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Why do people here fight so much?

amiga500  5 | 1505
10 Jun 2022   #31
It's an internet forum, not a war site!

Fuc*k off! shut your mouth .

hahha, now you get it. welcome to PF !
Alien  25 | 6353
10 Jun 2022   #32
RAP is growing up fast.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
10 Jun 2022   #33

yes you are becasue you are a citizen of the Russian Federation. There is no Russian ethnicity if there is, you can aswer that easily. Where is Russia? I mean Russian land of origin, your historical land?

Maybe shut your mouth when you know nothing.

What do you know? I would like to learn.
jon357  72 | 23361
10 Jun 2022   #34
Russian ethnicity

Perhaps she's a Kalmyk or Udmurt.

Maybe a Mingrelian like Beria.
gregy741  5 | 1226
10 Jun 2022   #35
There is no Russian ethnicity if there is

you confuse nation with citizenship and ethnicity.learn basic meanings of words you you dont make a fool of yourself
Ethnicity is the category of people, called as an ethnic group, who consider themselves as distinct from others on the basis of ancestral, social and national heritage. People belonging to this group share common traditions, history, language or dialect, culture, behaviour, religion, physical appearance and similar other factors like geographical affiliation to a particular place,
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
10 Jun 2022   #36
you confuse

I don't confuse anything! Maybe you are able to show me Russian ethnicity, the land where they orginated and so fourth?
That there is no Russian nation is a fact,(nation - people united by common descent, ethnicity, history, culture).
In Russia:
descent - nope
ethnicity - nope
history - not really.
culture - what culture?
ethnicity is a nation without political self-organization and awarencess.
If there are no ethnicity there is no nation.
Bobko  27 | 2130
10 Jun 2022   #37
Where is Russia? I mean Russian land of origin, your historical land?

Three possible answers. First - Kiev, Second - Novgorod. Third - all the areas in between.

Kiev is called the Mother of All Russian Cities. It's the historical center of gravity for the ancient state of Rus.

On the other hand you could argue that Novgorod is where it all started, because that is from where Oleg the Seer planned and executed his takeover of Kiev, which was the beginning of the creation of the Russian state.

Finally, both Kiev and Novgorod were in effect run by Vikings (Askold and Dir in Kiev, and Oleg, relative of Rurik in Novgorod). They were invited there to rule by the local population. So in this way you could argue that the origin territory is neither place, but everything in between these two points.

Unlike Ukrainians, Russians can trace the history of their leadership all the way back to Rurik. That is, there is an unbroken line of Novgorodian-Kievan-Vladimiran-Muscovite-Russian-Imperial-Soviet-RF leaders that you can trace from the 800s to the 21st century. When Ukrainians try to explain how it's actually them that are the custodians of Rus history, this is where things begin to break down for them. Every single one of their legendary leaders turns out to be a historic Russian statesman that considered himself Russian and never applied the word "Ukrainian" to himself.

At this point, many Ukrainians attempt to flip the script and say that they are the true Russians, and we are a mongrel finno-ugric race. Is this what you mean? That Ukrainians are the true Russians?
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
10 Jun 2022   #38
Three possible answers. First - Kiev, Second - Novgorod. Third - all the areas in between.

Which answer is the right one? You see if you put it like that it seems that you don't know. If you ask about Poland I can answer right away and to the point.

Russians can trace the history of their leadership all the way back to Rurik.

No they can't!
Do you have some historical literture to support your claim? I'm not talking about books about history in a high school.

Rus history,

You are not Rus! That is a myth. How are you Rus?
OP RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
10 Jun 2022   #39
Cojestdocholery -culture - what culture?

Culture is something you don't have.
Ok, in fairness, my ancestors were from Kiev. But I am ethnic Russian. I mean even my DNA. Those ancestors were living in the 1650s when they started moving to Kiev, but they mixed with others. A few of my medieval ancestors were 100% pure Polish. I'm not Polish, of course. (I only know all this because my mother is a former genealogist and my uncle is a historian and they worked together to track down ancestors from old times out of curiosity).
Atch  22 | 4299
13 Jun 2022   #40
You are too young

Or is she?

Fuc*k off.

Not very ladylike language from the prima ballerina in waiting - especially one whose dainty sensibilities are so offended by sex. Btw dear, your disgust tells us that you'll never be a great artiste no matter how much you practise. You can't dance Odette/Odile with that attitude. Time to hang up the pointe shoes.
pawian  224 | 27236
13 Jun 2022   #41
Or is she?

Yes, she can be real or it can be Vladimir Putin himself trying to be mischievous on the net. :):
jon357  72 | 23361
13 Jun 2022   #42
or it can be

It could actually be anyone

  • images1.jpeg
Alien  25 | 6353
13 Jun 2022   #43
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
13 Jun 2022   #44
my ancestors were from Kiev. But I am ethnic Russian.

There is not ethnic Russian. Your ancerstors came from Kiev but you don't have an ethncity and simply are citzen of the Rusians federation.

Not very ladylike language from the prima ballerina

Oh come, she is from Russian that is normal.

hose ancestors were living in the 1650s when they started moving to Kiev,

I don't get it? Did they move to Kiev in 1650 or they were living there in 1650?
jon357  72 | 23361
13 Jun 2022   #45
they move to Kiev in 1650 or they were living there in 1650?

Perhaps his ancestors are from elsewhere.
OP RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
14 Jun 2022   #46
I never hang pointe shoes. I normally throw them away after one use because they're too soft to last more than a day with my feet, because I have very flexible feet and pointe shoes that I can't stand. Actually, you've reminded me, I really need to change pointe shoes, I can't go on with the current ones I use. You're right though, I won't become a prima ballerina because I don't really have the ability, most because permanently injured ankles and knees from going en pointe too young.

Nice selfie. Is it filtered?
Typo. I meant they were living in Kiev in 1650s but started moving away from.

What am I writing? I thought I could speak English.
Atch  22 | 4299
14 Jun 2022   #47
I normally throw them away after one use

Then, you haven't been properly trained in the care of your shoes.

I really need to change pointe shoes,

You really need to change career.
Alien  25 | 6353
14 Jun 2022   #48
Maybe she should sing.
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Jun 2022   #49
Or become a lumberjack.
Alien  25 | 6353
14 Jun 2022   #50
In pointe shoes?🩴
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Jun 2022   #51
They would help her reach the top branches.
OP RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
14 Jun 2022   #52
No, they're too soft. I have flexible feet which need harder shoes. With shoes too soft for feet, they will die very quickly. That's why I need to change shoes. Not that one day is really much of a stretch, although I normally only wear pointe shoes a few hours a day (dancing much longer, just not en pointe). I only use soft pointe shoes because I used to have this crazy idea that if it hurt more, it made me more worthy of doing ballet. Also, how could I quit? I've been doing ballet for 11 years, since I was 5. I wouldn't know how to do something else.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
14 Jun 2022   #53
they were living in Kiev in 1650s

That would make them Ukrainian or Polish or Belorusan, I guess they had a poor sense of direction. lol!

I have flexible feet

Can your scratch your back with it?
Atch  22 | 4299
14 Jun 2022   #54
how could I quit?

From your description of your infirmities it sounds as if you should be in a wheelchair, rather than ballet shoes.

I only use soft pointe shoes because

You're an idiot?
OP RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
14 Jun 2022   #55
Ukrainian and Polish. That doesn't mean I'm not Russian. And no, I can't scratch my back with my feet. I can just bend them into a sort of banana shape. Like Svetlana Zakharova or Alessandra Ferri, for reference.

Yes, because I'm an idiot.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
14 Jun 2022   #56
Ukrainian and Polish. That doesn't mean I'm not Russian

It means you ancestors had a poor navigation skills if their progeny ended up as a Russian.

I can't scratch my back with my feet.

shame it could be usfull.
Atch  22 | 4299
14 Jun 2022   #57
I'm an idiot.

A pity Dostoevsky is dead. He could have written a book about you - 'The Idiot, Part II' or 'The Soft Shoe - A Tale of an Idiot'

I can just bend them into a sort of banana shape.

Maybe you could find work as a human shoe tree.
OP RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
14 Jun 2022   #58
I doubt Dostoevsky would waste his time writing about such a worthless debil. What's a human shoe tree? I have the kind of feet that are highly regarded in ballet, because they're said to look pretty. As in, feet that can bend a lot when pointed. I really need to change pointe shoes though. That's reminded me, I wore Gaynor Mindens once for a few months. Torture. I didn't know pointe shoes could be so horrible before I tried those.

Also, Myshkin wasn't stupid, he just ended up crazy.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
15 Jun 2022   #59
I have flexible feet which need harder shoes.

Do you mean a harder shank in them ?

That's why I need to change shoes.

три а пэр оф кристиан лубутен мамадраги напа боу флэтс анд телл мэ уэт и тинк оф тем.
Please forgive my butchered Russian but how does that sound to you for an idea ?
OP RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
15 Jun 2022   #60
@johnny reb
Yes, a harder shank is exactly what I mean!

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