | 8748
23 Feb 2022   #81
exceptionally strong moral qualities,

Then we would not have 99% of the books. What sells are the ones about evil. If you want to amuse yourself with "Mary Has a Cat"...
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
23 Feb 2022   #82
What sells are the ones about evil.

We had enough of bloody history to scarry to death 1000 of the future generations. And more fiction will follow... Also inborn moral qualities may strongly reduce crime and especially regular crime, but not completely exclude it. There always will be some situations when suduction becomes stronger than moral values...
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
23 Feb 2022   #83
I believe that if genetic engineering would allow as to create humans with exceptionally strong moral qualities

You arw as nuts as the German Nazis!
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
23 Feb 2022   #84
I don't think that the Nazis did big stress on personal qualitues. Their slogan was "if you are a German bastard you are good, if you are a Slavic smartie your are to be exterminated". But they used real, serious and long persistent problem of genetic deficiency in their propaganda.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
24 Feb 2022   #85
In difference from the Nazis I believe that during eugenics policies the most human way of implementation must be followed. For example birth control techniques are favored over extermination. I truly wonder why such countries as South Africa, South Rodesia, US and all other Western countries haven't implemented full scale birth controll policies. Some people proposed to do it from long time ago. Some pills and substances should be readily available since 1970-80.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
5 Mar 2022   #86
With everything being automated, 50 would be plenty.

You cannot automate everything. Robots are neither creative or inventive. Fewer people = fewer scientists and inventors = slower progress in all the fields. You need to have many scientists and inventors at least to stay competitive in the field of weapons. Otherwise large countries like China or India will either conquir your country or convert it into a semi-colony with puppet government. Also robots cannot be an artists or develop culture. World is very boring without great composers, writers, movie directors and phylosophers.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
11 Mar 2022   #87
I think these recent dances around oil and gas anti-Russian embargo show how sluggish technological progress have became in 21 century. It's already deep into the 21 century, but there still no close replacement for hydrocarbon energy carriers! In the mid of 20-th century many people believed that in 21-th century majority of people will fly personal flying cars equipped with some kind of nuclear fusion engines. What would be their dissapointment... For now there is no even normal batteries for electric vehicles on the market.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
12 Mar 2022   #88
Andrzej Duda says LGBT 'ideology' worse than communism
I think nowdays there are many efforts done in some countries including Poland to discredit all the varieties of Socialism by using "communism" and "bolshevik" rhetorics. But there is a big question whether we could call the system which existed in Poland 33 years ago a variety of true Socialism. This is a propaganda speculations.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
13 Mar 2022   #89
I think nowdays there are many efforts done to discredit all the varieties of Socialism

And quite rightly so.
Because they have all been miserable failures.

whether we could call the system which existed in Poland 33 years ago a variety of true Socialism.

And this is at the heart of why socialism always fails.
It is too easy to corrupt and take advantage of.
Sure, this is true, but to a lesser degree, of democracies, because, in general, they are more open societies than socialist ones.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
14 Mar 2022   #90
Sure, this is true, but to a lesser degree, of democracies

In Eastern Europe corruption have became even bigger problem during capitalism.

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