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What's your connection with Poland? Penpals.

lukec  - | 2
12 May 2015   #301
Merged: Looking for people in Krakow and surrounding towns/cities!

Hi all,

I've recently returned from a short break to Krakow and fell in love with the place, culture and people :)

I'm looking to make friends within the Krakow and Poland in general.

Does anyone know of any sites where i can do this or can i access it via this forum?

Grochowski_M  1 | 9
19 Aug 2015   #302
Great great grandparents along with great grandparents emigrated to U.S. in 1870's to a region of U.S. with a high percentage of former Polish residents.

Have always been interested in learning more about their homeland. Began studying the language and have traced their roots to the area around Zlotow and Krostkowo.

Want to visit that region in the near future.
Have since become quite interested in Polish history, esp the early history.
19 Aug 2015   #303
To answer to the OP:

Place of origin. Genetics. Love. Beloved ones. Great part of who I am. One of the most important things in my life. One of the things i'd sacrifice my life for. A true home.

hi i am james

You forgot to mention that you fancy a "tandori chicken with pilau rice" now and then.
Robert Qualls  - | 1
25 Aug 2015   #304
Merged: Halo, I am planning to visit Poland

I am interested in Polish people, culture and am supposed to be visiting for business at some point in the near future. I was looking to make some friends and learn about your country. I look forward to meeting you and learning from you.
Brummieexpat  - | 4
28 Sep 2015   #305
Merged: English speaking community in Świecie/Bydgoszcz

Hi all just wondered if there are any native English speakers or a community in świecie/bydgoszcz I'm an English expat who would love a chat.
15 Oct 2015   #306
Merged: Any South African / Canadian expats working and living in Warsaw?

Hey everyone!

I was wondering if by any chance there are any South Africans or Canadian expats living in Warsaw? I have recently come over from Toronto, but I grew up in sunny Johannesburg, RSA (although I was born in Czech). Anyhow no need to get into details, but in case there are any Saffas out there - pls let me know? I have reached out to the SA Consulate via email, but no response yet and I think they would not be able to help out anyways, seeing that this is not within their scope to give out such information.

Anyways incase there are any Saffas / Canadians out in Warsaw, pls get in touch?

Many thanks!
15 Oct 2015   #307
Merged: Any place to meet new people in Szczecin?

Is there any place where i could meet expats in szczecin?
17 Oct 2015   #308
Merged: Any english speaking people in Szczecin?

Looking to make some friends but i dont know the local langauge :/
3 Dec 2015   #309
Merged: i am indian looking for polish friend

hello i am looking for a good friend in poland to talk. i am from india. i want to learn polish
and maybe teach indian in exchange. i love india and poland and i think we are both great countries.

one day i want to bring my family to poland to live in this country. poland is nice i like it. so anyone
have skype so we can make a conversation? i can also play musician for people who wants to see
good music, traditional music.

also i want to try polish food and have polish wife

thank you
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
3 Dec 2015   #310
i want to learn polish
and maybe teach indian in exchange

is there really a language called 'Indian'? How bizarre!
Polsyr  6 | 758
3 Dec 2015   #311
@roz this is how you identify trolls looking to provoke a hateful reaction towards a specific group.
Ironside  50 | 12950
3 Dec 2015   #312

Kavi is that you my friend? I though you passed away some time ago.
25 Dec 2015   #313
Merged: Any Nepalese guys in Poland?

Is there any Nepalese in Poland whom I can talk to? In need of some info, so plz co-ordinate :)
VincentR  - | 4
31 Dec 2015   #314
Merged: New Friends

Hello. I'm new here. I'm 31 year old English guy.I'm looking for genuine new polish friends (either uk Or Poland).
Is this the right place?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
31 Dec 2015   #315
It is not, if you are an English teacher. If you are not, then it might be the right place...
VincentR  - | 4
31 Dec 2015   #316
Thank you for your reply. I'm am not an English teacher. Just a genuine guy
31 Dec 2015   #317
Hi VincentR You are in probably the best forum for English speakers who are interested in Poland, as you can see from the above posts their can be a bit of banter that goes on , mostly people here are very helpful and friendly. welcome aboard.

Oh I am a Brit (Polish family in the UK speaks Polish) that spent most of his life living In the uk, I am now semi retired and have a smallholding in lower Silesia which we are doing up (as and when we feel like it), but mostly we use it as a base to travel and explore Europe.
VincentR  - | 4
31 Dec 2015   #318
Thank you very much for your support
31 Dec 2015   #319
VincentR One thing that I discovered is that you can click on any username and see their previous posts, you can then decide if their views are similar to your own, or at least you will know which topics tend to offend them and keep away from that sort of chat if you wish, good mixed bag of all sorts here, but some very useful information.
VincentR  - | 4
31 Dec 2015   #320
The only connection I have to Poland is two work pals I have from there. They currently home for Christmas but great people
johnny reb  49 | 7940
31 Dec 2015   #321
Welcome VincentR.
You will do just great here.
If I had a tip to give you it would be: "Do not post any of your personal information as it always comes back to bite people."

Polish people are great people.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
31 Dec 2015   #322
I'm am not an English teacher. Just a genuine guy

Thank God you are not. Personally, I learned my English from Poland through the BBC English by Radio and Television programmes, so the only native teachers of English (or former native teachers of English) that I know are those whose posts I happen to read on this site.

If you want to know the true nature of this forum, you should regularly read the "Off-topic bin". Contrary to its name, the "off-topic" is the most on-topic section of this forum and those who do not read it are not the true members of the PF.
6 Jan 2016   #323
hey am Dinah,26 years, am a Kenyan, living and working here. i need a Polish Man to marry, any help?... mail at dinaholero23@gmail
Frank rigth  - | 4
21 Jan 2016   #324
Merged: Anyone in Warsaw ?

I would like to make friend with people in Warsaw.

Can you send me a PM ?

scrapiest  - | 3
11 Mar 2016   #325
Merged: Native English Speakers

I would love to meet other native English speakers in or around Nowy Sącz.
Sun deep  1 | 6
31 Mar 2016   #326
Merged: looking for Nepalese people

Hello and Namaste to all, I want to get in touch with Nepalese . please right me back if you are Nepalese. I have some problems regarding living in Poland as an Nepalese. so, please friends don't hesitate to write me back, I desperately needed your help.

Hello and Namaste to all, I want to get in touch with
Nepalese . please right me back if you are Nepalese. I have
some problems regarding living in Poland as an Nepalese. so,
please friends don't hesitate to write me back, I
desperately needed your help.
Cas Milosz  3 | 6
21 Apr 2016   #327
My name is Daniel Casimir Wojciech Milosc Crouch.

My father is David and his Mother called Nancy died in before i had even this body.

My grandfather is Casimir his mother is Anna she made good pierogi and Casimir worked for NASA.

Casimir could look into the sky at an airplane and know what kind of airplane it was, how long it took to build, how much it costed and yadda yadda.

i call Casimir grumps because Casimir is a sacred name and a child doesn't understand this fact. oh well.

i would say "Hey Grumps what kind of plane is that big gray one?"

and that question could be a conversation that lasts hours or the entire day if we wanted it to.

Pokoj i Meeelosssh. mellow.

i am tired of living in US and i and having fond thoughts of walking in the same neighborhoods and land that my grandmother Wislawa knew and told me about when she made red potatoes.

all of my friends so called at the tender age of 15 or so would start drinking.

i donno why. it happens yadda they were into whiskey and tequila and i sat in the living room watching Batman and reading a book called Man Against Modern Society.

i have intrinsically known that vodka keeps you warm because my Grannie would drink chilled vodkey with nutmeg cinnamon, green tea and ginger.

from what i remember she would drink this around lunch time and not stop for many many bed times.

anyhow it may have been every day it may not have but i always knew she did this more in the winters in Michigan.

i am Polish i do not have any blood that is not Polska because yadda yadda my blood cells are white and red.

i am embarassed that i was not tought my own language but it happens do not worry about it please.

my connection to Poland is that my plan is to have a plane ticket from US to Krakow and see my aunties and cousins this year and teach engyleeshz and Psychology at Jagiellonian University.

i have never looked into the eyes of my siostras i these crazy american women always tell me i have beautiful eyes. whatever.

i realy wish to talk to my bracias i siostras and learn more Polska.
wancarlos  - | 1
9 May 2016   #328
Merged: Ostrow Wlk - Any expats out there?????

Just wondering if there are any expats out there in the Ostrow Wlk area who would like to get together for a night out.

I have been told by many there are loads of UK expats in the area, but have never actually seen or spoke to any.

So if you would like to have a get together (could be regular) and have a night out - let's get it sorted!
2 Jul 2016   #329
Merged: Polish friends, please?

Hi, I am a Czech. I like to ask god, what I should do?
Lyzko  44 | 9715
3 Jul 2016   #330
About what, pray? Your question sounds more as though you're a blank Czech (chequeLOL) to me:-)

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