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Presidential elections 2025 - the race has commenced!!!

Poloniusz  4 | 869
15 Jun 2024   #31
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You mean you asked your husband and his family.

Do try harder.
Poloniusz  4 | 869
15 Jun 2024   #32
What's wrong with that model?

Why not call it human corrals instead of a 15-minute cities?

Atch  21 | 4149
15 Jun 2024   #33
You mean you asked your husband and his family.

Why not call it human corrals instead of a 15-minute cities?

The normal pattern of development in older and more developed societies than the USA is that of a small centre which gradually incorporates the surrounding villages, each of which maintains its individual character, services and amenities. For example, Chelsea in London:

"It's made up of not one, but a series of villages. "The southside of the Kings Road, spanning from Cheyne Walk down to Chelsea Harbour is incredibly sought after, in particular Old Chelsea to the east and the Ten Acre Estate further west," says Ed Boden, head of sales at Strutt & Parker Chelsea. "Brits and Europeans dominate here, driving the restaurants and boutiques lining the Kings Road. Families head here for the space, proximity to the river, and fantastic schools, all while having access to a buzzing social scene. With Georgian architecture, stucco-fronted houses, and river views, for the few houses that come to the market each year, appetite is strong and sales often competitive."

And it has a great hospital :) the Chelsea and Westminster.

But I suppose some bland suburb with a 'highway' and a Walmart is preferable.
jon357  72 | 22980
15 Jun 2024   #34
human corrals

Why do you think you'd be in a 'corral'?
Lenka  5 | 3484
15 Jun 2024   #35
The Soviets limited people's movement and choice

There is a difference between stopping people's movement and making sure they have what they need close by (but still not limiting them if they want to go further.
Poloniusz  4 | 869
15 Jun 2024   #36
The normal pattern of development in older and more developed societies

Were a complex network of roads (built and maintained by men of course) crisscrossing a continent to connect urban centers (built and maintained by men of course) for commerce with villages (built and maintained by men of course) spring up along the way to accommodate travelers.

each of which maintains its individual character, services and amenities.

And yet you abandoned the individual character, services and amenities in Ireland just to remain a mere housewife 2,240 kilometers away in Poland.

Here is a meme of you posting on PF:

There is a difference between stopping people's movement and making sure they have what they need close by (but still not limiting them if they want to go further.

You think billions if not trillions are going to be spent creating 15-minute cities under the guise of personal convenience while still maintaining the choice to go wherever you want and whenever you want.

You are wrong.

15-minute city planners and advocates don't want people using cars to get around because they claim it is suddenly bad for the environment. It won't end there. If you have everything you need locally for food, shelter and clothing then there won't ever be a sufficient justification for you to venture beyond 15-minutes.

Enjoy your corral. They used to be called ghettos.
Lenka  5 | 3484
15 Jun 2024   #37
creating 15-minute cities under the guise of personal convenience while still maintaining the choice to go wherever you want and whenever you want.

I already did. I lived in a place where none of my schools, doctors etc was further then 15 minutes walk and there was no problem when me and my friends were moving around the country.
Ironside  50 | 12333
15 Jun 2024   #38
I already did.

Congratulations, You can become an honorary rabbit but that is not for everyone. The point our friend struggles to make is not that there is anything wrong with that concept but that such a concept shouldn't be compulsory for everybody.
jon357  72 | 22980
15 Jun 2024   #39
such a concept shouldn't be compulsory for everybody

How does that work?

We're talking about town planning guidelines.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 946
15 Jun 2024   #40
You think billions if not trillions are going to be spent creating 15-minute cities under the guise of personal convenience while still maintaining the choice to go wherever you want and whenever you want.

Combined with the elimination of combustion engine cars, mandatory electric vehicles that already have limitations based on charges being held, and those cars can be limited further with the push of a button on embedded software. But of course thats a conspiracy theory. Like masks not working, social distancing not working, and the vaccines not being safe for everyone was just conspiracy theory. Like the WEF and WHO are not funded from left wing extremists with socialist agendas.

There is a big difference between how cities of Europe were designed and the engenieering taking place in society under the guise of "being good for us". NY has everything within 15 minutes in any direction. So do most major cities. The problem is that there is a threat of abuses of power with every government. Rmember during the pandemic you were not suppossed to travel from city to city? How all forms of transportation globally were resticted? Special passes in the form of vaccination documents to fly? Anyone thinking these restrictions are not being stuudied by goverments for the future needs to get some new glasses.
jon357  72 | 22980
15 Jun 2024   #41

There's nothing 'combined ' with anything. Why are good town planning principles a problem for you?

NY has everything within 15 minutes in any direction

So in fact not a problem for you.Yet for some reason you erroneously mention it.

left wing


Better a Socialist 'agenda' than an unrestricted capitalistic agenda.

Both main contenders mentioned here are centre right though, and sadly not on the left so basically you're still saying nothing.
Atch  21 | 4149
15 Jun 2024   #42
Were a complex network of roads

Are you talking about the Roman empire?

individual character, services and amenities in Ireland

I described London. London is not in Ireland dear.

a mere housewife

How very dare you! 😂I thought housewifery was God's most noble calling, according to you. Anyway, what makes you think I'm 'just' a housewife? I only do that as a sideline when I'm not busy with my work as Secretary General of the United Nations.

Built by men ............. while the women were busy bearing numerous children. Hard to build a road when you're pregnant - again. How many children did your great-grandmother have? Mine had eleven before she died at the age of 37, in childbirth. The baby lived for a short time. Of her eleven children, six survived to adulthood. The other great granny had only six because her husband died and she didn't remarry - too busy running the farm and seeing to it that her children got a good education.

Anyway, you're a complete weirdo and know nothing about what normal people want. Normal people like to walk, not sit on their arses all day gorging on burgers.
Ironside  50 | 12333
15 Jun 2024   #43
How does that work?

In stages, you know step by step of the revolution playbook, corporations adapted that tactic and have lefties on a string. They are powerful fellow travelers leading humanity to doomsday.
Lenka  5 | 3484
15 Jun 2024   #44
You can become an honorary rabbit

No, I lived in standard Polish town. That's how things were organised. That's why even now I don't like to be completely reliant on a car.
jon357  72 | 22980
15 Jun 2024   #45
step by step of the revolution playbook

That capitalists use to make you their slave?

No, I lived in standard Polish town. That's how things were organised

It's like that pretty well everywhere, except for cases where economies of scale and poor funding have lessened that.
mafketis  38 | 10913
15 Jun 2024   #46
Why not call it human corrals instead of a 15-minute cities?

Cause no one (except paranoid hysterics) is talking about actually limiting people to a small area..... down boy.
Poloniusz  4 | 869
15 Jun 2024   #47
The problem is that there is a threat of abuses of power with every government. Anyone thinking these restrictions are not being studied by goverments for the future needs to get some new glasses.


Better a Socialist 'agenda'

jon357  72 | 22980
15 Jun 2024   #48
Looks like he's fallen down the rabbit hole.

And the sad thing is that he can't even vote in a Polish election, not that he could even read the campaign manifesto if he tried.

Bizarre that some pond life try to pretend that the concept of 15 minute cities could somehow restrict their freedom.
Poloniusz  4 | 869
15 Jun 2024   #49
the concept of 15 minute cities could somehow restrict their freedom.

Atch  21 | 4149
15 Jun 2024   #50
pretend that the concept of 15 minute cities could somehow restrict their freedom.

I'm sure his padded cell already does that job nicely 😀
jon357  72 | 22980
15 Jun 2024   #51
his padded cell


And now he's quoting that fraudulent scammer Ayn Rand.
Poloniusz  4 | 869
15 Jun 2024   #52
And now he's quoting

Here's one from one of your former British Prime Ministers:

TheOther  6 | 3596
15 Jun 2024   #53
And now he's quoting that fraudulent scammer Ayn Rand.

Libertarians love that Rand nut job.
jon357  72 | 22980
15 Jun 2024   #54
that Rand nut job.

She didn't even believe her own shtick.

And now he's quoting from Tory politicians who died 50 years before he was born.
Poloniusz  4 | 869
15 Jun 2024   #55
And now he's quoting from

Your former British Prime Minister again:

PolAmKrakow  2 | 946
15 Jun 2024   #56
If you are talking about me, you are incorrect. I can vote and have had the right for two years now. I can read quite well, speaking Polish though not my strong suit.

Anyone believing in socialism is simply stupid. Its failed in every instance. Socialism is communism without a bloody revolution. The last EU elctions show how Euope is tranding and people are tired of the forced integration of illegals and all the other socialist bullsh1t.
jon357  72 | 22980
15 Jun 2024   #57
If you are talking about me

Only if your name's Poloniusz.

Socialism is communism without a bloody revolution

It isn't.

And just as capitalism is restrained, constricted and controlled in the developed world where there is also a large non-capitalistic element to the economies, so Socialism co-exists with limited capitalism.

The problem is, if you give capitalists an inch, they'll take a mile, as we saw with privatised (soon to be back) rail franchises in the U.K, and situations in Poland where companies (mostly though not entirely German) were allowed to buy publicly owned manufacturing assets so they could close them down and switch production to their home market. And when they don't close them down, they take more in 'profit' from someone's work than they get themselves for doing it!
OP pawian  219 | 24792
15 Jun 2024   #58
Trzaskowski exposed himself

Sikorski and Trzaskowski aren`t the only candidates. If Trzaskowski is too leftist for you, you might consider voting for Morawiecki or a guy from Konfederacja. Why not??? ):):)

Sikorski is conservative enough

I just checked Sikorski`s stance on abortion. He supports free 12 week abortion.

The Civic Platform supports the right to abortion up to the 12th week of pregnancy, which should be decided by the person who will live with the consequences of this decision - said MEP Radosław Sikorski (PO) on Radio Zet. According to him, the rules currently are worse than in Iran.

Polam, you`d better think of this Morawiecki choice, hahahaha
PolAmKrakow  2 | 946
15 Jun 2024   #59
No candidate is perfect. The greater challenge for Poland is immigration. Abortion is an issue, but not one that effects me or one that will decide who I vote for. To be clear though, I believe that at 7 weeks when a fetus has its own DNA, it is a living being, and after that, abortion is murder. Prior to that, it is a womans choice IMO. Any PiS candidate, particulalry the former PM, is fruit of a poisonous tree and not to be touched. The whole PiS crew are nothing more than communists and political thieves dressed in sheeps clothing.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
15 Jun 2024   #60
He has taught English and that is why you

Yes!!! I consider him my soul mate. hahaha

there is life beyond teaching

But I don`t want another life beyond teaching. Once a teacher, always a teacher!! That`s our motto!

Tusk already paid off you teachers

New rises are discussed coz the previous ones weren`t enough. Ha!!!!

He's excellent.

Cut down on this useless exuberance. Where and when did you lose your British reserve????

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