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Energy-free rail from North to South?

Tlum  12 | 285
31 Jul 2022   #1
Since people were told the Earth is a globe, how about this - build a railroad from the North, eg. Sweden or North of Poland down to South, eg. Italy. The train would use no energy because it would just slide from the top to the bottom of the Earth, like on a big ball. It would save a lot of energy. In fact, the heat energy produced by brakes could be stored and sold.

johnny reb  49 | 7888
31 Jul 2022   #2
the heat energy produced by brakes could be stored

And re-used for energy to go back up the hill on the return trip for free.
You are damn genius Tlum !
Novichok  4 | 8411
31 Jul 2022   #3
And re-used for energy to go back up the hill on the return trip for free.

Or make trains cheap enough to be used only once and melted.

Sunday, a slow day everywhere...
OP Tlum  12 | 285
31 Jul 2024   #4
Let me mention something else. I really hope PF people don't live the big lies:

1. The moon has its own energy source. It's like a bulb which is mostly gas. It does NOT need sun to give light. Sometimes when you see the moon during the day - why it doesn't produce any shade? Any object with mass reflects a shade when exposed to the sun, but moon doesn't. It doesn't because it is a light itself, just like each star emanates its own light.

2. Regarding gravitation - it doesn't exist. It is all BS to justify all other theories about the universe. What happens to an apple when it falls from a tree? It falls on the ground because the apple is MORE DENSE than the air. Now throw the same apple into the water - it will FLOAT. Why won't it submerge deep down the earth if gravitation is so strong to keep gazillions gallons of water in the ocean from falling down from the "spinning" Earth? Because the water is more dense than the apple.

There it is. Think about it, this NASA / planets / galaxies "science" is all a lie.
Alien  25 | 6359
31 Jul 2024   #5
Think about it, this NASA / planets / galaxies "science" is all a lie.

So aliens don't exist?
OP Tlum  12 | 285
31 Jul 2024   #6
Of course they don't exist. All the "alien proofs" are as legitimate as the pictures from the moon or CGI pictures of the earth.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 508
1 Aug 2024   #7
Earth, like on a big ball. It would save a lot of energy.

I hope you are doing well. I wanted to apologize for my previous post, which accused PF readers of being unfamiliar with hyperbole. You are certainly an exception to the rule and hyperbolize with great finesse. Thank you for the enjoyable exchange.
Alien  25 | 6359
2 Aug 2024   #8
accused PF readers of being unfamiliar with hyperbole

I thought the earth was flat.🤭
Przelotnyptak1  - | 508
2 Aug 2024   #9

And you were right, of course, in some places, it is very flat, well take Holland as an example, a place not only flat but concave for God's sake:::)))
Alien  25 | 6359
3 Aug 2024   #10
not only flat but concave for God's sake:::)))

And that's why everyone rides bikes there, because it's downhill.
OP Tlum  12 | 285
27 Oct 2024   #11
I get up in the morning and cannot grasp the fact that 98% of the population still believe the Earth spins at 680MPH every day, that a man can become a woman, or that a physical explosion ("big bang") created emotions, feelings, and everything else. But then I realize that it's just the beginning and that the "AI" (now powered by google and other mass-media outlets) will erase all the inconvenient facts and history from our lives. People won't stop it this nonsense, only God can.
Novichok  4 | 8411
27 Oct 2024   #12
Hey, Tlum, easy with that "a man can become a woman" sarcasm...

I switch genders every time the men's restroom is full and my salvation is in becoming a woman and taking a dump in the ladies' restroom.

When I am done, clean and dry, back to a man. I am not sure it would work in Poland, though...You are still too sane...
jon357  72 | 23482
27 Oct 2024   #13
the Earth spins at 680MPH every day

Doesn't it?
Novichok  4 | 8411
27 Oct 2024   #14
the Earth spins at 680MPH every day

It depends where you are standing...
OP Tlum  12 | 285
27 Oct 2024   #15
"So they [would] split off the surface and just keep going around and around, basically, in a low orbit around the Earth."

So.. what about the so called "gravitation?" They tell us that gravitation keeps all the ocean waters in place (even if the water is on the bottom of the "Earth's bowl"), but when the Earth stops "spinning" it takes gravitation away? Lies upon lies by spin masters: who have no arguments but repeat asking questions.

  • earthspin.avif
OP Tlum  12 | 285
28 Oct 2024   #16
This is comical this is what scientists tells us to believe, and professors teach.

  • gravity.avif
jon357  72 | 23482
28 Oct 2024   #17
I'm not sure scientists "tell us to believe" anything.

In fact science is more about testing hypotheses than "believing".

The existence of gravity is not a controversial thing. What are your views on quantum mechanics?
OP Tlum  12 | 285
28 Oct 2024   #18
I believe in my senses (all are from God). Each human has the same ability unless they bought into lies which are everywhere around us.
jon357  72 | 23482
28 Oct 2024   #19

Why would there be lies?
OP Tlum  12 | 285
25 Dec 2024   #20
If Darwin's theory of evolution is true, why would there be thousands of different languages? If all humans originated in Africa or another continent, why would they develop around 6,000 distinct words for basic concepts like "sun," "water," or other common elements, not to mention thousands of other words used every day?
Novichok  4 | 8411
25 Dec 2024   #21
If Darwin's theory of evolution is true,

...why every tribe and every ethnic group has 50/50 ratio of men to women?

If multiculturalism was good, why in Poland, for example, " all babies are white?
Alien  25 | 6359
25 Dec 2024   #22
why in Poland, for example, " all babies are white?

Look, in Poland even Nigroes give birth to white children. Some kind of miracle.
Novichok  4 | 8411
25 Dec 2024   #23
White parents in Poland DO NOT produce black babies. If multi crap was natural and good, they would. God would make sure.

He wisely made sure that not all babies are boys or girls. If multi crap was natural and good, God would make all races present in every country - naturally, not by migration.
pawian  226 | 27364
25 Dec 2024   #24
God would make all races present in every country

But Goddess started populating the Earth with the black race in Africa first.
Other races like white are an anomaly which people introduced against Goddessess` will and objectives.
You are anomaly compared to an originally black person.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
25 Dec 2024   #25
Pawi? You know that there have been several human species before (and some even beside us like the Denisovan or the Neanderthal?)

Some of them have never been in Africa....

...Multiregional model

The 'Multiregional' model suggested that when human ancestors first left Africa nearly two million years ago, they spread out and formed regional groups of early humans across Africa, Asia and Europe. Modern humans then evolved concurrently in all these regions rather than from a single group of humans in Africa. Interbreeding between different regional populations did occur. ...

...Other names for the Multiregional model:

The 'Multiregional' model is also known as the 'Regional Continuity' model.

Current theories

Latest findings - including new fossils and improved DNA research and dating techniques - confirm the complexity of modern human (Homo sapiens) origin...

So...there have been different species...and the regional interbreeding made for slightly different Africa, in Asia and in Europe.
Alien  25 | 6359
25 Dec 2024   #26
Some of them have never been in Africa..

Well, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief, I don't come from Africa but directly from the great apes. 🙂
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
25 Dec 2024   #27
.....just saying that the new findings show that there never has been only one human race! There had been several more, they don't even know all of them yet!

(Especially fascinating that several of them lived at times together...aliens to each other actually! :)
pawian  226 | 27364
25 Dec 2024   #28
the new findings

Let`s wait a little for other findings. The human race was created by Goddess in Africa and if some scientists have a weird problem with it, it is their problem, not mine!!! Ha!!!!!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
25 Dec 2024   #29
Ooookaaaaayyyy....*gets some more Glühwein for Pawi* :)
Ironside  50 | 12928
25 Dec 2024   #30
gets some more Glühwein for Pawi* :)

Get some Miralax for him.

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