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This is why I say Poland is so far behind in tech

Strzelec35  19 | 830
10 Feb 2021   #1
I just had this interview scheduler thing from my icloud I tried clicking on basically asking me to choose a date for my interview and I realized it doesn't even support the iPad. It is run by this company called which seems to be Polish (go figure) that this other company uses for their scheduler. So today this morning I used a desktop to schedule it but something was off. like the user interface or something seemed off and also why would any company use it over the standard such as google schedule everyone else uses? I also realized when you click on the kontakt or about us section from an ipad on the bottom of the page it tries to download something on your device. I then realized this site and app is not at all usable or dostępne on mobile. In Poland they still do not even understand mobile exists or target mobile users in any way whether through advertising targeting or functional software use.

Here is why Poland is so far behind everyone else probably including Ukraine as well since they developed the great Stalker series, which is much better than Cyberpunk:

It reminded me of how when I worked at fakturownia their whole mindset is so behind google and what everyone else is doing and even user behaviour. at least allegro allows people to shop online using a smartphone now and have an actual app. But ebay had this years ago and is basically irrelevant now due to amazon anyway.

Oh yea and the previous day I also had this girl call me while I was on the bus telling me to look over some other position on their site or something as she felt it even fits better and to call back the next day. I did and thought it looked good but every time I tried calling it said the number was busy or the person cannot be reached lol. This was yesterday all day I tried calling even texted the number she called from. And yea thew position is still showing on their site.
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
10 Feb 2021   #3
whats sad is how shallow these Polish ******* are and how they accept the system here and how it is so inferior yet weeds out superior talent like me due to the fact i don't have their high end degrees from their big time Polish universities or other shallow **** but can read write English and know tech better than anyone in this whole country. then these ******* on these daying sites or in dive bars like Irish pub on Miodowa street wanna lecture me lr give me advice on work. what a bunch of bullehit huh? they're just part of the Polish problem.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
10 Feb 2021   #4
weeds out superior talent like me

Then you should easily be able to rise above them all by freelancing.

i dont have their high end degrees...

Every new hire is a risk because the time and expense in giving them a position may quickly prove to have been a waste. And with so many people competing for jobs companies rely on certifications and credentials to separate the wheat from the chaff.

but can read write english...

Honestly, you don't even demonstrate that here despite the minimum effort it requires.

and know tech better than anyone in this whole country.

Nah, if that were true then companies would have been headhunting you.
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
10 Feb 2021   #5
" Every new hire is a risk"

it is a waste for them to use outdated software or inferior software solutions just because they fome from poland or are also created by Polish firms like the example above or how they refuse to acknowledge CD Projekt Red is a failure with Cyberpunk. Just because they are hard headed which Polish people are known around the world to be doesn't mean its my fault for not falling in line or wanting to take their orders instead of telling them the truth about their software.

Do they want to take constructuve criticism and hire someone who will give them tips on superior solutions or be stuck behind and only hire other Polish people who like Chinese in the banana republic of China never question what they are told or what software they use?

" Nah, if that were true then companies would have been headhunting you."

I've had a couple Russians headhunt me who work in USA for instance and pay me well to write a press release or something for them. never the Polish people who pay garbage wages anyway and are too uptight with their fskturas or umowas and ****. and Americans simply won't work with white foreigners outside China or India or those who can't get visas.

I actually had a way easier time in the US with a way shittier website at the time that didn't have my current header image logo sedrions esperiende like an infographic i created all on my own etc. so ask yourself this is it a problem with me or them? maybe they think because im in my mid or late 30s im too old for these positions but nehwt does age have to do with it? they want all this diversity **** but its ok to be against now or hate Eastern Europeans?

and their degrees in Poland don't matter anyway at least outside Poland as they still teach religion here and everything is outdated i cluding the school system where the walls are literally falling off the buildings on these campuses and they use books like over ten years old to teach tech or anything.

they should realize a degree like I have even just a bachelors from a California State University is worth in gold and comparable to like three or their master degrees here. they don't teach dogma or just menorization in USA but actual thinking. this is worth more than gold. And im not saying us is perfect they're just as bullshit as them with their diversity crap like I mentioned above and how they want to hire females instead of me for all the easy or creative jobs. just because they have tits and **** they're supposed to get the positions when Im clearly superior?
gumishu  15 | 6228
10 Feb 2021   #6
menorization in usa but actusl thinking.

if you write your CV's and motivation letters like you do here it's no wonder they don't want you around their businesses
Poloniusz  5 | 970
10 Feb 2021   #7
Do they want to take constructuve criticism

Nope. Certainly not from someone applying for entry level jobs.

When companies need help they seek out consultants with proven track records of success.

You can't offer anything like that.
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
10 Feb 2021   #8
trust me they have no brain and their software sucks if they can't take constructive criticism i don't want their **** jobs anyway and it's better for me not to be there because I'd throw their **** software out the window and install Google or Apple or actual software from civilized first world countries. and Ii am not entry level. in terms of tech journalism or even graphic design i am god compared to anything in this third world country.

"When companies need help they seek out consultants with proven track records of success.

You can't offer anything like that."

oh trust me im a much better consultant than Anna Spysz. i just wasn't born female with tits. my articles even tech are much more advanced and techy than anything she did outside when she decided to change her career to become a programmer. her articles before that were garbage compared to my research and work. and her creative writing degree from the US means garbage compared to my journ degree and her Masters in Europeans studies in Poland is also a worthless degree. so again im simply superior. and i know graphic design unlike her plus video production she just knows **** like all Polish.

I literally wrote entire guides on setting up chatbots for a company setting up all major chatbots across major ecosystems being Watson and Microsoft. what the fuk did she do with her **** creative writing degree other than be born female I can't do? plus she advertises graphic design on her site but there isn't a single example of it while i have lots. many many samples boi. i created an entire infographic by myself so what the fuk did she do so good to make her consultant and not me? being born a fem with tits don't count p.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
10 Feb 2021   #9
i just wasnt born female...

Well, you could undergo a sex change since trans-persons somehow have been managing to beat women in the SJW oppression olympics.

But you are better off simply choosing a different career path which will preoccupy your time and give you an income.
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
10 Feb 2021   #10
ok since the spelling was bad and I'm on an ipad with my ps3 on so i don't want to go on my mac let me reword it:

People who write for plural sight are literally programmers with CS degrees yet my knowledge and research is so good i still wrote and published articles for them. what the fuk did anna spysz ever do? plus she advertises graphic design on her site and claims she charges 50 dollars for consultation fees from startups on her site but there isnt a single example of it while i have lots and there is no evidence any company ever paid her fifty bucks an hour for any consultation fees. I have many many samples boi again I created an entire infographic from scratch and wrote for a site full of it experts and know multiple skills from web design to graphic design to writing while she did what exactly? I created an entire infographic by my self so what the fuk did she do so good to make her consultant and not me? being born a fem with tits don't count.

Plus, my English written English is literally superior to anyone in this country outside those not born here and they sound retarded on Poland in or their networks and can't even pronounce words or speak it. so even for those jobs i would be superior to them all the way. and fuk anna spysz and Polish companies who would hire her over me.

" But you are better off simply choosing a different career path which will preoccupy your time and give you an income.."

trust me i have multiple skills and am superior to Polish people in multiple things so you or they can just suck on a kack and worry about their own **** products and be laughed at internationally like cyberpunk than my career path. i can do video, graphics, illustration, writing, websites etc. what the fuk can them or their female Anna Spyszes do comaprable to me? that's right nothing. and i choose my career path not you or retarded third world pollacks for me.

why don't you tell females to choose diff career paths rather than try to be programmers like anna spysz is doing just to make more money? why not tell them to get out of a mans career or world since you think its cool if im discriminated against for being male and wanting a career they keep hiring females for or non whites in the western world to diversity?

why would i choose a diff career path when i know i can do something like game writing or produce better stories than most of the **** they produce these days and certainly out or Poland with Polish born translators? females don't want anyone strpping them from any career path so why should i let anyone stop me from any career path? If I want to enter the game industry in any role im sure there are some where im literally superior to anyone here at then so why would I choose a diff career path? maybe my career path should be just like the pollacks and anna spysz who lied about being a graphic designer in addition to other skills on herself calling herself a digital nomad when clearly there is no one damn exmaple of graphic design on her site and now lies about being a full stack developer after taking one boot camp course in javascript and only being front end and i should lie and claim i finished Harvard or something as these pollacks will probably buy it.

A career path in what? I am 35 yrs old. you want me to go to one of those banana republic of China Polish communist schools where they still teach religion in addition to other dogma so I can be like them? I have a degree from the US that I'd worth more than gold and know the amount of skills I have. I am actually an overachiever I created an entire infographic with a journalism, degree about AI while all other people with journalism degrees only create the writing or data for them. I am way ahead of the curve and superior to anything Polish people like anna spysz can do trust me. and I'm not gonna change my career because i know where my strengths lie doesn't matter what pollacks think or not. and i can just make a warez site or some online scam or something anyway or just lie and make a fraudulent resume with a degree from Stanford if i have to like anna spysz did to get her job lying saying she is a full stack dev when shes half stack and doesnt know anything about design despite claiming it.

The real question though here guys is how do these Polish companies even make money or compete with such garbage solutions? anyone in Poland can just use foreign software or solutions so why use this inferior **** out of this country they produce? how are they even in business? if in Poland it wasn't such a backward society i could probably make a better business and have better ideas than them. i just don't want to learn how to set up businesses hire ppl deal with their garbage personnel at govt office buildings etc. thats all.

oh and why the hell would i change my career and go to one of their universities where they still probably teach religion and dogma and buildings are dilapated when i can learn from superior western sources using online learning like udemy or linkedin e-learning?

Do you know how many skills I have? I am practically a god in graphic design and even better at journalism and freelance writing with a strong focus on tech or western tech companies and products. I have created possibly the greatest infographic on the internet about artificial intelligence, i have created entire chatbots and customized them through nodes to my liking and wrote guides about them, i have multiple websites one a personal one and one focusing entirely on design, I am multicultural and bilingual and pretty much native at both, etc. etc.
gumishu  15 | 6228
10 Feb 2021   #11
I am multicultural and bilingual and pretty much native at both, etc. etc

go back to the states then - what's all that fuss
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
10 Feb 2021   #12
In his opinion he cant cuz he was deported but legally he can if he approaches the right legal attorneys for a price in 366* days.
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
10 Feb 2021   #13
What do you guys think of my latest graphic design? I just created this piece on my ipad at a whim. I call it the female fatalle or the puzzle pieces of the female mind:
gumishu  15 | 6228
10 Feb 2021   #14

nothing spectacular to be honest - you asked for an opinion
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
10 Feb 2021   #15
show me an example of something you call spectacular that comes out of Poland? Cyberpunk doesn't count as it failed and made Poland an embarrassment...Because I seriously doubt you think that company i linked to is spectacular with the website not even working on the ipad or mobile do you?
gumishu  15 | 6228
10 Feb 2021   #16
show me an example of something you call

I don't go around the web in searching for beautiful graphics to be honest - can't be arsed to do it now because you ask - all I know is I have seen really beautiful graphics in my time

and again you asked for an opinion - if you can't take criticism don't boast
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
10 Feb 2021   #17
like I said I posted a joke while your entire country of Poland is a joke and ask anyone outside polackistan and they will also tell you your whole tech industry and game industry is a joke. no product or software or anything tech noteworthy ever comes out of Poland and your behind 50 years USA or even Berlin. Cyberpunk was a big joke just like their graphics even worse than what I posted above and anything that comes out of this country. its like that plane that fell in Russia of a joke.

lol cd projekt red is a joke.

"I don't go around the web in searching for beautiful graphics to be honest"

why dont you just pick up a copy of cyberpunk for the ps4 instead or last gen consoles to a beautiful Polish home made grafiiiiks?
gumishu  15 | 6228
10 Feb 2021   #18
lol cd projekt red is a joke.

you are a joke indeed - CD Projekt Red hit most of the nails on their heads with vastly popular Witcher - I haven't seen Cyberpunk - I only heard it is (was) a flop because of bugs aplenty - if you want to try and belittle everything polish wholesay because of some bad luck here please go on - but i mostly happily ignore what you expound on here
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
10 Feb 2021   #19
Poland is a joke just like cd projekt red and your game cyberpunk. nuff said. prove me wrong. Witcher is just garbage made for normies that can't even stand up to elder scrolls. nothing you people make can stand up to even what the Ukrainians did with stalker. yes the joke is on pollack ones again just like how your plane fell in Russia lol. and cyberpunk didn't just fail or get bad press because of bugs it did because it took like six years aor eight full time Polish non diversity workforce ppl to produce such normi garbage made for retarded no brain gamers. nothing like the much superior stalker form Ukraine or even the metro games on a much smaller budget and without lies or hype or having to hire Keanu Reeves like retard pollacks did.

"you are a joke indeed "

i was born in Poland and grew up in California and was reminded daily what a joke you are but i denounced this nation and garbage and dont claim to be you or think this garbage country produces anything noteworthy unlike you. also i do not produce software that doesn't even work on mobile or websites that don't work on even an ipad unlike pollacks so who is the joke? and try to scam ppl out of their money for using such ****?

lol even Chinese call you retards donkey:

your whole schooling system is a joke. you whole education system in Poland that teaches memorization or rycie rather than critical thinking like the great lands of the west and teaches religion in school and is a joke by the civilized and first world and the western world.

"you are a joke indeed "

last I checked all my websites and images and everything worked both on desktop and mobile including my homepage made by wordpress that has a scalable graphic I created that works perfectly across any device or browser unlike your retarded pollack company i mentioned in my initial post about the interview ****. so who is the joke? how do you guys even make monies?
Poloniusz  5 | 970
11 Feb 2021   #20
why would i choose a diff career parh when i know i csn do something like game writing or produce better stories

Confidence in your abilities is a good thing but ultimately meaningless if you aren't producing and generating an income from it in your working age years.

A career path in what?

Anything that generates an income for you.

Design and graphics is a very crowded and competitive marketplace.

Still you can always join the ranks of other entrepreneurs and make and sell stuff on your own like through Patreon, Instagram, eBay, or any other online platform.

You can even offer to do commission work.

If your stuff is genuinely good as you claim then buyers will let you know through purchases. If not then you know it is time to move on to something else.

cd projekt red is a joke

Yes, not many consumers such as yourself liked Cyberpunk. But with their over 1,100 employees the company is well staffed to make improvements or try another product.

They've been around for nearly three decades, have a stock market listing, and in 2019 had revenue of 521.2 million zł and total equity of 1.105 billion zł (

Clearly they are doing something right.

So, how did you think they managed as a company to last so long and remain profitable without you all this time?
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
11 Feb 2021   #21
" Clearly they are doing something right.

So, how did you think they managed as a company to last so long and remain profitable without you all this time?"

thats not saying much bro. They could have been profitable or whatever but doesn't mean they will be tomorrow, companies that do not evolve or can't compete on a global market quickly fail or get absorbed by other companies. could easily happen here within the next few years. Also, they use deception and trickery to remain profitable by lying to the media and producing fake demos to trick buyers into pre purchasing their games prior to release. just because something is successful doesn't make it good. Thomas Reddy and his **** business before he got arrested was also very profitable so what? doesn't mean I have to respect them or their practices just like you probably don't Thomas Reddy. and clearly they will fail because according to linkedin only diverse companies that have non whites and hire using diversity tactics succeed so...? and that doesn't exist in Poland so how can they not fail accoridng to linkedin articles they keep throwing at me or anyone who subscribers. Plus a single company being known that comes out of Poland is not saying much and not saying anything impressive at all related to what Poland produces or Poland is known for. Nobody outside of Poland cares about anything that comes out of here when it comes to tech or software or products and now cd projekt red made it a further joke im talking about on the international stage or market.

"If your stuff is genuinely good as you claim then buyers will let you know through purchases."

I don't make my stuff for normie retards or people with no taste or for any sort of mass market. I create stuff for critical thinkers. I am more akin to the Ukrainian dev house that made the stalker series than cd projekt red and their products aimed at normie and hiring Keanu Reeves to further cement their sell out status. Just because something is popular doesn't mean Im gonna do it or try replicating it or follow some liberal style drawing a bunch of black people in my illustration because it's popular or everyone else does it. or its diversity yaaaay. I'd rather be a neet than sell out to mass consumption or popular trends.

For instance, I really think majority of the art direction in gaming today is garbage. Thats why I hardly play modern games. The most modern game I will play is like the ekder scrolls but even the last one that came out is ten years ago. I don't play the overly colorful and hip games with super polished faces or really a cartoony art style that they all kake now. So why would I make that sort of art to begin with? Just because something is modern doesn't make it better or superior to say the box art of pc games in the 1990s which is more akin to what I make. I don't even get why cd projekt red is trying to compete with better and bigger companies outside of Poland if Poland is so far behind they should just appeal to the audience like me who like 1990s shooters or something or do what cgs games or whatever they are called the Ukrainian studio that made stalker and metro and put their game in eastern Europe with a clear different atmosphere and appeal to gamers in this region or the world only. and release it only on pc or one system. And you say they did fine without me well that was then we are now in a post cyberpunk release world so i wouldn't hold my bets for them in the future. if they did hire me i wouldn't even let the game be released in that state so I'm sure they'd be doing much better now at least in the perception of public opinion and im sure at lewst their translation or writing would be better although i hear it isn't all bad.

I don't play Witcher, I don't watch it as I watched a brief Netflix episode and just seemed like a low budget version of the superior lord of the rings movies, and I certainly won't play cyberpunk. I probably wouldn't want to work for such a game studio anyway making normi games for the mass market of coooooooonsuuuumers so it's good they didn't hire me.

Also I don't fo **** for money or consuuuumers. why would i do anything else or something I dont enjoy? there is no point living a fake life or lie. I only do what I enjoy otherwise what's the point of living? i would rather just kill myself or be a criminal than some corporate sell out or someone who lives a misery and wake sup to be treated like **** by some ******* in a suit every day.

I don't see how this official paid work is so much more impressive than my stuff like gumishu thinks? I just seen this on my apple tv just now:

how is it so much better or more impressive than what i could easily do?

Personally i think my work is much more interesting and as I said for critical thinkers because you have to think and look through it to see things as well as hidden gems I tend to hide than the consumer normi **** above from apple or what cd projekt red does.

again my stuff is simply not made for normis but critical thinkers:

again what is so freaking good about this stupid diablo art they're doing?

its some weird liberal artistic what exactly? what is this exactly? its not any better in any way than anything i could do. what does it have what my **** doesn't beside some stupid ***** doing a sassy ass pose? what does this stupid sassy ***** looking sideways like her sassy **** don't stink have?

I also don't get how blizzard is the normi game companies always have to add a person or co,or to their game artwork even ones that have no such characters in game or ones based on things like fantasy or European history. so just because i refuse to do that im bad now or something?

just look at th type of doodle **** that's passed as art these days by normis (the header images not the in game graphics):

I know for a fact I can and do better and more interesting **** than this.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
11 Feb 2021   #22
I domt even get why cd projekt red is trying to compete with better wnd bigger companies outside of poland

Because that's what being in a free market is all about. And they haven't gone broke doing it either. Quite the opposite.

Read this article:

Cyberpunk 2077 has already recouped its development costs

"Cyberpunk 2077 on Steam crossed the $50 million mark meaning has been receiving 80% of royalties from the platform. All of this is good news for the individual workers making the game, as they have been promised a 10% share of the company's annual profit for 2020."

thr mass market of coooooooonsuuuumers

Everyone at the end of the day is a consumer of a product or service. Governments, other businesses (small, mid-sized, and large), and individuals (including you) are all consumers.

But given your contempt for other consumers you just need to focus on finding work in areas where you don't have to have much if any interaction with other people.

Jobs like taking warehouse inventory, doing farm work, and completing janitorial tasks are often done in places and at times of the day when other people (i.e., "normies") are not around.

I domt see how this official paid work is so much more impressive than my work is much more interesting and for critical thinkers

You are the one who should be able to explain that. After all, you always claim to be some creative, tech-savvy wunderkind.

If you want someone to pay you for work then you have to be able to justify why yours is better.

The justification isn't done by asking a boss or customer to make the justification back to you.

Graphics used by companies are meant to quickly communicate their message for a product or idea to "thr mass market of coooooooonsuuuumers".

The world is already saturated in advertising. No one has time to stare and critically think about some deep and spiritual meaning behind the images on a billboard, brochure, or webpage.

At best, your stuff is slapdash glitch art anyway.

It is really no different from your written posts on here which are always strewn with spelling mistakes and a deliberate avoidance of simple grammar rules.

Your stuff is never going to find broad appeal. Certainly nothing anyone is going to pay you for.

Are you dyslexic?
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
11 Feb 2021   #23
It's at least better than that shut polygon commissions ppl for and Puts up as their cover art that is child like in aesthetics and just gay plain gay Made for normi morons with child brains and look like children drew. Or anything cd projekt red does. And no you're wrong in all ur other points too since companies Like the Ukrainian studio who made stalker series don't cater to norm is and have Or put heart behind their work. You're just an npc Pleb with no taste no wonder you love these subpar garbage Polish companies and products made for the lowest common denominator. And I don't want my stuff to have mass appeal because like I said I don't make it for yards like u or the normis. Most normis are brainless nos like you and obły a smak ammount of ppl have aby taste or sensitivity.

" Are you dyslexic?"

Are you an noc or a pleb or as Orwell called prole?

"It is really no different from your written posts on here which are always strewn with spelling mistakes and a deliberate avoidance of simple grammar rules."

Nothing that comes out of your country or Poland is worth a **** either is it? Ukrainians are literally light yes ahead of ur bois.

" best, your stuff is slapdash glitch art anyway.@"

And wat u call that gay **** with the diversity or non white ppl Apple put on Apple TV plus I posted? My **** is no diff than that in fact I could copy that gay **** if I wanted to but choose not to moron shut for brains. Oh wow it's so much more artistic because it has squiggly lines and black ppl oh wow homo retard. Who r u retard to give me or anyone advice on anything?

Oh wow so ******* artistic here so hard to do oh my god what genius for doing some blacks here oh my god despite my **** being way more profound and just better:

And I don't do glitch art I don't even know what glitch art is ur a moron look up examples of glitch art I have done on my portfolio you retard.

you probably have no taste in music either or even know what noise is being the pleb npc normi you are. You probably never even heard of zmerzbow or the god of real music or noise have you? **** is for sophisticsted tastes way beyond a normi npc.

i bet you losten to the disco polo. and think that is music.
11 Feb 2021   #24
LOL creatives arent the metrosexual hipster weaklings in poland like they are in the west. I have a feeling strzelec is going to get a good beating if he keeps up his antics in the future.
jon357  72 | 23527
11 Feb 2021   #25
metrosexual hipster weaklings in poland

There are plenty of those here. Tons of them.
amiga500  5 | 1523
11 Feb 2021   #26
Yes its true, but there are also a lot more of those that do MMA or grew up in the slums than in the west, who don't take any **** from punks like stzelec, and will gladly smash his head in.
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
12 Feb 2021   #27

haha does them right for tricking gamers and lying to the public. fuk em and any Polish company that sells out. hope they will ruin them now and make copies of their ips.


Im just laughing my ass off at this tard pollack normi company just like their cheerleader poloniuszh the lame retard cheering for a failing country and company:

fuk em and fuk Poland.

its funny how he has advice for me or wants to yell me wat I should or shouldn't do lol. also plenty of advertisement has deeper meaning or the best and most long lasting **** like apple advertising tends to particularly its iconic 1984 ad. moroooooon.

just because they dont exist in Poland and polish marketing is garbage aimed at the proles or lower dommon denominator and should be illegal in most cases due to how obtrusive it is doesn't mean apple or better companies than polish ones dont exist mooooooron. people like this poloniusz clown are the reasons apple refuses to push its own products into Poland and open up an apple store. they dont think th culture or cooonsumers there are worth it to distribute their products to.

Also this Poloniusz clown is such a retard he doesnt even understand cancel culture. CD projekt Red could. ery much fail soon and be confined to only Poland due to cancel culture and end up even like Acorn this by this guy:'Keefe

and just because im not making craploads of money or appeal to the masses or have some fancy pollack communist degrees or make ends meet right now its funny how he has advice for me or wants to yell me wat I should or shouldnt do lol. also plenty of advertisement has deeper meaning or the best snd most long lasting **** like apple advertising tends to particularly its iconic 1984 ad. moroooooon.

just because they dont exist in poland and polish marketing is garbage aimed at the proles or lower dommon denominator and should be illegal in most cases due to how obtrusive it is doesnt mean apple or better companies than polish ones dont exist mooooooron. people like this poloniusz clown are the reasons apple refuses to push its own products into poland and open up an apple store. they dont think th culture or cooonsumers there are worth it to distribute their products to.

Also this Poloniusz clown is such a retard he doesnt even understand cancel culture. CD aprojekt Red could. ery much fail soon and be confined to only Poland due to cancel culture and end up even like Acorn this by this guy:'Keefe

and just because im not making craploads of money or appeal to the masses or have some fancy pollack communist degrees or make ends meet right now doesn't mean you are happy with your **** life or job poloniusz or would do any better if you got deported to Poland and disappeared for three yrs in the dungeons and gulags of the California prison complex. and doesn't mean anyone would buy any of your **** either if you went into any creative field outside your manual labor or plumbing you do. mean you are happy with your **** life or job poloniusz or would do any better if you got deported to Poland and disappeared for three yrs in the dungeons and gulags of the California prison complex. and doesn't mean anyone would buy any of your **** either if you went into any creative field outside your manual labor or plumbing you do.

What I also noticed is nobody really respect these companies that hire in Poland on linkedin or openly put ads for jobs. I used one of my last positions as part of my portfolio links from that company blogs showing the work I can do and my writing or English skills and literally it hasn't gotten me anywhere. Nobody respects them or being published by them anyways. It is the same thing with Pluralsight the super liberal us company that hires females instead of someone like me for all their editor roles or head of communication roles. nobody expects you having your name on their site or using a piece published by them on your portfolio. oh yea and i could do their head of communication or editing roles much better than those diversity females they keep hiring with their high turn over for the role.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
12 Feb 2021   #28
Nobody respcts them

Yep, the only possible explanation for your failure is that a Polish company which gave you a chance isn't respected.

I suppose though if you learned your English from them as part of some on the job training then you would have a point.
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
12 Feb 2021   #29
failure is only in the mind. what makes you think I am a failure in any way? I failed by trusting the USA police and actually being s good guy helping ppl out and simply talking to a shady dude named Raphael Luciano. what happened after is the fault of that failure.

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