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What was the point when Europe stopped being all-White?

Korvinus  3 | 610
18 Sep 2024   #1
Obviously, whether we're talking about Europe of antiquity, medieval Europe, Renaissance Europe, 19th century Europe, first half of 20th century Europe, or even much of the 2nd half of 20th century Europe, you find a >99% White population in just about every part of it. Some Southern Italians and Spaniards have slightly darker skin, but that's about as far as you can go with muh racial dieversity.

So what was the exact point when European cities turned into multicultural hellscapes? Was it as recently as the advent of the 21st century? The nineties? Are UK, France and Belgium so cucked, that in the seventies London/Paris/Brussels were already filled with nig*gers, abdools and street-shitters?
pawian  226 | 27566
18 Sep 2024   #2
nig*gers, abdools and street-shitters?

This racist approach qualifies this thread for deletion. What happens when you say nigg-ers about sb in the USA???
Crow  154 | 9552
18 Sep 2024   #3

What was the point? Rome was initial non-white zone, where rogue invading Egyptians mixed with local Sarmats. Later history of Rome is history of more mixing with Whites but also constant tendency to bring Blacks to Europe, and finally to combine Europe and Africa. That is history of Rome and that is tradition of western Europe and EU.

Remaining Sarmatian ie Slavic Europe resisted to it.

Understand? Finally understand?

Monument to Veliki Zupan Stefan Nemanja in Belgrade. He stand on cracked Roman helmet >


Srbija. The last but best light
Novichok  4 | 8557
18 Sep 2024   #4
So what was the exact point when European cities turned into multicultural hellscapes?

When too many real men died in WW2 and touchy-feely pussified men cvnts and equally stupid and nice women took over. See "matriachal".
"They come here for a better life so we have to help them..."

The "how many should we allow" question was never asked and answered because that would be hateful. You mean we would allow X in and stop X+1?

What if it is a sad woman with a sad baby in her arms? And X+3 is the sad woman's equally sad grandpa...We can't be that cruel...

That was then. Now the white race is in a mass suicide mode.
pawian  226 | 27566
18 Sep 2024   #5
When too many real men died in WW2

Who started WW1 and 2??? Was it women???????

White males can only blame themselves for perishing by millions - war is their invention and hobby. Women don`t know wars.
OP Korvinus  3 | 610
18 Sep 2024   #6
This racist approach qualifies this thread for deletion

Some nazi have already put it in off topic, so who cares?
Freedom is illusion, do you really have freedom when there are certain things that you cant say out of fear of being blacklisted, fired or canceled. The freedom we got and the freedom that was marketed to us by the media and academia was freedom from old cultural norms, freedom from old traditions, freedom from old moral system, freedom from old truths. People didnt keep the culture because old culture was proclaimed not cool or just dead and that is should be replaced with new culture that is hip and cool.

What happened is that the people got it easy, everything was convenient, bread and games were abundant. The system was giving you everything and telling you not to feel bad about doing anything you want. People felt safe and comfy, and people started caring more about this security and comfort more then actual freedom. Whenever something bad happened and government just HAD TO curtail some, a little bit, of freedom here and there people allowed it. "if it doesnt bother me directly I wont complain." "Just leave me alone to my tv and microwave and Ill be happy." "I met a nice immigrant thus Im sure all of them are nice." Things people would think and say just so they dont think about long term problems as those bad thoughts might break their peace. They just wanted to be left alone to enjoy their life, but those who want to be left alone will be conquered by those who want to win at all costs.
Novichok  4 | 8557
18 Sep 2024   #7
Where the fvck did I say anything racist that is not a fact? Cali being 50% non-white. Is that "racist"?

How about London being 35% native white? Them are facts, not my opinions. Are numbers racist?
"if it doesnt bother me directly I wont complain."

The conspiracy of happy people.

Hey, Kornivus, that was a great post.
Some nazi have already put it in off topic, so who cares?

To survive, white people need men, not pussified cvnts. If they come as NAZIs or white supremacists with ARs, so be it.
We can disarm them later. You can't remove 40 million illegals from the US and 20 million migrants from the UK, Germany, France, and Italy.
pawian  226 | 27566
18 Sep 2024   #8
Where the fvck did say anything racist

Calling black people niggaz is racist coz it directly invokes times when they were slaves to their white American masters. I thought you abolished slavery in mid 19th century but I see fond memories of it still haunt you..... :):):)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
18 Sep 2024   #9 if black people never made war or enslaved their equally black neighbours!

War and slavery are signs of power, abuse of power, fight for power....whatever....if there were more powerful women they would go to war too!
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
18 Sep 2024   #10
Where the fvck did I say anything racist that is not a fact?

You are openly proclaiming racist facts. The fact that those racist facts are facts doesn't make them any less racist. You are therefore cancelled. :)
Novichok  4 | 8557
18 Sep 2024   #11
You are openly proclaiming racist facts.

Lies can be racist. Opinions can be racist.

Facts cannot be racist.

Black murder rate is 17 times higher than white in the 15 - 25 age bracket. Is this fact racist?

If so, the CDC and the FBI are racist organizations because I got this data from them.

Did you know that math tests in the US has been declared as "racist"? So before you claim that something is racist check the quoted source.
Lyzko  44 | 9719
18 Sep 2024   #12
Obviously, this trend began long after the end of WWII, in all
likelihood during the end of the so-called economic miracle,
post 1965 and the demise of the Adenauer Era, when Southern
Europeans, especially from Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Greece, were later
followed by Turks, Nigerians, Vietnamese, and Somalis.

As native Germans, Dutch, Swedes, Danes and even white Brits, felt themselves
too educated to work with their hands, perform dangerous factory labor etc. as their ancestors
had done for generations since the Industrial Revolution, the need arose to "import" cheaper
wage, non-white foreigners from any number of developing nations, eager as anybody to earn
more than merely a living wage in the West.

It's all simple capitalist economics, gang!
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
18 Sep 2024   #13
How about London being 35% native white?

Please get your facts right...... London is 54% white and I don't have a problem with that.

To survive, white people need men, not pussified cvnts.

Woah! you have just nailed your mast to the swastika!Be proud!

thought you abolished slavery in mid 19th century

No, the Americans did not do it, that was the British..... please check your history.....

the need arose to "import" cheaper wage, non-white foreigners

Why did they have to be "non-white"? there were plenty of East Europeans willing to do that work.
Novichok  4 | 8557
18 Sep 2024   #14
London is 54% white and I don't have a problem with that.

OK. Imagine that 54% you don't have any problem with is going to be 60. 65, 70,...and higher...

At what percent would you start feeling queasy?
jon357  72 | 23518
19 Sep 2024   #15

So what?

Woah! you have just nailed your mast to the swastika!Be proud!

That happened a long time ago. There are a few of them here. There views are however untypical of the poipulation as a whole.

Being 'white' doesn't make anybody special. Why would skin colour matter?

I saw a video of a gammon guy being interviewed outside a pub in Croydon about immigration. He was complainng that people from abroad were taking all the places at medical school and he had no chance of becoming a doctor. Thing is, he was 50+, unemployed for a decade and had left school at 15 without any qualifications. But recent migrants were somehow preventing him from being a doctor. Go figure...
johnny reb  49 | 7985
19 Sep 2024   #16
Being 'white' doesn't make anybody special.

Sure it does because like Novi told you, "The White race on a whole has superior intelligence."
jon357  72 | 23518
19 Sep 2024   #17
Don't be silly. You are proof that there's stupid everywhere and in any case, there are no 'races'...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
19 Sep 2024   #18
It seems there is a "red point" reached in Europe....maybe there truly is a limit to welcomed immigration in Europe!

The Dutch want out of the EU asylum laws....the first domino is falling....and many other european countries are not far behind!
Bobko  27 | 2119
19 Sep 2024   #19
maybe there truly is a limit to welcomed immigration in Europe!

All that is necessary is to take Germany and the Netherlands out of the Schengen Area.

When migrants understand that they have to permanently remain in Poland, or in Italy - instead of being able to carry on directly to the Germans or the Dutch - they will stop coming.

Put a big huge fence up on your borders with Poland and Austria, and enjoy life.

Oh also, don't forget borders with France.

Under EU law, specifically the Dublin III Regulation, the rule is that the country where the asylum seeker first entered the EU is responsible for handling their asylum claim. You must simply enforce the law!

Alternatively, you can do what the French do and provide little boats and snack packages so that your migrants can safely make the journey to Great Britain. If that is too far, you can at least help them arrive in Norway and Sweden.

The problem with Norway and Sweden is that they are part of the Schengen Area unlike Britain. So this means you will have to close your border with Denmark as well.

It is my understanding you have already been closing the border sporadically, but that this makes you unpopular with Brussels. I say make the border closure permanent.

After that, reintroduce the Deutschmark and move the capital back to Bonn.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
19 Sep 2024   #20
All that is necessary is to take Germany and the Netherlands out of the Schengen Area.

I guess scrapping the main pull factor, the social support, would be the easiest and most effective way.....only a safe, dry place to stay...basic medic care...three meals a day....if that isn't enough they don't really need it.

It should be known quickly that there is no easy free money in Germany to be had anymore....that should end this flood easily and quickly. Without having to make new treaties or to build new borders.

After that, reintroduce the Deutschmark and move the capital back to Bonn.

Why Bonn????
Alien  25 | 6431
19 Sep 2024   #21
Why Bonn

Because Bobko and his buddies want to take over Berlin.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
19 Sep 2024   #22
Because Bobko and his buddies want to take over Berlin.


They won't be happy with 2024-Berlin! I warn you......
Bobko  27 | 2119
19 Sep 2024   #23
Why Bonn???

I knew you would have no problems with reintroducing the Deutschmark and closing the border with Poland.

We can negotiate about Bonn, it is is not absolutely necessary.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
19 Sep 2024   #24
I knew you would have no problems with reintroducing the Deutschmark

I have only fond memories....what can I say....*shrugs*
Bobko  27 | 2119
19 Sep 2024   #25
I have only fond memories...

If the Deutschmark still existed, Greece would be bankrupt, and a Mercedes S-Klass would cost $250,000 instead of $150,000.

The Euro helped make everything everywhere else in Europe more expensive, but cheaper in Germany.

It was such a ridiculously strong currency, that it would make the Swiss Franc blush.

Even now, Germany is the only thing that makes people take European debt seriously, or have any confidence in the Euro.

A reintroduction of the Deutschmark would kill German exports, while making imports very attractive to Germans. It would also have the effect of an atom bomb explosion under the whole idea of the EU.

So these AfD guys are quite a bit more dangerous than Marine Le Pen, and her dreams of Frexit.

You should be happy that the rest of Europe diluted your ridiculously strong currency - and spread their butt cheeks wide for your exports.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
19 Sep 2024   #26 very first "Westgeld" after the wall fell....100 deutsche Mark....hach ja....*smiles*

(and now we left the thread topic for good again)
Bobko  27 | 2119
19 Sep 2024   #27
and now we left the thread topic for good again)

Why, no? We are waxing nostalgic about a white Europe. What is more emblematic of proper Europe, than a proper Deutschmark?

The last S-Klass you could by with a Deutschmark, was also the last S-Klass that looked good!

You could say about that car that it had all the necessary qualities of a good German car - quadratische, praktisch, gut. Not looking like some Korean transvestite!

  • IMG_3597.jpeg
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
19 Sep 2024   #28
We are waxing nostalgic about a white Europe.

Hmm....true.....powerful, successful, white western Europe....just won the Cold War....people wanted to belong to it, be part of it!

Now? The end of an age!
Novichok  4 | 8557
19 Sep 2024   #29
The Dutch want out of the EU asylum laws...

It's like a long-time smoker with Stage 4 lung cancer thinking about quitting smoking. Too late. The weeds will overpower their perfect garden.

like Novi told you, "The White race on a whole has superior intelligence."

Only on paper or according to IQ tests. In practice, whites are stupid like bricks.

There is not a single Asian or African who would have problems with defining a woman.

When Somalis in Sweden are out looking for women to rape, they have the definition of a woman down to perfection. Unless they are trans ..which is rare in Africa.

Only the US Supreme Court black female morons find it difficult to tell men from women.
Alien  25 | 6431
19 Sep 2024   #30
quadratische, praktisch, gu

This model was definitely too big, Diana died in it, and years later only unemployed Turks with 5 children living on benefits drove it.

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