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Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse?

Eurola  4 | 1898
3 Apr 2011   #61
No one can challenge that without facing miserable defeat :)

It sound defiant. No matter what YOU think, it matters what others think about YOU. This is the world standard. YOU are the product of the society which brought you to this world, who educated you and who has the right to judge based on the standards. Am I clear? :)
OP Nathan  18 | 1349
3 Apr 2011   #62
You are clear, but I don't agree. I am not the product of the society. I might have incorporated some of its values, but I also built my own. One may argue that the way I think, behave, love etc. is a part of the societal influence upon me, but more than often I laugh at the society as it displays its faulty essence by MY standards. I fight not to care what others think about me. It is something to get rid of, for sure. But it shouldn't ever matter what others think about you, because being a part of the society I don't think about others as such.
Eurola  4 | 1898
3 Apr 2011   #63
I am not the product of the society.

You are. No need to deny. Your mom and papa thought you the first rules of life. Then, came the teachers in grammar school, high school, college..whatever.

Then it came the work enivironment..etc.

but I also built my own

Exactly, you do. Take the best of what you learned and then the best of what you encountered in real life. Combine them, draw conclusions and be you.

You see, all people draw their own conclusions and that's why we're different.
When you are are part of society - granted - you'll be judged. You might be the fun person living next door or you could be the the boring person living next door. It is up to you how to present yourself.

Getting back on topic, do you want to present yourself as the Slavic romantic soul (Crow comes to mind) or you are the person who looks around and recognizes reality. I read a lot of BS theory here on PF. It is reality which counts in everyday life.
OP Nathan  18 | 1349
4 Apr 2011   #64
Your mom and papa thought you the first rules of life.

I started to enjoy women's breasts on my own, nobody taught me. I demanded food when I wanted it and the parents have better been there to give it to me, nice and good. I taught them how to be parents. Regarding schools - they gave me tools to navigate, but they didn't carve me out and I am not their product. You are a product when you replicate exactly what you have been made to do - a robot. I break the laws of the society now and then and I don't see the society as a norm of my behavious. Now, am I a product. Nope.

You worry too much about the opinion of others. It is not important. It is you at the end of theday. Not how you want to be looked at, unless you are shallow and vain. Do you care what I think about you? How I judge you? I doubt it. So, why bother with the society, which is just a conveniently organized group of people which in order to live in harmony more or less devises the rules for you to follow. If you do exactly as they ask - you are a product, indeed. Otherwise, we are more than that.

I am not here to present myself. If you want to make your opinion about me - do it, read what I say and come to the conclusions. Sokrates thought that I am the most intelligent guy in the world full of knowledge of immeasurable depths :) Torq thinks I am a Nazi who has killed his grandma and now I am after him. Whom to trust? Whose opinion is right? It is up to anyone. Since I am "anyone" I trust my opinion the most. Therefore, I don't care about the society's evaluations of my personality or any judgements.

If you look at the history of humanity, you will see that the reality was some fantasy that came to a lunatic who came to be the most skillful in implementing it and the herd followed him. The best reality is what you see inside yourself, in a dark room when you are alone. My reality is my opinion or anything I agree to through my logic. Otherwise, it is fantasy. Sometimes, I too follow fantasy.
4 Apr 2011   #65
Torq thinks I am a Nazi

You are an SS-glorifyier, and it's not about me thinking this, but about you admitting it openly on this very forum.

who has killed his grandma

One of my grandmothers is still alive and in fine health, thank you. The other passed away a couple
of years ago, peacefully in her own house, so it must have been somebody elses grandma that you
killed, Nathan.

and now I am after him

obiecanki cacanki
OP Nathan  18 | 1349
4 Apr 2011   #66
obiecanki cacanki

I am - watch your back, Torq :)
4 Apr 2011   #67
Is that a threat or a promise? :)

Anyway - your problem Nathan, apart from trying to belittle the scale of Ukrainian genocide on Poles,
is that you are trying to justify the crimes of Ukrainians with lame excuses. It's OK that UPA slaughtered
tens of thousands of Polish women and children, because Poles closed Ukrainian schools and opposed
your independence. Oh, excuse me, I forgot Wiśniowiecki - he was quite cruel to cossacks in 1648-1651.
Yeah - those UPA crimes were totally justified.

Until you accept that your "heroes" were murdering animals, who had great successes fighting women
and children, but in battle against armed formations were usually owned like bit*ches , you will keep
living in denial. Accept the truth, Nathan, and the truth shall set you free.
Sasha  2 | 1083
4 Apr 2011   #68
I personally don't consider Russians Slavic

Not that it can insult me or the Russians in general but I somehow don't understand how can anyone in his right mind can take the thread seriously after this statement. :) Though I must praise you since you've managed to contain yourself for a few posts! (One shouldn't be a soothsayer to predict what you always end up with).

Hint: when lack of argumentation/spit to splutter with use "an old Communist sadistic fart"-spell. :)
southern  73 | 7059
4 Apr 2011   #69
In my opinion Russians are the most hardcore Slavs the Slavs of the Slavs the only ones who created an Empire worth mentioning.
nott  3 | 592
4 Apr 2011   #70
Slavs the only ones who created an Empire worth mentioning.

Not a Slavic thing, empire.

Not that it can insult me or the Russians in general

Now why would you suggest that this could be an insult, calling somebody a non-Slav?

how can anyone in his right mind can take the thread seriously after this statement. :)

It's about a specific group of nations, so discussion about a strict definition of this group is a prudent thing to do, I'd say. Might help us find those elusive Slavic features.

Hm... I am not trying to be provoking this time, but if you could take this accusation seriously and took some effort to prove us that Russians are Slavs like any other Slavic nation, this would help us immensely in this discussion.

nott: Ukrainians are more uniformed, as are Germans, the English, Italians, etc

Interesting. But I think it is not far from what Poland has.

I see it is a myth shared by some/many Poles. But if you just go out in any Polish city, preferably not Kraków or Warszawa, where foreigners could taint your samples, and try to picture an average Pole, you still fail miserably. All colours and shapes, as I said. Especially in summer.
southern  73 | 7059
4 Apr 2011   #71
Not a Slavic thing, empire.

They inherited the concept of the Byzantine Empire.Slavic states always had very fluid borders.
nott  3 | 592
4 Apr 2011   #72
They inherited the concept of the Byzantine Empire.

They used the concept, as 'opium for the masses'.

Byzantium was an offspring of Roman Empire, crated by Romans. A this time most Slavs were happy heathens, fighting their tribal wars in natural accordance with the Nature and the Slavic spirit. Thus the borders were fluid...
OP Nathan  18 | 1349
5 Apr 2011   #73
I see it is a myth shared by some/many Poles. But if you just go out in any Polish city, preferably not Kraków or Warszawa, where foreigners could taint your samples, and try to picture an average Pole, you still fail miserably. All colours and shapes, as I said. Especially in summer.

It is the same in Ukraine. You will find different cuts and sizes. We are just, probably, taller on average and not so many men wear moustache as in Poland. Polish have rounder faces and wavy lips. Poles are more blonde on average and have less rounded lids' openning for eyes. Fuller cheeks. These are my personal observations.

I somehow don't understand how can anyone in his right mind can take the thread seriously after this statement.

One needs to be in right mind to understand this, Sasha :) I agree with nott on how can this be an insult? Most of the people are not Slavs.

Oh, excuse me

You are excused, Torq. I don't hold grudges against kids :)

A this time most Slavs were happy heathens

It didn't change :)
Ironside  50 | 12817
5 Apr 2011   #74
Now, am I a product. Nope.

you are a kid, moron and retard and last but not least - a fascist apologists and Wolyń massacre denier.
That about sums you up, as for the rest I don't care.
southern  73 | 7059
5 Apr 2011   #75
and not so many men wear moustache as in Poland.

I noticed very few men wearing moustache in Poland.Most of them had moustaches.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
5 Apr 2011   #76
Not a Slavic thing, empire.

not for want of trying that Polish government attempt at building an African empire between the wars lol
southern  73 | 7059
5 Apr 2011   #77
We are just, probably, taller on average and not so many men wear moustache as in Poland. Polish have rounder faces and wavy lips. Poles are more blonde on average and have less rounded lids' openning for eyes. Fuller cheeks. These are my personal observations.

Actually Poles are taller than Ukrainians except Ukrainians in Lvov and Donetsk region.(in Donetsk they look a bit like monsters).
Polish look considerably more germanic than Ukrainians in the sense of the jaw and eyes look but Ukrainians vary a lot far more than Poles.(they look different in Odessa,different in Donbass,different in western Ukraine,different in Kharkov and different in Kiev,in fact you can guess their city of origin just by their looks).
Ironside  50 | 12817
5 Apr 2011   #78
not for want of trying though.

yeah? but it is Germanic people that are racists !
southern  73 | 7059
5 Apr 2011   #79
it is Germanic people that are racists !

Germanics are racist for a reason.The point is to do better than them and establish your superiority.See all germanic nations have average GDP/person double or triple than slavic nations,let's not refer how many scientists they have produced and how many innovations they have made.
Ironside  50 | 12817
5 Apr 2011   #80
See all germanic nations have average GDP/person double or triple than slavic nations,let's not refer how many scientists they have produced and how many innovations they have made.

BS, they were racists from the belonging, your people, my people, your race my race .....
OP Nathan  18 | 1349
5 Apr 2011   #81
I noticed very few men wearing moustache in Poland.Most of them had moustaches.

You have never been in a brawl - moustaches fly everywhere :)

you are a kid, moron and retard

Cool :)

Polish look considerably more germanic than Ukrainians in the sense of the jaw and eyes

Not the jaw. Maybe, eyes, but the iris are more gayish in Polish, I would say.

in Donetsk they look a bit like monsters

Good one :), but that is a little misconception based on our infamous dummy. Regarding the names of the cities I would buy a new atlas, southern, unless you are not a Greek, but simply a guy from Pietukhovo in Russia.
Magdalena  3 | 1827
5 Apr 2011   #82
but the iris are more gayish in Polish

What is that even supposed to mean?
southern  73 | 7059
5 Apr 2011   #83
The Ukrainians call them Lvyiv,Kyiv,Kharkiv etc but I use the common english names.

but the iris are more gayish in Polish, I would say.

No,I don't think Poles look more gay.
Generally Ukrainians in Lvov look very much like Poles in Krakow.
Sasha  2 | 1083
5 Apr 2011   #84
Now why would you suggest that this could be an insult, calling somebody a non-Slav?

Generally speaking it can't be an insult to call somebody a non-Slav. Though when deliberately calling a Slav not a Slav could be that.

It's about a specific group of nations, so discussion about a strict definition of this group is a prudent thing to do, I'd say. Might help us find those elusive Slavic features.

What did the statement have to do with a definition of the group? Ok. I don't consider Americans Slavic, if this would help.

but if you could take this accusation seriously and took some effort to prove us that Russians are Slavs like any other Slavic nation, this would help us immensely in this discussion

Not earlier than you prove me that the Poles are Slavs.
Im większe kłamstwo, tym ludzie łatwiej w nie uwierzą. /Herr Goebbels/

Obviously it's quite an easy task for a Slav to tell Mr. Novak from let's say Mr. Neumann. But I'm not really willing to discuss it in the suggested ridiculous vein.
sascha  1 | 824
5 Apr 2011   #85
yeah? but it is Germanic people that are racists !

BS, they were racists from the belonging, your people, my people, your race my race .....

IS you are falling for the stereotypes they were selling to you? BB's propaganda has its first effects...sorry for that man.

Fortunately the administrative(politics) doesn't have much to do with individual opinions. Half of my friends from elementary school through gymnasium and university were foreigners. Probably I detected my countrymen as boring and too much ocupied with themselves. :)
Daisy  3 | 1211
5 Apr 2011   #86
yeah? but it is Germanic people that are racists !

That's a racist remark

but the iris are more gayish in Polish

What is that even supposed to mean?

could someone tell me what a gay eye looks like
sascha  1 | 824
5 Apr 2011   #87
That's a racist remark

Actually he's hitting the point for the masses and the administration or how would you interpretate the statement of Merkel, Sarkozy and Cameron that the multiculutural society has "utterly" failed?

could someone tell me what a gay eye looks like

Ask JP Gaultier. ;)
southern  73 | 7059
5 Apr 2011   #88
what a gay eye looks like

Maybe a half closed eye like ass.
Crow  154 | 9489
5 Apr 2011   #89
Slavs are cool
OP Nathan  18 | 1349
5 Apr 2011   #90
What is that even supposed to mean?

could someone tell me what a gay eye looks like

Ladies, I said "iris are more gayish". Gay doesn't necessarily mean homosexuality, it also means happy, exuberant, cheerful. Can iris - so-called "eye-color-carrier" - be cheerful and happy? Yes, it can.

The Ukrainians call them Lvyiv,Kyiv,Kharkiv etc but I use the common english names

This is not what the Ukrainians use - it is internationally accepted norm of English spelling. For example, here is something that cannot be more English - BBC. What common names they use for the above-mentioned cities?

or UEFA:

So, unless you are claiming that Pietukhovo in Russia sets the English standards of spelling other nation's city-names, I would suggest to use this, which is used in the English language world.

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