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Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates

jon357  72 | 23402
1 Jul 2020   #1771
Farmers, tradesmen, and other non trained economic decision makers should not be in charge of economic policy.

Quite. We entrust them with our taxes, our well-being and out futures; as a minimum we expect them to appoint advisors who excel at economic policymaking, and we expect them to listen to those experts and use all the resources and power we have entrusted them with during their term of office to implement the strongest economic policy.

And we should not be afraid to hold them to account if/when they do not excel.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
1 Jul 2020   #1772
advisors who excel at economic policymaking

So wot you guys are saying is that its better to employ some tit that came out of some university and never had a proper job or business, to run a countries economic policy ,compared to someone like bill gates for instance ....
jon357  72 | 23402
1 Jul 2020   #1773
its better to employ some tit

It's better to employ the very best.

that came out of some university and never had a proper job

Did you think we were talking about entry-level roles?
1 Jul 2020   #1774
Are there any jobs at all in places like Tarnów, Rzeszow, Suwałki, Bialystock?
jon357  72 | 23402
1 Jul 2020   #1775
Not as many as there should be. A lot of the people who moved to the UK post=2004 are from those places, especially Rzeszów, and of course Tarnów and Suwałki are smallish towns in largely very rural regions. Białystok too isn't booming.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
1 Jul 2020   #1776
Did you think we were talking about entry-level roles?

Well explain wot u would expect
1 Jul 2020   #1777
jon357, too bad my best places in Poland are such small ones. I didn't believe in woo woo reports but after it came up with places in countries I've always liked I'm sure it's the real deal (it says Prague is a bad place for me and it was). I also have some nice places in Finland (Åland and Turku), Sweden (Skellefteå), Hungary (Debrecen), Italy (Bari). All not so well off areas, mostly rural. Those are my favorite cultures in Europe, coincidence?
Spike31  3 | 1485
1 Jul 2020   #1778
PiS and PO are not the same economically

Yes, PiS is more direct with their socialist approach to economy and yet PO was also a statist party who wanted to steer the economy with an overblown beaurocratic apparatus. PO is perceived by some as pro-market party thanks to an information bubble created by mainstream media. The facts are different.

PO has not lowered the taxes but raised them when they had a chance to rule in 2008-15. They've raised VAT tax, raised fuel and alcohol duties by 15%, robbed OFE for 150 billion pln. And they didn't lower a personal income tax as they claimed they will before the elections.
gmambo  - | 2
1 Jul 2020   #1779

Presidential election 2020...Who's behind legalizing marijuana?

Hi everyone....just moved to lovely Warsaw. I'm an American transplant living in Warsaw for a 2yr work assignment. Where I come from cannabis is legal! What's the scoop with recreational cannabis in this country? From what I keep reading, the laws seem harsh for cannabis enthusiasts like me. Also, most Poles seem against recreational use. I'm very frustrated by this...I rather puff puff puff than drink alkohol until oblivion. Desperately looking to make f2f connections here.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
1 Jul 2020   #1780
Just moved to Warsaw and immediately asking for cannabis?

That doesn't look good, does it?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
1 Jul 2020   #1781
That doesn't look good, does it?

Best bet is to get a flight to Amsterdam at the weekends , all is safe all is good, no problems.
mafketis  38 | 11090
1 Jul 2020   #1782
Latest story is that the coward Duda is afraid of a debate not run by party hacks and where he doesn't get the questions ahead of time, PiS = neo-PRL
cms neuf  1 | 1824
1 Jul 2020   #1783
They should go ahead with the debate and put a puppet in his chair.

Why can't the debate be televised at the same time by TVP and another channel ?
mafketis  38 | 11090
1 Jul 2020   #1784
Fear.... komuchy are notorious cowards....
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
1 Jul 2020   #1785
notorious cowards

Has he already begun to soil his pants?
OP pawian  223 | 26984
1 Jul 2020   #1786
Latest story is that the coward Duda is afraid of a debate

Yes, exactly, but sorry for cutting in, still latestest news is that Duda pardoned a paedophile.

Has he already begun to soil his pants?

Yes, very much.

"Those attacks by Trzaskowski`s staff are disgraceful,'; commented Duda`s staff.

hahaha tit for tat, I learned this expression at 18 while preparing for the entrance exam.

Hey, guys who declared their voting preferences on Duda`s side, what do you think about it? hahahaha
Spike31  3 | 1485
1 Jul 2020   #1787
They should go ahead with the debate

That's a tactical move on Duda's side.
He is positioning himself as a leading presidential candidate who will shape the debate and not merely accept Trzaskowski's and TVN terms.
Trzaskowski, as a runner-up will accept Duda's terms or he will have to debate with an empty chair.
And Duda can live without this debate. In order to win all he needs to do is cool off the political emotions and controversies for the next 12 days

Simply put Trzaskowski needs to get aggressive in order to gain some new votes and Duda has to present himself as a peace-loving and reasonable guy for the next 2 weeks.
OP pawian  223 | 26984
1 Jul 2020   #1788
In order to win all he needs to do is cool off the political emotions and controversies for the next 12 days

Yes, we have just seen this cooling off, pardoning a paedophile. hahaha

That's a tactical move on Duda's side.

No, really? hahaha I thought it is pure cowardice coz in independent media he won`t know the questions.

he will have to debate with an empty chair.

better this than participate in a fake debate. Aren`t you embarassed of supporting this dirty manipulation by PiS controlled media? Even Konfederacja and Bosak critisize it.
Spike31  3 | 1485
1 Jul 2020   #1789
@pawian, I will share a little secret with you simply because you will not be able to utilize it cause you would have to change everything about yourself in order to do so which is impossible. So here it is:

The main problem with "total opposition" are people like you.

That is politicians, political activists and columnists and voters who are living in a bubble and replaced deep analysis and logical thinking with some pieces of memorized poor quality propaganda and predictable conditioned responses [just like Pavlov's dogs].

Sure, PiS voters and activists are not much better than you but at least they have some skilled politicians on top, like Kaczynski, who knows how to play the game and how to steer the emotions into political gains.

As long as you won't be able to understand the reality as it, you will continue to lose. Which is fine with me because I disagree with virtually almost everything which you stand for.
PolAmKrakow  3 | 904
2 Jul 2020   #1790
Actually PiS raised alcohol taxes just last year, and they have proposed a tax on new televisions and technology. The past is the past. When will someone talk about the future? All the talk about what happened a decade ago is really nonsensical at this point. People who have no stake in the country or the future of the people who live here really should relax on the anti PO and anti PiS rhetoric. Its predictable and has no influence on the future.

I would employ someone who has proven themselves economically. No one gets the highest level jobs in economic policy making fresh out of university. I would love to see a person like Bill Gates in charge in Poland. Trump did pretty good for the US economy until the pandemic. While a lot of his policy was not friendly to the environment and was a little unconventional, it was successful.

If Duda doesnt show up for a debate he looks like a fool. No one wants a fool leading the country even if he is one with no balls anyway. The idea that a sitting president would back out of a debate is childish. This really shows how childish this president and his party are. Duda goes to the USA comes back with nothing, but wants to be seen as an equal or colleague of Trump, yet he wont debate? Think Trump would not debate Biden? No way he would back down from that. This is the dual personality disorder of PiS once again.
OP pawian  223 | 26984
2 Jul 2020   #1791
They should go ahead with the debate and put a puppet in his chair.

Or a monkey, like the one they were using to predict best investment in stocks - it did surprisingly well. So, if they find a clever monkey, it can perform even better than Duda himself. hahaha

The main problem with "total opposition" are people like you.

hahaha I feel really honoured.

Kaczynski, who knows how to play the game and how to steer the emotions into political gains.

That`s funny you praise the politician who is heavily criticised by your mates from Konfederacja for his political ganstership. Haven`t you considered dropping Konfederacja and affiliating yourself with PiS? Because right now you seem awfully torn between those two.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
2 Jul 2020   #1792
PiS = neo-PRL

I don't see that at all , did you live in Poland during PRL, not being Poish yourself I cannot see how you could understand those times and make any kind of constructive criticism or comparisons, you have no first hand experience , hearsay and what they might of taught you in university is of no use at all.
mafketis  38 | 11090
2 Jul 2020   #1793
you have no first hand experience

I did visit once but when I write that PiS = neo-PRL I'm saying what Polish people who lived in the PRL say...

Party run state TV that parrots the party line without even a pretense of objectivity,
appointment of incompetent party loyalists (see Pride of Poland, once an international brand and now in ruins),
increased centralization and concentration of power towards the tops of institutions
primacy of patronage and connections over merit

All straight from the PRL
OP pawian  223 | 26984
2 Jul 2020   #1794
increased centralization and concentration of power/primacy of patronage and connections over merit

Yes, I corroborate it.

Let`s add new ones or develop your ideas:

- a completely unneccessary and harmful return to communist education system
- not only PiS`s TV also Polish Radio
- return of censorship in PiS` media, "propaganda of success" and shocking attacks on the opposition
- your "patronage" was called nomenklatura back then - only trusted communists were appointed to important positions.
- the police detains people for expressing anti-PiS views
- no cheap apartments for young people
- many people still consider emigration as a better option for life

Thank you, PiS, for bringing back the atmosphere of those times. It seems you had missed them so much. hahahaha
PolAmKrakow  3 | 904
2 Jul 2020   #1795
Anyone remember this speech?

You know, things like when a government controls the press, and all branches of government you can not call that a democracy.......Hmmmmmm who said it and what do we have in Poland now? Strange how words can come back and haunt people.
cms neuf  1 | 1824
2 Jul 2020   #1796
And another key similarity between PiS and the PRL is that being boss of the party is a bigger job than being the elected president or prime minister - the voters are treated with contempt, though 50 percent of them are happy with it.

I think it's important that once PiS rule finishes - as it will one day - that Kaczynskis enablers in TVP, in the courts and in state owned businesses never work again and are treated as pariahs in polite society.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
2 Jul 2020   #1797
Here is what the author of the Konfederacja economic program, Sławomir Mentzen, said on TVP1, addressing those remarks to PiS:

- The PiS government is a real tragedy for the Polish economy. You have led to a stop and then to a reverse transformation of the Polish economy.

- We stopped moving towards the free market, we started to return to the PRL. You introduced us to the Greek path, leading to enormous social spending and high taxes. You kill entrepreneurship in people, you tell them that they should count on benefits instead of themselves.

Mntzen added that the present government "is killing honest entrepreneurs with taxes and ever new reporting obligations, and tells people that it is taking money from thieves. - I burst into laughter laughing when I hear Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki say that Andrzej Duda is the guarantor of the lack of tax increases. During these 4 years you have raised or introduced over 30 new taxes.

- Keep doing it if people want it. It is your voters who will lose the most in this policy in the long run. But damn it, don't lie that I praise or support these pathological and degenerate ideas - comcluded Sławomir Mentzen, chief economic adviser to Krzysztof Bosak, leader of the Konfederacja party.
PolAmKrakow  3 | 904
2 Jul 2020   #1798
Who was it that wanted an expert opinion on the economy? Mentzen said it better than I could have. That is a Polish expert. Truer words have not been spoken about the Polish economy during this election.
gumishu  15 | 6230
2 Jul 2020   #1799
Yes, we have just seen this cooling off, pardoning a paedophile. hahaha

you only read headlines or the sources you read conveniently omit important facts: - the important fact is that Duda pardoned the person because of the victims (who are now adult) clearly asked him to (it was a within-family matter)

Fear.... komuchy are notorious cowards....

Trzaskowski is equally scared of a debate in TVP - so?
Duda said he would join a debate if all of the main tv channels agree to run one
Lenka  5 | 3514
2 Jul 2020   #1800
it was a within-family matter)

So it's ok as long as one rapes his own daughter ? And she asked for it because they have to live under the same roof! Do you realise how easy it would be for him to manipulate her, threaten her etc. ?

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