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Poles say a big YES to our European Union

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
24 Dec 2021   #901
Heiliges Römisches Reich as in I Reich!

I prefer "German Empire".....I'm not that hot on all things Rome historically, heh:)

They don't~!

For what are they working then?
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
24 Dec 2021   #902
For what are they working then?

For those who pay them more.

I prefer "German Empire".

Still, know your geschichte! I Reich it is.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
24 Dec 2021   #903
Okay...."Deutsches Reich"....that works for me too! :)

HRE in german: "Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation" or HRRDN....much to long and clumsy!

For those who pay them more.

All of them? Who should that be?

Can't you make some real arguments with facts behind instead of these short unproven slogans....I would prefer to discuss such things....but how can we discuss such sentences? It's impossible...
Crow  155 | 9736
24 Dec 2021   #904
Poland don`t give a swine sh** for EU. Good for Poland and rest of Visegrad to continue to support Serbia despite Vatican`t and Germanic schemes. So new contingent of heavy Russian armament arrived to Serbia via Poland. This time its KORNET, sophisticated anti-tank missiles.





People here love Poland very much.
Crow  155 | 9736
25 Dec 2021   #905
All happening as I spoke, as predicted by prominent intellectuals..

Poland MUST have sustainable deal with Russia over Poland`s access to warm seas. Black sea is vital Russian interest so comes the Adriatiac and even Aegean sea. How so? Via Serbian historical lands on Balkan (no matter who hold those lands now). Plus, Serbs are willing and ready (and Russia is historically content with Polish-Serbian deals) for their own interests that they share with Poles since time immemorial and also considering Serbian recent interests due to Vatican`s and Germanic pressure. Here too, Poland share interests with Serbs. So, interests and balance. That is what offer Serbs from Serbia to Poland. Interest is clear- be free from foreign meddling and control, warm seas, key transportation routes, etc. Balance? No, not only in relations with Russia and within Slavic world but also balance within Poland itself considering deeper Serbian interests with Lusatian and Kashub Serbs, their northern kin that were from Balkan Serbs forcefully separated due to Roman and Teutonic invasions.

Now, at this very moment Hungary blocking EU sanctions on Serb Republic within Bosnia, while Visegrad opened its air space to all Serbia`s import of armaments from Russia and from anybody.

Visegrad was maybe weak when EU started to destruct Yugoslavia and Serbs, playing on extreme Muslims and pro-German Croat ustashe. But now is different and about time I would say. There is final battle in front of us.

Fortunately, Poland and Visegrad are now able to hit hard and to shock Germany and entire western Europe.

Spot this >

Orban: Hungary Gives €100 Million Support to Bosnian Serbs


Do you know who is leader of Bosnian Serbs Milorad? Its a man financed by Polonia, by private companies of Corey Lewandowski. Man who also have Russian and USA support.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
25 Dec 2021   #906
Poland MUST have sustainable deal with Russia

Poland does.not.need.any deal with Russia.
That is pure idiocy of the Serbian kind.
Poland needs respect from.the West and especially the EU.
Russia is irrelevant.
Crow  155 | 9736
25 Dec 2021   #907
Poland needs respect from.the West and especially the EU.

Respect? Respect from them? From THEM? Its the final joke on Poles.
Joker  2 | 2466
25 Dec 2021   #908
Fortunately, Poland and Visegrad are now able to hit hard and to shock Germany

Unfortunately, were subjected to more of your ridiculous propaganda and photos of missiles launching on Xmas...
Crow  155 | 9736
26 Dec 2021   #909

You are arrogant because I point at EU as Pandemium demonico?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
26 Dec 2021   #910
Oh believe me russia is very respected particularly by the US unlike the eu by the US. they are a force to be reckoned with and even in the middle east have a presence unlike europe. and unlike poland and much of the eu they have a clear presence with bases and allies and strategic partnerhsips worldwide. They also have europe iun economic grips due to gas pipelines and nordstrom 2;
Crow  155 | 9736
26 Dec 2021   #911
and unlike poland

Trust me dobri brate, Poland`s magnates obviously aren`t stupid. They have good instinct for survivor. Just look how Poland allow transport of Russia`s armament to Serbia. Hey man, Visegrad actually finance and sponsor that. You won`t read it in mass media that give you crap about Poland-Belarus-Russia conflict. In reality, its utterly obvious, Poland have strong deal with Russia that Serbs must survive and be able to kick when become really ugly. To me, its obvious why. Black sea goes to Russia, Adriatic goes to Poland and both Poland and Russia pledged to support Serbs against other, competitive elements, Bosnian Muslims (Turkish and Saudi player) and Croatia (German and papal player), because Poland can count only on what Serbs hold. Not to speak that Serbs opening to Poland even bigger chunk of warm seas when Greeks are kicked from what is now Northern Greece (Salonica and wide region that gravitate to it). Greeks are here in deal with Italians and Rome and they both committed bestial genocides on Serbs, read harmed Poland`s and Russia`s interests. In a post-Corona world is pay back time.

What I want to tell you, Serbs and Poles now coordinate as in time of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. But this time, we more accurately recognized danger and foe.
Crow  155 | 9736
26 Dec 2021   #912
Spot further development > POLAND to GERMANY >

Harsh accusations against Germany: "They want to turn the EU into the Fourth Reich"

> b92/eng/news/world.php?yyyy=2021&mm=12&dd=24&nav_id=112616

Polish Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński accused the new German government

at the same time >

Milorad Dodik (above mentioned, among others, player of Visegrad) President of Serb republic within Bosnia, said to German Minister of FA > ``Bosnia and Herzegovina are last colony in Europe`` > GERMAN COLONY


Dodik odbrusio nemačkoj ministarki spoljnih poslova: Nemate pojma
> b92/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2021&mm=12&dd=26&nav_category=167&nav_id=2078933
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
26 Dec 2021   #913

Now do tell...what do we get out of it? Slaves? Resources? Taxes??? :)
Joker  2 | 2466
26 Dec 2021   #914
Harsh accusations against Germany: "They want to turn the EU into the Fourth Reich"

Good luck attacking Germany, you moron. NATO will destroy what's left of your barbaric country before you can kiss the commie Chinese flag again.

Haven't you noticed nobody responds to your idiotic propaganda around here? Poles dont care about Serbia!

Hurry up, get out your sock puppet! LOL
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
26 Dec 2021   #915

Although I do have some sympathy to your anti German posts, I have to agree with Joker,
In the end, us civilised people will always back the Germans well ahead of the barbaric, murderous Serbs.......
Crow  155 | 9736
26 Dec 2021   #916
people you don`t read.

Good luck attacking Germany, you moron. NATO will destroy what's left of your barbaric country

Erm. My dear, that`s what Polish Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński said. You say Poland is `barbaric country`?

Please follow the link and pleas read very carefully when I post.

Not that I disagree with him.

I have to agree with Joker,

Same goes to you.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
26 Dec 2021   #917
In the end, us civilised people will always back the Germans well ahead of the barbaric, murderous Serbs.......

Regardless of who is right? Really Milo?

Germans had their barbaric phase too.....You don't even trust and dislike us because of our can't possible dislike the Serbs more.....for what?

All that venom against that country....why? Just because of Crowie?
Crow  155 | 9736
28 Dec 2021   #918
Crazy. It was brat Jarosław Kaczyński and brat Milorad Dodik who spat on Germany. I merely transferred info.
Crow  155 | 9736
13 Feb 2022   #919
So we shall live to see end of European Union. In our lives. Soon. One of these days, actually.

Logically, I would say. EU is founded on tradition of the Roman Empire.

Just, don`t tell me its fall of Europe, when end comes. Don`t. Romans were not Europe and neither is EU. Original Romans, founders of Rome, were Afro and Semitic. Same as Greeks, after all. Go check historical records. Complete history of Rome is history of bringing and imposing non-Whites onto native Europeans. Sound familiar? Yes, EU. Continuity. EU made its full circle to come to line with Romans.

So sunk I say evil that molest us Europeans and Slavs for more then 2000 years. Sunk in oblivion!

Poland? What about Poland? Gavrilo saved Poland.
pawian  226 | 27817
16 Sep 2023   #921
There is a danger to European integration looming on the horizon. If the migrant crisis continues or even escalates, some countries will deem it necessary to apply drastic measures against the influx of unwanted migrants. This will provoke harsh answer from the EU, forcing the aforementioned countries to loose their ties with the EU or even to break away completely. This could lead to the disintegration of the whole structure which would be a disaster for Europe.

What should be done, still sticking to democratic solutions???
mafketis  38 | 11284
16 Sep 2023   #922
What should be done, still sticking to democratic solutions???

The EU needs to stop the flow which is almost entirely filled with people who do not qualify for asylum and who are not refugees.

This is a strong majority position in (almost?) all EU countries.
pawian  226 | 27817
16 Sep 2023   #923
filled with people who do not qualify for asylum and who are not refugees.

Deciding if one qualifies or not is a big problem and takes a long time, even years. Unqualified migrants stay within the EU in millions while new ones arrive each day.
mafketis  38 | 11284
17 Sep 2023   #924
Deciding if one qualifies or not is a big problem

It's not really.... asylum has very specific criteria which almost none of the arrivals come close to fulfilling and it doesn't take long to figure that out. Asylum is provided to those fleeing 'individualized' persecution from a government (to start with).

Establish processing centers in Africa and make it clear any found at see will be returned to Africa.

Very doable and would be supported by a solid majority in every European country but either there's no political will or the EU (those in charge of it) want to the flow to continue for their own reasons....
Ironside  51 | 13124
17 Sep 2023   #925
ditto! That is what I'm saying...
Tacitus  2 | 1274
17 Sep 2023   #926
Asylum is provided to those fleeing 'individualized' persecution from a government (to start with).

You forgot subsidiary protection which makes up most of the asylum applications and is also enshrined in European law.

Establish processing centers in Africa

That has been proposed for many years now, but the practical obstacles are nearly unsolvable. Either the African countries do not want to host them, and those who might want to (e.g. Libya) can not trusted to guarantee proper conditions.
amiga500  5 | 1547
17 Sep 2023   #927
but the practical obstacles are nearly unsolvable

Or maybe just do what Australia did, turn back the boats. not that hard.
Novichok  4 | 8786
17 Sep 2023   #928
For Euros? They would rather slash their own throats than turn the boats back. You know...xenophobia and racism...

With Tacitus as an average modern ball-less Euro, Euro governments must actually assist to make landing a safe and pleasant experience. My bet is that they bring Perrier and sandwiches to the beach. Tha fact that 90% of refugees are military-age men goes unnoticed or ignored. Native women can't wait to be raped.

I admire Australia for the way it deals with this scourge.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
17 Sep 2023   #929
I remember in late 70s Aussies hated orientals esp Vietnamese.I also remember reading handwritten notes on walls in bathroom etc"Orientals go home".
I think Aussie land dont get those mooselimbs that the Euorpe gets but they get those people from Asia like Philipinos,Thai,Indonesians etc who mostly are peaceful.
mafketis  38 | 11284
17 Sep 2023   #930
subsidiary protection which makes up most of the asylum applications and is also enshrined in European law

Time to change European law.... as it's clearly not fit for purpose.

the practical obstacles are nearly unsolvable

Only to people who don't want a solution.

How many millions of people with no chance of contributing to the economy can Germany afford? 10? 20?

Home / News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union

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