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USA News and Poland - part 11

Lazarus  2 | 319
23 hrs ago #151
It is obvious he loves using proxies aka sock puppets to settle his accounts.

It's even more amusing when those who he thinks are his puppets want nothing to do with his vendettas!

Polams had used to be much better in the past before they went to the dogs

The problem is that the nicer PolAms have pretty much fully assimilated now and the dregs of the group are now overly represented among those who identify as anything other than American.
OP Miloslaw  21 | 4880
21 hrs ago #152
The US and Europe need NAZIs

That's it! You have at last admitted that you are a Nazi!........shame on you.....
johnny reb  46 | 7390
20 hrs ago #153
Do we want to talk about baboon behavior?

Baboons are direct descendants of Big Black men f-ing monkeys.
anything other than American.

Harry, name one American that you haven't been at war with. Hoot !
See your inferiority complex pattern yet ?
Only this time you ran your nasty pie hole to an American that is within arms reach of you.
How stupid can you get.
johnny reb  46 | 7390
19 hrs ago #154
She is in bed with them.
The FBI and other intelligence agencies revealed today that Iran sent information stolen during its hack on the Trump campaign to the biden campaign and continues to send material to various media outlets.
Both her and obama are Muslims and Marxists.
Time to take out Iran for medaling in our elections in my opinion.
They have been a pain in the ass for to long now.
Novichok  5 | 7704
19 hrs ago #155
That's it! You have at last admitted that you are a Nazi!..

We also need brain surgeons. Am I a brain surgeon?

We need executioners. Am I an executioner?

The original NAZIs were German patrions. Many Germans were NAZIs. Very few committed war crimes.

It was the British movies that used "NAZI" as a catch word for the crimes of the few.
Alien  22 | 5426
15 hrs ago #156
The original NAZIs were German patrions.

Ask BB who is a German patriot if he wants to be called a Nazi?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
13 hrs ago #157
Once again, yesterday every democrat in congress votes against a government funding bill because in the package was a provision that every voter must provide proof of citizenship. They would rather see the governmnet shut down than enforce the laws that are already in place. This is not a conspiracy theory, this is a matter of public record. Why wouldnt everyone support this? It seems rather simple and logical to me and just about every other person I have spoken to. Even some democratic friends dont understand, and are now questioning why the democrats vote against this.
johnny reb  46 | 7390
12 hrs ago #158
and are now questioning why the democrats vote against this.

The New World Order globalists have them in their pocket is my guess.
Barney  17 | 1676
12 hrs ago #159
Because it disenfranchises voters which is the point as is patently obvious by the GoP's behaviour in Arizona. There is no evidence of massive voter fraud or huge amounts of abuse of the system. It's very easy to understand unless you believe a shed load of conspiracy theories promoted by people who are fundamentally undemocratic.

If they are so concerned about this why are Republicans not calling for a federal registration system which would involve national ID registration?
jon357  73 | 22623
11 hrs ago #160
the dregs of the group are now overly represented among those who identify as anything other than American.

People ill-adjusted in their own society and fixate with a place that some or most of their ancestors once lived in but left as soon as they could and never went back to.

That would be like me having shamrocks and religious pictures on the wall.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
11 hrs ago #161
There doesnt have to be evidence of voter fraud. Its a law. Whether its on instance or a million it does not matter. Its a law. It is what the whole 14th amendment is about.

Fundementally un democratic? You mean like replacing your candidate for president with someone who no one voted for in primaries? Or maybe like forcing RFK junior to remain on ballots in swing states but taking Biden off ballots when clearly there are laws requiring him to be on multiple state ballots and laws that do not allow for Kumala to be on ballots? If your an American you really dont know sh1t about the laws that are already on the books. If you're not an American, your opinion on the subject doesnt count.

As for a federal registration system, the country is a constitutional republic. Federal ID programs call for more big government and more prying into peoples lives. This is what Europeans do not understand. Big government was never meant to be in the US.

People on PF think the second ammendment is about owning guns, and hunting. The second amendment was designed so that American people can defend themselves from the government when it gets too big. The democrats want big government and to control, tax and otherwise completely fvck and control regular Americans. The utter lack of actual knowledge on these things people want to discuss is astounding.
Barney  17 | 1676
10 hrs ago #162
Its a law.

It is already illegal for a non citizen to vote in federal elections, SAFE is a clear attempt to suppress the vote ie its undemocratic and not yet the law.

If the repeated slogan about no big government were believed why do Republican admins repeatedly grow the government and who are you going to complain about when the bridge falls down?
Lazarus  2 | 319
10 hrs ago #163
Fundementally un democratic? You mean like replacing your candidate for president with someone who no one voted for in primaries?

There is nothing undemocratic about a candidate choosing to drop out and releasing all the state delegates previously bound to vote for that candidate in the first round of voting at the convention.

you really dont know sh1t about the laws that are already on the books.

Nothing illegal about it either. But ignorance of the law is amazing common among those convicted of felonies at four separate trials.
johnny reb  46 | 7390
8 hrs ago #164
There is nothing undemocratic about a candidate choosing to drop out

But it is undemocratic to have them reinstated by their puppet master without a popular vote.
The reason she dropped out because she was running dead last.
That means the people did not want her because she is as dumb as a box of rocks.
You should hear some of the news snippets of her word salads on Conservative radio here in the U.S. when ask a question that she can't answer. lol
So the puppet masters by passed the voting and just implanted her by throwing biden under the bus.
But then again you are a Brit and don't live here to know what is really going on besides what you read and see on the bias Liberal media.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
8 hrs ago #165
So don't vote for her. Trump is on the ballot in Michigan and I think he will win the state
Lazarus  2 | 319
7 hrs ago #166
Trump is on the ballot in Michigan and I think he will win the state

Really? Harris has been consistently ahead in the polls there since the end of July. The 538 poll of polls has her up by 2.5% right now. Also, it seems that her strategy is very much to focus on the swing states and to bait Trump into being Trump.
Novichok  5 | 7704
6 hrs ago #167
I would gladly vote for Kamala if she promised to turn the US into an autocratic state like China where everything that counts is better. No homeless bums ready to push you in front of a train, either.

They even know how to stay safe while spending one quarter of what the US spends every year on the tanks and artillery we don't need. Adjusting for population, it's 5%.

How do they do that? Amazing. Is their MICC lobby too shy to rip off Chinese taxpayers the way ours does here?

It is already illegal for a non citizen to vote in federal elections,

So is rape and murder.

You are a real genius, Barney.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
5 hrs ago #168
It is illegal, but the States are in charge of registering voters, and every State has different systems. And that is why a standardized system of proof of citizenship is not only needed, but should have been required long ago. Republicans have shrunk the size of government in the past, and Bill Clinton was the last democrat to do it. Bush 2 was in a war frenzy, and Obama was a tax and spend machine. Trump did make a lot of cuts in size of government where they were needed. Employment in government was only up .9%
Novichok  5 | 7704
5 hrs ago #169
It is illegal, but the States are in charge of registering voters,

Making something illegal is simple.

Detection and enforcement is another matter.

Crossing the US border illegally is illegal. Three and a half years later, we got 10 million of these scumbags to take care of.

When Texas tries to make it harder, the feds take Texas to court. Not the illegals. Texas.

This makes the fed mafia the real enemy.
Barney  17 | 1676
5 hrs ago #170
States are in charge of registering voters

Thats your problem, if the US introduces a national ID system people will complain about big government; leave it to the states and the conspiracy theories start.

The lies repeated by Trump and magnified by his sympathetic media and stooges tells you clearly what their intention is and it is to disenfranchise people and hopefully to get a payoff. Everything about Trump is dollar driven.

No one says exactly what size of government they want its just an empty slogan for impressionable people like MAGA or the "silent majority" or was it the moral majority etc
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
4 hrs ago #171
You mean the lies of the democrats anf their media right?

The bottom line is simple, illegals are illegal. The democrats want to increase government spending, taxation, and hiring. They represent everything the founding fathers stood against. Thats just an inconvenient truth.
Barney  17 | 1676
4 hrs ago #172
represent everything the founding fathers

Thats why there are elections and only one side is trying to limit the numbers who can legally vote
Novichok  5 | 7704
2 hrs ago #173
if the US introduces a national ID system people will complain about big government;

Hey, stupid, the Big Evil US Government already issued a national ID card.

It's known as cc-size passport. Any citizen can get it for 35 bucks so I have both the card and the book.

For low IQ morons, we could make cards free of charge.
only one side is trying to limit the numbers who can legally vote

Yes, moron, only those with brains aka conservatives are trying to enforce US laws by preventing illegals from voting. Duh!

Memo to morons: Illegals already broke US laws by entering illegally, working illegally, getting guns illegally, raping and murdering illegally.

But they would never, ever vote illegally, right?

Is every Euro here a pathetic moron?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
1 hr ago #174
Thanks for making my arguement. LEGALLY VOTE. No one without proof of citizenship should be able to vote or get anywhere close to a voting booth. Just like Poland and the rest of the world. You're so brainwashed by the leftists, you think you know something about the United States and you clearly do not. No proof of citizenship then FO.

Anyone voting against proof of citizenship being a requirement in every state is commiting a crime. Its that fvcking simple. So tired of all the leftist bull$hit here. All the stupic socialists who want to see the US go down the path of NK, Cuba and others want the US to cease its existance. What happens to Poland and the EU then?
cms neuf  1 | 1761
1 hr ago #175
What is "proof of citizenship" ? Is there such a document ?

Even if there was you would just complain that people were forging them. Plus both sides would speed up or slow down issuance of these according to their electoral needs.

Then you would want some stupid citizenship test of some other mechanism from the 60s to stop people voting
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
57 mins ago #176
@cms neuf
A birth certificate, passport, or a naturalization card. SImple and easy for any citizen to produce. I wouldnt complain about a thing if people would just enforce something that is a constitutional ammendment! Its people like you who want the US to save the world, but dont want it to follow its own constitutional foundations.
Ironside  50 | 12380
57 mins ago #177
What is "proof of citizenship

you show your dick, If there is no foreskin it means you are a US citizen with a 95% probability.
Novichok  5 | 7704
56 mins ago #178
What is "proof of citizenship" ?

Yes. Not perfect but sure beats "I swear I am a citizen" bullshit. Like "I am a women now."

Natives - birth certificate
Naturalized citizens - naturalization certificate

Even if there was you would just complain that people were forging them.

That's not 100% preventable. Obongo forged his BC.

Today, hardly any document is forgable. My DL has as many anti-forgery features as 100 buck notes.

Then there is the problem of the upside vs downside and the risks of getting caught.

Does Poland have national ID cards? Or does your government rely on your word?
Novichok  5 | 7704
47 mins ago #179
When I applied for my Polish passport a couple of years ago, the Consulate in Chicago demanded my most recent BC and would not accept the original one.

For this, I actually had to go to Poland on my US passport and go to an USC office in Warsaw to get it. No, I could not forge that document easily.

I was also given a number. With that number, anybody can verify that I am a citizen of Poland. No papers to forge anymore.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
45 mins ago #180
I understand why you left PF for so long. This is the den of idiots and leftist socialist agendas. No one wants to discuss facts, purpose, or meaning. Its all emotional bull$hit. But hey, save Ukraine and please continue to protect Europe.

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