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Why are so many Polish people INTJ's in Myers Briggs Type Indicator?

Neczypor  1 | 21
30 May 2022   #1
Hello. I am a Cajun man (French exiles) from Louisiana state and I happened to notice that most Polish people are INTJ's ... which is also my personality type in MBTI also. I also have a Catholic background. Why does it seem like we are similar to each other? I've noticed most people in Eastern Europe and outside of the Western world are this personality type... I have to wonder why? Maybe it is because we like to live out in the woods away from nature and civilization?

A good example of this is the Polish Unabomber terrorist i.e. Ted Kaczynski?

Tell me about your thoughts? Polish people what is your personality type in MBTI and Enneagram? I am an INTJ and a 5w6? What are you guys?
jon357  72 | 23656
30 May 2022   #2

Is there Any actual science behind those 'personality types'. Or is it just something made up like 'biorhythms'?

How is it decided which 'personality type' someone is?

Does nationally or ethnicity have a role?
OP Neczypor  1 | 21
30 May 2022   #3
Yes, they are legitimate. If you research it and understand it in full, you will understand that it is actually a real science and is not a pseudoscience at all. MBTI and Socionics are based off of the work of Swiss psychoanalyst and psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. Research the functions...I'm an INTJ, so my two dominant functions are Introverted Intuition and Extraverted Thinking.

I'm not sure if race/nationality has anything to do with it. But I am sure people are brought up to think and act a certain way; due to their culture.
jon357  72 | 23656
30 May 2022   #4
is not a pseudoscience at all.

They're widely considered to be pseudoscience. 'Myers Briggs' were a mother and daughter with no training as psychologists and an interest in the occult and some of Jung's wilder ideas. The 'enneagram' is pure occult. Based on Gurdjieff who I rather like however he was a bit of a con artist.

I used to manage a team of soft skills trainers and one that I inherited did this full time. He didn't have any training in it, however it was mildly diverting, a bit like astrology. You can give almost any sort of personality description at random to anybody and there is something that any give; person will say they identify with.

Don't get me wrong though. They're interesting, just not scientific.

I'd guess that there's a spears of results in Poland.
OP Neczypor  1 | 21
30 May 2022   #5
They are legitimate. They are not pseudoscience...You don't have any understanding of it.

If you're not interested in it, fine. But don't hijack my thread with your obviously uninformed opinion on the matter.
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
30 May 2022   #6
They are legitimate

All hippy pseudo science nonsense!
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
30 May 2022   #7
I saw the most common type in Poland is INFP, followed by INTP. Is it different in real?
OP Neczypor  1 | 21
30 May 2022   #8
They are for real.

But I noticed Poles and Russians tend to have the highest amount of INTJ's on average... I was just wondering why they are so common. Maybe because the country is isolated from the West and so more Introverted and Introspective people are naturally common there.

In the USA, INTJ's and INFJ's are extremely rare...I've even met a Bulgarian woman from Sofia who told me she tested as an INTJ too ... INTJ's tend to be a more Introverted and reclusive type I think. I noticed they tend to live out in the woods in places outside of the West.

But I do live in America and I test as an INTJ ... and I live out in the woods of Louisiana. Apparently we INTJ's are a very rare personality type. We are called the "Mastermind" and the "Intellectual". For example, I share this personality type with Nikola Tesla, Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Marx and the Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, among others.
jon357  72 | 23656
31 May 2022   #9

They are pseudoscience. Do you do the tarot as well?

not interested

Still interested. As I told you, I managed a large corporate programme of it.


Very informed indeed.

And interested in why people can do the questions ten times and get ten different results.
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
31 May 2022   #10
Neczypor-In the USA INTJ's and INFJ's are extremely rare

Really? How weird. I know there are quite a lot of INTJs in Russia. I know three Poles, two are INTJs and one is an INTP. I like INTJs, very smart people. Are Americans more extroverted?

@jon 357
I've taken about 20 MBTI tests and always got the same result. Maybe it's just historical figures who are judged as different types. Nietzsche for example I've heard INTJ and INTP.
jon357  72 | 23656
31 May 2022   #11
historical figures

Close to Jungian 'archetyoes' which aren't taken very nowadays.

Russia. I know three Poles, two

Rather like those 'political barometer' tests, the questions are skewed to one country's inhabitants.

And of course they were just made up by two people with no training.
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
31 May 2022   #12
Why do critical of MBTI? I think it's quite accurate. And how are the questions skewed? They're weird questions, but which country do you say they're skewed to?
jon357  72 | 23656
31 May 2022   #13
Why do critical of MBTI?

Me? No. More curious..

It's psychogists who are highly critical of that and other pseudoscience.


Do you think that an American housewife (like the two who dreamt it up) and a Masai herder and a Chinese seamstress would respond to the questions in the same way?

It has a lot in common with astrology, especially 'sun signs'. and is as scientific.
OP Neczypor  1 | 21
31 May 2022   #14
Ok. Believe whatever you want.
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
10 Jun 2022   #15
16 Personalities says Poland is the 6th most introverted country in the world, so that much contribute.
OP Neczypor  1 | 21
11 Jun 2022   #16
They also have one of the highest amount of INTJ's.
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
11 Jun 2022   #17
A very high amount. I think the most common personality traits there are introverted intuitive thinking and perceiving, so that would make INTP. Change one other and there's INTJ, very common.

Thinking in general is more common in Slavic countries, feeling is very common in the West and worldwide.
OP Neczypor  1 | 21
23 Jun 2022   #18
Most Polish people are ISFJ, ISTJ or INTJ. Very introverted country.
jon357  72 | 23656
23 Jun 2022   #19
Believe whatever you want.

"Belief" doesn't come into it.

Except for those who believe in pseudoscientific woo.
OP Neczypor  1 | 21
23 Jun 2022   #20
Please leave this chat.
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
23 Jun 2022   #21
Ignore Jon. He just hates MBTI, he's a regular poster.
jon357  72 | 23656
23 Jun 2022   #22
he's a regular poster.

Who had 2 years experience running a programme of it for 300 employees of an oil company who had been conned into paying for a package.

A complete waste of time and money. Fortunately they eventually saw sense and stopped doing it

Based in part on some of Jung's sillier ideas and in larger part on the 'enneagram' and other ideas from early in in the twentieth century occult revival

It's about as scientific as astrology. It does at least make money for the company that promote it.

There's a good article here about it:

Here's a good quote from the article about it:

"a technique long used by purveyors of astrology, fortune telling, and other sorts of pseudoscience to persuade people they have accurate information about them."

Even Jung himself didn't intend that his ideas on human characteristics be used to group people into types.

At least it makes some people feel good in the way horoscopes do.
OP Neczypor  1 | 21
23 Jun 2022   #23
It is legitimate... you just have no understanding of it.
jon357  72 | 23656
23 Jun 2022   #24
Or even a lot.

It's largely harmless fun, though do you really think the 'types' are any more than arbitrary classifications like sun signs?
OP Neczypor  1 | 21
23 Jun 2022   #25
Not everybody of the same type is going to be 100% the is mainly how a person thinks. There's like 8 different functions...
jon357  72 | 23656
23 Jun 2022   #26
it is mainly how a person thinks

That bit is interesting.

You can observe a lot by body language and how people react when people are put on the spot

Gurdjieff (the Myers Briggs test was influenced by him( used to put people in the spot to see how they would react.
Paulina  19 | 4558
23 Jun 2022   #27
But I noticed Poles and Russians tend to have the highest amount of INTJ's on average...

I don't think so... Poles are a rather introverted nation, but INTJ sounds more like Germans to me, I guess (?)...

I saw the most common type in Poland is INFP

Yeah, that's more like it...

"Poetic, kind and altruistic"

Yup :)

Novichok would love that "poetic" part :D
OP Neczypor  1 | 21
23 Jun 2022   #28
Take the test for yourself and find out... report back on what you come out as..

Female INTJ's are the rarest gender/personality combo. And I've met plenty of INTJ females in Poland. Surprisingly
Paulina  19 | 4558
23 Jun 2022   #29
@Neczypor, RussianAntiPutin already diagnosed me as a INFJ and I think she's correct :) But that's a very rare type and I don't think it has anything to do with me being Polish.

Female INTJ's are the rarest gender/personality combo. And I've met plenty of INTJ females in Poland. Surprisingly

People in Eastern Europe or colder climates are usually rather reserved and often introverted, I guess, but it doesn't automatically mean they're INTJ. It's more complicated than that - nations in Central and Eastern Europe, for example, have common characteristics, but they also differ from each other.
OP Neczypor  1 | 21
23 Jun 2022   #30
Just do a little research for yourself. You'll find INTJ's are extremely common among Poles.

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