All happening as I spoke, as predicted by prominent intellectuals..
Poland MUST have sustainable deal with Russia over Poland`s access to warm seas. Black sea is vital Russian interest so comes the Adriatiac and even Aegean sea. How so? Via Serbian historical lands on Balkan (no matter who hold those lands now). Plus, Serbs are willing and ready (and Russia is historically content with Polish-Serbian deals) for their own interests that they share with Poles since time immemorial and also considering Serbian recent interests due to Vatican`s and Germanic pressure. Here too, Poland share interests with Serbs. So, interests and balance. That is what offer Serbs from Serbia to Poland. Interest is clear- be free from foreign meddling and control, warm seas, key transportation routes, etc. Balance? No, not only in relations with Russia and within Slavic world but also balance within Poland itself considering deeper Serbian interests with Lusatian and Kashub Serbs, their northern kin that were from Balkan Serbs forcefully separated due to Roman and Teutonic invasions.
Now, at this very moment Hungary blocking EU sanctions on Serb Republic within Bosnia, while Visegrad opened its air space to all Serbia`s import of armaments from Russia and from anybody.
Visegrad was maybe weak when EU started to destruct Yugoslavia and Serbs, playing on extreme Muslims and pro-German Croat ustashe. But now is different and about time I would say. There is final battle in front of us.
Fortunately, Poland and Visegrad are now able to hit hard and to shock Germany and entire western Europe.
Spot this >
Orban: Hungary Gives €100 Million Support to Bosnian Serbs>

Do you know who is leader of Bosnian Serbs Milorad? Its a man financed by Polonia, by private companies of Corey Lewandowski. Man who also have Russian and USA support.