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Social Media - who uses Facebook or similar?

Miloslaw  22 | 5228
24 Aug 2018   #1
I don't know how many of you on here use Social Media.
I only use Facebook,mainly to keep in touch with family and friends.
About a week ago I got a 3 day ban for a post I made.
I thought it was wrong but could understand their reasoning.
I've just recieved another 3 day ban and have not made any new posts!
Are any of you noticing a censorship of freedom of speech?
TheOther  6 | 3596
24 Aug 2018   #2
Well, Facebook is temporarily banning right wing nut jobs at the moment. Are you one of them?
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5228
24 Aug 2018   #3
Right wing,Libertarian,yes,guilty.
Nutjob? I don't think so.....
Why aren't they banning left wing nutjobs?
cms neuf  2 | 1959
24 Aug 2018   #4
No because i only use it for the most innocuous reasons - liking vacation snaps or sports results. I cant be bothered to argue about politics there.

Its a private business and they can do what they want - there is a thread about thus with Rich talking nonsense- comparing it to water, electricity, email etc
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5228
24 Aug 2018   #5
You make a good point cms,maybe I should steer clear of politics on there.....maybe everywhere online....that is censorship....
TheOther  6 | 3596
24 Aug 2018   #6
Why aren't they banning left wing nutjobs?

Because Zuckerberg is one and they probably consider left wingers not as dangerous as the folks on the right? As CMS said, it's a private business and they can do what they want - as we've recently learned from the refusal of that bakery to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
24 Aug 2018   #7
What did you do this time Milo? Accusing someone of "german arrogance", you little meanie??? ;)

*ducks and runs*
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
24 Aug 2018   #8
Rich talking nonsense- comparing it to water, electricity, email etc

Hey, easy with that 'Rich talking nonsense' stuff. There is such thing as antitrust laws designed specifically to restrain private corporations that became de facto monopolies. Facebook and Google fit that description very well. Nothing is being done because those two are powerful and liberal.

The bakery case was not about monopolies. It was about the 1st Amendment and the court ruling in favor of the bakery was correct.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5228
24 Aug 2018   #9
What did you do this time Milo? Accusing someone of "german arrogance", you little meanie??? ;)

No,I questioned the intelligence and education of muslims compared to jews and said that in general,education standards of jews was superior.
Apparently that is against their principles....
I may be wrong,but aren't I entitled to an opinion?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
24 Aug 2018   #10
I have no idea about face book if I'm honest. I have avoided all that like the plague from the beginning...
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5228
24 Aug 2018   #11
Good idea.
I may well leave soon.....
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
24 Aug 2018   #12
I have avoided all that like the plague from the beginning...

You are a very smart man. On the scale 0 to 10, I care what somebody had for breakfast -1000. That's minus 1000.
TheWizard  - | 217
24 Aug 2018   #13
Hey i dont use facebook or social media. Never did for many reasons. One is that my phone(s) always go off with texts and calls and i dont want another way again to be bothered. The second reason is the fake news and crap that gets peddled there as fact by the mischievous to the gullible or slightly insane. There are more. I ignored it for 20 years now i just work against it.

When i go to buy something and they tell me they are on facebook i dont give them the sale, tsk tsk that gets them fuming. 'Why they say' and to give you my last reply 'just ring Zuckerberg he will buy that $800 bed mattress from you'. You should see their faces lol. Or when i talk to people they get fb notice and start looking i just walk away and leave them there. Usually i try to get away as far as i can if possible so when they finish they can't actually see me. Its been a lot of fun, i am thinking i will take it a step further.
cms neuf  2 | 1959
25 Aug 2018   #14
If you don't like it then there is a simple solution- leave. Its not compulsory to use it and probabky healthier and more productive not to.

Why doesn't Arron Banks or Bannonj or the Koch brothers make some kind of swivel eyed facebook where people can say what they want all day long ? That would solve the problem
TheWizard  - | 217
25 Aug 2018   #15
People expect me to be on it. It freaks them out that i am not. An idiot druggie once told me that people not on it should be investigated as to what they are hiding. He dropped dead a year later at work from a massive heart attack at work at an early age. People went on fb basically to tell lies of what a great bloke he was, he did start out a good bloke but that was a long time ago. Fb = fake everything including fake friends.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Aug 2018   #16
Why doesn't Arron Banks or Bannonj or the Koch brothers make some kind of swivel eyed facebook where people can say what they want all day long ?

That's actually a really valid question. From what I understand of the issue, it's that hard right wing politics and interests are very unattractive for advertisers, so such a network would never raise the advertising cash needed to survive. Breitbart really had problems after many advertisers stopped advertising there, and other sites in the alt-right internet are struggling. Even if advertisers do pay for advertising on those sites, they don't get the same return as they would elsewhere.

There's an excellent article here that I read about the topic - - it also points out that most alt-right types crave attention, so they won't post on alternative networks because everyone agrees with them there anyway.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Aug 2018   #17
Hey i dont use facebook or social media.

Oh hell no, neither have I.
Just look what it has done to unmask people's private lives on this forum alone.
You can only imagine the data base it created for the C.I.A. and law enforcement.

From what I understand of the issue, it's that hard right wing politics and interests are very unattractive for advertisers

WRONG, that is Socialist propaganda, in fact just the opposite, the reason for that is George Soros.
Leaked 49 page memo documents how Soros is behind social media censorship
Joker  2 | 2458
25 Aug 2018   #18
I have no idea about face book if I'm honest. I have avoided all that like the plague from the beginning..

Same here. I never joined and always thought it was for kids or ppl that dont have much going on in life.

I cant wait for the demise of facebook, a few more years and it will be just another fad, like bell
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Aug 2018   #19
WRONG, that is Socialist propaganda, in fact just the opposite, the reason for that is George Soros.

So advertisers don't want to be associated with lies and right wing propaganda because it's bad for sales? What a surprise!
cms neuf  2 | 1959
25 Aug 2018   #20
Of course - stands to reason that a 34 year old tech billionaire would take instructions from a retired 80 something banker, whose fortune is about 30 times smaller than his own.

Interestingly those who attribute the stock market boom to Trump ignore just how much of the increase is being driven by tech companies values rising while they are hoovering up advertising markets and consumers,

Advertisers are not interested in the alt right because they are generally old, low income and unwilling to try new products.

But the solution is obvious - they can start their own social media site where anything goes, they can abuse people, praise Putin or engage in conspiracy theories until the cows come home. The billion odd people who want to stick with Facebook can then be at peace while they take photos of their kids sandcastles and check out their ex girlfriends new hunk.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
25 Aug 2018   #21
Fb = fake everything including fake friends.

That's lies by commission. Obvious and there in your face.
The other kind, lies by omission, are not obvious and a lot more serious because they are hidden but just a bad.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5228
25 Aug 2018   #22
People like me were drawn to Social Media by our kids.....they are on there,I get regular pics and videos of my grandson.....many of us are sucked in...but,as many of you suggest,there must be a better way than this,even when real contact is difficult.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
25 Aug 2018   #23
In my family, women text. I always call because hearing my daughters' happy voices is just as important to me as the message.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 Aug 2018   #24
Poland came in 21st in the best countries in the world to live in if you're a woman according to a resent survey.
Denmark was #1 Canada #6 Australia #8 Germany #10 UK #13 Ireland #15 U.S.A. #16 and Poland #21.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Aug 2018   #25
Advertisers are not interested in the alt right because they are generally old, low income and unwilling to try new products.

Exactly this. That, plus the threat of boycott from wealthier consumers has really hurt the whole alt right finances. He who pays, rules, and in this case, old and low income people have very little influence.

they can abuse people, praise Putin or engage in conspiracy theories until the cows come home.

What I've read and seen is that those places never really succeed because it's an echo chamber. They can't get the confrontation and attention that they crave there, so they end up abandoning the platform quickly.
jon357  72 | 23665
26 Aug 2018   #26
I used to use it until about 2010 or 2011. I stopped because I wasn't that interested in near-strangers' holiday snaps and pictures of their pets. I've recently started running some facebook pages we have for work and see that it's still full of cartoons, 'memes' and Americans talking about their internal politics.

One of those things that can kill time better spent enjoying yourself in the real world.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Aug 2018   #27
facebook pages we have for work and see that it's still full of cartoons, 'memes' and Americans talking about their internal politics.

There's one chap known to us as "Poopy McPoopface" who appears to use it solely to abuse and insult bars and restaurants that he's been banned from.
jon357  72 | 23665
26 Aug 2018   #28
I know exactly who you mean. Weirdoes like that are exactly the reason I don't use social media. I wonder what he's up to nowadays.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 Aug 2018   #29
I heard that he died, if we are talking about the same person.
TheWizard  - | 217
26 Aug 2018   #30
Great tool for law enforcement to monitor all the gremlins who have surrendered all their rights to privacy.

Home / Off-Topic / Social Media - who uses Facebook or similar?

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