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Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw

pawian  226 | 27364
12 Mar 2020   #241
Lemme guess you watched a guy **** your wifes

No, I leave it to you coz you seem to enjoy strange diversions. :):)

I did say was that I'd wear an SS officer's outfit and find my gf hiding in the attic like anne frank.

Can you tell us more about your sick fantasies? hahaha

More proof that Poland is a conservative society with traditional gender roles.

And that is why the society is dying out. But you don`t care.

Plastic Poles don't care about Poland at all except as a fantasy object -the usual response is to double down on empty slogans...

That Nazi fan boy is no exception. Empty slogans all the time. Zero sticking to reality, let alone thinking.
mafketis  38 | 11127
12 Mar 2020   #242
I observe my wife`s multiple climaxes

Too much information!!!!!!!!!
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
12 Mar 2020   #243
not the United Kaliphate definition of Asian where ninjas from Syria and Iraq are considered Asians.

You see, you just get everything wrong because you don't know what you are talking about.
When British people refer to Asians they mean Pakistanis,Indians,Bangladeshis and Sri Lankans.
Syrians and Iraqis are Middle Easterners.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
12 Mar 2020   #244
Too much information!!!!!!!!!

Too much information would be if he revealed how many climaxes a week his wife has.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
12 Mar 2020   #245
And that is why the society is dying out. But you don`t care.

Dying? Poland is thriving like never before. The country and people are the richest theyve ever been.

And what feminism is supposed to save the society? Increase birth rates? The whole point of feminism is to get away from traditional gender roles and not having wombmen focus on the household and kids. If anything widespread feminism would cause the birth rate to decline further. But the fact is, feminism isnt popular in Poland. Thats because most Poles are conservative and assume traditional gender roles especially in marraige, which is also protected by the constitution to only involve man and woman - no pedaly. Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
pawian  226 | 27364
12 Mar 2020   #246
Too much information!!!!!!!!!

Do you think some people won`t be able to take it on the chin and they will break down? Look, I don`t care anymore, the coronavirus situation is getting worse and worse every hour.

Too much information would be if he revealed how many climaxes a week his wife has.

Just like I said, I don`t care about revealing such info anymore. Now it`s all in God`s hands. So, on average she has 3 climaxes within 5 minutes. Our record is 6 climaxes within 10 minutes. Per week count depends on how many times we meet in my bedroom which is variable.
pawian  226 | 27364
12 Mar 2020   #247
Dying? Poland is thriving like never before. The country and people are the richest theyve ever been.

I didn`t say dying but dying OUT, meaning depopulation. Why do you always have to mention money? :)

And what feminism is supposed to save the society?

Why do you always have to talk about feminism and ugly feminists? Right now, we are talking about average women gaining their rights at last and putting an end to their exploitation and abuse by men.

Thats because most Poles are conservative and assume traditional gender roles especially in marraige,

Yes, and that`s what must be changed coz women refuse to bear kids in such conditions - they don`t want to be exploited by conservative males anymore.

You should remember one thing - there is no return to old times. The sooner males realise it, the less chance for white genocide there will be.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
12 Mar 2020   #248
Right now, we are talking about average women gaining their rights at last and putting an end to their exploitation and abuse by men.

What rights? Women have all the same rights that men do in Poland. This isn't Saudi Arabia or some other gas station pretending to be a country. And even in terms of abortion the majority of the Polish population, including women, are against it. It's only the sluts and feminazis who are complaining.

women refuse to bear kids in such conditions - they don`t want to be exploited by conservative males anymore.

Total B.S. In case you haven't noticed the birth rates have increased the last few years - and if anything Poland has reaffirmed its preferences for conservatism and tradition during that time by electing PiS, refusing to allow turd world migrants, creating LGBT free zones that cover 1/3 of Poland, the several hundred thousand that attend Nov 11 every year, etc. The majority of women, ESPECIALLY Polish women, want conservative traditional Catholic men - guys that treat their woman like it's the 1950's. Not some limp wristed soy boy that can't even bench his own weight and rejects Bog Honor Ojczyzna. That's a fact. Majority of Polish women don't want a man who's pro-multikulti, pro-migrant, pro-LGBT or other things that typical soy boy cucks support considering the fact that the majority of Poles are against such things. Poland isn't like the west where traditional gender roles are challenged. That's why even feminism is a tiny fringe movement that no one cares about. Polish women look to go to university, get hitched in the 20's or early 30's, have kids, and be a mother - some continue to work, some leave it up to the husband. But either way they not only know their place as a wife and mother but desire it.
pawian  226 | 27364
16 Mar 2020   #249
Women have all the same rights that men do in Poland.

Of course not. It seems you are a bit behind with the statistics.

And even in terms of abortion the majority of the Polish population, including women, are against it.

Of course not. It seems you are a bit behind with the statistics.

In case you haven't noticed the birth rates have increased the last few years

And dropped again to pre-500+ levels. It seems you are a bit behind with the statistics.

if anything Poland has reaffirmed its preferences for conservatism and tradition during that time by electing PiS

Not for conservatism but for benefits.

The majority of women, ESPECIALLY Polish women, want conservative traditional Catholic men -

Of course not. It seems you are a bit behind with the statistics.

But either way they not only know their place as a wife and mother but desire it.

Yes, they desire but very little. That is why one kid is enough for them. Do you know how many kids there should be to keep the population in the black?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
16 Mar 2020   #250
It seems you are a bit behind with the statistics.

A CBOS poll from 2013 found that 75% of Poles think abortion is "always wrong and can never be justified". Only 7% thought there was "nothing wrong with it and could always be justified" In a CBOS poll from February 2014, more than half of the participants (55%) opposed the right to abortion on request. Furthermore, 71% of the participants believed abortion on request was inappropriate. At the same time, over one-third (37%) thought that abortion should be permitted. In a Pew Research poll from 2017, 8% of Polish respondents believed abortion should be legal in all cases and 33% that it should be legal in most cases.

It seems you are a bit behind with the statistics.

It seems you are a bit behind reality - Poland is a traditional, conservative society where the majority of Poles are against gays, turd world migrants, abortion, feminism, etc. all of which can be proven by CBOS and other polls. Majority of Polish women don't give a rats ass about feminism, as even stated by other feminists:

Do you know how many kids there should be to keep the population in the black?

It's around 1.5, but it doesn't matter. Who says that the population has to keep growing? That's just more propaganda and brainwashing - convincing people that population levels must keep growing, and if they're not they must import turd worlders... It's not like Poland is going to go extinct just because women have on average 1.3 kids. Nor does it mean that we have to import a bunch of inferior people from **** hole countries.
pawian  226 | 27364
16 Mar 2020   #251
A CBOS poll from 2013

During an educational training in my school two weeks ago we learnt that nowadays the pace of life is so quick 7 years is like one generation`s life span in the past. I would strongly advise you to give up on quoting statistics which are older than 2019. :) They are simply useless.

It's around 1.5, but it doesn't matter.

Really? Did you study maths in your school days or skipped the classes and focused on humanities? A maths task for you: If am average couple consisting of two partners has 1.5 kid, when will the population vanish with such a reproduction rate? :):)

Sorry, we need 2.1 to simply keep the population number on the same level. Happy to educate you, don`t thank me. :):)

Who says that the population has to keep growing?

Funny how you either play stupid or manipulate on purpose. Who saud about increasing population? We are talking about a simple replacement on the same level. In Poland it is much below 2.1.

It's not like Poland is going to go extinct just because women have on average 1.3 kids.

hahaha it seems you have really remained in primary school when maths is concerned.

Do you understand written Polish? Read this one:,74/liczba-narodziny-i-dzietnosc-w-polsce-spada,955296.html

Poland is a traditional, conservative society where the majority of Poles are against gays, turd world migrants, abortion, feminism

Empty slogans on end. ):)
16 Mar 2020   #252
We are talking about a simple replacement on the same level. In Poland it is much below 2.1.

And who is responsible for non-replacement birth levels?

Oh, that's right, according to leftists like yourself it's only because men are refusing to do their share of chores around the house. :)

Empty slogans on end. ):)

More like empty wombs. :)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
16 Mar 2020   #253
Empty slogans on end. ):)

Doesn't change the fact that it's true - Poland is a conservative, traditional society where the majority is against LGBT, turd world migrants, feminism, abortion, etc. You can say what you want but it will not change the fact that these are the preferred views of tens of millions of Poles - the majority of the country. And it'll only continue - a recent poll showed that 2/3 of under 30 males prefer right wing, nationalist parties.

And no i don't care what the population replacement number is because it's irrelevant. Saying that a population needs to stay the same or needs to keep growing is just empty propaganda. A lame excuse that jews and their leftist pawns talk about to justify the importation of turd worlders. Most of the population is a holdover from PRL times when people had a lot of kids and physical labor was needed. Now everything is automated and machine operated and that will only increase in the future. So there really isn't a need to hold the population at current levels.

Oh, that's right, according to leftists like yourself it's only because men are refusing to do their share of chores around the house. :)

Cognitive dissonance - very common with soy boys and other leftists. On one hand he's talking about how women don't want to have more than 1 kid because apparently men aren't helping around the house, yet on the other hand crying about Poland's declining population.
16 Mar 2020   #254
Cognitive dissonance...On one hand he's talking...yet on the other hand crying

As you know, he's in the "those who can do, those who can't teach" career field.

Schools today are hotbeds for feminism and are hostile to any opposition to them.

Most teachers are drunk on the kool-aid anyway.

Even if there was the rare case of one believing in traditional gender roles and the need for replacement birth rates among ethnic Poles they would simply keep their mouths shut so they can make it to retirement.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
16 Mar 2020   #255

Well see most teachers in Poland are conservative and traditional - they reflect the rest of the country's population. The ones who are importing things like LGBT, feminism, multi-kulti, etc. tend to be English teachers that come from the west. Of course you'll have a few oddballs here and there, but for the most part you're not going to have Polish teachers reading books like "Daddy's new roommate" to kids. If the parents found out about this they'd be pissed and the teacher would be told to stop immediately.
Crow  154 | 9525
16 Mar 2020   #256
Only Polish woman can bring Duda down now.

This isn't Saudi Arabia or some other gas station pretending to be a country.

True. I never heard of vaginal mutilation in Poland.
pawian  226 | 27364
16 Mar 2020   #257
Well see most teachers in Poland are conservative and traditional -

hahaha you are daydreaming all the time. :)

And it'll only continue - a recent poll showed that 2/3 of under 30 males prefer right wing, nationalist parties.

Of course not. Your claims with such statistics are all false.
If it was true, that would be very bad, these morons won`t be able to find female partners. No decent woman will ever agree to start a family with a rightard loser. :)

yet on the other hand crying about Poland's declining population.

Of course, I am crying. Over males` stupidity in allowing this country to go down to the dogs. Only when males realise women want true equality, they will bear more kids. With this birth rate at 1.5, Poland will cease to exist in 100 years.
16 Mar 2020   #258
Only when males realise women want true equality, they will bear more kids.

You are lying and that's why you have been refusing to explain this mantra beyond the empty rhetoric for which it is.

Women have been organized by feminists to take to the streets and demand equality with men. Period.

There isn't a single woman or feminist organization that has stated that women will have more children on the condition they have equality with men.

Men and women are dimorphic species so on that basis alone there is no such thing as "true equality".

And despite feminist lies that an imaginary patriarchy rules society it is in fact gynocentrism which has always been the norm.
pawian  226 | 27364
16 Mar 2020   #259
What rights? Women have all the same rights that men do in Poland.

I said BS but you didn`t inquire further. Why? Coz you know it very well women are discriminated. How about 20% lower salary for the same work? Is it the same rights?

Try to mobilise all your forces and resources to plow through this Polish article:
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
16 Mar 2020   #260
know it very well women are discriminated.

I had a bit of a shock when I came to Poland men here do not treat women fairly unlike other Countries, maybe this will change.
OP jon357  72 | 23482
16 Mar 2020   #261

Easy to tell which 2 posting on this page can't get a woman to give them a second look...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
16 Mar 2020   #262
Why? Coz you know it very well women are discriminated. How about 20% lower salary for the same work? Is it the same rights?

There's nothing to address - it's B.S. A woman has every single right that a man has. And yes, it's up to a private employer to pay whatever they want to whoever they want.

And if it were true than every company would only hire women since they could pay them 20% less. It simply makes no sense. Women are paid less because they work in lower paying jobs, take more days off, and tend not to be as aggressive as men when it comes to making money.

Of course not. Your claims with such statistics are all false.
In April, before the European elections, Pacewicz commissioned a poll of 800 young Poles for the newspaper and the results were startling.Among men aged 18-30, 62% said they supported nationalist, populist or far-right parties and 33% backed liberal or leftwing ones. Among women, 55% supported liberal or leftwing parties and 43% were in favour of the nationalists.

So yes, when you consider both groups, the majority of Poles support right wing, nationalist parties. PO was and remains in a waaaaay distant second after PiS. Once you add up ratings for PiS, Kukiz and Konfederacje you're above the 50% mark - the majority of Polish voters support right wing, nationalist parties.

No decent woman will ever agree to start a family with a rightard loser. :)

Considering 40% of women from 18-30 vote for nationalist parties that's simply not true. If that were the case then the majority of men in Poland wouldn't be married or have kids, considering again the majority of Poles are conservative, traditional and Christian - the majority reject LGBT, reject third world migration, and reject abortion on demand - all those are fact and can be easily verified.

Just because you don't like the fact that Poland is a country where the majority is against leftist values like multiculturalism, LGBT, abortion on demand, etc. won't change the opinions of tens of millions of people.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
16 Mar 2020   #263
Here's another one:

In another survey last month, Poles under 40 were asked to name the biggest threat facing the country. Among women the most popular answer was the climate crisis, while among men it was "gender ideology and the LGBT movement".

That's right - males under 40 consider the biggest threat to Poland LGBT. And they're right.


According to Cas Mudde, a specialist on the far right at the University of Georgia, polling in various countries shows that far-right movements attract around twice as many male supporters as female unless they become mainstream and form governments, when the support evens out.

"Most surveys show that women are not, on the whole, more progressive or less far-right than men. But women tend to have less tolerance for violence. Where far-right parties are established and mainstreamed, the gap gets smaller," he said.

In Poland, where PiS is in government, there is less of a gender divide in support for the party.

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
16 Mar 2020   #264
How about 20% lower salary for the same work?

Do you personally know a woman and a man that fit your claim with all else being equal?
A simple yes/no question.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
16 Mar 2020   #265
far-right movements attract around twice as many male supporters

Far right eh?
Not just right wing.
I would say that I am a Libertarian but lean to the right.
I support, for example Tommy Robinson.
For some people, that would be enough to label me as far right.
I have even been called a Nazi before.
But I do not share the extreme far right views posted on here mainly by Americans, Serbs and one German.
You guys are proper Nazis and truly nuts.......
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
16 Mar 2020   #266
If I list what I am for and against, will you do the same?
pawian  226 | 27364
16 Mar 2020   #267
You talk a lot about migrants sexually abusing women. Do you personally know any rapists like that? Simple yes/no question.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
16 Mar 2020   #268
If I list what I am for and against, will you do the same?

I am up for it.

Keep to the topic of the thread please
Paulwiz  1 | 55
17 Mar 2020   #269
What is czarny piątek? In US Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving. But I just watched a video that said Poland doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving. Perhaps the Friday before Easter?
OP jon357  72 | 23482
17 Mar 2020   #270
It's a fairly new thing, organised by women who were originally protesting to some legislation.

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