The normal pattern of development in older and more developed societies
Were a complex network of roads (built and maintained by men of course) crisscrossing a continent to connect urban centers (built and maintained by men of course) for commerce with villages (built and maintained by men of course) spring up along the way to accommodate travelers.

each of which maintains its individual character, services and amenities.
And yet you abandoned the individual character, services and amenities in Ireland just to remain a mere housewife 2,240 kilometers away in Poland.
Here is a meme of you posting on PF:

There is a difference between stopping people's movement and making sure they have what they need close by (but still not limiting them if they want to go further.
You think billions if not trillions are going to be spent creating 15-minute cities under the guise of personal convenience while still maintaining the choice to go wherever you want and whenever you want.
You are wrong.
15-minute city planners and advocates don't want people using cars to get around because they claim it is suddenly bad for the environment. It won't end there. If you have everything you need locally for food, shelter and clothing then there won't ever be a sufficient justification for
you to venture beyond 15-minutes.
Enjoy your corral. They used to be called ghettos.