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Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates

15 Mar 2020   #421
Donald Tusk has asked the government to do so the chances are slim

...and Tusk knows exactly what effect his words have on PiS government, so that is exactly what he aimed at - he doesn't want the elections to be postponed.

Remember the joke about two Jews on a train? :)
15 Mar 2020   #422
...I would seem to accidentally have posted the above as a guest. *confused*
Spike31  3 | 1485
15 Mar 2020   #423
@Torq, I see no benefit of not posponing the election for the opposition. Right now we've got a government heroically fighting with bull...virus and all of that is being broadcasted in mainstream media on a daily basis. Regular citizens are happy that the government have such a tight grip on the situation and the opposition is being efectively muted.

And now A.Duda made a publicity stunt by sending a presitential jet to pick up beloved national ski jumping team from Norway on a request of Adam Malysz.

Can you magine a better presidential campaing?
15 Mar 2020   #424
made a publicity stunt by sending a presitential jet to pick up beloved national ski jumping team from Norway on a request of Adam Malysz.

... a lot of brownie points were scored indeed. Also, they got rid of Gryzelda, which will definitely help. Oh, well... everything is in the hands of God anyway. :)
OP pawian  224 | 27236
15 Mar 2020   #425
Comparing Kaczynski with a communist mass-murderer that was Stalin.

Who said that Kaczyński mass murdered people like Stalin?
mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Mar 2020   #426
they are not legally obliged to do so

It's my understanding that if they declare stan nadzwyczajny (a broader category that includes 'stan wyjątkowy') then the election has to be postponed as the constitution says:

"W czasie stanu nadzwyczajnego oraz w ciągu 90 dni po jego zakończeniu .... nie mogą być przeprowadzane ... wybory Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej"

Of course PiS thinks of the constitution as toilet paper so it will be interesting to see if they purposefully avoid declaring a state of emergency for the sake of the elections (as happened in Iran) or try to justify not postponing the elections in clear violation of the constitution....
OP pawian  224 | 27236
15 Mar 2020   #427
if they purposefully avoid declaring a state of emergency for the sake of the elections

One isolated region/city/district is enough to annul the elections.
Spike31  3 | 1485
15 Mar 2020   #428
France, which is more affected by bull...virus, votes in current elections. Macron knows what he is doing, he knows that the crisis benefits the ruling party and takes away votes from opposition.

If a "liberal, progressive" France is voting despite the virus hysteria I can see not chances of A.Duda and PiS giving up this golden opportunity to get better results in polls.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
16 Mar 2020   #429
I can see not chances of A.Duda and PiS giving up this golden opportunity to get better results in polls.

That is why my question still holds true.

how do you think the voters would behave? Who would turn up at ballot stations in bigger numbers: urban voters or countryside ones?

Let`s ask further: young or elderly ones?
mafketis  38 | 11137
16 Mar 2020   #430
Polish young people are alienated from the political process in Poland and they are fully conscious of the fact that no party cares about them.

Old people will vote in masse.

If no state of emergency is declared (and even if one is I don't trust PiS to respect the constitution - why would they start now?) it will be a massive PiS victory.

If a state of emergency is declared and PiS decides to follow the constitution then things are open because by the time the elections take place there will have been a chance to debate the systematic neglect of healthcare which PiS did nothing to change for 5 years....
OP pawian  224 | 27236
16 Mar 2020   #431
Polish young people are alienated from the political process in Poland

Sorry, I meant younger, from 20 to 50. Actually, I wrote younger and then corrected it.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
16 Mar 2020   #432
Things have changed recently.

Law and Justice has always had a patch of old people's party for old people. However, this has changed significantly since the middle of last year. Nowhere else in politics do young people have the chance to make such a fast and spectacular career.,114884,25763112,mlode-wilki-pis-u-rzadzacy-chca-pozbyc-sie-latki-partii-starych.html

OP pawian  224 | 27236
16 Mar 2020   #433
the chance to make such a fast and spectacular career.

Yes,, that`s what attracts them. Not ideology but quick careers and profits from it. I have a nephew, now an adult man, 20 years ago he was planning to join Samoobrona when it was very popular. I asked him a few questions to find out and it turned out he knew nothing about them, was only hoping they could get him an easy and lucrative job.
mafketis  38 | 11137
16 Mar 2020   #434
Nowhere else in politics do young people have the chance to make such a fast and spectacular career.

Kind of like the PRL.... get in the party and make connections to get ahead....

I spend most of my working life around educated young people (early to mid 20s) and they are mostly (by large margins) indifferent to or actively hostile to most party positions of PiS.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
16 Mar 2020   #435
easy and lucrative job.

I see many passionate and committed young poles who want a better future for Poland, my local councilor is a young hardworking lad who works hard for improvements to our community, whilst having a self employed status job which involves long hours and no real long term security'

I see a great future. The educated youth will effect change in Poland for the better.
Crow  154 | 9463
16 Mar 2020   #436
This is corona era of Tazar Duda. Now he can give middle finger to all opposition in Poland. Wait for elections till I and my entire dynasty died out.
antheads  13 | 340
16 Mar 2020   #437
That would be good, Hopefully this crisis will be a good justification for a Kristallnacht against PO and its post communist oligarch allies. Something about mandatory quarantine and death from the virus should suffice and not cause too much of an outrage if the information is controlled appropriatly. Renationalisation of their wealth might be trickier, but with the EU Commision in the throws of the pandemic and upcoming financial collapse it should be possible.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
16 Mar 2020   #438
Hopefully this crisis will be a good justification for a Kristallnacht against PO

hahaha remember, the virus pandemic is the most democratic disease of all, like always: it affects all people, also PiS. :):)
Crow  154 | 9463
16 Mar 2020   #439
Still, some people, some opposition, may prove to be more vulnerable to virus. Unfortunately, of course.

Just remember how good brat Lech Kaczinsky fall with his plane. Story ended in way that most people blame Lech himself for fall of plane. Its high level manipulation. In my country people believe that EU killed Lech.
antheads  13 | 340
16 Mar 2020   #440
remember, the virus pandemic is the most democratic disease of a

No I mean an actual Kristallnacht against PO clique under the cover of the virus. ie. summary exectutions and appropriation of wealth. Especially the SB/UB supported oligarchs and their children who have now inherited the wealth. PO politicians are usefull idiots and maybe should just be jailed for now . Under the fog of war (the virus) EU will not be able to do much.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
16 Mar 2020   #441
I mean an actual Kristallnacht against PO clique under the cover of the virus. ie. summary exectutions and appropriation of wealth.

I see. That only corroborates my old opinion that rightards have always been so happy to kill their political opponents. Why is it so? Are they like rabid dogs?
mafketis  38 | 11137
16 Mar 2020   #442
rightards have always been so happy to kill their political opponents

the groups he wants to kill.... don't really exist.....

Why is it so? Are they like rabid dogs?

the desire to inflict violence on others comes first, then the political justification.... this is true no matter what political or religious justification they end up using as a smokescreen....
antheads  13 | 340
16 Mar 2020   #443
Its called internet provocation to make a point. And that you communist apologists need to be scared just like after Smolensk when the other side had to go through the serial suicides.

the groups he wants to kill.... don't really exist.....

Really? who owns all the toll highways? who owns the media companies? who was behind amber gold and the plot to bankrupt LOT? Have you no knowledge of the economic gangster privatisation? the warsaw police chief that was murdered in the 90s when he was on the brink of smashing the układ? the FOZZ affair, mafia paliwowa, WSI scandals, numerous assasinations of politicians. Just cause the wealth been passed on the the children and its peacefull because PiS is in power does not mean the crimes of the post communism do not need to be avenged.
mafketis  38 | 11137
16 Mar 2020   #444
Have you no knowledge of

a bunch of fairytales told to the credulous?

I've heard some stories but it doesn't really pass the smell test....
OP pawian  224 | 27236
17 Mar 2020   #445
Its called internet provocation to make a point.

Yet, it is only rightists who cherish such murderous ideas. I haven`t heard or seen leftists doing it. Why are rightists so murder-inclined?
OP pawian  224 | 27236
20 Mar 2020   #446
Donald Tusk has just said in an interview: only a looney or criminal would make people go to elections in May. That was a good comment on PiS sticking to the set date of elections.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
20 Mar 2020   #447
From a purely tactical point of view, I can't see any sense in it whatsoever. The opposition will be able to fully mobilise their electorate as they'll be at home anyway, and social media is full of reports about how hospitals are lacking basic equipment. People will really be feeling the economic issues by then, and if the coronavirus is running rampant, Duda will have far more enemies than supporters because people are going to blame him for not putting money in their pockets during a time of need.

Critically, polls are making it clear that the public doesn't want to have an election in May. If they force it, there's a very real chance that the electorate will punish Duda for trying to take advantage of a bad situation when everyone else has postponed elections.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
20 Mar 2020   #448
If you are right that May is bad for PiS, then later dates are even worse.

Critically, polls are making it clear that the public doesn't want to have an election in May.

Yes, only 12% want to vote in May.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
20 Mar 2020   #449
If you are right that May is bad for PiS, then later dates are even worse.

I suspect they know it as well, especially if it turns into an Italian situation. I've just read one article saying that Salvini has been battered by the failure of Lega, as they govern two out of the three worst-hit areas, and their response has been less than stellar.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
23 Mar 2020   #450
Hey, guys, who openly support PiS and their candidate here: Spike, dolnośląsk, antheads, NotoForeigners, Ironside, gumishu, kondzior.
What do you think about PiS` firm plans to run the election on 10 May? Do you agree it is a good move not to cancel it? Are you going to vote?

In free Poland: Should PiS be sued for endangering people`s health and life?

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