Last weekend I watched a good movie on Netflix - "Don't Look Up" with Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep and Cate Blanchett. It's fairly one-sided as far as politics are concerned, but in general it's quite a reality check about today's society. It's a satire, so it's exaggerated, but not that far from reality, imho... It's worth watching, I think, I really recommend it.

Btw, from movie-related stuff - I've just found out today myself - did you know that Sir Christopher Lee, the actor who played the evil wizard Saruman in "the Lord of the Rings":
- was not only a Tolkien fan, but also the only cast member who actually met Tolkien;
- was one of Ian Fleming's inspirations for James Bond character;
- during World War II:
1. he volunteered to the Finnish Army in order to fight in the Winter War against the Soviet Union (he wasn't sent to the frontline though)
2. he volunteered to RAF (at first as a pilot)
3. he served in RAF as an intelligence officer
4. he took part in the Battle of Monte Cassino
5. he said he worked for Special Operations Executive (SOE) and Long Range Desert Group (LRDG), but declined to give details
6. by the end of the war he'd received commendations for bravery from the British, Polish, Czech and Yugoslavian governments
7. after World War II he was hunting Nazi war criminals for the Central Registry of War Criminals and Security Suspects until he decided to give acting a try at age 25.
- he was related to Charlemagne and American general Robert E. Lee;
- he met Prince Yusupov and Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich who killed Rasputin;
- at one point he had to ask the King of Sweden for a permission to marry (and he got it);
- he was a polyglot: he was fluent in Italian, French, German, Spanish and was able to communicate in Greek, Russian and Swedish.