Duda is losing momentum and I think might lose. He has to get his entire vote out again to win - that's difficult to do when he has no positive messages. Going to talk to a few hundred of the converted in Konskie (A one horse town ?) instead of debating before the nation Isn't smart.
Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates
the pedophile ... When you have headlines like that few days before elections it's no good..
That is why Duda staff are pooping their pants right now. One of them has even demanded a German ambassador to do sth with the editor of the daily which put Duda on its cover in paedophile context. hahaha Why are rightards such idiots?
instead of debating before the nation Isn't smart.
Giving an interview in centrist Polsat, where he has a chance to convince some new voters to support him is better than participating in TVN's set up. He is criticized by not accepting those terms by those who wishes him to lose and are frustrated that he didn't take the bait. Even a blind man can see that.
I said it before and I'll say it again': it is Trzaskowski who needs a debate more than Duda, because he needs to shorten the distance to the leader. He may not even have a choice but to accept another a debate in TVP when (or maybe rather if) he get that proposition from Duda.
For those who are fans of boxing imagine it as a fight between a raigning champion and a challenger. It's 12 round already and the champ is winning on points. The only chance a challenger has to win the fight is by KO. And the champ plays it smart: he dodges, he takes the fight to the distance, he can play a waiting game and try to drain his opponent's stamina, he may occassionaly punch when he sees an opening but he doesn't need to take risk and go for a KO in order to win...
BTW. Here's a link to a great boxing fight: Glowacki vs Huck
PS: by no means I'm not suggesting that Trzaskowski is Glowacki in this fight ;-)
But he's already done a debate on TVP In the first round, which was a farce as anything run by them is these days.
Fine to have it on Polssat, TVN or on the internet but TVP has no credibility - and by the way advertisers are abandoning it in droves now so it will need even more handouts from our taxes.
Fine to have it on Polssat, TVN or on the internet but TVP has no credibility - and by the way advertisers are abandoning it in droves now so it will need even more handouts from our taxes.
hose who wishes him to lose
If he is afraid to lose a debate, it means he shouldn`t be a president. Presidents are expected to be strong and not suffer from such childish fears. Polsat interview, quite impartial, proved he is a weak azzhole - the reporter pressed while Duda sweated and faltered.
it is Trzaskowski who needs a debate more than Duda
Yes, but by avoiding the debate, Duda might lose voters. because Trzaskowski will certainly play this tune till the end. Look below: empty speech stand
Mr President, we are waiting
Waiting for what?
If he had like 40% or more votes in first round. That would be a legatine claim. With 30% support you can wait till you wilt.
Waiting for what?
If he had like 40% or more votes in first round. That would be a legatine claim. With 30% support you can wait till you wilt.
If he is afraid to lose a debate, it means he shouldn`t be a presiden
A smart man picks his fights and does it in convenient time and place for himself. Participating in TVN's hostile debate hold nothing of value for Duda right now, and it would be only worth accepting if he was losing the presidential race. Duda is not in such situation.
Accepting unfavorable terms when he doesn't have to, and taking part in a spectacle which doesn't benefit him, has nothing to do with courage. Only fools are getting easily provoked by childlish taunts.
Participating in TVN's hostile debate
So that just shows how courageous Trzaskowski was to walk into the lion's den for PiS's TV station.
Duda's a coward. Simple. You want to vote for a coward who will do anything the party leader tells him to. Own it.
-michael farris
Participating in TVN's hostile debate hold nothing of value for Duda right now,
Exactly. And Trzaskowski should take advantage of it against Duda. This way or another, Duda loses.
That would be a legatine claim. With 30% support you can wait till you wilt.
You need to think twice before saying such things. :) Why? Coz Trzaskowski got to the second round, it doesn`t matter how many percent he gained.
You want to vote for a coward who will do anything the party leader tells him to.
Yes. But most PiS` voters don`t mind and will vote for him, regardless what he will or won`t do. Hopefully, there won`t be many more above 43.5% he already got.
Why would it be a hostile debate if it was on TVN ? They would get the same questions but without the TVP nonsense of giving Duda the questions in advance , shaving seconds off the clock etc
if you watched TVP you would know that Duda welcomed ( actually proposed) an idea of all 3 main TV stations running a debate together
And how did it end?
You want to vote for a coward who will do anything the party leader tells him to. Own it.
Only fools are getting easily provoked by childlish taunts.
This way or another, Duda loses.
One cannot lose a debate which didn't take place. If he was in different situation and would be losing to Trzaskowski it would make sense to accept it.
Like I said before, Duda went to Polsat to attract centrist voters, there was nothing for him in TVN, a TV station which attracts mostly a certain type of audience which is hostile to Duda and wouldn't vote for him no matter what.
Why would it be a hostile debate if it was on TVN
TVN excels in a certain type of one-sided cynical "journalism" and doesn't even trying to hide it. Think about them as CNN but even more cynical. It's the same cesspool as TVP just on the opposite political side.
One cannot lose a debate which didn't take place.
Sorry, I used a shortcut. I didn`t mean Duda can lose a debate. I meant he can lose support from potential voters who didn`t vote for him in the first round and now, seeing him chicken out befoire Trzaskowski, they will think twice..
It's the same cesspool as TVP just on the opposite political side.
No, of course not. Now you are really biased. Nobody can beat PiS TV :)
Duda went to Polsat to attract centrist voters,
And I can read he failed coz he only repeated his usual lies and propaganda of success. That can attract a confirmed PiS fan, but not a centrist voter like me. HA!
Comedy gold! Alert! Comedy gold!
Terrible nationalists seem to be the kingmakers of the upcoming elections. Konfederacja electorate seems to split roughly:
33% for current president Duda, because of social conservatism.
33% for Trzaskowski, because some fear socialism more than the rainbows. Also, it probably make sense strategically.
33% will stay home. That probably includes me.
This makes Konfederacja voters they only big swing vote in the second round. They know it. Oh, they know it and they started complementing Krzysztof Bosak and his voters right after the first round results.
Liberuls after results:
We're so glad to have you on our side, young polish patriots. We have our differences, but we also have so much in common. Slava!
REEEEEeeEEeeEEE! Russian stooges!
PiS after results:
Hello there, fellow poles. Oh boy, we sure do love cutting taxes (literally a day after introducing new taxes).

Terrible nationalists seem to be the kingmakers of the upcoming elections. Konfederacja electorate seems to split roughly:
33% for current president Duda, because of social conservatism.
33% for Trzaskowski, because some fear socialism more than the rainbows. Also, it probably make sense strategically.
33% will stay home. That probably includes me.
This makes Konfederacja voters they only big swing vote in the second round. They know it. Oh, they know it and they started complementing Krzysztof Bosak and his voters right after the first round results.
Liberuls after results:
We're so glad to have you on our side, young polish patriots. We have our differences, but we also have so much in common. Slava!
REEEEEeeEEeeEEE! Russian stooges!
PiS after results:
Hello there, fellow poles. Oh boy, we sure do love cutting taxes (literally a day after introducing new taxes).

This makes Konfederacja voters they only big swing vote in the second round.
No, not only. HoĊownia voters are much more attractive - 2.6 million!! While Konfederacja 1 million less. Boooo..... hahahaha
33% will stay home. That probably includes me.
Thanks. You are a decent person after all. :):)
they started complementing Krzysztof Bosak and his voters right after the first round results.
yes, that`s what I love about Polish politics - it is so crazy and always sth funny happens.
Why you staying home Kondzior ? It's fair enough but I'm surprised because I thought you were quite engaged
It is still too early - he said probably. If Duda pardons more paedophiles or commits another stupid thing, e.g., intoxicated, runs over a nun on a pedestrian crossing, kondzior will go to vote for Trzaskowski.
I am curious would Polish women vote for brat Duda. Women like strong hand
He's a weakling... Trzaskowski is much more likely to keep a b|tch in line.
33% for current president Duda, because of social conservatism.
33% for Trzaskowski
33% for Trzaskowski
The difference is, you see, that socialist regulations in economy can screw up the economy for years, decades maybe but it is reversible once more savvy political party, such as Konfederacja, takes it over.
Neomarxism and its iterations such as: multikulti, mass immigration from muslim countries, LGBT propaganda and depravation in schools can destroy a healthy tissue of a society for generations to come. And in most cases is irreversible.
I can observe it on a daily basis in the UK or when I travel around Europe. It's smart to learn from the mistrakes of the others before commiting them yourrself.
That's why I'm going to vote for a lesser evil, that is Andrzej Duda.
a lesser evil, that is Andrzej Dud
Dude, you basically just wrote "Socialism is bad so I'ma vote for a socialist!"
socialist regulations in economy can screw up the economy (...) but it is reversible
Neomarxism (...) multikulti, mass immigration from muslim countries, LGBT propaganda (...) can destroy a healthy tissue of a society for generations to come
I wrote as stated. And I'll stand by it
It's not so easy to reverse - once a class of people gets used to handouts it quickly is treated as a basic right rather than a benefit and that belief also travels across generations. France is a good example
I wrote as stated. And I'll stand by it
You do realize then that Pis have been handing out work permits in the Indian sub-continent like candy for the last few years and that you can't walk around a large Polish city for 10 minutes now without seeing Indian or African delivery bikers....
So, socialists who encourage low wage migration..... tha'ts what you'll be voting for.
PO on the other hand wanted to take in muslim "refugees" who had no intention to work and once invited would stay in Poland forever and would breed like rabbits. In the UK even the 3rd generation of them is still not assimilated into society.
Poland is politically not ready for Konfederacja taking over yet so I'll have to vote for a lesser evil to prevent a greater evil from taking over. There's no point of being childish and saying that 'if I can't have it my way I don't care who is going to win'.
There's still a difference: Trzaskowski represents cultural marxism or simply put an anti-culture, which takes its toll in the Western world.
And when it comes to economy the difference between Trzaskowski and Duda are miniscule. Both are statists who believe in overgrown beaurocracy and high taxation. Trzaskowski was a PO MEP, and between 2013-2015 also a minister and a secretary of a state. Should i quote again the list of taxes raised by PO between 2008-15?
Poland is politically not ready for Konfederacja taking over yet so I'll have to vote for a lesser evil to prevent a greater evil from taking over. There's no point of being childish and saying that 'if I can't have it my way I don't care who is going to win'.
There's still a difference: Trzaskowski represents cultural marxism or simply put an anti-culture, which takes its toll in the Western world.
And when it comes to economy the difference between Trzaskowski and Duda are miniscule. Both are statists who believe in overgrown beaurocracy and high taxation. Trzaskowski was a PO MEP, and between 2013-2015 also a minister and a secretary of a state. Should i quote again the list of taxes raised by PO between 2008-15?
So the real reason you will vote PiS from your home in Britain is that you don't like Muslims
You can quote those taxes because living abroad you don't pay any of them.
Working here and raising a family and employing people I can assure you that my level of tax is more or less the same. I am struggling to think of a major PiS reform that benefits business.
You can quote those taxes because living abroad you don't pay any of them.
Working here and raising a family and employing people I can assure you that my level of tax is more or less the same. I am struggling to think of a major PiS reform that benefits business.
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
4 Jul 2020 #1858
is that you don't like Muslims
I don't think it would be fair to pick on any particular culture or religion but after years of living in Britain and myself having been open and supportive of immigration and multiculturalism, I have now concluded that multiculturalism is a failed project that can destroy the host nation , both indigenous and incomers are harmed and damaged , look at the blm situation today , a year ago it was islamic terrorism.
Must admit I love being in Poland where the above is not a factor in day to day life, I guess in hindsight multiculturalism brings damage and terror to all , I hope Poland avoids this path , well at least until I am dead.
4 Jul 2020 #1859
^true that! Coming from a nation that was 500 years under Ottoman rule we still see traces of their culture that brings us away from Europe mentally, culturally. That's 5 centuries of decline and little culture!
We still have savage, oriental sounding music, thugs, wife-beating, mafiosi politicians.
I know lots of Arabs and Turks and as individuals they're very nice and friendly. However once there are too many of them, as a group they're no good - always demanding special treatment and eventually trying to force "the only right way" on locals. I think UK, France, Benelux and Germany are poster children how multiculturalism fails. Sweden too but only in big cities (fortunately smaller towns are still mostly Swedish). Poland should stay white and blond.
We still have savage, oriental sounding music, thugs, wife-beating, mafiosi politicians.
I know lots of Arabs and Turks and as individuals they're very nice and friendly. However once there are too many of them, as a group they're no good - always demanding special treatment and eventually trying to force "the only right way" on locals. I think UK, France, Benelux and Germany are poster children how multiculturalism fails. Sweden too but only in big cities (fortunately smaller towns are still mostly Swedish). Poland should stay white and blond.
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
4 Jul 2020 #1860
Poland should stay white and blond
That's wrong and a road to ruin, the current Polish immigration laws are fine and allow migrants to come from a wide variety of nations regardless of colour .
I think the problem arises where you have forced mass migration of large numbers that are not prepared to take on the culture of their host nation, creating micro hovels that remind them of home.
There is always the situation where the second generation of migrants are unhappy with the host culture and yearn / dream of being part of where their parents came from.
Plus I don't want anyone to think that Poland was part of the racial and economic / invading crimes committed by the European imperialist slaving nations, Poland has non of these sins to atone to.