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Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates

Crow  154 | 9463
18 Jun 2020   #1321
Duda: 45%
Biedroń: 39%

Brat Biedron is in connection to Biedronka?
mafketis  38 | 11137
18 Jun 2020   #1322
Yes, they named the chain after him. Everyone knows that.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
18 Jun 2020   #1323
Clearly you dont know American politics. Trump openly compliments Putin as a strong leader. Putin helped get Trump in office.

Family values is the anti or not supportive LGBTQ rhetoric, I get it, and dont care if they get support or not. I prefer to not make it an issue because its a personal issue not political. I like the PiS views and stance on immigration. It was very difficult as an American to get residency and I have money. Why should Poland be forced to accept third world people? They shouldnt.

But PiS has zero economic clout, and have pissed all over small business. They have no clue what they are doing and will drive Poland into a depression not seen since the Russians left.
amiga500  5 | 1505
18 Jun 2020   #1324
will drive Poland into a depression not seen since the Russians left.

You should take some happy pills, That paranoia can't be good for your health. Budka and KKK admitted on Sejm microphone that Coronavirus Stimulus bill was really strong and most PiS could do. You think PO will do more for small business? Keep Dreaming
Lenka  5 | 3531
18 Jun 2020   #1325
I prefer to not make it an issue because its a personal issue not political.

That is BS. It's no more personal than inheritance laws, tax laws etc
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
18 Jun 2020   #1326
I dont care what a politician said. The facts are that small business got nothing. The Shield was like holding wax paper in front of a machine gun. A joke.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 Jun 2020   #1327
Looking around, it's clear that Duda's campaign is faltering. There's a lot of critical opinions across the political spectrum for the mess that was the debate last night, but perhaps more importantly, even with three out of the five questions being related directly to Duda's campaign, he really struggled. He's alienating voters in the centre, and "too much" is being thrown around a lot.

Part of me wonders if this isn't Kurski's revenge for Duda getting rid of him a couple of months ago.
mafketis  38 | 11137
18 Jun 2020   #1328
Kurski's revenge

Pay back is a b|t©h!

As much as I relish the idea of the PiS bottom feeders turning on and devouring each other.... I think it's more down to more people getting sick of PiS and their cack-handed incompetence, a bad campaign (again it was Szydło that made him president) and the fact that in 2015 he was the hunter... now he's the game.
Crow  154 | 9463
18 Jun 2020   #1329
Yes, they named the chain after him. Everyone knows that.

Then this could be signal that magnates of Poland stand behind Biedron. This is how Trump came to power. Trump himself is a businessman. Not on the level of magnat that belongs to the inner, richest, circle but, suitable enough to be supported. At the same time, it does not mean that he represents the sole interests of the richest. No, it just means that magnates only support politics that one needs to pursue. If it is in their long term interest they are very capable to play in the favor of a small man.

I mean, it could be that. But, one cant be sure.
mafketis  38 | 11137
18 Jun 2020   #1330
Then this could be signal that magnates of Poland stand behind Biedron.

For once..... I agree with you

, it does not mean that he represents the sole interests of the richest. No

Of course not!

Trump himself is a businessman

Considering the relative sizes of Poland and the US..... then Biedroń and his supermarket chain are far more impressive than Trump and his hotels and real estate deals

Biedronka will be the beacon that unites slavdom! It already employs a number of Ukrainians!

biedronka ad
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 Jun 2020   #1331
Marcin Palade is giving Duda a lead of only 108,000 votes among "old" voters in the second round.

This means that Trzaskowski has (on the basis of the 2015 election) has to gain 5.1% more "new" votes than Duda to win, or realistically, he has to win 52.6-47.4% among those new voters.

What's crucial: Bosak's electorate according to Palade is split three ways. They're going 38-34% in favour of Trzaskowski with the rest abstaining - a terrible result for Duda. It seems that the plan to pick up Bosak's electorate has backfired very badly.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
18 Jun 2020   #1332
It seems that the plan to pick up Bosak's electorate has backfired very badly.

Bosak's people are aware that PiS would be happy to devour Konfederacja on a first occasion. That's why they say they would not support Duda in the second round. It is the essence of poseł Dziambor's comment for Rzeczpospolita. It is not what Amiga500 says: that Dziabor only represents a faction within Konfederacja. When they say their supporters should abstain from the second tour, they actully mean them staying at home rather than voting for Duda. They will obviously not go that far as to support Trzaskowski in the second round. Konfederacja leaves the choice to their voters and their most obvious choice would be staying at home if their leader tells them not to support any of the contenders.

The 38-34% in favour of Trzaskowski only shows how disgusted they are with PiS and their run for a one-party state in Poland. I think Konfedercja's long-term strategy is to take away as many more rightist voters as they can from PiS and convince them to support Konfederacja. It is another reason for not voting Duda in the second round, so as not to strenghten PiS.

Another option which they might consider would be PiS offering them positions in the government in case they support Duda.and Duda wins. PiS could have then thrown out Gowin and his Porozumienie or whatever it is called and adopt Bosak in his place. But this scenario is less likely in my view.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 Jun 2020   #1333
I completely agree with you. It's worth adding that for Duda, Konfederacja supporters staying at home is effectively a vote against him.

One scenario that keeps being mentioned is that for Konfederacja, there's nothing to gain from Duda as President. If he loses, PiS will find it difficult to govern, and they might prefer to call fresh elections to try and achieve two aims. The first aim would be to try and regain the Senate, and the second would be to try and gain enough seats with Konfederacja to overturn the veto.

In this scenario, Konfederacja would be major winners. They could dictate key policy points to PiS without having to govern, all for agreeing to overturn presidential vetoes.

Of course, PiS could lose parliamentary elections, but Konfederacja are predicted to gain around 20 seats in any fresh election, so it's a win for them regardless.

If Duda wins, what do they get? Almost nothing. PiS have no intention of carrying out their policies, and they could easily fizzle out after 3.5 years as a small party, just as K'15, Ruch Palikota and others did.
Crow  154 | 9463
18 Jun 2020   #1334
For once..... I agree with you

For once? You know that Crow knows.

I told already. World is segmented on info segments, in sense that people that live in one segment, on a given teritory, receive only limited amount of info. Can't you admit at least to yourself that Serbia belongs to teritory that is intersection of much more info segnents then Poland?

I just follow signals.

Biedronka will be the beacon that unites slavdom!

Possible. But follow signals. Did Biedronka invested in Serbia already. It did not. So? In other words, Biedronka did not step out from smaller segment of info where is Poland and still did not enter in Serbia's, bigger, info segment.

Corey Lewandowski did talk to Serbian inner circle magnates, then he invested and invest. So he made deal. Did Biedron made deal with Serbs? Well, maybe he did if in contact with Corey, with Polonia. But he did not invest in Serbia and we don't see signal. Now, you may say why we need signal? But for major event we need signal. How else to influence masses of people. People follow signals.

No major event in Slavdom without Serbia. Its result of intersection of interests in Serbia. Same reason that Serbs receive more information then Poles.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
19 Jun 2020   #1335
Brat Biedron could strengthen pan Slav unity by filling his shelves with the best Serbian products - kajmak and rakija.
mafketis  38 | 11137
19 Jun 2020   #1336
I've seen Ajvar there! And even Ćevapčići or maybe... kebabche.... so it begins...
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
19 Jun 2020   #1337
I really don't understand why the ranting on brat Lewandowski's conections to Serbia or brat Biedroń's links with Biedronka (which is a Portugese rather than a Sarmatian enterprise) has been left in this thread, a thred which has a very precise title that has nothing to do either with either brat Lewandowski in the context of Serbia or brat Biedroń in the context of the store chain Biedronka.

Many posts are constantly being removed from threads under much less trivial pretexts, but this one happily stays on.
Lazarus  3 | 365
19 Jun 2020   #1338
brat Biedroń's links with Biedronka

Biedron is to Biedronka what law and justice are to PiS.
mafketis  38 | 11137
19 Jun 2020   #1339

Czemu chcesz zepsuć zabawę? Follow the dream of brat Biedroń..

sarmation biedroń
Ironside  50 | 12916
19 Jun 2020   #1340
He would prefer

Nah , you are a lobbyist for Russia.

Georgette Mosbacher needs to know her place.

Nah again. Those who are in charge in Poland should know their place. WTF they are doing listening to some clueless harlot? It is on them PIS and Morawiecki.

They are dependent on the American military

They are morons, In fact they are not depending on anything. Poland is a part of the NATO and nothing in that military agreement say anything about some American idiots right to chose type and color of Poles underwear. That is not their bussies and they should stay out of it.

If anything American companies are making billions dollars in Poland. So, if not for mental inaptitude of Poland's sorry leadership they could and should told that woman to keep her lectures for her kitchen staff as that the place where she might have something of value to add.

can't simultaneously affect attitudes of 'none of your business!' and 'please protect us!' (and be taken seriously)

They have wrong attuite that is correct. But again you overestimate that woman. She is nothing. the context is everything.
Crow  154 | 9463
19 Jun 2020   #1341
why the ranting on brat Lewandowski's conections to Serbia or brat Biedroń's links with Biedronka

If brat Ironside asked such a question I would understand. He is strictly in his info segment and becoming hostile when receive info from another segments. But you, dobri brate, its surprise.

Look. People here told me brat Biedron is behind Biedronka. Now we analyze him. If by any means you can establish link between brats Lewandowski and Biedron, it can help a lot. I am curious how strongly are connected magnates of Poland and Polonia. If brat Biedron don`t have connection even to Polonia, how he can hope to become link to magnates of other Slavic countries. See? That is how we concluding is brat Biedron fake or real possibility.

So, can you remember that brat Biedron ever mentioned Polonia and in which context?

Nah , you are a lobbyist for Russia.

Ah, always vigilant brat Iron. But you have a point. If Russia is capable to control elections in USA, as Obama and Hilary says, imagine what Russia doing in Poland. One is never careful enough.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
19 Jun 2020   #1342
Exactly - svetoid surowki and szlacheta ogorki can only go so far in promoting the pan Slav project - what we need is a union of slav speaking grocers stretching from the Black Sea to the Baltic.
Crow  154 | 9463
19 Jun 2020   #1343
I love the idea. And I doing my part. Since evil EU introduced sanction on Russia, I eat Polish apples in enormous quantity. I even giving them to my parrot and guinea pig. My hamster loved it, too, during his short life.
amiga500  5 | 1505
19 Jun 2020   #1344
If Duda wins, what do they get? Almost nothing

And how do you know PiS and Konfederacja are not talking right now? and discussing the future relationship? hence Bosak's evisceration of PO on Polsat News..
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 Jun 2020   #1345
Of course they're talking, all parties talk to each other.

It's always possible that Konfederacja will do a deal to endorse Duda in exchange for something - anything is possible in politics.

But again, do you see Bosak being dumb enough to endorse Duda without having the concessions in place first? Konfederacja have been cheated by PiS on numerous occasions, so why would they trust them?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
19 Jun 2020   #1346
Konfederacja have been cheated by PiS

Not only Konfederacja for that matter. Remember that JK is a very skillful player in politics, so you always have to look over your shoulder while making a deal with him.
Lenka  5 | 3531
19 Jun 2020   #1347
As usual the church has to put it's fingers in elections.

Basically at the PM request the episcopate send a letter to all people on missions about the election and to protect the heritage etc.
Why on earth would they do that? It's plain stupid. It will put more centrist voters away even more. Hołownia is using it already.

As to deals Bosak denies any deals behind the scene

To be fair it makes sense. They are new entity and will gain more by being independent than by some shady deals
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
19 Jun 2020   #1348
American companies are not making "billions" of dollars in Poland. Maybe millions, but not billions. They are spending money here which saves them from spending money on higher waged employees in the USA. Thats about it. It takes one new level of corporate taxation on foreign income to end everything the USA companies are doing here.

Yes, Poland is a member of NATO. And just who is NATO without the USA? Its not much. There is a reason they are up Trump's a$$ for the military base. Because without it, they have accomplished nothing with the USA. The USA though has said NO to being on the Russian border where Poland wants the base, so this makes PiS look not only stupid, but weak. Does Duda or JK really think Trump or the USA want to antagonize Putin on behalf of Poland? No way.

Its funny to drive through Silesia now, and see only a handful of Duda signs from Opole, Chorzow to Katowice. They are screwed in Silesia, and they totally miscalculated how they handled the coal mines.

Think Konfederacja isn't talking to both sides? Of course they are. They have a lot to gain by aligning with the group who will be flexible and work with them. This sets them up for the future if they play it right.
mafketis  38 | 11137
19 Jun 2020   #1349
American companies are not making "billions" of dollars in Poland. Maybe millions, but not billions

Many people oriented toward life in the PRL really don't understand how thin margins are in most businesses....

If someone buys 500 zl worth of clothes in a foreign owned store they actually think that that's 500 zl leaving Poland.... economic illiterates is what they are.

Oh and PiS is planning mass lay offs after the second round.... so not only have they totally failed smaller business owners with their tarcze they're just hankering to massively increase the unemployment numbers....
Spike31  3 | 1485
19 Jun 2020   #1350
Konfederacja would be major winners. They could dictate key policy points to PiS

Now we're talking. Sure, that would be an optimal solution which I suggested on PF when the party was created in Dec 2018. It's somewhat modelled on Fidesz-Jobbik dynamics in Hungary.

The thing is that that PiS could find a common voice with Konfederacja on some ideological platform like:

- anti militant LGBT propaganda

- anti multikulti agenda

- judicial reforms, where two parties argue about the details but not about the need for those reforms

but not on the other which revolves around economy and personal freedoms like:

- capitalism instead of socialism in the economy

- tax laws

- liberal gun laws

- Polonization of the economy in form of Polish private capital takeovers not nationalization by state.

Among PiS MEPs there are some conservatists but there are also some totalitarian minded fossils who would not be out of place in Lewica or any other left wing party. All of them, more or less, are being held in place by Kaczynski who likes to model himself on J. Pilsudski. And Marshal Pilsudski wasn't himself a full-fledged conservatist.

To be fair it makes sense. They are new entity and will gain more by being independent than by some shady deals

Kondederacja doesn't have political structures as large as the other political parties (yet) but it does have an integrity, a very rare commodity in politics.

PS: Who would have taugh that Konfederacja will find its advocates in form of an old Scottish unionist and a young Polish feminist ;-)

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