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Poles say a big YES to our European Union

dolnoslask  5 | 2805
10 Jan 2021   #661
Meh, do we want that for London?

Yes we do no one is selling out, any bank account can be frozen at any time plus Britain has a standing army to stop anyone who might get the least upset.

Jesus it works for most other tax havens, why not Britain.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
10 Jan 2021   #662
how will they react to this?

It's different, though. They don't see them buying up all sorts of property in London, they only see the skin colour and the accent of the bloke working as a security guard in the local Tesco.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
10 Jan 2021   #663
They don't see them buying up all sorts of property in London,

The properties are already bought up and waiting for their owners to pull the trigger and move in , many high end properties have been empty for twenty years plus waiting for their foreign owners to pick the perfect moment to make the big move.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
10 Jan 2021   #664
a security guard in the local Tesco

Now that must be very safe country to have a security guard at a grocery store.
Novichok  4 | 8786
10 Jan 2021   #665
Muslim "refugees" didn't read the memo that shopping is done with credit cards or cash, not knives. Or the guns, the American way.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
10 Jan 2021   #666
security guard in the local Tesco.

All the tesco's and superstores in Poland have security guards, they earn more than expat teachers good job if you can get it.
Crow  155 | 9736
10 Jan 2021   #667
Poles say a big YES to our European Union

Now say NO to their European Union and that`s it
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
11 Jan 2021   #668
F EU !

No, this is a Russian slogan. Breaking up the European Union has always been one of the main aim of Russian politics. I am surprised how many posters on this Polish forum support Putin's foreign policy.

I know that in Poland the only group of people who seem to be anti-EU, just as Putin likes, are the voters of конфедерация. Are you one of them?
Crow  155 | 9736
11 Jan 2021   #669
No, this is a Russian slogan

Don't underestimate Poles. EU acted against Serbia and majority of Poles didn't like it. Then EU act against Poland and Poles don't like it even more.

Now we all see that EU represent solely Germany, France and Vatican that cooperate with Islamic league and even using EU against Britain, US, Russia, China and rest of Europe - Central, Eastern, Balkan.

Only moron dont see EU involvement in ellection fraud in the USA what is in fact act of war on States.

Face it. EU is evil and Poles never liked evil and wont start to like it.
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Jan 2021   #670
just as Putin likes, are the voters of конфедерация. Are you one of them?

Yes, he is. However, in a ridiculous way - he supports them from a safe distance - he hasn`t lived in Poland for 30 years. Being a migrant loser, he advocates leaving the EU and other bs.
Ironside  51 | 13124
11 Jan 2021   #671
No, this is a Russian slogan

lol! Keep going - what else is a Russian slogan and what is a German slogan? Wouldn't A German slogan be what you say in defense of the EU?

Is there a independent thought that take into account Poland's interest or just a bunch of slogans one can attribute to a particular country?


Being a floor rag like you and a Soviet you just gravitate naturally to be a butler to any power or a country but Poland.
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Jan 2021   #672
We are so happy you emigrated and took your sick ideology with you. . We don`t need more fascists than we already have . Today, you can only rant in the forum. hahaha
Ironside  51 | 13124
11 Jan 2021   #673
We ( Soviets') are so happy you emigrated.

I bet you are!

Today, you can only rant in the forum. hahaha

You know proverb about laugh well...
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Jan 2021   #674
I bet you are!

Hey, do you belong to local Nazis where you live now?

Please get back to the topic
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Jan 2021   #675
Breaking up European Union the main aim of Russian politics.

Yes, they are very effective in it. Great Britain has already left.

I am surprised how many posters on this Polish forum support Putin's foreign policy.

Some of them have always seemed Kremlin trolls to me.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
11 Jan 2021   #676
I say a big no to the EU at the moment because Germany is able to order millions of extra coronavirus jabs for its citizens outside of the agreed joint EU program.

Proves some pigs are more equal than others, why doesn't Germany use it's huge resources to produce more vaccine to share with its EU partners. After all they had no trouble producing Zyclon b in huge quantities.

I also say a big no because of the recent EU trade deal with China (pushed through by germany), no concerns about the Chinese rule of law and their record on human rights.
mafketis  38 | 11284
11 Jan 2021   #677
no concerns about the Chinese rule of law and their record on human rights.

including their concentration camps....
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
11 Jan 2021   #678
Exactly the EU does not care that millions are being sent to camps just because they are Muslim or Buddhist, let alone the suffering of political prisoners in Hong Kong, does Europe even care what has happened to the whistle blowers in Wuhan, they are more interested in cheap plastic toys for their kids.
Novichok  4 | 8786
11 Jan 2021   #679
Exactly the EU does not care that millions are being sent to camps

Why would Geurmany care about camps if there is a buck to be made?
Crow  155 | 9736
11 Jan 2021   #680

Slaski brate, EU does not have the capacity to care for anybody. EU is in agony. Played a game with great powers and was literally torn apart. And that is good. For what is EU? Extended Germany and the Vatican, two that always go hand in hand. They agreed in WWI. They agreed in WWII even in relation to Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and the formation of Nazi Islamic units on Balkan. They agree on welcoming migrants to Europe. Man, they agreed even on elections in the USA and to put Trump down.
Tacitus  2 | 1274
11 Jan 2021   #681
resources to produce more vaccine

That is what they are doing, but it will take time for other companies to copy the hugely complex production process. If ypu want to blame someone, blame the French for insisting that the BioNTech vaccine does not get more order than one in production by French company Sofani, or the Eastern European countries who preferred a cheaper and less dependent on cooling facilities.

does Europe even care

This is less about caring and more about being realistic. There is nothing we can realistically do about their situation, and China is there to stay as either one of two or perhaps even the single superpower of this century in the future. Our instruments were very limited during the Cold War to make any difference in Eastern Europe, and most improvements could only be achieved after the 1960s when there was a limtied detente between East and West, with some humanitarian concessions made by the East in return for economic ties. But then again, the economic balance of power was back then far more in the Wests' favour. Furthermore Europe's post-Covid recovery will also depend on ties with China, and this deal will greatly help with that.
mafketis  38 | 11284
11 Jan 2021   #682
China is there to stay as either one of two or perhaps even the single superpower of this century in the future

A superpower that maintains concentration camps.... and that's who Germany wants to do business with? Srsly?
Tacitus  2 | 1274
11 Jan 2021   #683

The Soviet Union had Gulags and the West did buisness with them. Its' satellite states - including Poland - had also atrocious human rights records yet we did buisness with them.

And China's economic cloud is already far greater than the Eastern Bloc's ever was. The West and particulary Europe needs to be realistic about what it can achieve and where its' interests are. Europe is not capable to meaningfully defend democracy in Asia, we have already problems doing this in our close proximity. That doesn't mean we should roll over to them and allowing them influence in our affairs, like allegedly some European countries are doing, but again lets' be realistic.

We are already doing buisness with them and have been doing so for some time. This deal will ensure that we do so on better terms now.
mafketis  38 | 11284
11 Jan 2021   #684
satellite states - including Poland - had also atrocious human rights records

How utterly noble.... perhaps we should throw flowers at your feet.....

Western countries made a yuuuuge bet back in the 1990s that if they helped China get rich it would turn it into a western-style country..... that bet went bust but Germany is still gonnna double down on it?

The new face of neoliberalism:
Novichok  4 | 8786
11 Jan 2021   #685
They did it because Western countries are run by Taituses and BB's - naive and suicidal "intellectuals" just wise enough to justify their stupidity to themselves.

They used the same brilliant technique to justify opening their borders to the hordes that will never leave and will out multiply them.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 Jan 2021   #686
and allowing them influence in our affairs, like allegedly some European countries are doing

Not allegedly. China are already very, very deep into Serbia and to a lesser extent Montenegro.
Tacitus  2 | 1274
11 Jan 2021   #687
How utterly noble

Nothing noble about it, just realism. The West boycotted the East until the 1970s without achieving anything. The detente later decreased the risk for war and brought some concessions from which the people in Eastern Europe benefited.
Novichok  4 | 8786
11 Jan 2021   #688
Nothing noble about it, just realism.

And so was selling rope to the Soviets to help them hang their enemies. You know, they were going to die anyway, so why not make a couple of bucks selling rope, right?

That's who the spineless, amoral weasel's brain cells connect.
Tacitus  2 | 1274
12 Jan 2021   #689
And so was selling rope

The opposite happened. The West could help a number of people in the East by dealing with Moscow.
Ironside  51 | 13124
12 Jan 2021   #690
No you couldn't!

Home / News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union

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