Crnogorac3 3 | 658
20 May 2023 #1
This post is probably the most important text you will read in your life, so pay very close attention. 😁
This directly concerns the future of each of us, our families and especially children. After I'm done with this presentation, you'll have to think twice about letting your kids watch TV at all.
Lately, I've made some very startling discoveries about Hollywood. It is a greater evil than the average man can imagine in his worst nightmare. I apologize in advance for the very ugly words that I will use in this post, but I have not found a way to explain this topic in another way. Namely, as you climb up the jewish hierarchy, you reach higher and higher levels of perversion. As Istarhov says: the basic principles of international Freemasonry (up to the 33rd degree of the Goy Masonic pyramid) are materialism, atheism and cosmopolitanism. Above the 33rd degree (where the exclusively jewish pyramid begins) - Judaism and jewish chauvinism go first, and even more above the 67th degree - pure satanism.
I have always been intrigued by what is meant by "pure satanism" above the 67th degree of initiation. Recently, I finally managed to find the answer to that. What I discovered is so perverse, that I don't even know how and where to start with this topic. There's a real danger that you'll think I'm crazy, but I'm willing to run that risk because the information I've discovered is too important to keep to myself. There is so much bias in the brains of the ruling elites that it is difficult for the average person to understand. So don't "kill" me as the messenger of "bad news", but keep in mind that I'm just conveying to you the things that are happening around us.
I first encountered this topic while reading the book "The Biological Jew" written by Eustace Mullins. In short, the point of the book is that the Jew shows all the typical characteristics that animal parasites have in nature. He attaches himself to the organism of the white nations, and parasitizes them until he kills them. In nature, there is a constant and irreconcilable struggle between parasites and hosts. The parasite has various weapons to prevent the host from throwing it off, and the main weapon of the worst animal parasites in nature is taking over the host's central nervous system. So the victim is not even aware that the parasite is attacking him, and therefore cannot even defend himself against him. The Jew does the same by taking over all the mass media in white societies, which are analogous to the "nervous system" of an organism because their natural function should be to alert the host that it is under attack. Hollywood is therefore a tool through which our parasite anesthetizes its host and prevents it from realizing that it is under attack.

Also, the primary focus of attack of most parasites in nature is the host's digestive and reproductive organs. The same thing happens in white countries, because in them Jews have always had a monopoly on slave ownership, sexual perversions of all kinds, prostitution, etc. After all, isn't the main postulate of Freud's entire science of psychoanalysis the so-called "anal complex", which claims that the entire human psyche rests on the science of the anus. Like any parasite in nature, the Jew is also sickly obsessed with the digestive and reproductive qualities of his host. That's why every Hollywood movie is full of disgusting scenes like perverted sexual relations, fixation on digestive matter (or "$hit"), various "vomiting" of indigestible food, etc. It is precisely these digestive/reproductive mental fixations that are the main preoccupations of parasites in nature, and since they jewish human parasites have all these fixations innate in their crazy brains at the genetic level. I won't go into too much detail now, but look in the chapter Parasite's attitude from the book Biological Jew in which all the ways in nature parasites war against their hosts. Why the main object of fixation of all parasites is focused primarily on the digestive and sexual organs of their host, see in the chapter The anal complex from the same book.
Now we have reached Hollywood. The highest levels of the Masonic pyramid are ruled by an incredibly perverse jewish clique, and Hollywood is nothing more than a propaganda machine and a mirror of their twisted mind. The mass media is actually a new kind of religion, which is a hundred times more powerful than the old religions, since the media has access 24 hours a day to almost every white home. Those top rabbis and programmers of consciousness who were once engaged in writing the Bible, Koran and Talmud, today primarily engage in writing scripts for movies and TV series. Hollywood is completely ruled by the jewish-fag mafia, who have a mental fixation on the digestive/sexual organs. All actors and actresses who want to "make it" in Hollywood have to literally gorge themselves on their Hollywood fag masters. Not to gorge only in the figurative sense, but in the very literal sense. Those actors who are ready for such humiliation are rewarded with fame, money and Hollywood "star" status. The very word Hollywood literally means "holy genitalia" (from English holly - wood) of jewish perverts, who use this tool to penetrate all employees in the gay organization known as Hollywood.

This directly concerns the future of each of us, our families and especially children. After I'm done with this presentation, you'll have to think twice about letting your kids watch TV at all.
Lately, I've made some very startling discoveries about Hollywood. It is a greater evil than the average man can imagine in his worst nightmare. I apologize in advance for the very ugly words that I will use in this post, but I have not found a way to explain this topic in another way. Namely, as you climb up the jewish hierarchy, you reach higher and higher levels of perversion. As Istarhov says: the basic principles of international Freemasonry (up to the 33rd degree of the Goy Masonic pyramid) are materialism, atheism and cosmopolitanism. Above the 33rd degree (where the exclusively jewish pyramid begins) - Judaism and jewish chauvinism go first, and even more above the 67th degree - pure satanism.
I have always been intrigued by what is meant by "pure satanism" above the 67th degree of initiation. Recently, I finally managed to find the answer to that. What I discovered is so perverse, that I don't even know how and where to start with this topic. There's a real danger that you'll think I'm crazy, but I'm willing to run that risk because the information I've discovered is too important to keep to myself. There is so much bias in the brains of the ruling elites that it is difficult for the average person to understand. So don't "kill" me as the messenger of "bad news", but keep in mind that I'm just conveying to you the things that are happening around us.
I first encountered this topic while reading the book "The Biological Jew" written by Eustace Mullins. In short, the point of the book is that the Jew shows all the typical characteristics that animal parasites have in nature. He attaches himself to the organism of the white nations, and parasitizes them until he kills them. In nature, there is a constant and irreconcilable struggle between parasites and hosts. The parasite has various weapons to prevent the host from throwing it off, and the main weapon of the worst animal parasites in nature is taking over the host's central nervous system. So the victim is not even aware that the parasite is attacking him, and therefore cannot even defend himself against him. The Jew does the same by taking over all the mass media in white societies, which are analogous to the "nervous system" of an organism because their natural function should be to alert the host that it is under attack. Hollywood is therefore a tool through which our parasite anesthetizes its host and prevents it from realizing that it is under attack.

Also, the primary focus of attack of most parasites in nature is the host's digestive and reproductive organs. The same thing happens in white countries, because in them Jews have always had a monopoly on slave ownership, sexual perversions of all kinds, prostitution, etc. After all, isn't the main postulate of Freud's entire science of psychoanalysis the so-called "anal complex", which claims that the entire human psyche rests on the science of the anus. Like any parasite in nature, the Jew is also sickly obsessed with the digestive and reproductive qualities of his host. That's why every Hollywood movie is full of disgusting scenes like perverted sexual relations, fixation on digestive matter (or "$hit"), various "vomiting" of indigestible food, etc. It is precisely these digestive/reproductive mental fixations that are the main preoccupations of parasites in nature, and since they jewish human parasites have all these fixations innate in their crazy brains at the genetic level. I won't go into too much detail now, but look in the chapter Parasite's attitude from the book Biological Jew in which all the ways in nature parasites war against their hosts. Why the main object of fixation of all parasites is focused primarily on the digestive and sexual organs of their host, see in the chapter The anal complex from the same book.
Now we have reached Hollywood. The highest levels of the Masonic pyramid are ruled by an incredibly perverse jewish clique, and Hollywood is nothing more than a propaganda machine and a mirror of their twisted mind. The mass media is actually a new kind of religion, which is a hundred times more powerful than the old religions, since the media has access 24 hours a day to almost every white home. Those top rabbis and programmers of consciousness who were once engaged in writing the Bible, Koran and Talmud, today primarily engage in writing scripts for movies and TV series. Hollywood is completely ruled by the jewish-fag mafia, who have a mental fixation on the digestive/sexual organs. All actors and actresses who want to "make it" in Hollywood have to literally gorge themselves on their Hollywood fag masters. Not to gorge only in the figurative sense, but in the very literal sense. Those actors who are ready for such humiliation are rewarded with fame, money and Hollywood "star" status. The very word Hollywood literally means "holy genitalia" (from English holly - wood) of jewish perverts, who use this tool to penetrate all employees in the gay organization known as Hollywood.