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Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
25 Oct 2020   #391
Anybody who is eligible to vote in Poland is able to read here what we write, no matter which party they belong to.

I simply ask to lower the tension, I know this is a hot potatoe and I am strongly on one side of this fence and no, I am not naive when it comes to PiS. I can't remember any economical policy I would support that they have suggested

It's just a matter of degree, freedom to choose which milk you would like to drink from which type of cow is not the same as having the butcher operating cows to take out calves cause they didn't have enough white spots to be łaciata
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
25 Oct 2020   #392
which type of cow

Male cows are usually slaughtered at birth in dairy farms.
pawian  226 | 27364
25 Oct 2020   #393
Your use of rightard in this case is erroneous,

Of course it is not. Rightards from PiS had "their" Tribunal decree stricter laws about abortion. These laws restrict people`s freedom of choice. Simple. Your problems with comprehension of basic notions are really boring. If I mention drinking, you will again claim I use dirty practices by Harry. So, get a grip, pleasel, coz it really seems you ..... never mind. hahaha
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
25 Oct 2020   #394
Are you drunk again?

You are talking like Harold, engage in adult debate and stop behaving like a child.

Do you not understand your use of rightard here is incorrect, Nazis were pro aborting/ murdering the disabled.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
25 Oct 2020   #395
Another poster: Coz the soup was too salty.

This poster bacame well-known in Poland. Do you know Jerzy Urban's reverse poster: Coz the pay was too low?

They are shooting themselves in the foot, don't they understand which path it leads them to?

PiS is shootng themselves in the foot. They have just breached the 27-year long compromise on abortion law in Poland. This path leads them to be voted out of ofice as protests take place in their electoral stronghold too.
pawian  226 | 27364
25 Oct 2020   #396
you will again claim I use dirty practices by Harry.

I am a seer or what?

You are talking like Harold,

hahaha Yes, I am.

engage in adult debate and stop behaving like a child.


Do you not understand your use of rightard here is incorrect,


PS. Dear guys, can anyone explain to me what dolno wants to communicate coz his comments and remarks are so nonsensical. What is his point exactly?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
25 Oct 2020   #397
I am a seer or

So you are either Jewish or an energy efficiency ratio.

Still you have your left and right the wrong way round in the context of this debate.

Interesting that you are against abortion, is that because of your religious beliefs ?
pawian  226 | 27364
25 Oct 2020   #398
So you are either Jewish

If you wish it so much ,I can be Jewish. hahahaha

Still you have your left and right the wrong way round in the context of this debate.

No, I don`t, it is you who are suffering from blurred vision and you don`t understand people`s basic rationale. I noticed you always drink hard on Sunday evenings. Why? Does your family leave you on this day so that you are alone with the bottle as your only companion?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
25 Oct 2020   #399
people`s basic rationale.

That doesn't make sense.

Anyway plenty of women are hurting at the moment , even in my small village they blocked the road..

So Pawian why are you a anti abortianist ?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
25 Oct 2020   #400
even in my small village they blocked the road..

Wow! PiS's electoral base might be shrinking so fast?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
25 Oct 2020   #401
Yeah they have shot themselves in the foot with this one.

I swear that some of the grannies protesting in the village were over 70 years of age.
mafketis  38 | 11127
25 Oct 2020   #402
shot themselves in the foot with this one

PiS thinking: We made a mistake so we'll have to starve education and healthcare even more to fund some welfare gibs so that the buraki will keep voting for us!
pawian  226 | 27364
26 Oct 2020   #403
That is amazing it is not only main cities but also provincial towns where huge protests were organised. In one case - women were backed by farmers.,nId,4816322

I really hadn`t expected so much anger. People are tired of PiS.

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Ziemowit  14 | 3936
26 Oct 2020   #404
I swear that some of the grannies protesting in the village were over 70 years of age

I really hadn`t expected so much anger. People are tired of PiS.

Yes, something is certainly changing underneath in Polish society. PiS seems to have lost its self-surviving instint. First, those non-sensical attacks on the LGBT in the presidential campaign ("they are not people, they are ideology") in hope of getting even more votes from the rednecks, then the power struggle within the governmental coalition in front of TV camaras (certainly Zbigniew Ziobro wanted to win too much for himself, so he may eventually lose everything as he has just a zero importance without JK), in between the bold statements of PM Morawiecki in summer on how they successfully fighted pandemia.

All this may have also added to the present change of mindset of the Polish society
OP jon357  72 | 23482
26 Oct 2020   #405
Yes, something is certainly changing underneath in Polish society. PiS seems to have lost its self-surviving instint

There's a kind of febrile panic within PiS as Jaro gets older and iller.

First, those non-sensical attacks on the LGBT in the presidential campaign

Individual politicians trying to get endorsement from the church is but one part of that.

And now abortions, something they've totally misplaid and should have known better given the strength of the czarny piątek moivement.
amiga500  5 | 1491
26 Oct 2020   #406
Protesting during a pandemic is insane. And has been compared to football matches in Bergamo during first wave and that it will lead to an increase of deaths.
OP jon357  72 | 23482
26 Oct 2020   #407
Protesting during a pandemic

It shows people's strength of feeling.
amiga500  5 | 1491
26 Oct 2020   #408
Yes both sides are wrong. PiS for allowing the court to make this stupid ruling during the pandemic, and the protestors for reacting to it and being stupid by mass protesting when they have seen the mass graves elsewhere, "oh well grandpa's dead from the virus he was part of the patriarchy anyway "

In some rare good news there is talk of senate commission to define what serious genetic deficits in the fetus actually means,
pawian  226 | 27364
26 Oct 2020   #409
Protesting during a pandemic is insane.

Don`t be silly. People fight for their rights - pandemic will go, inhumane laws will remain.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
26 Oct 2020   #410
You are quite optimistic, as it's a virus it's most likely here to stay. Could you name any viruses that have gone extinct? They mutate
OP jon357  72 | 23482
26 Oct 2020   #411

We'll see in a week or two if the protests cause a spike.
cms neuf  2 | 1810
26 Oct 2020   #412
Well crowds are either dangerous or they are not. There are many things I feel strongly about but it's weird if I can't sit outside a cafe and read but it's ok to parade in the street
pawian  226 | 27364
26 Oct 2020   #413
but it's weird if I can't sit outside a cafe and read

Oh, for God`s sake, stop thinking about your own pleasures and look around - it is a war. Do people sit in cafes during a war???

You are quite optimistic, as it's a virus it's most likely here to stay.

But I didn`t talk about the virus, I meant the pandemics.
cms neuf  2 | 1810
26 Oct 2020   #414
In Secret Army they were always in a cafe

And it's not really pleasure - I'm on the road working and I would like somewhere more civilized to eat than in my car
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
26 Oct 2020   #415
I know you are trying to be funny, but it isn't. I was talking about COVID-19
Crow  154 | 9525
26 Oct 2020   #416
Let some Serbian lead demo. Millions of Polish woman would take part in Czarny Piątek.

We Serbs say - 'Petak je dan za metak'. In eng. Friday is the day for a bullet.
pawian  226 | 27364
26 Oct 2020   #417
And it's not really pleasure - I'm on the road working

Ooops, if so, I am sorry. You deserve it, indeed.

I know you are trying to be funny, but it isn't

Nope, I wasn`t. I am trying to be so in other threads.

I was talking about COVID-19

Exactly. While I was talking about the pandemic. Do you know the difference??
pawian  226 | 27364
26 Oct 2020   #418
That`s how a decent protest should look like - police escort leads the demo.

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Ziemowit  14 | 3936
26 Oct 2020   #419
Polish society is changing. Analysts say it has been changing remarkably for that last 4 years, but the change was somehow hiden. And now it has erupted with the abortion ruling being only the spark for it. No, it is not the matter of the Left or the Right. The strength of the protests shows that a new generation of Poles has erupted. For the first time in Polish history people walked into churches disturbing masses being in progress or painting vulgar words on church buildings. I think they have enough of their silly bishops unable to reform the Polish Catholic Church, reciting nothing more than unmeaningful dogmas. They decided the Church is on the opposite side of the barricade.

Neither Jaro Kaczyński nor that crazy woman Julia Przyłęska will survive it in the longer run. I think many people, even in his own party, are tired of Jaro. There came a time for him to leave the scene. It is a very good time to go away in shame which is what he truly deserves as he has become an obvious embarrasment for himself and for the people of Poland.
pawian  226 | 27364
26 Oct 2020   #420
I think many people, even in his own party, are tired of Jaro.

He won`t resign, of course, as a neobolshevik he sticks to old bolshevik principle - never give up power you already gained.

police escort leads the demo.

Or, after taking off their riot helmets, they are marching with protesters. Amazing. I have never seen such scenes in Poland.

See the film

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