Why abusing people is "fun" for you?
Do you want a serious answer? You are a nasty toxic B'tch that predend to be nice. I don't buy your narration that you somehow suffer becouse of few harmless words.. It anyoys you - that is all.
At stake here is a freedom of speech principle.
It is an American Forum and I have the right to exercise that freedom.
You are trying to apply some soviet mentality here and post-soviet rules. You don't like what I post? You don;t have to like it! Don't read it then! I don't care!
unable to believe that Poles could ever possibly have done anything morally wrong or even unfair
Really? Where I have given such an impression? You have it all wrong here my friend. I'm have no doubts that pawian for example could committ any and all attrocity in the name of his leftie idology and still would laugh and jabber away in his usuall manner.
I'm only saying that I have been familiar with 'Bury' for a long time. Know what is to know about it and the version you are talking about is cooked up by the soviet brigade in Poland. The truth is somewhat different.
Overly to call one of those people fighing soviet invasion after 1945 a bandit - not wise thing to do to put it very midly. You should go case by case .... as for "Bury' those are only soviet lies.
here you are casting aspersions which is a type of bulling women enjoy. you are hopless.