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USA News and Poland - part 14

cms neuf  2 | 1943
2 days ago   #331
No that was just a suggestion from a publicity seeking local politician

He has since been arrested for some Strzelec style messages to minors
Przelotnyptak1  - | 713
2 days ago   #332
Is that not enough for you?

I don't believe one word coming from investigating commit, Every one of them rabidly anty Trump, Bunch of democratic liars.
Not even one pro Trump in the whole cabal.
Now, it is your turn. What about an unarmed woman, a military veteran, shot to death? Where is the recording of the commission procedures,and why did they disappear? Do you think they should hide their reasonable, honest investigation or hide manipulation and dishonesty, possibly criminality?
Please don't run to Google for answers; use your sizable brain.
Novichok  4 | 8677
2 days ago   #333
Not even one pro Trump in the whole cabal.

Ask a Democrat what they want without using the word "Trump" and you will a see a human version of "deer in the headlights". Or another version of Pelosi...

BTW, I missed the moment when you opened your PM. I thought you would let me know when you did it.

If you are open to the idea of exchanging emails, my PF email is:

If not, I will be OK with that...
Przelotnyptak1  - | 713
2 days ago   #334
If you are open to the idea of exchanging emails, my PF email is:

Rich, I kept my Email shot off for a reason, and I was right. About ten days after opening, some perverted A-hole I crawled right in and offered his services,so this time, I shot off the access for good. Sorry, Rich, I would love to hear from you
OP Feniks  2 | 857
2 days ago   #335
They stole elections with their shady manipulations

If that is what you believe then there isn't a lot of point in debate about the riots as I don't believe the election was stolen.

Regardless of personal beliefs though, do you not have a problem with Trump pardoning and releasing convicted rioters? I find a president who appears to be on a power trip and disregarding the rule of law worrying to say the least.

I don't believe one word coming from investigating commit,

You don't believe anyone was injured in those riots? That's all you have to say? I'm stunned. You really have got rose-tinted glasses on.

What about an unarmed woman, a military veteran, shot to death?

It's sad that she died but she was a participant in a violent riot. She had been told three times by an armed police officer with gun drawn to back off and get out of a secure area where law enforcement were trying to evacuate Congress members and staff. She ignored him and carried on trying to enter the area. She was later found to have a knife in her pocket. The USCP deemed the shooting to be lawful and within department policy.

Seriously, was she trying to win a Darwin award? That's what Novi or Johnny would be saying. How many times have they banged on and on about doing exactly what the police tell to you to do, not to argue etc etc.
Novichok  4 | 8677
2 days ago   #336
I would love to hear from you

Send me an email to:
Joker  2 | 2447
2 days ago   #337
Trump Derangement Syndrome, TDS is going to be officially recognized as a mental illness by psychologists.

Its a pandemic at this point in time watching all these idiot leftist meltdown on a daily basis.

They are an extremely violent bunch as well when they dont get their way. These people are the fascists always blaming others for what they are actually doing themselves.

Im soooo happy Trump won:)
Alien  26 | 6527
2 days ago   #338
soooo happy Trump won:

the honeymoon will soon be over.
Novichok  4 | 8677
2 days ago   #339
the honeymoon will soon be over.

You may actually be right. In a society raised in 30-second TV ads, a month is long-term and three weeks too long.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 713
2 days ago   #340

Now that is what i call an imaginative Email address :::)))
Przelotnyptak1  - | 713
2 days ago   #341
She was later found to have a knife in her pocket.

Are you sure it was not a nuclear bomb. Who cares? Not one libtard, anyway. Kill them because there might be a scyzoryk in the pocket. Do it libtard way.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 713
2 days ago   #342
You are so charming when you agree with Rich and Johnnys' point of view:::)))
Przelotnyptak1  - | 713
1 day ago   #343
the honeymoon will soon be over.

And how do you know it. Are you psychic or maybe clairvoyant?@Alien
Novichok  4 | 8677
1 day ago   #344
Another reason why I hate Europe and love the US of A...

cms neuf  2 | 1943
1 day ago   #345
Pathetic Vance is sending his wife to Greenland for a holiday - even more pathetic, she is taking their kid aa a human shield. She is obviously just as nutty as he is

Why can't the US just dial in down for a few weeks and concentrate on their own problems ?
Alien  26 | 6527
1 day ago   #346

Something like that, son.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 713
1 day ago   #347
Why can't the US just dial in down for a few weeks and concentrate on their own problems ?

Or go to sleep for four years , the duration of the four years of presidency, like Biden did?
cms neuf  2 | 1943
1 day ago   #348
Biden has gone - we are talking about Golden Cow and weird Vance's wacky wife

Do you think this trip to Greenland is a good idea ? Do you think she should take her kid ?
Przelotnyptak1  - | 713
1 day ago   #349
Are you drunk on drugs or both. What is your problem?
cms neuf  2 | 1943
1 day ago   #350
Neither - I have eaten healthily today, done some exercise, and I have given up alcohol until Easter

Do you think this trip to Greenland, by Vance's wife, is a good idea ? They behave like kids
Ironside  51 | 13083
1 day ago   #351
with Trump pardoning and releasing convicted rioters? I find a president who appears to be on a power trip and disregarding the rule of law worrying to say the least.

It is within his constitutional rights. I don't see exercising constitutional rights as disregard for the rule of law.

Greenland would be better off with the US than with Denmark.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 713
1 day ago   #352
Why not? I must have missed a war raging on in Greenland or a disastrous outbreak of smallpox or something from China. If not I am OK with it
Joker  2 | 2447
23 hrs ago   #353
Why can't the US just dial in down for a few weeks and concentrate on their own problems ?

Trump seemingly never sleeps. The President typically has only 2 years to execute his agenda then they lose seats in the mid terms.

This time maybe different as the Dems keep doubling down on issues 90% of the country doesn't care about. Their polls numbers are in the low 20`s and they lost the youth vote.

Greenland would be better off with the US than with Denmark.

Fort Trumps new location. Keep China outta there.
Novichok  4 | 8677
21 hrs ago   #354
then they lose seats in the mid terms.

In the Biden vs Trump migrant competition, Biden has already won.

He imported 10 million. With those leftist judges demanding hearings for every foreign scumbag, Trump will deport 1 million. Maybe...That's a net win of 9 million for Biden.

Then comes Biden's Phase 2: Legalize them and move them to the swing states to make the US a de facto single-party country. See Cali and Shitcago.

Home / Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 14

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