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Feed Back on the Moderating - Part 2

OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jun 2024   #181
Like you did with your post about Britain

You have a crush on me and like to stalk me with diminishments to get my attention, you picked right up on the opportunity. 😍
Otherwise you would just mind your own business and ignore me. 😎
Now I thought this post was one of my better ones since Suck Up Milo was diminishing Poland's government, so I decided to sling some mud back at his country's failures.

And did you ever notice that you Brits (You, jon, Peeholeslaw ) refuse to defend your own country.
You never talk about your British politicians' failures for some reason. Hahahahaha !!

You are one of the worst culprits.

Again, Love, notice that I seldom attack anyone first like you Brits do......and like you just did again with another one of your unprovoked attacks ......well besides my brother Novi, who I will always stand behind when the **** comes down.

Kinda like the tag team of you and Lenka.

you trashed both music threads

And that was because Brit boy and the Snitch were trashing my stock market thread.
I ask them to stop which only made them do it all the more.
o.k., I can play your game and boy did Mr. Angry ever have a major meltdown just a howling to the Mods. about his music thread. lol

So there, I defended myself again to another one of your provoking attention getting attacks on me.
Now Karen, last time you did it I told you to go play with yourself so don't provoke me do it again. 🤠
Joker  2 | 2447
14 Jun 2024   #182
Now Karen,

Actually you sound like the Karen on this forum. You are here everyday around the clock whining and crying about everyone.

Youre shaming, stalking and belittling me, WAAAAAAA!....You really need some new material idiot!

STFU already!

Spot on! He always accuses others of committing his crimes and then claims to be the victim!

Ive never saw such a hypocrite in my entire life.

He is the king of stalkers on PF hands down!
Joker  2 | 2447
14 Jun 2024   #183
Just L@@K who created this stupid grievance thread and its not his first time either. What a troll!

Starting June 1, 2024 there will be a crackdown on the rules here.

Were all still waiting Chicken Little!

getting attacks on me.

Youre just so innocent Jimmy. They should make your a moderator!
Novichok  4 | 8677
14 Jun 2024   #184
I like it when they attack me. In fact, I am doing damnest to be attacked...

Anybody? Go ahead, azholes...
Feniks  2 | 857
14 Jun 2024   #185
You have a crush on me

As I said before, why would anyone be interested in a 70+ years retired grease monkey with a criminal record for domestic violence who bears an uncanny resemblance to Humpty Dumpty.

You never talk about your British politicians' failures for some reason.

Because the post that you started talking about Britain in was in the thread entitled 'PiS candidates are losing positions in EU parliament. Will they keep power in Poland'

You expect others to stay on topic when it seems to be an impossibility for you to do the same. There are more relevant threads for talking about the UK.


Obviously an American thing. On this side of the pond it's meaningless.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jun 2024   #186
why would anyone be interested in

You must have me confused with jon's fantasy character here to diminish me.
He sure botched it after Ziemowit who has had my picture for years confirmed that your fantasy man was definitely not me.
Repeat it as many times as you want and it still will not come true.
Gives you something to diminish me with though huh, Karen.

why would anyone be interested in a 70+ years retired

Why else would a woman be interested in any man, MONRY is the correct answer.

There are more relevant threads for talking about the UK.

Post them so I can diminish your country like you Limey's diminish mine.

On this side of the pond it's meaningless.

But on this American Forum, Karen, Karen is universal word for a flaming twat.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Jun 2024   #187
Welcome New Mod who knows what Abuse, Trolling and Off-Topic are.
All we ask for now is to be fair with Europeans and Americans alike. 😉
Same with male and females with their provoking snarky one liners, no exceptions.
I was just about ready to quit posting here because it has gotten so bad.
Hopefully happy days are here again.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Sep 2024   #189
I love this forum and mods are doing a great job. Thank you, jon

Good you have come to your senses at last. This forum is your whole life. Without it, you would perish within a few months.
Joker  2 | 2447
2 Sep 2024   #190
This forum is your whole life. Without it, you would perish within a few months.

You would think with all his usage he would contribute more than 5 bucks....

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