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Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates

mafketis  38 | 11137
3 Apr 2020   #481
JK is ordering Poles to go to elections despite the raging pandemia.

Actually now he's trying to make the entire election by mail (enabling massive fraud?) and maybe endangering letter carriers?

No ethics beyond trying to cling onto power for his obedient puppet.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
3 Apr 2020   #482
They are able to do anything, even commit the worst crime like genocide to keep power. I have always known about it and never supported those murderous maniacs.
mafketis  38 | 11137
3 Apr 2020   #483
They are ever more shameless!

My idea is that they're floating this even worse idea in order to make their terrible, awful mail-vote idea look less horrible in comparison.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
3 Apr 2020   #484
The opposition would be stupid to agree to that. PiS cheated on them too many times in the past. In PiS we trust? - no way!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
3 Apr 2020   #485
They are ever more shameless!

My idea is that they're floating this even worse idea

Actually, the idea of a prolongation of the presidential term from 5 to 7 years has been put forward by PiS's coalition partner, Jarosław Gowin. He declined to support PiS's proposal for postal voting in the Selm, so the bill wouldn't have had any chance to be passed. Instead, he proposed this new length of the term for presidency, adding at the same time that such a term should be final, so president Andrzej Duda (and others after him) would not be able to run for another term.

Whether this proposal is only a trick on behalf of the Zjednoczona Prawica (PiS and allies) remains to be seen, but in my view it is a genuine idea of Jaroslaw Gowin, a former PO politician.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
3 Apr 2020   #486
My idea is that they're floating this even worse idea

Konfederacja are absolutely roasting them in the Sejm today for the lack of support for businesses, and it seems that PiS have been caught up fighting with themselves rather than on focusing on solutions.

Given the way that infections are rising rapidly now, the opposition should do nothing now. Let Kaczyński ram through an election at the height of an epidemic and destroy Duda's legitimacy.
Ironside  50 | 12916
3 Apr 2020   #487
JK is ordering Poles to go to elections despite the raging pandemia.

So what he is supposed to do? Eh?

No ethics beyond trying to cling onto power for his obedient puppet.

listen dude - what do you propose? Beside yapping aimlessly?
OP pawian  224 | 27236
3 Apr 2020   #488
It is really amazing you are asking such infantile questions. Of course, we know you don`t live in Poland. But is it really a problem for you to read some news sites? You comprehend some Polish, don`t you? Or have you forgotten it all ?

So read and learn this: the best solution is to declare the state of national emergency which is allowed by the Constitution. Then all major events like elections are suspended and can be held 90 days after the state is lifted.
Ironside  50 | 12916
3 Apr 2020   #489
Sure, they should do it. They can close GazetaWyborcza and TVN. Plus shut up all public discourse. Funny you recommend it as a member of the total opposition. lol
OP pawian  224 | 27236
3 Apr 2020   #490
They can close GazetaWyborcza and TVN.

Yes, I know its`s your dream. Then we would come back to your favourite system - communism with full censorship on all independent news.

No way, darling. :):)
Ironside  50 | 12916
3 Apr 2020   #491
Yes, I know its`s your dream.

Well, that what the law in Poland says. You mean you are that stupid that you want something but you don't know what it brings to the table? The state of the national emergency enables all those actions I have mentioned. That would be a lawful action. Are you sure you still want it?
OP pawian  224 | 27236
3 Apr 2020   #492
You are stupid coz you still live in communist times and remember the martial law of 1981. This PRL is stuck in you for good, I see. You had better read what state of emergency means today. Here is an article in simple Polish so that you can comprehende.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
3 Apr 2020   #493
Let Kaczyński ram through an election at the height of an epidemic and destroy Duda's legitimacy.

They are sailing so much against the direction the public chooses with this election date that it may slap them in the face eventually. JK seems to have lost touch with reality which means PiS may have alienated themselves completely from the so-called "man-in-the-street" just as their predecessors before them did.

"Pycha kroczy przed upadkiem" - as the saying has it.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
3 Apr 2020   #494
Are you sure you still want it?

Yes, just like one of opposition candidates does. Are you able to understand this Polish or will you need translation?:
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 Apr 2020   #495
PiS is going to win, and PO is going to lose. Current Poles show that Duda would get over 50% of the votes. Poles still haven't forgiven PO for kowtowing to the EU and agreed to let in a bunch of kebab and ninjas, not to mention their support for lgbt which the majority of Poles are against.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
3 Apr 2020   #496
Yes it's possible and if that is what people want in a fair election then. I accept it

But the great news is that as it stands you will not be voting and nor will any of the dziadzias down at the Red Apple Buffet
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
3 Apr 2020   #497
the Red Apple Buffet

What the hell is "Red Apple Buffet"?
cms neuf  1 | 1846
3 Apr 2020   #498
Overpriced Krupnik and 70s Polish music in the company of senile PolAms
Ironside  50 | 12916
3 Apr 2020   #499
They are sailing so much against the direction the public chooses with this election

You're all rambling about issues without really thinking it over. From the legal point of view due to dire state of the Polish legal system and the state in general there is no a good solid waterproof option. In legal term election process stared and there is no legal way to stop it.

No wonder that gov is hesitant as to what to do with all of that due to the fact that there is such a traitorous rabble called an opposition that pick on any straw just to spite gov.

PiS is still bothered by the EU and all that nonsense they shouldn't heed any attention to.
IF that decision was up to me I would go with all that is reasonable, make sense and solve problems. In this case it would mean an election suspended for six months/

Close TVN/GW. I would have locked up any judge or official that act and talk in away that undermines stability, integrity and legality of the Polish state.

That rabble needs to be taught a lesson. I'm pretty sure if the shoe would have been on the other foot they wouldn't hesitate to use all the force against people opposing their gov. They need to learn and play by the rules or be eliminated from the publics life. F Soviets'.

You are stupid coz

Hey weren't you guys yelling everyday for the last few years about PiS reintroducing PRL and eliminating democracy and such? What gives that out of the blue you are so F trusting? I know you have no brains but still there is some modicum of coherency and sense you should maintain if you don't won't to came across as a total nutjobs. Hell I think it is too late for that. lol!

How about the real issues here i.e. small businesses, economy, and state of the state which is poorly?
Seems like Asian countries are doing much better job in containing that virus than Europe or USA. What those western corporations are playing to stay afoot and not succumb to their Asian counterparts? Not much I guess.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 Apr 2020   #500
But the great news is that as it stands you will not be voting and nor will

You do realize a citizen can vote at the Polish consulate, right?
cms neuf  1 | 1846
3 Apr 2020   #501
You are on lockdown dude and so is the Polish consulate - Do you think the government of the great state of Illinois is going to allow a queue of a few thousand pensioners ? LOL
OP pawian  224 | 27236
3 Apr 2020   #502
Close TVN/GW. I would have locked up any judge or official that act and talk in away that undermines

Communists in PRL era spoke in the same style. Funny but some nationalists cooperated with communists at the time. You would suit them perfectly. After all, you are dreaming about the return of communism, aren`t you?

You do realize a citizen can vote at the Polish consulate, right?

Not anymore. E.g., Scotland has just declared Polish elections are out of question. I suppose the same it is going to happen elsewhere.
jon357  72 | 23361
3 Apr 2020   #503
some nationalists cooperated with communists

The "horseshoe effect".

Wasn't there a bunch called the Liga Grunwaldzka?

So many political games surrounding the election. The elephant in the room is that there's no real possibility of International Observers from the OSCE or any other body at the moment. Unthinkable to hold an election without them.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
3 Apr 2020   #504
Wasn't there a bunch called the Liga Grunwaldzka?

Yes, there is a link to it in the post obove: Patriotic Union Grunwald - nationalist communists. Iron`s style of politics.

Unthinkable to hold an election without them.

Is there law for it?
OP pawian  224 | 27236
3 Apr 2020   #505
Scotland has just declared Polish elections are out of question.

As too risky.
jon357  72 | 23361
3 Apr 2020   #506
Is there law for it?

There are rules for OSCE members. It's also an accepted convention, no country holds elections without Observers unless they've got a lot to hide.
Ironside  50 | 12916
3 Apr 2020   #507
Iron`s style of politics.

Throwing your own faeces at anyone that disagree with you - pawian's style of politicks.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
3 Apr 2020   #508
Throwing your own faeces at anyone that disagree with you

Darling, it is too late to twist and wriggle out of the difficulties you have brought on yourself.

Didn`t you admit you would like to impose censorship on independent media and info? Yes, you did. Read your own words.

Close TVN/GW. I would have locked up any judge or official that act and talk in away that undermines

Didn`t communists rely on censorship as a powerful means of controlling the society? Yes, they did. Read about it.

So, why are you crying now? You are a nationalist who would gladly coperate with communists, like other of your sort before, coz you are so willing to adopt communist methods.

You are natio-soviet scum. Tfu, svoloch!
kaprys  3 | 2076
3 Apr 2020   #509
Mail carriers are happy to contribute to the elections according to this article,zaszczyt-dla-listonoszy-zaryzykuja-zyciem-by-spelnic-marzenie-70-latka
Spike31  3 | 1485
3 Apr 2020   #510
JK is ordering Poles to go to elections despite the raging pandemia.

Nobody is "ordering" Poles to go to polls. The what's constitution says. Aren't you a defender of a constritution? Be more consistent.

And it is not a "raging pandemia" but the seasonal flu with a mortility rate of around 2% (3266 infected, 65 death), mostly among 70+ yo.

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