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OP Atch  22 | 4299
3 Dec 2024   #62
Do you have anything like Wassailing in Ireland

The nearest thing would be the Wren Boys who come out on St Stephen's Day. It's all but died out in most of Ireland but they still have Wren Day in a few places around the country, particularly in Kerry.

It's really an old pagan custom with a rather dark side.

It was believed that the wren representing the spirit of the old year was slain to allow for the coming of the new year.This ritual was enacted by groups of youths known as 'wren boys' who hunted for the wren while beating animal skin tambourines.

  • Wren.jpg
pawian  226 | 27475
3 Dec 2024   #63
before Christmas dropping off a Christmas card and a tin of sweeties or biscuits

Nice. We couldn`t drop cards due to the lack of them and had to economise on sweets which at times were rationed like during Jaruzelski`s regime rule in 1980s. Instead, we focused on the Eve supper which was our private business and the regimes were unable to meddle into it. :):):)
Alien  25 | 6397
3 Dec 2024   #64
Nice. We couldn`t drop cards due to the lack of them

Chyba nie było kartek na kartki, co?
johnny reb  49 | 7927
4 Dec 2024   #65
Christmas season is great because you can yell, "Don't come in here," and people think you're wrapping their presents and not that you just want to be left alone.
pawian  226 | 27475
4 Dec 2024   #66
Chyba nie było kartek na kartki,

No, cards weren`t rationed. :):):) They weren`t produced at all by state enterprises.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
5 Dec 2024   #67
, cards weren`t rationed

Unless crafted by the sender, they are big waste of money.
You spend $5 on a card, the recipient takes a 15 second look at it, shakes it a few times to see if any money falls out and tosses it into the fire.
You are better off sending a text or e-mail in this day and age that can be deleted by the push of a button.
No waste of time, paper or stamp.
For us Christians it is, "Merry Christmas".
For the non Christians it is, "Happy Holidays".
Joker  2 | 2374
5 Dec 2024   #68
You are better off

Donating the money to PF instead of wasting it on a card that someone throws into a fire.
pawian  226 | 27475
5 Dec 2024   #69
shakes it a few times to see if any money falls out

hahaha Funny. You got me now. :):):)

tosses it into the fire.

Not quite. I still store all the cards which my family and me got in and from the US. ):):) Nice keepsakes. I can be so fekking sentimental at times.

For the non Christians it is, "Happy Holidays".

I thought it was that crazy Season`s Greetings..... :(:((:
OP Atch  22 | 4299
6 Dec 2024   #70
Season`s Greetings

British English would favour that usage. Happy Holidays is an Americanism.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
6 Dec 2024   #71
Happy Holidays is an Americanism.

Yes, by the Woke and Atheists that refuse to acknowledge the reason for the season.
Anytime they hear the word Christ as in Christmas they start trembling in fear.
When someone says Happy Holidays to me, I always respond with, "And a Merry Christmas to you." 🎅
pawian  226 | 27475
7 Dec 2024   #72
When someone says Happy Holidays to me, I always respond with, "And a Merry Christmas to you."

Even when you speak to a guy wearing a turban???

  • turbaned person
Feniks  2 | 809
7 Dec 2024   #73
For us Christians it is, "Merry Christmas".
For the non Christians it is, "Happy Holidays".

Happy holidays is unknown over here. I would always wish people a merry Christmas.
And please stop with the pretence of being a Christian. As a self-confessed proud racist you are anything but. Try practising what you preach for a change.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
7 Dec 2024   #74
As a self-confessed proud racist you are anything but.

You're funny.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
7 Dec 2024   #75
Happy Holidays is an Americanism.


Happy holidays is unknown over here. I would always wish people a merry Christmas.
And please stop with the pretence of being a Christian. As a self-confessed proud racist you are anything but. Try practising what you preach for a change.

Woah!!! Well spoken Feniks!!

You're funny.

Not as "Funny" as you, you are just weird.......
johnny reb  49 | 7927
8 Dec 2024   #76
Well spoken Feniks!!

You're funny too.
The blind leading the blind.
Joker  2 | 2374
8 Dec 2024   #77
Try practising what you preach for a change.

His hyprocrisy hasnt any bounds.

You're funny.

Youre the exact opposite of what you preach on here.
Damn it Lyzko, get it right, we are avowed PROUD racists.

At least youre honest about your racism on PF. Will you tell the other parisoners how you feel at church jutro rano?


Invented by American leftists that promote the downfall of traditional family values
johnny reb  49 | 7927
8 Dec 2024   #78
His hyprocrisy hasnt any bounds.

Ain't that the truth ! Hoot !

  • 20240530_0218081..jpg
johnny reb  49 | 7927
8 Dec 2024   #79
And please stop with the pretence of being a Christian. As a self-confessed proud racist you are anything but. Try practising what you preach for a change.

More diminishing and shaming of my Faith by an Atheist. lol
The day I have to defend my faith to you will be the same day hell freezes.
As I have explained to you gently before, I was mocking Lyzko with his Woke name calling when I said that. ie. bias, racist and the rest of his Leftist Woke words.
I also have explained to you that every mortal man on this earth sins, including Christians yet YOU judge others which is also a sin.
You are a sinner too, Karen so quit being a hypocrite.
Why you keep trying to project that Christians don't sin is most hilarious.
Why my Christianity rattles you so much shows that demons live in you.
Now quit being as thick as pig shlt and let that sink into your pee brain, Love.
Class dismissed.
Oh, and have a Merry Christmas
Peace on Erath, Good Will Towards Men
jon357  72 | 23483
8 Dec 2024   #80
the Wren Boys who come out on St Stephen's Day

That sounds nice.

I've always fancied seeing a Mari Lwyd in Wales. The horses' skulls on the pole look sinister

It existed in my part of Yorkshire but sadly died out.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
8 Dec 2024   #81
The blind leading the blind.

That sums you up perfectly Jim!

His hypocrisy hasn't any bounds.

It's absolutely unbelievable how stupid he is and how he constantly makes a fool of himself without even realising it!

Youre the exact opposite of what you preach on here.

Spot on!The christian that turns the other cheek?Wahahahaha!

At least youre honest about your racism on PF.

True, he is a despicable racist.And admits it!

Invented by American leftists that promote the downfall of traditional family values

Spot on again mate!

More diminishing and shaming of my Faith

Your faith???? You have less faith than my arse!!!! You are just a bigot that tries to back up his beliefs with Christianity.In this respect you are no better than Jihadi Muslims.
Using "Faith" to justify your opinions and actions.

Now quit being as thick as pig shlt and let that sink into your pee brain

Totally uncalled for and definitely not christian!!!!!

Peace on Erath

Yeah, move there soon you disgusting POS.
pawian  226 | 27475
8 Dec 2024   #82
you disgusting POS.

Why do you peddle insult and obscenities in EVERY post of yours??? Can`t you limit them to for example 1/4 of your activity in the forum??? Where were you raised?? In the sewer???
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
8 Dec 2024   #83
Why do you peddle insult and obscenities in EVERY post of yours???

Ahem.Do you have a comprehension problem?Did you not read what JR Jim posted or did you just not understand the bile he was posting?
Jerzy, I think you need a long rest to reflect on the stupidity of your posts.
My post was in no way as insulting or obscene as Jim's.
pawian  226 | 27475
8 Dec 2024   #84
Did you not read what JR Jim posted

I pointed to your posts coz each of them contains aggressive abuse and insult. While johhny`s only 1/5 or even less. That is why I suggested you do sth with it coz you intruduce unhealthy atmosphere in the forum each time you come here.
Where were you raised??? In the sewer?
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
8 Dec 2024   #85
I pointed to your posts coz each of them contains aggressive abuse and insult. While johhny`s only 1/5 or even less.

As I suspected, you did not read JR Jim's post properly.

Were you educated in a sewer?
pawian  226 | 27475
8 Dec 2024   #86
you did not read JR Jim's post properly.

I don`t read your infantile exchanges coz they are all the same bs and my time is too precious for it. But I looked at your first post this evening and see you bring in sewer style into the forum in each of your posts.
Yes, answer my question - where were you educated???
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
8 Dec 2024   #87
I don`t read your infantile exchanges coz they are all the same bs and my time is too precious for it.

So, you admit that you didn't read the thread properly.That is a pathetic oversight and one that proves that you should not be making inflammatory posts when not in command of all the information.

where were you educated???

pawian  226 | 27475
8 Dec 2024   #88

In which London district is this sewer located???

read the thread properly.

Your education is on sewer level if you can`t understand what I said about skipping infantile exchanges between Joker, johhny and you. So, leave the thread alone because it also features other content than your stupidities. :):):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
8 Dec 2024   #89
In which London district is this sewer located

You really are a very uneducated person.

Where did they try and fail to educate you?
pawian  226 | 27475
8 Dec 2024   #90

No, it is you we are talking about now. Every time you come to the forum and peddle your aggressive insults and abuse, spoiling the atmosphere, I will react and straighten you out into proper position. Ha!!!!


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