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Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates

pawian  226 | 27817
8 Feb 2020   #1
The campaign officialy started last Thursday. The elections are taking place on 10th May. PiS supported Andrzej Duda is the most popular candidate now.

Szymon Hołownia, a celebrity journalist who is starting for presidency had to apologise after massive criticism of his first campaign spot, which contained ironic allusions to Smoleńsk air crash. He says he didn`t notice those things in his spot.

PiS Senator Karczewski says Hołownia is finished and should withdraw after such a scandal.

  • hol_2.jpg__655x0_q85.jpg
8 Feb 2020   #2
Hołownia is a political non-entity, but his participation in the elections practically ensures that the second round will take place, which is a good thing. As for the silly campaign spot, I think he already apologised.

Personally, as a centre-right, Christian-Democrat, I support a sensible centrist candidate...

... that's exactly the kind of president that Poland needs - a man who won't antagonise Poles, and will be able to listen to everyone and talk with everyone. I am sick and tired of the never ending Polish-Polish war between PO and PiS. Also, Kosiniak-Kamysz, if elected President, wouldn't allow himself to be turned into a puppet by any political party leader.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 Feb 2020   #3
I support a sensible centrist candidate...

Yes, not bad. I will vote him if he scrapes to the second round which isn`t so obvious.

Hołownia is a political non-entity,

I read he is supported by big business who want to make sure their President won`t stamp PiS` crazy economic ideas which badle affect enterpreneurs` profits.

wouldn't allow himself to be turned into a puppet by any political party leader.

Just like Hołownia and others I suppose, with one ignoble exception of Duda.
cms neuf  2 | 1952
8 Feb 2020   #4
He is quite a good candidate - worth listening to. Not sure who I will vote for (in the second round it will be anyone but Adrian)

A few years ago I thought that Poland moving to a two party system was a good symbol of maturity but it hasn't turned out like that - I'm also sick of the fighting. The moderate voices in PiS were pushed to the side in 2015 and since then they have concentrated on cronyism
8 Feb 2020   #5
in the second round it will be anyone but Adrian

... and that's exactly what a lot of people I know say. Duda has a huge negative electorate, and it will work against him in the second round. Let's not forget that opposition parties put together got more votes in parliamentary elections than PiS (only the d'Hondt system saved them).
OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 Feb 2020   #6
It is unbelievable. 5 minutes after this thread was created another candidate appeared. Ex-PiS EU parliament member, now affiliated with Tadeusz Rydzyk. Mirosław Piotrowski - conservative Catholic. He openly declares he is going to attract voters dissatisfied with PiS which isn`t Catholic enough, e..g, about abortion.,nId,4315361
8 Feb 2020   #7
Perfect - another candidate who will take some of Duda's votes in the first round! Thank you, Ojcze Dyrektorze :D
Lenka  5 | 3548
8 Feb 2020   #8
I don't see any candidate that would really catch my attention but frankly speaking anyone has to be better than Duduś
OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 Feb 2020   #9
Perfect - another candidate who will take some of Duda's votes in the first round!

Or it`s an intentional scam to mislead voters and Piotrowski will withdraw in the last minute and ask his supporters to vote for Duda. This will be widely publicised as an example of right wingers` unity and one of reasons to choose right.

Now all candidates have to collect 100.00 signatures from their supporters.

Other main candidates we haven`t mentioned yet:
Citizen Coalition - Kidawa Błońska.
Confederacy - Bosak
Left Alliance - Biedroń

I don't see any candidate that would really catch my attention but frankly speaking anyone has to be better than Duduś

If you could vote for anybody, who would it be? Just anybody from people we know from the media. Owsiak? Bogusław Linda?
Ironside  51 | 13098
8 Feb 2020   #10
Left Alliance - Biedroń

That one is a joke? Who would vote on him?
Holowia is another one with no chance

Some this new Piotrowski rather slim chances.

K-Blonska will fold when it come to a debate, so there only three serous candidates her , duda and bosak . ah maybe kosiniak- kamysz but his name puts people off.
Lenka  5 | 3548
8 Feb 2020   #11
Hard to tell Pawian. I'm a lefie so I would look more towards Zandberg and Nowicka but I would have to observe them more closely

Don't be surprised if Biedron will get more votes than Bosak
Ironside  51 | 13098
8 Feb 2020   #12
I don't think that is possible. I would b suspired if that happens. Bedron has nothing to offer biesade telling lies and slandering Poland in the EU. A person who support all EU measures taken against Poland is a traitor. Anyone who would vote it him is a traitor and a moron. Let see how many soviets have right to vote in Poland.

Zandberg and Nowicka

Zandberg is a commie, Nowicka is just a disgusting person who takes money from a pharmaceutical lobbyists that support abortion to use part of those killed babies in
Lenka  5 | 3548
8 Feb 2020   #13
Oh my God Iron, aren't you tired youself of all this soviets, traitors etc? For ages now one can skip your posts simply because they are like a chorus in a song.

I said that about the number of votes based on the fact that left had much bigger support in the last elections than Konfederacja.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 Feb 2020   #14
That one is a joke? Who would vote on him? Holowia is another one with no chance

Yes, but we are not talking only about candidates with the biggest chance, we are discussing them all in general. :)

Biedroń certainly is able to gather about 10% of votes, rather no more. Bosak the same.
Ironside  51 | 13098
8 Feb 2020   #15
traitors etc?

Well, name me the other country in Europe that has MEPs going against their home country and their country's government? Only that rabble from Poland, Are you proud of that achievement? That is a treason, no doubt about it.

what you offer in return are platitudes and oh and ah so boring... yes traitors are boring. yet another reason not to tolerate them and you consider voting on them normal and OK.

IF you don't consider it treason your are not Polish but soviet - that is logical and sound.

How many times? As long as it is an issue, a hot topic of a day.
Do you think I enjoy talking about it. I would rather chat about something else, they just are too prominent and too active for me to ignore it.

I said that about the number of votes based on the fact that left had much bigger support in the last elections than Konfederacja.@ Lenka

Hmm .. right has a bigger support that the left. Still there a lot of parties that lefties can vote on, when it comes down to Bedron he is not that popular even with the lefties and he is lazy he won't be doing a lot of work to get elected.

I also think you underestimate the number of people that support or would support K and Bosak.

Biedroń certainly is able to gather about 10% of votes,

he won't, his party did rather well during EU election but it was others working for him and he just used them and discarded, broke his promise to them too. They won't be breaking their backs for him anymore. He would need to get a lot of money and hire right people to stand the chance. Personally he is lazy and he doesn't want to become a president, he would rather stay where he is, Are you sure he is going to take part in the election? I doubt it.

If he does there are two scenarios:
a, he has a sponsor and he get about 4-6% votes
b, he is on his own and he gets about 0,1 - 1% votes.

Bosak will get 10% as a given.
Lenka  5 | 3548
8 Feb 2020   #16
We will see soon enough but judging by parliamentary elections left has more support than Konfederacja. It might be affected as obviously presidential elections are different but will Bosak manage to close the gap of almost double the support?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 Feb 2020   #17
MEPs going against their home country and their country's government? Only that rabble from Poland, That is a treason, no doubt about it.

Just to be fair, I want to remind you that it was PiS who used the EU against the Polish government for the first time. It was in 2014 when PIS, then in opposition, claimed and complained to the EU that the local governnment elections had been rigged by PO.

So, blame them for starting this tradition. :))

Are you sure he is going to take part in the election? I doubt it.

Yes, why not? He knows he has no chance, that is why he seems so relaxed and flippant.

a, he has a sponsor and he get about 4-6% votes b, he is on his own and he gets about 0,1 - 1% votes.

The same may refer to Bosak. I just read banks are refusing to give Konfederacja a loan for the campaign.

but will Bosak manage to close the gap of almost double the support?

Some voters often take irrational decisions, they don`t care about programmes but take decisions based on emotions, e.g, what they personally feel about the candidate. And Bosak looks attractive. And he got married recently. If he doesn`t sound too controvercial during debates or meetings, he might attract voters who never thought of voting Konfederacja before.

  • 5e241cdb4b27e_o_medi.jpg
8 Feb 2020   #18
And Bosak looks attractive.

Does he really? A man with no children, no proper family, who gets married just before presidential campaign at the age of 37? He should have at least two children already, if he wants to be credible as a conservatist candidate. He is also a man who made multiple attempts at getting a university degree (any degree) and failed miserably - including extramural philosophy (and failing to get a degree in extramural philosophy these days is an achievement in itself :)) - what contrast to Kosiniak-Kamysz (MD, PhD). One might also mention the fact that he never had any real job - went into politics very early in his life and hasn't stained his hands with real work ever since. Besides, Konfederacja is seen by many people in Poland as a pro-Russian party, and this will put many people off from voting for Bosak.

Poland is a Christian country, so we may discard the possibility of a leftist candidate, who supports murdering children in their mothers' wombs, ever becoming a Polish president again (Kwaśniewski was an aberration, caused by painful early transformation and disillusionment with Wałęsa), and as Iron rightly mentioned - Biedroń doesn't really want the job.

Poles are too distrustful to vote for Hołownia (nobody knows who's behind this guy), and Kidawa-Błońska is nothing but "Komorowski w spódnicy" with similar intellectual capabilities and potential to embarass herself. So, the main task for Hołownia, Bosak, Kidawa-Błońska and Biedroń is to take away as many votes from Duda as possible, so that Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz can meet the PiS president in the second round and beat him. :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 Feb 2020   #19
Does he really?

Certainly not worse than Kamysz. :)

so that Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz can meet the PiS president in the second round and beat him. :)

I have nothing against. :)

who gets married just before presidential campaign at the age of 37?

Yes, a little suspicious. But I won`t spread any gossip. :)

Konfederacja is seen by many people in Poland as a pro-Russian party,

Well, maybe it isn`t so known yet, but surely the thing will be blown out of all possible proportions by PiS media.
Ironside  51 | 13098
8 Feb 2020   #20
So, blame them for starting this tradition. :))

I blame everyone who is doing that. No second chances no excuses. Either you do or your don't. I don't care that Janek doing that too. you got caught and you are going what coming to you.

Yes, why not?

Do you know it or do you guess? I think he doesn't want to bother.

The same may refer to Bosak. I

Nope, he got structures and he is going to work hard. Not the same. Plus any debate works in his favor.

Yes, a little suspicious.

What about? That he is a gay? Even if he is so what? Are you trying to be homophobic here lol? scratch those lefties and all their veneer of tolerance and openness is gone.
Lenka  5 | 3548
8 Feb 2020   #21
Sorry Torq but Kamysz is too bland and lacks any charisma IMO to compete properly. The description looks lovely but the man himself is... boring. At least that's the impression I got from an interview.

The most likely outcome is Duda vs Kidawa- Błońska in second round
8 Feb 2020   #22
Sorry Torq but Kamysz is too bland and lacks any charisma IMO to compete properly.

Have you ever listened to him live? I had, and didn't notice any "lack of charisma". He will destroy any other candidate in direct debate (and he doesn't shy away from debate, like Kidawa-Błońska).

The most likely outcome is Duda vs Kidawa- Błońska in second round

I'm not saying it's not probable, but PO still has a huge negative voter base, so such pair in the second round would unfortunately mean another term for Duda. :(
Ironside  51 | 13098
8 Feb 2020   #23
Kamysz is too bland and lacks any charisma I

I would say his name put people off. Countryside won't vote for him either.
8 Feb 2020   #24
Well, countryside votes for PiS these days, but PSL is no longer a merely agrarian party - they have transformed into a proper centre-right, Christian-Democratic force, and the alliance with Kukiz '15 widens their voter base.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 Feb 2020   #25
scratch those lefties and all their veneer of tolerance and openness is gone.

You draw too quick conclusions. I am tolerant. I only think it is so funny that Bosak could be like that. Besides, when we used to talk about Biedroń in the past, you were very scornful about his preferences. Now, you absolve Bosak. Aren`t you a bit hypocritical now? :))

had, and didn't notice any "lack of charisma"

Yes, he managed to win a lot of votes for his drowning party in the last elections. Many more than expected. So his charisma, even if it had been weak, certainly has risen significantly.

I would say his name put people off.

Sorry, I have never read or heard such comments in Poland.
8 Feb 2020   #26
Sorry, I have never read or heard such comments in Poland.

I find this strange too. I have no idea what Iron is referring to. WKK's father was a minister in Tadeusz Mazowiecki's government, one of his uncles (Zenon) is a distinguished civil servant and the other an outstanding scientist. His grandfather, Władysław (after whom he was named), served in 13 Pułk Ułanów Wileńskich. It's a good Polish family with patriotic tradition.

The only fault I can find in him is that he divorced his first wife, and married again, but hey - nobody's perfect!
Ironside  51 | 13098
8 Feb 2020   #27
Aren`t you a bit hypocritical now? :))

No, because I don't care about their sexual preferences at all. I talk about people as individuals. In that light it is perfectly all right for me to support Bosak while detesting Bedron.

I have no idea what Iron is referring to.

It sounds funny.
8 Feb 2020   #28
No funnier than Bosak.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 Feb 2020   #29
It's a good Polish family with patriotic tradition.

Wow, I just found out he was born in Krakow and attended Sobieski High School. The same as Andrzej Duda. Two Krakowians against each other. Derby of the century! hahaha

that he divorced his first wife, and married again,

Hey, yes, I remember those photos of his dates on gossip sites. hahaha
8 Feb 2020   #30
Another advantage of WKK over Kidawa-Błońska is that if she managed (which is highly doubtful) to win in the second round, she would totally alienate PiS supporters, as opposed to WKK whom they could accept more easily. This Polish-Polish war has to end, and victory of either KB or Duda would only prolong it.

PO, and KB is their candidate, still has an enormous negative voter base in Poland. Many people might vote for WKK, Hołownia or Bosak in the 2nd round, but if it's Duda-KB then I'm afraid a lot of them will stay at home (at best).

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