What has happened is that Germany today shares the ESC cover together with Austria and Switzerland. And this is on One, a TV station that no one watches anyway.
Eurovision - Today I will be ashamed to be Polish
Crnogorac3 3 | 659
11 May 2024 #392
Breskvica! Cool!
English translation of the lyrics
As soon as her song Gnezdo Orlovo came out the smear campaign in the biased mainstream media began.
The leftist libtards accused her song of promoting ethnic cleansing of Albanians from Kosovo, while in Croatia they said that the title of her song Gnezdo Orlovo (Eagle's Nest) pays tribute to Hitler whose vacation home in the Alps was named by the same name.
The smear campaign against Breskvica begins after 2min.
A devilishly good performance from Ireland.
Crnogorac3 3 | 659
11 May 2024 #394
The Irish song, the performance, and the freak who performs it should be in a lunatic asylum or locked up, along with the morons and degenerates who consider it the top level category.
However, Croatia was the best.
Crnogorac3 3 | 659
11 May 2024 #396
currently the first favorite of the bookmakers
Anyone who watches Eurovision is a moron in my book...... all mindless Pop tunes, some with political bias.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11920
11 May 2024 #398
However, Croatia was the best.
I liked Croatia too....
along with the morons and degenerates who consider it the top level category.
Indeed. I just watched it being curious and thinking that you might be exaggerating it for some reason but you are spot on. disgusting display. Satanic crap!
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11920
11 May 2024 #400
The Swiss was that good???
Swiss was that good???
No, but he is non binary what that even means.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11920
11 May 2024 #402
....that still earns points, interesting! :)
Croatia was the best but the juries are going for Switzerland (guy can perform though the skirt just looked silly) a song I'd have around 6 or 7th place at most
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11920
11 May 2024 #404
....and Germany got a few points....I'm shocked! :)
Crnogorac3 3 | 659
11 May 2024 #405
What kind of satanic song did Ireland send to the Eurovision Song Contest, and they are supposedly a Catholic country.
Ok these Swiss with the ******** but this with Ireland is a new level, dear Lord, I'm sorry but I had no choice it was on TV.
Ok these Swiss with the ******** but this with Ireland is a new level, dear Lord, I'm sorry but I had no choice it was on TV.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11920
11 May 2024 #406
and they are supposedly a Catholic country.
I read the irish catholic church protested this heavily, but to no avail....
Crnogorac3 3 | 659
11 May 2024 #407

Palestine won.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11920
11 May 2024 #409
....come on Croatia!!!!
Edit: mennooo....
Edit: mennooo....
Crnogorac3 3 | 659
11 May 2024 #410
Marko - 'Baby Lasagna' was robbed. Had he declared as non-binary he would have received all 12's.
Baby Lasagna has become a global phenomenon. He deserved to win tonight!
A boy from a kindergarten in Split sings Rim Tim Tagi Dim
Baby Lasagna has become a global phenomenon. He deserved to win tonight!
A boy from a kindergarten in Split sings Rim Tim Tagi Dim
- 'Baby Lasagna' was robbed
I don't think so.
Why does Egypt maintain a blockade with Gaza?
They don't.
When racist fascist apartheid Israel began its latest (and most savage) terror campaign against the Palestinians it was Egypt which led the way in hosting the international response to get humanitarian aid through southern Gaza. Naturally, it was racist fascist apartheid Israel which blocked it.
The only matter Egypt didn't support was taking in millions of Palestinian refugees as Israel deliberately drove them from northern Gaza and into the south.
And why should Egypt accommodate racist fascist apartheid Israel and its psychotic terror regime in doing so?
So Egypt could face a humanitarian crisis while Zionist stooge boomers like yourself can masturbate to Israel taking over a de-populated Gaza and getting ever closer to being a ethnostate for jews and jews alone?
You may live in Poland but you will NEVER be Polish.
Oct 7 was about killing Jews.
Wrong. It was a response to racist fascist apartheid Israel's decades-long oppression of the Palestinian people.
But since you see evil Israelis as being incapable of doing any wrong, then you'll agree there would be absolutely no problem with all the land being returned to the Palestinians. The jews can stay but they will be treated in the exact same manner that they treated the Palestinians for generations.
The Irish song, the performance, and the freak who performs it should be in a lunatic asylum or locked up
Why does Egypt maintain a blockade with Gaza?
Because the people squatting in the Gaza Strip are Egyptian and Egypt uses them as a pawn.
Great that Switzerland won; it was a good entry.
Crnogorac3 3 | 659
12 May 2024 #414
That's no answer.
The Irish performer seems great.
That's the point of it.
The Swiss entry was a good oen, and excellent that the Israeli entry won the piopular vote.
That's no answer.
The Irish performer seems great.
all mindless Pop tunes
That's the point of it.
The Swiss entry was a good oen, and excellent that the Israeli entry won the piopular vote.
Crnogorac3 3 | 659
12 May 2024 #416
I loved that festival, it gave us nice songs that I still remember to this day. When "Conchita" performed on it, I stopped watching it. It is no longer a musical manifestation, but a Satanic orgy with which Satan triumphantly laughs in our faces.
Fvck, "the fags" appropriated it as property and desecrated it, just like the beautiful rainbow spectrum of colors (it used to be nice to me, now I despise it)
They want to screw everything, and if someone doesn't stop them, they will destroy everything, including the Euro24 in football.
Fvck, "the fags" appropriated it as property and desecrated it, just like the beautiful rainbow spectrum of colors (it used to be nice to me, now I despise it)
They want to screw everything, and if someone doesn't stop them, they will destroy everything, including the Euro24 in football.
a Satanic orgy
Don't be so stupid.
Anyway, you post links to Adolf Hitler and neo-nazi stuff so don't come all moralistic over a singer you don't like.
they will destroy everything
You were destroyed long ago.
Because the people squatting in the Gaza Strip are Egyptian

I'm glad you agree that they should go back then!
excellent that the Israeli entry won the piopular (sic) vote.
Unsurprising that Russia gets banned from Eurovision for defending ethnic Russians in Ukraine but racist fascist apartheid IsraHell is feted by the zionist stooge rainbow mafia running that low brow, politically biased and completely corrupt boomeresque song contest.
But that's okay. Enjoy your fleeting moment in the spotlight. Things will change. Just ask Hollywood who are now out with a big begging bowl because the public has had it with their self-congratulating woke hypocrisy.
They Went Woke: Oscars Facing Liquidity Crisis, Launch $500 Million Fundraising Drive As Viewers Flee
"...the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences has launched a $500 million fundraising initiative in an effort to offset the Oscars dramatic drop in viewership - which went from nearly 44 million in 2014, to just 19.5 million in the latest ceremony, according to Statista."

the people squatting in the Gaza Strip are Egyptian
Sure and Americans are English they should return to England, make room for them..
they should return to England
No thanks. Anyway, they left centuries ago and are doing nicely as they are.
Gaza however is contiguous to the most populous part of Egypt from whence come most of the residents of Gaza. In 1948 the Gaza Strip had a tiny population.
defending ethnic Russians in Ukraine
Do one fat cherry boy.