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Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw

Ironside  50 | 12916
4 Apr 2018   #151

Came back when you'll have an argument not rudeness and hysterical reactions.

Is it the states responsibility or the parents

Well, depend what social-economic model of a state we're talking about. If we take Poland as an example (as it is no), then of course it should be responsibility of the state.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
4 Apr 2018   #152
The company I use to work for use to sell aborted fetuses to pharma and medical unis and dispose of them in medical waste containers. Highly illegal not to mention totally unethical. Thankfully they were caught but unfortunately they paid a relatively small fine and that was that.

No one can still answer the question if a fetus is merelt a cluster of cells, than why is killing a pregnant woman considered a double homicide?
kaprys  3 | 2076
4 Apr 2018   #153
Oh, I'm sorry you came up with nothing else but accusing me of histerical reactions or having no arguments. ;)
That was a strong argument on your part. Yet another time, you didn't surprise me.
Well, I guess I agree with late Maria and Lech Kaczyński about abortion. You may find their opinion about it slightly histerical.
Ironside  50 | 12916
4 Apr 2018   #154
h, I'm sorry you came up with nothing else but accusing me of histerical reactions

I'm not accusing you of anything, I'm stating the obvious. You made no argument. Those hypothetical babies done nothing wrong, those are separate issues. A rape is wrong and rapist should be punished severely but killing babies is bad, really bad. You have been talking about feelings and made some rude digs at me. I don't care much about digs but I won't tolerate rudeness in a thread where grownups debate. You'll bring it down into a kindergarten and chaos, in all into a general level of the PF.
mafketis  38 | 11137
5 Apr 2018   #155
killing babies is bad, really bad

So remind us what punishments you want to inflict on women who have abortions?

An American conservative recently suggested treating it as murder worthy of capital punishment (he suggested hanging women who have abortions).

Are you in agreement? Think that's a little too harsh?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
5 Apr 2018   #156
he suggested hanging women who have abortions

Be sure that if it his wife or girfriend was raped, got pregnant as a result and wanted to have abortion, he would have said he never suggested such a thing or was improperly understood.

but accusing me of histerical reactions

If someone disagrees with him, he would typically accuse them of being a commie (men) or being hysterical (women). As a Polish nationalist Ironside believes that the woman's uterus belongs to the state and the nation rather than to the woman herself. Nevertheless, a lot of women tend to shout Moja macica należy do mnie! in the Polish streets and that's the real problem. Luckily for them, conservative men do not have uteruses, but this may change due to the continous progress in medical technology. Then we all would be happy to hear what new song they start to sing.
kaprys  3 | 2076
5 Apr 2018   #157
I doubt any sort of discussion with him makes sense. His 'argument' was 'no', but it was me who was histerical and rude.
After all, women should not have opinions about pathological cases of pregnancy. A 'no' is a 'no'.
mafketis  38 | 11137
6 Apr 2018   #158
I doubt any sort of discussion with him makes sense

He's just one of a bunch of folks here who it is impossible to engage with in any productive way. Just ignore and let him stew in his own juices...
Ironside  50 | 12916
6 Apr 2018   #159
So remind us what punishments

What it has to do with anything? Are you some kind of sadist who get rise from those sorts of things?
You tell me do you believe killing unborn children is cool?
mafketis  38 | 11137
6 Apr 2018   #160
If you think it's so terrible it's natural to assume you want to punish women who pay doctors to perform abortions...
Ironside  50 | 12916
6 Apr 2018   #161
Do you disagree with me on the issue of unborn children? Stop beating around the bush and say it loud and clear, rather than look for some way to make it all about me.
mafketis  38 | 11137
6 Apr 2018   #162
Do you disagree with me on the issue of unborn children?

define children.... my own opinion is that the natural point of law should be based around the idea of natural viability (ability of the fetus to survive outside the womb).

For the sake of argument, abortion in the first four months should be freely available
In the fifth and sixth months (around viability time) there should be restrictions related to the health of the mother
7-9 months even more restrictions

I'm willing to discuss questions of timing and circumstance, I'm not willing to discuss with people who see no moral difference between a two week old fetus and a newborn baby...
Ironside  50 | 12916
7 Apr 2018   #164
I'm not willing to discuss with people who see no moral difference between a two week old fetus and a newborn baby...

Well, if that is so,why do you even start with me? Maybe because in your heart of hearts you know you're wrong? Rather than admit it to yourself you look for fault with me.

Otherwise I cannot find any explanation as to why would you want to talk to me at all if you take seriously what you wrote above.
mafketis  38 | 11137
7 Apr 2018   #165
why do you even start with me?

Because I wasn't sure you were that deluded. Now that I am, there's no possible dialogue between us.

Go to church and pray to the god that kills between 10 and 20 per cent of all babies before they're even born... next to which abortion statistics are pretty mild.
8 Apr 2018   #166
There is not enough chidren born in Poland. Every woman should at lest have from five to six kids, or as many as she can.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
8 Apr 2018   #167
You doing your bit Rudy ? Did you find a nice girl yet to bear you six kids ? Its Sunday so why arent you either out in the park with your kids or in bed with your wife working on number 7 ?
8 Apr 2018   #168
You bet your neuf I'm.
Ironside  50 | 12916
12 Apr 2018   #169
An American conservative recently suggested treating it as murder worthy of capital punishment

He lost his job. Vive la freedom of speech.

Because I wasn't sure you were that deluded.

Dude, the only one here who is deluded is you. Face it, your stance on the issue is inconsistent and not logical. Whereas mine is not only consistent but logical through and through. I can argue my point without resorting to religious arguments. Although cornerstone of my view on humans is based on a fundamental assumption - the existence of the Divine.

Go to church and pray

There is not call for that. It might even be argued that you're the one that represent narrow minded majority who confuse enlightenment and clarity of thought with an anti-religious prejudice /bigotry.

I would see a law that would extend protection if a human being from conception. As for all those detailed medical issues those would have to be dealt with on a case to case basis.
Ironside  50 | 12916
24 Apr 2018   #170
that kills between 10 and 20 per cent of all babies before they're even born.

How many people die before their reach their maturity. How many people lever to an old age.
According to your logic we should have a right to kill all people with impunity. maf a giant of intellect.
mafketis  38 | 11137
24 Apr 2018   #171
According to your logic we should have a right to kill all people

you have a real problem with logical inference....

a fetus is not a moral agent, especially at the age in which most die (many without the woman ever realizing she was briefly pregnant....)

conception is a very poor benchmark for protected status - implantation would be better and natural viability is even better.
Ironside  50 | 12916
15 May 2018   #172
a fetus is not a moral agent,

You missed the point entirely. It is immaterial if a fetus is a moral agent of not. That is not an issue at all. The point is to put it simply that fetus is a human being, only on a different stage of its natural development. As to die, until the modern era about 40 to 60% children would die anyway. The fact that you even bring it in into debate and believe that fact or a rate of mortality is some kind of an argument means that it is you who have a problem logical inference.

Conception is a very good benchmark for two reasons:
1.Full DNA is already there.
2. Its alive lol (you know what I mean, if not disregard lol)
mafketis  38 | 11137
15 May 2018   #173
That is not an issue at all

Yes it is, unless you think moral agency doesn't enter into questions of morality at all.
Ironside  50 | 12916
16 May 2018   #174
Aren't you confusing a moral agent with a moral subject?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
21 May 2018   #175
This will only lead to a lower population of native Poles

Stated perfectly well. This is what is already happening in the US. Since abortions became legal, over fifty million kids were killed while inside mommy's tummy, the most dangerous place for a kid to be. Sure eoungh, to suppport the system, including the Ponzi scam called Social Security, the US needed more people. So what did they do?

Make abortions harder to get? No, they just opened the borders to let all that low-grade Latino scum in. That's the solution both parties here love and that is why they hate Trump and his wall.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
21 May 2018   #176
Since abortions became legal, over fifty million kids were killed while inside mommy's tummy

you seem to have a startlingly poor grasp of human biology...:)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
21 May 2018   #177
Enlighten me. Do babies come from a government warehouse?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
21 May 2018   #178
Enlighten me

google it wil find that babies do not come out of 'tummies'.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
21 May 2018   #179
No, they just opened the borders to let all that low-grade Latino scum in.

They had to because the foods the Government is allowing to be sold to the American people are full of GMO's and toxic pesticides that are causing impotencey in both males and females.

The birth rates have dropped in both the U.S. and E,U. in our generation because of couples being impotent.
Add that to the legalized murdering of children in the womb it really cuts down on the future work force to pay taxes that support these countries. wil find that babies do not come out of 'tummies'.

Ever hear of a C section ?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
21 May 2018   #180
The birth rates have dropped in both the U.S. and E,U. in our generation because of couples being impotent.

That maybe true but the 50 million aborted babies is a substantial loss to the society. Especially when we have 20 to 25 million illegal Latino scum running around sucking us dry for schools, hospitals, and incarceration while paying s***. As the liberals explain, without all that surplus garbage no other country wants we would not have enough workers and the payers into the Social Security Ponzi pyramid.

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