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Ruling PiS party tried to cover up eco disaster in Odra River

pawian  226 | 27817
12 Aug 2022   #1
The Odra River was polluted with unknown substance in July. Anglers and residents alerted environmental institutions on 26 July. PiS government did nothing for weeks, and stubbornly claimed nothing serious had happened. Now it has been found out that fish and other water organisms in the river including beavers are all dead. Experts estimate the river is lifeless and predict that bringing life back into it will take 10 - 15 years.

Sb commented that PiS behaves like Soviet authorities who tried to conceal the Chernobyl meltdown from the public opinion in 1986.

PiS govt didn`t warn Poles about the pollution. Also, they didn`t inform Germans who share the river with Poland.
Meanwhile, German officials complained that Poland failed to honor an international treaty by not notifying them immediately about the possible contamination of the river. A boat captain first alerted German authorities about the dead fish on Aug. 9.

I ownder what else those PiS gangsters are going to hide from us.
Paulina  19 | 4558
12 Aug 2022   #2
WTF... 🤬

Whatever is in that river killed tons of fish, beavers and even a catfish the size of an adult human:


It's the greatest ecological catastrophe in Poland in the last 30 years. If it turns out that, as Germans say, the river got contaminated with mercury, it's going to be the greatest contamination in Poland since the Chernobyl disaster.

What's worse, the authorities were getting the first info about the contamination 5 months ago and did nothing! 5 months!!! Two weeks ago the authorities were being informed about this intensly and still did nothing! Poles weren't informed about what's happening... and neither was Germany! They only started doing something because the media started informing about this!

And this water is flowing into the Baltic Sea... :(

Who's responsible for this contamination and this total f*ck up??

gumishu  15 | 6228
12 Aug 2022   #3
I ownder what else those PiS gangsters are going to hide from us.

I heard about the whole matter a couple of days on TVP - if you call it a cover up then I congratulate you
Paulina  19 | 4558
12 Aug 2022   #4
@gumishu lol

It's too big to cover it up now. Read this:
OP pawian  226 | 27817
12 Aug 2022   #5
I heard about the whole matter a couple of days on TVP

Funny you are making a fool of yourself so eagerly. A few days ago??? What is the date today? Check your calendar. When did people alert state institutions? On 26 July. Count how many days passed.

Also, why weren`t Germans warned???
I see you are going to sell us your typical manipulations and lies here, like in other threads.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
12 Aug 2022   #6
Going back even further to Communist times, most of Eastern Europe was ruled by leaders who couldn't have given a rat's ass about the environment!

Former East Germany was a huge offender in this respect. The town of Bitterfeld was in fact a sort of poster child for the damage done to its surroundings during the old era.
gumishu  15 | 6228
12 Aug 2022   #7
wo weeks ago the authorities were being informed about this intensly and still did nothing! Poles weren't informed about what's

you are contradicting what pawian said in another thread - also where did you get the 5 months period - from what I read on the internet anglers reported mass dying of fish in the late of July - I understand you don't like PiS - but according to the article execrpts of which pawian posted said Wody Polskie reacted immediately after anglers' reports\

Who's responsible for this contaminatio

PiS is responsible of course - at every pipe sticking out into the Odra river there should be an state official monitoring what stuff is flowing in the river - are you for real
Paulina  19 | 4558
12 Aug 2022   #8
@gumishu, read the article I linked to - that's where I found this info.
gumishu  15 | 6228
12 Aug 2022   #9
also part of the water supply of Wrocław comes from the Odra (it is filtered though) - if there was something serious there with water intakes 5 months ago Sanepid would know about instantly

typical manipulations and lies here

what manipulations and lies - Wody Polskie is a state institution -according to the article you posted excerpts of it reacted almost instantly - as far as I know there were no instances of serious health problems caused by drinking tap water in Wrocław - ergo the situation probably was just probably underestimated by the central government
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
12 Aug 2022   #10
what manipulations and lies

That is a standard BS that PO punks spew. Pawian does it too but deny he is one of them.
Paulina  19 | 4558
12 Aug 2022   #11
you are contradicting what pawian said in another thread


PiS is responsible of course (...) are you for real

Did you notice that I asked a question?

if there was contamination of water 5 months ago all the water would be already in the Baltic by now

From what I understood those first leaks of contamination 5 months ago were smaller. Those from two weeks ago were already bigger.

Gumishu, did you even read the article?

As for Sanepid - how do you know they would know instantly, especially if the water is filtered for Wrocław? Are they checking that water on regular basis for no reason or does someone has to call them and say that there's something wrong or give a sample of water for testing?

Btw, I have family in Wrocław. My cousin said that 5 tons of dead fish were taken out of some canal in Wrocław...

Also, Germans say that there's mercury in the Oder and our government claims that there isn't. Who did the testing on the Polish side? Sanepid?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
12 Aug 2022   #12
That is a standard BS

Yes, I expected it from rightards - denials, contradictions, negating facts. It would be funny if it didn`t concern such a tragedy. :(:(:(

the situation probably was just probably underestimated by the central government

Not underestimated but concealed - in a typical PiS manner, they tried to sweep it under the carpet. The problem is they can easily do it to their stupid voters but not to Germans.

It is German laboratories we have to depend on now coz Polish state ones under PiS control are completely unreliable.

First research by German laboratories suggests the possibility of mercury poisoning the river . Now they are suggesting salt chemicals.


  • 299011841_4656358822.jpg
gumishu  15 | 6228
12 Aug 2022   #13
From what I understood those first leaks of contamination 5 months ago were smalle

you state it as if the source of contamination is known - it isn't - think for a moment sometimes - unless it is all a part of PiS coverup - it isn't even established without a doubt what kind of substance killed the fish (although it was suggested it was mezytylen (whatever it is)
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
12 Aug 2022   #14
Yes, I expected it from rightards - denials, contradictions, negating facts

What facts? You conspiracy theory? Tin foil hat? You make cliams left and right and you don't talk about facts but about your political dislikes. It wouldn't be the first time you lied.

None will take your word on this.
If you have fact - go ahead and tell us. Untill then stop yapping.
gumishu  15 | 6228
12 Aug 2022   #15
Did you notice that I asked a question?

I read the article now - and I seem to recall reports of fish dying in Kanał Gliwicki some time ago (probably during spring) - however as far as I know the source hasn't been discovered then - the thing is that the current fish dying happened more then 80 kilometer from Kanał Gliwicki and the incidents are separated by a couple of months
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
12 Aug 2022   #16

That with mercury was just a guess made by one german politician....nobody knows anything right now, we all wait for that polish institute


In Germany, there had previously been speculation about mercury contamination of the Oder. The Brandenburg Environment Minister Axel Vogel (Greens) confirmed reports that mercury pollution had been found in the Oder. "But at the moment we can't say that mercury is responsible for the death of the fish," Vogel said.

We don't know at the moment how they really died.


... So far, the State Research Institute in Pulawy has not received any fish, head Krzysztof Niemczuk told the PAP news agency.

There are so many substances that could have caused fish kills that at this point we cannot say what could be the cause.

..... will take YEARS for our river to recover from that, that's for sure!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
12 Aug 2022   #17
If you have fact -

Darling, the fact is that PiS gvt did nothing for 2 weeks since the pollution had been first reported. They still don`t know what contaminated the river and have to depend on German laboratories. It is full monty - PiS circus on wheels.

Your denials won`t cover up facts. You are wasting time.

Untill then stop

You crazy??? :):):)
Paulina  19 | 4558
12 Aug 2022   #18
fish dying in Kanał Gliwicki some time ago (probably during spring) - however as far as I know the source hasn't been discovered then

Was that contamination in the vicinity of the Gliwicki Canal in February and March actually investigated?

The dead fish were seen already on the 26th of July in Lipki. The water analysis from the end of July has shown with 80% probability that it was mesitylene.

What was done about this at that time and since that time?

I also wonder if the samples of flesh of the dead fish were tested too or just the water?

So far, the State Research Institute in Pulawy has not received any fish

What??? Are they serious?? 🤦
gumishu  15 | 6228
12 Aug 2022   #19
Was that contamination in the vicinity of the Gliwicki Canal in February and March actually investigated?

I don't know - I seem to remember being reported on TVP (in the Alarm programme if you know what I mean), though

The dead fish were seen already on the 26th of July in Lipki

I don't know what was done about it to be honest

also to clarify: Wrocław's water supply is only partly based on water intake from Odra (and not directly but filtered through Odra valley sediments - officially it is said that the water is from the Oława river but in fact it is from wells on a strip of land dividing Oława and Odra)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
12 Aug 2022   #20
could you merge our threads...

Yes, of course. :):) As a gentleman and notorious women lover, I suggest they can be merged under your OP post. :):)
Paulina  19 | 4558
12 Aug 2022   #21
So do I understand this right - tons of dead fish are being utilised and it didn't cross anyone's mind to send any of those dead fish to that State Research Institute in Puławy, so they could check what actually killed those fish?? Is anyone testing those fish at all??
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
12 Aug 2022   #22
.....I have read they expect to have answers not before sunday!
Novichok  4 | 8732
12 Aug 2022   #23
Former East Germany was a huge offender in this respect.

Poland is a democracy. In a democracy, governments do what the people want so what's the problem...
This disaster means that Poland is not a democracy but the same kind of semi-despotic crap it used to be.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
12 Aug 2022   #24
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has just dismissed the Head of Wody Polskie along with the Chief Inspector of Environmental Protection due to "delayed reactions of relevant services to the contamination of the Odra River".
jon357  72 | 23665
12 Aug 2022   #25
PiS behaves like Soviet authorities who tried to conceal the Chernobyl meltdown fr

It's in their political DNA.

I wonder if the person to blame is one of their cronies.
Novichok  4 | 8732
12 Aug 2022   #26
It's in their political DNA.

Is Poland a democracy or not?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
13 Aug 2022   #27
the same kind of semi-despotic crap it used to be.

Yes, PiS rightards are trying hard to recreate the old times when Poland was in the Soviet block.

I don't know what was done about it to be honest

Honestly?? Nothing for two weeks. PiS tried to cover it all up, like in the thread name.

Ziemowit wrote about it in the Polish thread:

At the Thursday conference, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure Grzegorz Witkowski downplayed the whole matter and swore that he would bathe himself in the Odra River and that children could come to the river. In turn, on Wednesday Przemysław Daca, the president of Polish Waters, said that "only a few specimens of dead fish were observed" and "we cannot talk about a total disaster of the Odra River".

Those both fekking liars are PiS politicians.

Is Poland a democracy or not?

Still is but PiS has introduced certain dictatorial measures, like the curb on the independence of judiciary.

In PiS controlled state TV, the news about the polluted river was reported as the fourth. It is amasing they talked about it at all.
jon357  72 | 23665
13 Aug 2022   #28
PiS has introduced certain dictatorial measures, lik

Fortunately they will be out after the next election.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
13 Aug 2022   #29
not mercury poisoning. Looks like extremely high levels of Sodium. This can only be the case of an illegal dumping from a factory that would give those levels of Sodium.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Aug 2022   #30
It is getting some front page press here in the U.S.A.
They said Poland sent 150 military troops there to help clean up.

This can only be the case of an illegal dumping from a factory that would give those levels of Sodium.

That is one speculation but others are blaming it on "Climate Change".
Scientists have speculated that factors beyond deliberate dumping could be at play. The mercury could have settled in the river's bottom sediment due to past pollution, before being stirred up by recent dredging. Europe's historic heat wave this summer could also be to blame. The continent is facing what is potentially its worst drought in 500 years; low water levels and high temperatures could be choking off oxygen supplies to the river's aquatic life and worsening existing pollution.

Why did Poland wait so long to inform Germany of the problem is another question that has come up.
And for goodness sakes don't be eating all those free fish !

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