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Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
1 May 2020   #571
where are they getting money from?

From the EU of course... Now whether the amount of money intended for said farmers actually reaches them is another story. Farmers tend to get some subsidies anyways and a special health insurance.
Spike31  3 | 1485
2 May 2020   #572
I'm glad that we've came back to discussing upcoming elections. People were so fixated over trendy virus in a last 2 months.

Arguing about politics, now that's a definition of normality :-)
Atch  22 | 4299
2 May 2020   #573
Well, do you have anything of value to contribute to the discussion?
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
2 May 2020   #574

I really don't think you can see how loaded some of your posts are.
To me, your post implies that Spike has nothing to contribute unless he can prove otherwise.
To me, and I may be wrong, that sounds like a loaded question.
Spike31  3 | 1485
2 May 2020   #575
@Atch, of course I do.

PiS have outmaneuvered the dummies in "total opposition" (POKO), who prayed for the trendy virus to arrive in Poland in false hopes that this will help them to gain a few extra points before the elections. Right now the presidential candidate from POKO - whose only "political quality" is that she is a woman - has a single digit result acording to the newest opinion poll.

At the same time PiS have overcooked the quarantine and people are tired of this nonsense. That's why they're pressing fo May elections - in spite of upholding restrictions - because they're afraid that PiS, and A.Duda may lose vox populi due to upcoming economic crisis. A. Duda is still leading with a result of over 50% acording to survey.

Konfederacja didn't fall into that trap with G. Braun lecturing PiS leaders in a parliament not only about quaratine but also about JUST 447 and also their stance on abortion. The popularity of Konfederacja's candidate - Krzysztof Bosak from National Movement - is growing and he has 3rd best result among candidates*.

It needs to be taken into account that most Poles, including me, don't want to participate in postal elections and prefer to have a normal elections in the summer. Poles are showing a middle finger to the government in a healthy response to a ridiculous trendy virus restrictions imposed on them.

The current political situation in Poland regarding upcoming presidential elections may be too nuanced to be understood by a foreigner or even an expat living in Poland I'm afraid. It is very interesting though.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 May 2020   #576
The popularity of Konfederacja's candidate - Krzysztof Bosak from National Movement - is growing

He was made to look like a fool by Sikorski, and his popularity is sitting at 7% despite actively campaigning.

About the only good thing we can say about Konfederacja is that they've publicly pledged not to sell out to PiS regarding the upcoming vote in the Sejm. We'll see if they really hold, or if they'll give PiS the four votes they need.
Ironside  50 | 12928
2 May 2020   #577
He was made to look like a fool by Sikorski,

He wasn't.
Spike31  3 | 1485
2 May 2020   #578
He was made to look like a fool by Sikorski

Ah yes, a fallen MEP and a husband of his wife. He came in angry and uninvited and started lecturing the others around him to put on the muzzle (dust mask). K.Bosak has still invited him to a debate.

Sure, why not. It adds to his credibility as a presidential candidate and will get more exposure in media. Especially since Sikorski has made a fool of himself claiming that "the EU doesn't impose directives on its members"...
jon357  72 | 23482
2 May 2020   #579
and his popularity is sitting at 7% despite actively campaigning.

Bosak is pure comedy, the Roderick Spode of Poland. Now Sikorski is a man of vision; rapier sharp intelligence, broad outlook, not tainted by excessive nationalism and politically centre-right. His book, The Polish House, is very worth reading.

Ex-Bullingdon too, though we won't hold that against him.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 May 2020   #580
the EU doesn't impose directives on its members"...

He's not lying - EU hasn't done jack **** to Warsaw for all the things they complained about - being "undemocratic" and "authoritarian," that they're not following the constitution, not following green reforms especially with coal, logging forests and especially the migrant crisis and court reforms. All talk, zero action. They're writing checks that their ass can't cash.

What happened after all of the Eurocrats howling? Poland getting billions of dollars.
Atch  22 | 4299
3 May 2020   #581
presidential elections may be too nuanced to be understood by a foreigner or even an expat l

There is nothing nuanced about Polish politics. In Polish society everything is either 'something' or 'nie something' and nothing in between.
Ironside  50 | 12928
3 May 2020   #582
There is nothing nuanced about Polish politics.

It proves you don't get it!lol!

Bosak is pure comedy, the Roderick Spode of Poland.

BS as per usual. Why don't you and sell some more of your weed Mr Highhorse. lol!

Now Sikorski is a man of vision

I'm sure he has manty visions but not even one is good for Poland.
Spike31  3 | 1485
3 May 2020   #583
EU hasn't done jack **** to Warsaw for all the things they complained about

You're talking about current times, I'm talking about a general rule since Poland has joined in the EU in 2004. Not always we had a government which was defiant against the EU. And even the current one is only defiant regarding some issues and accepts the rest (since when it comes to the economy they're socialists at heart).

For example: Poland, or any other EU country, cannot have death penalty because it's against the "EU values". So even if the majority of Polish population would agree to it and majority of MEPs would vote in favor we still cannot do it.

Another thing is that the EU members cannot completely decide about their own taxing system because there's an established mandatory VAT standard rate at 15% for all the members. This cannot be changed by a country, it comes form the outside.

not following green reforms especially with coal

Yes, I have to give it to PiS government that they've negotiated a special clause for Poland but valid only for 5 years till 2025. It still feels like negotiating with a thief and making an agreement that's going to mug you sometime in the future instead of right now. Hopefully, by the 2025 we'll have a new government with a much prominent presence of Konfederacja in Polish parliament which has much tougher stance towards the EU.

Some EU countries needs to buy an extra emission allowances from other countries which produce nuclear energy "just because". It's basically a hefty fine imposed on countries with a more obsolete energy sector by those who had time and money to swap it over the decades. I call it a sucker tax

And yes, fortunately, the EU countries still have power of veto which they can used in self-defense. The "EU core" has tried to change that and replace it with a simple majority vote but it failed. Had it passed those would be grim times.

There is nothing nuanced about Polish politics

There is. You just have a different cultural sensitivity.
jon357  72 | 23482
3 May 2020   #584
but not even one is good for Poland.

And an isolationist far-right government is??

I notice that the two posters promoting a far-right candidate both live outside Poland, happy to enjoy the benefits of plural societies whose values they'd like to deny Poland.

your weed

What weed is that?
Lenka  5 | 3526
3 May 2020   #585
If that was the case they could leave the EU and have their beloved death penalty. The problem for you is that that is not the case which is shown here:

Not always we had a government which was defiant against the EU.

Those were chosen by Polish people so it seems that is what was ok with them

new government with a much prominent presence of Konfederacja in Polish parliament

LOL Do you seriously believe that will happen? They will jump from 'barely visible' to 'major player' in few years?
Spike31  3 | 1485
3 May 2020   #586
@Lenka, Konfederacja has jumped from "non existent before Dec 2018" to 11 MEPS in the Polish parliament in 2019. And K.Bosak is a 3rd most popular presidential candidate according to the newest opinion polls.,nId,4469413
Crow  154 | 9525
4 May 2020   #587
When I deeply contemplate, I must say that I don`t like Duda. He may be master of trickery or not, but I don`t like him.
Lenka  5 | 3526
4 May 2020   #588
Konfederacja has jumped from "non existent before Dec 2018" to 11 MEPS in the Polish parliament in 2019.

Even I they doubled their support it would be around SLD which is (sadly for me :) ) hardly a major player.
And as you know yourself this presidential elections are hardly representative. The situation on the country is too weird.

If PiS collapses ( which probably will happen at some point, after the death of Kaczynski at the latest ) and Konfederacja plays smart they might gain but in my opinion it's their only option.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
4 May 2020   #589
but in my opinion it's their only option.

A lot depends on PiS continuing to tolerate them as well. If Gowin breaks their majority, it's very conceivable that some people from Konfederacja will jump. Winnicki, Korwin-Mikke and Braun won't, but it's easy to imagine how Bosak would be convinced to jump in exchange for a very fat salary for his wife.

The interesting thing about Bosak for me is that he's actually at his strongest when he ignores the anti-EU, anti-gay rhetoric and focuses on business/people's issues. He got flattened by Sikorski because his arguments simply didn't stand up to any examination, but that was on a topic where he could never win against a vastly superior opponent. If he stuck to core issues such as the diabolical delays in paying out support from ZUS/other institutions, he would be on a winner.
kondzior  11 | 1026
5 May 2020   #590
I still hope on Kaczyński loosing his patience, and deciding to follow in Piłsudski's footsteps:

and we will witness The Second May Coup. The date is about right.
And then, the second Sanacja. And the Golden Age of Poland.
5 May 2020   #591
I still hope on Kaczyński loosing his patience, and deciding to follow in Piłsudski's footsteps

PolAmKrakow  2 | 860
5 May 2020   #592

You are joking about Kaczyński and the Golden Age of Poland right? The Potato is a joke in global circles of politics, and Poland is loosing respect in the global community for how this election is being handled.
Spike31  3 | 1485
5 May 2020   #593
The Potato is a joke in global circles of politics

I understand that you know closely those global circles of politics. Why wouldn't you share some insider info with us? :-)

I disagree with political direction of PiS but for different reasons than "young, educated, from big cities" or rather "young educated fools often with aspirations bigger than their talents who are trying to be worldly". They them that they are trendy and very modern and those fools will give away their last pair of pants just to please you.

PiS opponents criticize them for being "too radical" in foreign politics. I think they are not radical enough. And by radical I mean standing by the national interest in spite of those who criticize that stance.

PiS opponents criticize them for being "far right" and I point out that they're centrists/centre-right with socialist tendencies in economy. If you're looking for a true right wing, conservative formation look no further that at Konfederacja.

and Poland is loosing respect in the global community for how this election is being handled.

The so called "global community" doesn't give a damn about upcoming elections in Poland. Only those countries and organizations who are directly very interested in changing things in Poland in their favor are engaged in that political battle called elections.
kondzior  11 | 1026
5 May 2020   #594
respect in the global community

The "global community" is a joke, and not even the good one, funny kind.
Crow  154 | 9525
5 May 2020   #596
I still hope on Kaczyński loosing his patience, and deciding to follow in Piłsudski's footsteps

I also hope

And then, the second Sanacja. And the Golden Age of Poland.

You need Balkan Serbs for Golden Age. Not just some Serbs but particularly Balkan Serbs. Brat Pilsudski knew that.

And we are content (because we know finances goes to us anyway) to see Poland how lead but, to lead one must have desire to lead and, even most importantly, to be able to act.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 May 2020   #597
The "global community" is a joke, and not even the good one, funny kind.

Couldnt of said it better. Poles dont give a **** about what the "global comminity" thinks of them. They have their own things to worry about.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 860
5 May 2020   #598
The do care what the USA thinks. And the USA is now starting to talk about how elections are being handled.

Dont get me wrong, I agree with PiS policy on immigration, and many of their other nationalistic positions. But their economic policy and fiscal management will break Poland eventually. The right hand is Republican and the left is Democratic. Really a split personality.
mafketis  38 | 11127
5 May 2020   #599
the USA is now starting to talk about how elections are being handled

The current US Ambassador to Poland has been making statements in defense of the non-PiS controlled media... I'd have thought that was worth mentioning, but.... who would? The Brits don't care and hardly any sane Americans are left here...
Crow  154 | 9525
5 May 2020   #600
And then, the second Sanacja. And the Golden Age of Poland.

You also need `Sarmatism` as way of thinking, to allow yourself to take Polish ethnicity as part of bigger meta-ethnicity (ie Slavic, ie Sarmatian/Serbian) and then also you can think of Polish ethnicity as meta-ethnicity to all essential ethnicities that are part of Polish national being today (Polani tribe just prevailed among other Sarmatian tribes on one limited territory). You then need national Polish Catholic Church same way as function Polish Orthodox Church. It is good so you contain element of globalism within Christianity and such a containment isn`t for religious but political aspect of Christianity and that way you protect your own ethnic ways.

You need to convince others you are worthy and be able to lead. You need that you look on yourself as worthy.

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