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Poland - The U.S.A. of Europe

johnny reb  49 | 7926
5 Jul 2023   #1
The Polish have some very creative minds when it comes to Americans.
In Poland, People Cosplay as Americans and the Pics Are Hilarious to Americans
They cracked me up.

Very well done Poland.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Jul 2023   #2
Uh Oh!

Looks like Pepper Peanut ate that page...

.....damn! I wanted to see that....
5 Jul 2023   #3
The Polish have some very creative minds

If this is what Poles think it's actually quite sad. Those pics to me mostly display white trash America.
mafketis  38 | 11137
5 Jul 2023   #4
Those pics to me mostly display white trash America

It's not much different from Europeans (including Poles) dressing up as American Indians... which has been going on for decades....

It's exotic and weird to Europeans and that's about the extent of it.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
5 Jul 2023   #5
One can celebrate July 4th while still being critical of US history!
That's but another freedom which we honor in this country:-)
6 Jul 2023   #6
so funny to Poles but you are Scottish

I'm not Scottish and there's nothing funny about them. All they do is paint your citizens in a bad light.

Europeans (including Poles) dressing up as American Indians... which has been going on for decades....

I've missed that completely then. Never seen it over here.

It's exotic and weird to Europeans

mafketis  38 | 11137
6 Jul 2023   #7
Never seen it over here.

Here's a general page about the phenomenon, it happens in Germany too (probably where it began, a funny German thing that never crossed the channel....)

All they do is paint your citizens in a bad light.

Nothing they can do that would come close to what actual American citizens do to paint themselves in a bad light....

When did you start speaking for the Europeans

I was elected official conduit between Yurp and Amerca.... didn't you vote?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
6 Jul 2023   #8
it happens in Germany too (probably where it began,

Germans always loved their Indians....Karl May is a famous hero here....the "edlen Wilden"....we just love them! :)
6 Jul 2023   #9
Here's a general page about the phenomenon,

Thanks for that. Whole thing still seems weird though!

to what actual American citizens do to paint themselves in a bad light..

Sadly, it's all too evident on this forum.

When did you start speaking for the Europeans, Homeboy.

He has far more insight into what's going on in Europe than you ever will.
mafketis  38 | 11137
6 Jul 2023   #10
Whole thing still seems weird though!

yeah but any weirder than trekkies?

or weirder than this?
OP johnny reb  49 | 7926
6 Jul 2023   #11
The World Health Organization (WHO) says that over 1.4 million deaths per year in Europe can be attributed to environmental factors.
I wonder how many deaths will be contributed to Americans from the Canadian wild fires from their mismanaged forests.
The air quality in the Northeast U.S. this summer has been as bad as Poland's coal burning in the winter.

I'm not Scottish

You are to embarrassed to admit what you are so you hide as a guest poster.
Your perpetual belittling me shows that I am under your skin but good.
Keep them coming. ;-)

Please keep to the topic of this thread, or it will get closed
6 Jul 2023   #12
or weirder than this?

Now that is weird......but regarding trekkies, I sort of get that. They're just showing their devotion to a cult TV show :)

perpetual belittling me

Not sure why you would think that me commenting on the fact that those pics don't portray your fellow citizens in a very positive light is belittling you, but let's face it, you've accused just about everybody on this forum of the same thing. Grow a hide, you're too thin-skinned.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7926
6 Jul 2023   #13
why you would think that me commenting on the fact that those pics don't portray your fellow citizens in a very positive light is belittling you,

There is no truth to what you are projecting what I am thinking.
"White Trash" is a very offensive term that could be used in Poland as well as the U.S. and has nothing to do with belittling me personally.

All they do is paint your citizens in a bad light.

Listen to you, because these people being portrayed as being on the lower end of the social pole you think they are being painted in a bad light ?

To me they are some of the most down to earth common-sense loving people there are.
Why you think they are being painted in a bad light is very snobbish, judgmental and belittling on your part.
I am sure the word white trash is used in Poland too.

you've accused just about everybody on this forum of the same thing.

Yes I have and deservingly.
Oh my skin is as thick as it comes, I just don't tolerate bullies.
Bobko  27 | 2079
6 Jul 2023   #14
"White Trash" is a very offensive term that could be used in Poland as well as the U.S.

It is not used in Poland, or elsewhere in Eastern Europe. I can't speak for Western Europe.

I am sure the word white trash is used in Poland too.

Again, it is not. Why would this term have any currency in a country where 99.9% of the population is white? Only in America, where you have a myriad flavors of degeneracy, is it necessary to specify what precise type of sh!t you are referring to - a n!gger, a white trash specimen, or a beaner.

In Eastern Europe, "white trash" are simply called "poor people" or some similar locally-relevant term. Not sure if Poles use the word "bydlo" the way Russians do, but that's one approximation. Literally translated - it means cattle.

I'm sorry to say, but poor people worldwide rarely earn positive nicknames from the surrounding populations.

To me they are some of the most down to earth common-sense loving people there are.

Poor people are just like rich people - minus the money.
Lenka  5 | 3528
6 Jul 2023   #15
"white trash" are simply called "poor people"

I wouldn't say so. Poor is poor. 'White trash' 'patologia', 'chavs' and all the similar expressions around the world usually refer more to a certain part of the poor people.

Btw you are correct that white trash is not used in Poland.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7926
6 Jul 2023   #16
It is not used in Poland, or elsewhere in Eastern Europe.

What category would the word "deepee" fall into in Poland and Eastern Europe ?

Poor people are just like rich people - minus the money.

Wrong again, the elite are mostly very snobbish people and you seldom find a snobbish poor person.
mafketis  38 | 11137
6 Jul 2023   #17
"white trash" is not used in Poland nor is any kind of translation of that....

there are words for those from the underclass.... dresy, blokersi (don't seem to be much of a thing anymore), patalogia, elementy (more about individuals than a class thing) are used, galerianki were semi-prostitute young teens from the underclass (again... not much of a thing anymore AFAICT).

in britain there are 'chavs' of course (iirc bogans are in australia) I heard a word in Maltese (which I've forgotten)...

What category would the word "deepee"

Have no idea what that's supposed to be... in English or in Polish....
Bobko  27 | 2079
6 Jul 2023   #18
Poor is poor

Of course, and poverty is not a sin. Some of my best poor people are friends.

While I entirely agree that far from every poor person qualifies as "white trash", you would have to also agree that the frequency of this term being applied to people from higher socioeconomic strata is similarly vanishingly rare.

There's a connection between low income and white trash behavior. Up to you how you want to trace it. Through a broken household, alcoholism, access to education, etc. etc. Origin is the same.
Novichok  4 | 8478
6 Jul 2023   #19
Through a broken household, alcoholism, access to education, etc. etc. Origin is the same.

You didn't include the stupidity of getting a degree in black and women studies to end up working at Planned Parenthood as a receptionist and trying to pay off $200k in student loans.
Joker  2 | 2374
6 Jul 2023   #20
you've accused just about everybody on this forum of the same thing

He makes up lies about all the posters then tries to get you to defend against his lies... Hes been doing it for years.

ou didn't include the stupidity of getting a degree in black and women studies

Im so glad they have to pay back their student loans like I had too.

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