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Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates

amiga500  5 | 1505
29 Jun 2020   #1681
their economic fecklessness come home to roost this summer...

What fecklessness? More of your handouts to useless poles spiel? The EU stimulus grants will kickstart the economy. Regardless they will have five years to get the country humming again post pandemic. Trashkowski will just snort coke under the chandelier and obstruct any economic initiatives in the hope this helps PO in five years.

I would never, under any circumstances vote for PiS who has zero economic plan

It was PiS economic policies towards company tax and campaign for poles to re-emigrate to Poland that led to your decision to move your business here. I'm sure you read the government site about this. And yet you condemn them, talk about biting the hand that feeds.! . PO just encouraged Poles to leave Poland with their stupid policies.
Spike31  3 | 1485
29 Jun 2020   #1682
The numbers they showed on TVN with those facts might surprise you

Nothing will surprise me on TVN

Spike's comment on that.

So, yes, my word about K.Bosak results:

The appetites, as always, were bigger but his result is overall satisfactory. At 6.75% he kept all the Konfederacja's followers: they have scored 7.6% in 2019 parliamentary elections but will lower voters turnout than in presidential elections so the absolute number of voters is very similar, at 1.3 mln. K.Bosak has scored ~50k more. Our voters and didn't get swallowed by more popular candidates like the backers of K-Kamysz and R. Biedron.

I'm content that both Konfederacja and K.Bosak have loyal and ideological electorate. We have to build those numbers up without compromising the overall quality of the supporters.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
29 Jun 2020   #1683
Wrong. It was USA economic policy and the States taxes that lead me to discover I could save money on corporate tax in Poland. It is Polish PiS ZUS policy that is making me consider moving the company to Slovakia. You have zero business acumen and understand nothing of economics.

EU stimulus has done ZERO for Poland economy. Record number of business closures, and unemployment will top 8% this month, not including the nearly one million Ukraine who have lost work because of business closure. Anyone preaching this economic EU recovery for Poland has no clue about economics or jobs.
amiga500  5 | 1505
29 Jun 2020   #1684
EU stimulus has done ZERO for Poland economy.

Thats because it has not begun yet. Mr economic expert. You are free to move your business to Slowakia PolPlasticKrakow, You do realise the same type of populist-nationalist government is in charge there, ideologically aligned with PiS right? Perhaps Germany or Belgium might be more suitable for you lolzo
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
29 Jun 2020   #1685
Ideology as in immigration etc, I am fine with. I actually support the immigration policy non Pole amiga500 with zero stake in the race. The EU money came in months ago you economic know nothing. It went to big business. You have no clue whats happening here. You dont see what people are going through. Duda capitalizes on uneducated and poor people lack of information and the ability to understand the bigger picture.

I am free to move my business anywhere. Thats true. I am also free to take those tax revenues to another location, along with those ZUS payments and those of my employees. So are other businesses, and I assure you, that people will look for better opportunity when these idiots raise ZUS again next year.

Some day this country will have to pay this debt, and what then? A vote for Duda is a vote for the past and not the future. Voting for PiS is voting against the futures of Polish children. Please argue with me how PiS has improved education and health care since they have been in office.
mafketis  38 | 11137
29 Jun 2020   #1686
You have no clue whats happening here. You dont see what people are going through

He knows what the party tells him and that's enough...
amiga500  5 | 1505
29 Jun 2020   #1687
EU money came in months ago you economic know nothing. It went to big business

That was from the Polish budget, thanks to PiS strong economic stewardship and cracking down on PO tax fraud and scandals. The the shield stimulus stage 1 to 5 also went to small business , just not your american friends illegal brothels and toilet cleaning scams employing illegal Ukrainians. We had to draw the line somewhere. The Slowakian Goverment just got elected this year, if you don't think they will follow Poland and Hungarian economic policies well, you are in for a unpleasant suprise. :)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
29 Jun 2020   #1688
economic mismanagement....

ROFL!! economic mismangement... so that's what they're calling 4-5% YoY GDP growth since 2015??? Not to mention government debt to gdp DECREASED under PiS...
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
29 Jun 2020   #1689
Buddy you are delusional. You have no idea what the shield money went to. People who I know are still waiting for money promised to them almost 4 months ago. All you trolls who dont even live in Poland really should be ashamed of yourselves. Tax fraud? Really? You mean the VAT scams that were paid by the EU and not Poland? Do you even understand how the tax system is set up here? "We" who is we? Because you dont even live here. You have zero at stake here.

@Dirk diggler
I respect your opinion on a lot of things, but the GDP inflation was largely due to American influence. If Poland becomes "unfriendly" to American business interests, tax and ZUS wise, the GDP will go in the toilet over night. I wonder what GDP looks like this year and for the next few years. Projections from experts for Poland are not good at all.

The question is, will Poland follow the EU lead and keep Americans out when the border reopens in two days or will Duda and PiS show some ball$ and go against the EU. This will tell us who PiS really is.
amiga500  5 | 1505
29 Jun 2020   #1690

Interesting spread of support across Duda and Trash in different regions around the world. Good to see the Polams and Can-Poles and Brits and Irish Poles remaining Patriotic. The polak EU apparatchik traitors in Brussels are no surprise. However am surprised PO support in Asian countries, I guess these are poles working for multinational companies. Next time I am in Prague will abuse some of these traitor poles. If anyone finds the results from Australia please post here but think will be similar to USA.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
29 Jun 2020   #1691
switching so that the flaws of one way of doing things don't get too institutionalized.

That sounds very interesting but too smart an idea for any politicians to take on board.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
29 Jun 2020   #1692
Trzaskowski is going to take over 70% of them, that is 1,866,900‬. And 30% for A. Duda, that is ~800 000

What makes you think Duda will get 30% from Hołownia voters? You should have read these polls:,wybory-2020-kogo-w-ii-turze-popra-wyborcy-szymona-holowni
So, Duda will collect from 7 to 17%.

that's not enough to make him win an election in a place like Poland.

Today, yes. But in 5 years` time, he will win. Read my lips. hahaha

so that's what they're calling 4-5% YoY GDP growth since 2015???

They only took advantage of world`s prosperity, that`s all. Nothing great on PiS` part.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
29 Jun 2020   #1693
ut the GDP inflation was largely due to American influence.

Dude the USA account for less than 3% of Polish exports. Holland, Czech Republic and Russia are all bigger trading partners to Poland than USA. USA is only valuable to Poland in terms of military and geopolitics as a counterweight to Russia and the Brussels Eurocrates, but the two simply don't have all that much of an economic relationship.

Poland doesn't give a crap about being "unfriendly" to US businesses they're more concerned about attracting EU and Asian businesses. They'll make a few grand gestures, as Poles tend to do, like overpay for US gas to make Trump more likely to move US troops from Germany to Poland. But as far as US-Polish business aside from a few international corporations that are just about in every country in the world anyway it's not going to make much difference to Dell or IBM or Accenture whether ZUS costs a few extra zloty for the engineers or customer service reps they have in Poland and are already getting for far cheaper than in the west.

They only took advantage of world`s prosperity, that`s all. Nothing great on PiS` part.

Still more than PO managed to do...

Poles simply don't trust PO after they cozied up to the Eurocrats and wanted to flood the country full of turd worlders. Now they're supporting fag marriage and giving jews money for ww2? Yeah that's going too far for most Poles...
OP pawian  224 | 27236
29 Jun 2020   #1694
PiS will die with JK. Sooner would be better than later for the country.

And then Poles will party in streets like Brits after Margaret Thatcher`s death. This will be new Polish lay tradition. :):)
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
29 Jun 2020   #1695
Brits after Margaret Thatcher`s death.

And look at the $hit hole Britain has since become, do you really want Poland to be like Britain, France or Germany please let us know .
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
29 Jun 2020   #1696
@Dirk diggler
Dirk do you need a reading comprehension class? I said "American influence" I didnt say American purchasing. Poland gives a big crap about USA business, clearly you havent been here in a while.

Troops from Germany arent going to Poland, Trump already said so. Lets not brag about Trump being "pro Poland" in one thread and say the US doesnt mean much to Poland in another. The US military is everything to Poland. Fort Trump was Duda's idea, and Trump is reported to have said it was a funny idea. Funny. Not serious. Without the USA military, Russia is over the border in short order, no doubt making some people here happy.

Without the USA military, US business is not in Poland. If you want to support PiS, just do so with some facts. Someone please show me some facts, some policy other than stone age absolutely stupid policy to advance a social agenda that JK thinks intelligent people dont understand. Someone please so me one policy that will move Poland forward, and not rely on EU handouts, or taxing and ZUSing the $__* out of the few smart business people in the country.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
29 Jun 2020   #1697
do you really want Poland to be like Britain, France or Germany please let us know .

Of course, I do. Why shouldn`t I? For now, it is Poles who emigrate en mass to those countries, not the opposite direction. 1 million Poles in GB and not going to come back. Why not the other way round - 1 million Brits in Poland?

When Poland is fully Western, the emigration outflow will stop.

Isn`t it obvious?

PS. Duda was mostly voted for by low education people - primary or vocational school. Are you one of them? hahaha
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
29 Jun 2020   #1698
Polish emigration is already at a record low because Poland is doing so well. There isn't a need to move to the Jewnited Snakes of America, United Kaliphate or Germanistan for work like 10 20 years ago. Now its Ukrainians coming to work the low wage jobs in Poland while many Poles move back with the wealth they made abroad.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
29 Jun 2020   #1699
When Poland is fully Western

You have no idea of what you have in this country, Poland is more free with more opportunity today than the countries that you look up to as models.

Emigration is slowing up business is moving in but this takes time , there will be those (few) highly skilled that go abroad for a quick buck (as I did) , nothing wrong or new in that, thing is to make it easy for them to come home to Poland and spend their cash, low skilled majority should be left in the uk to help with crops old people and such like.

Yes we need to tempt more Skilled successful Poles back from GB , BUT we do not need anymore LLLLOOOOSSSER low paid English teacher type Brits fighting and competing with Poles for a few jobs in Poland , we need a points system for post Brexit UK migration to Poland.

Tell me Who should I vote for ??
Lenka  5 | 3531
29 Jun 2020   #1700
These are really interesting elections. It's amazing to see how many people want to vote. Finally increase in interest in election. Apparently Polonia in UK rushed to their computers today with 35 000 people registering to vote in the second round. That is more than all the voters in USA...
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
29 Jun 2020   #1701
Polonia in UK rushed

Any idea who the majority voted for ?
OP pawian  224 | 27236
29 Jun 2020   #1702
Tell me Who should I vote for ??

I can`t tell you that. :) But I can tell you my preferences.

I will vote for an independent strong president. Yes, Trzaskowski belongs to PO but he is able to leave it behind and become the President of all Poles (except those worst PiS hardliners or nationalists but they are incorrigible anyway.)

While Duda has always been a puppet and ballpen who isn`t able to exist politically without Jarosłąw Kaczyński and other PiS minions supporting him.

The latest example : Duda refuses to participate in another TV debate unless it is held in PiS` TV. The previous debate in state TV was fixed to bring down Trzaskowski and promote Duda (he knew the questions), yet he wasn`t able to give a good show. He knows a debate in independent TV would be a disaster for him - unfortunately, he can`t take Kaczyński to it. hahahaha
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
29 Jun 2020   #1703
I find Polish Politics interesting but predictable and not something that I will bother myself with , Poland will be ok whomever gets in.

I always thought British politics were a joke , and look at the state of the country now.

I will leave it to you experts to thrash things out and keep Poland on the right track.

hey look three sentences that start with I must be a record for me.

P.S your English is excellent , Poland has talent.
Lazarus  3 | 365
29 Jun 2020   #1704
British politics were a joke , and look at the state of the country now.

Cause leads to effect?
OP pawian  224 | 27236
29 Jun 2020   #1705
Biedron and KK are complete disasters -

Kosiniak Kamysz is shattered by his low results and has withdrawn from public appearances for a while. He had worked hard during the campaign but the outcome proved so insignificant. Sorry, Torq, I pity both of you.

KK`s depression
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
29 Jun 2020   #1706
KK`s depression

Yeah does Poland need a depressive as president, do politicians in Poland undertake psychological testing in the same way as truck drivers or gun owners ???? maybe they should before they shoot the country in the foot.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
29 Jun 2020   #1707
Poland will be ok whomever gets in.

That`s true, in the long run, Poland will survive. But I regret the cost of it - PIS has been exploiting and even proudly promoting the worst standards in politics and other spheres of life. Instead of teaching people decent ways, we will have to make up for the evil done today for decades after PiS passes.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
29 Jun 2020   #1708
promoting the worst standards

Take it from me all Politicians do that.
30 Jun 2020   #1709
I will leave it to you experts to thrash things out and keep Poland on the right track.

Politicians are experts in politics, not running the country. The most important thing is not to allow them unfettered power, that why I always vote for the opposition, to keep the slimy scum up control and force them to remember their subservient position. Someone needs to watch politicians and stop them being excessive.

Polonia in UK rushed to their computers today with 35 000 people registering to vote in the second round.

Including my wife who has shown zero interest in voting until now. She doesn't like the anti-gay rubbish.
30 Jun 2020   #1710
Any idea who the majority voted for ?

With only 18% of votes counted so far, Trzaskowski 47.9 %, Hołownia 18,6%, Duda 15,1%

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