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EURO 2024 (Po-Polska)

Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12090
25 Jun 2024 #61
Is this Lewandowski's last big international game? Is he bowing out like Modric and Kroos and other great old men?

Football just won't be the same anymore....
Crnogorac3 4 | 920
25 Jun 2024 #62
Good news Crow 😸

Crow 161 | 9414
25 Jun 2024 #63


See. Ancestors and Svetovid are serious force. No sh*t here.
Crnogorac3 4 | 920
25 Jun 2024 #64
This cat already predicted the correct scores of many matches already including Croatia - Albania.

They say cats have a sixth sense.
Crow 161 | 9414
25 Jun 2024 #65
Ancestors protects!

bdw, I like cats.
OP AntV 5 | 826
25 Jun 2024 #66
Football just won't be the same anymore...

The legends make it mythical. But, is the fußball getting better?
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12090
25 Jun 2024 #67
But, is the fußball getting better?

...more rules....more breaks...more VAR, I doubt it!
OP AntV 5 | 826
25 Jun 2024 #68
@Bratwurst Boy

Good points. Same happening with Am fußball-players may be more skilled as a whole but much of the rules and replays are diminishing the overall quality.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12090
25 Jun 2024 #69
replays are diminishing the overall quality

....and where is the fun without fighting about obvious erroneous referee decisions, right? It's just not the same anymore....
Torq 8 | 1169
25 Jun 2024 #70
Is he bowing out like Modric and Kroos and other great old men?

Nope, not just yet.
Torq 8 | 1169
25 Jun 2024 #72
Poland has never lost all her games in any finals (Euro or World); it might be the first time in history.

What a disastrous tournament. :(
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12090
25 Jun 2024 #73
....especially in Germany....really! It could have been so close for the fans....:(
OP AntV 5 | 826
25 Jun 2024 #74
....and where is the fun without fighting about obvious erroneous referee decisions, right

Right!! Nothing wrong with a little human error and its fallout.

What a disastrous tournament. :(

I take it that Probierz will be in unemployment line?
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12090
25 Jun 2024 #75

YES, that's so great for Lewandowski...a goal at last! :)
Torq 8 | 1169
25 Jun 2024 #76
I take it that Probierz will be in unemployment line?

No. He's Kulesza's man, he'll stay.

EDIT: Lewy! Uffff... :)
OP AntV 5 | 826
25 Jun 2024 #77
Torq 8 | 1169
25 Jun 2024 #78
At the moment Austria is top of the group 0_0
OP AntV 5 | 826
25 Jun 2024 #79
Crazy group.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12090
25 Jun 2024 #80
France doesn't look like a top contender right now...
Torq 8 | 1169
25 Jun 2024 #81
France doesn't look like a top contender

That's an understatement - they scored two goals in three games so far: one own goal and one penalty.

Only Spain and Portugal can threaten Germany.
Crnogorac3 4 | 920
25 Jun 2024 #82

Probable lineup for Serbia for tonight's match. Change of formation, instead of starting with 2 strikers like against England & Slovenia who ended up suffocating each other, Dušan Vlahović the Juventus player who is the best striker in Italy will be on the bench. In comes another Serie A player Lazar Samardžić the midfielder who showed great energy and helped to change the match when coming on against Slovenia. He was born and grew up in Germany. He had the option to play for the German national team but Serbia FA managed to convince him to represent Serbia instead.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12090
25 Jun 2024 #83
Only Spain and Portugal can threaten Germany.

....I would say right now from all I have seen that Spain is the team to beat!
Torq 8 | 1169
25 Jun 2024 #84
Well, at least it's not all defeats :)

Congratulations to Austria for winning the group.
OP AntV 5 | 826
25 Jun 2024 #85
What a wild game and group.

Spain is the team to beat!

I'd second that.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12090
25 Jun 2024 #86
At least a point....and I have to leave now....till tomorrow! :)
Torq 8 | 1169
25 Jun 2024 #87
A piece of useless statistics: Poland is the only team of all the Euro finalists who scored a goal in 9 consecutive Euro finals matches. We scored against: Ukraine, Switzerland, Portugal (Euro 2016), Slovakia, Spain, Sweden (Euro 2020), Netherlands, Austria, France (Euro 2024).

Now we only have to figure out how not to lose so many goals. *rolls eyes*
Crow 161 | 9414
25 Jun 2024 #88
Probable lineup for Serbia for tonight's match.

Looks interesting to me. A lot standing on Gudelj and Lukic.
OP AntV 5 | 826
25 Jun 2024 #89
Now we only have to figure out how not to lose so many goals. *rolls eyes*

*nods with a smile

Szczęsny always seems like he's good for two or three boneheaded blunders a game. Skorupski was flawless today.
Crnogorac3 4 | 920
25 Jun 2024 #90
Novak Djokovic is in the Allianz Arena in Munich

Serbia will have the support of 35,000 fans

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