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Moderators on PF are breaking the law: not only they can reported for it, but fines apply

johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Jul 2024   #61
As I was saying.....
Gang up on, Attack, Diminish, Shame and Ridicule..

Lazarus  3 | 364
17 Jul 2024   #62
My God, you really are a complete fantasist!

You have to hope that he's just a fantasist: some of the things he talks about having done (e.g. raping teenagers after plying them with illegal narcotics and/or hard liquor, assault occasioning grievous bodily harm on nuns, "treating" pre-pubescent girls in the developing world, etc.) are so vile you really have to hope they are just his fantasies. But the fact he chooses to live with a registered paedophile very much suggests they aren't all fantasies.
OP wslipach  8 | 96
17 Jul 2024   #63
Moderators have as a responsibility provision of proper means of contact and so do owners of this facking forum. Oh and one more thing , the most important: fak you moderrators, I bet when you eat you make noises worse than a hungry dog would make , why? Coz you can, but can't do everything, behind the computer screen I bet you make the worst farts ever, but you still have a responsibility to forum members, which you seem to have forgotten about dickheads
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
17 Jul 2024   #64
Is this guy bi-polar or something? *scratches head*

Some guys just can't help it....
Novichok  4 | 8682
17 Jul 2024   #65
Moderators have as a responsibility provision of proper means of contact and so do owners of this facking forum.

Memo to azholes: Never insult a guy with a gun.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Jul 2024   #66
The most popular thread in Off-Topic just got closed.
Why ?
You have a European and Poland thread on the front page for the world to see but have hid our U.S. and Poland thread on the back page for only the members to see.
Some may call that bias.
How are we going to educate Poland about America now. ?
Alien  26 | 6528
17 Jul 2024   #67
The most popular thread in Off-Topic just got closed

They will open a new thread for you, after all, you need something to keep you occupied.
Novichok  4 | 8682
17 Jul 2024   #68
How are we going to educate Poland about America now. ?

No need. Poles know America better than we do.
Russia, too. They know what Putin intends before he does.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
17 Jul 2024   #69
The irony of your post is that they probably do.Poles certainly know Russians better than Americans do and you are too swept up in American media to understand your adopted country properly.Outsiders can take a more balanced and dispassionate view.
Novichok  4 | 8682
17 Jul 2024   #70
Outsiders can take a more balanced and dispassionate view.

Outsiders who don't rip into their own ruling mob don't count.

One has to earn the right to advise others by ripping his own ruling mob to shreds. We do.

Euros don't. They call it politeness and good manners. I call it cowardly bootlicking...
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
17 Jul 2024   #71
Outsiders who don't rip into their own ruling mob don't count.

Euros don't

You are obviously not paying enough attention to European politics, demonstrations and riots......
Novichok  4 | 8682
17 Jul 2024   #72
Who on PF took part in the riots?
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
17 Jul 2024   #73
Oh? Is this a general discussion or a PF only one?
Feniks  2 | 858
18 Jul 2024   #74
U.S. and Poland thread on the back page for only the members to see.

That thread has nothing to do with Poland. It might mention it in the title but the thread is about US news. Unless it's relevant to Poland it should be in the off-topic section.
The main page is for Poland related threads.
Lazarus  3 | 364
18 Jul 2024   #75
Is this guy bi-polar or something? *scratches head*

I don't know if he's bi-polar, but I do know he's a convicted child sex offender. If he hadn't been deported from the US for those crimes, he'd make an ideal housemate for Jim the self-confessed rapist.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Jul 2024   #76
They will open a new thread for you,

Just another one for you to trash with off topic dumb questions with obvious answers so you have someone to talk to while you sit home all day waiting for your mom to make you dinner.
The main page is for Poland related threads.

Oh bullshit Lucy, the European and Poland thread on the front page has nothing to do with Poland either, or at least as much as the U.S.A. and Poland thread.
Anyone can see that.

The British Mods are bias and always have been.
he's a convicted child sex offender.

So are you Harry.
Perhaps you would like to tell us which prison you were sent to when you were absence from here for a year and a half for molesting your stepdaughter that caused your divorce from your pleasingly plump Ukrainian wife that you beat on regularly.
Tuff guy Harry 15 years ago
Feniks  2 | 858
19 Jul 2024   #77
the European and Poland thread on the front page has nothing to do with Poland either,

Where do you think Poland is? Ah yes, it's in Europe and is part of the EU. But in your eyes that's not relevant. 😂
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Jul 2024   #78
it's in Europe and is part of the EU.

You are as thick as shed sometimes.
Even though Poland is in Europe doesn't change the fact that most of the posts in that thread HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH POLAND just like the U.S. and Poland thread doesn't. Same Same. (Did ya get it that time shorty ?)
But in your eyes that's not relevant.
You are just another bias Brit that hates Americans and men like me who are smarter than you are. 😋
The real reason is that the U.S. Poland thread gets ten times the posts as the European Poland thread gets.
But in your eyes that's not relevant is it, Lucy.
Notice how this thread got moved to the back page to hide the truth from the public viewers.
They do that when threads get too embarrassing for the forum.
Novichok  4 | 8682
19 Jul 2024   #79
The real reason is that the U.S. Poland thread gets ten times the posts as the European Poland thread gets.

This forum should have three threads; US, Poland, and Random.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Jul 2024   #80
I disagree.
I say just enforce ALL the rules and privacy by Everyone.
The owner jon and his Mods abused our privacy here to their advantage.
The rules such as Off-Topic posting and Abuse have been ignored to diminish and shame each other to a high school level.
Europeans love to dish out their snarky remarks to shame with but god forbid if someone mocks them in return to laugh at them.
All this forum would have to do is enforce ALL the rules and the trolling would soon stop.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
19 Jul 2024   #81
The owner jon and his Mods abused our privacy here to their advantage

You are so paranoid it's unbelievable!

Europeans love to dish out their snarky remarks to shame

You hate Europeans and Brits so much because you feel insecure in yourself.

You should only feel insecure because you are a complete idiot, not because you are an American.

I have no problem with Americans, but I can't abide idiots.
Joker  2 | 2447
20 Jul 2024   #82
The owner jon

Nonsense....Just think about it, if he really owned PF, dont you think he would have banned you years ago?

Anyhow, this thread is joke nobody is getting fined. Not in the USA thats for sure....

Its too bad for our euro friends though, they better be careful what they post or Big Brother may come knocking at their doors.

Eurps dont have any guns to defend themselves against a tyrannical government as they gave up that freedom as well! ....yikes!!!

Get out the old pitchforks and torches like Frankenstein is coming back again! Hahahaha
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Jul 2024   #83
if he really owned PF, dont you think he would have banned you years ago?

Think about all the traffic that I promote here and the more hits he gets by viewers like me, the higher this forums ratings go.
Without Novi and I, this place would fizzle out like a slow fart.
Thats why he won't ban Novi either.
Have you ever noticed that jon is the one that first posts members personal information when he gets cornered ?
I would tell you more how I know, but I can't trust you anymore.
Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Jul 2024   #84
That's why he won't ban Novi either.

They should.
I would.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Jul 2024   #85
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Jul 2024   #86
...said Melania to her husband...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Jul 2024   #87
Trump is going to start a whole lot of investigating committees to find out just who is really running this country.
Some very elite people are starting to get nervous that their house of cards is about to tumble.
Rumor is that oslama was overheard saying, "What do you mean they missed !"
Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Jul 2024   #88
to find out just who is really running this country.

That question was front and center when Joe was elected "president" four years ago. Now we know the answer...He was meant to be just a manikin.
Trump said fvck that and we know the rest...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Jul 2024   #89
I was alive and remember when they took President John Fitzgerald Kennedy out
That was 60 years ago.
My father sat at the supper table and told me that it would eventually come out of who was behind it.
He said that he would be dead when it comes out but to mark his words that it was the C.I.A.
When I told this around school my teachers told me that was just a conspiracy theory and there was no truth to it.
I wish those lame teachers were still alive today so I could remind them of that conspiracy that came true.
Just like all the things jon calls conspiracies that go against his indoctrinations here that have come true.
That "conspiracy" word is just a word to use to say that I am right and you are wrong.
I say, "thank you for your conspiracy opinion" when you have no proof otherwise.
Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Jul 2024   #90
Good conspiracies must look stupid and the main character must be shot dead to stay unexposed.

This one - just like the one in Dallas - checked all the boxes - including the stupid one.

Home / Off-Topic / Moderators on PF are breaking the law: not only they can reported for it, but fines apply

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