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Poles say a big YES to our European Union

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
12 May 2020   #391
Poland alone since it would not be constrained by the EUs diktats and can do whatever it pleases.

Sure...I can see it....Poland says and does what it pleases and Peking only nods smiling to that! The totally equal partner with the totally same voting rights! :)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
12 May 2020   #392
Imaginary? Please... whos telling Poland to get rid of our coal industry, not log our own forests, etc. And to top it off whos asking us to embrace lgbt agenda and take in muslim migrants? Certainly not russia, china or even the usa. No thatd be the jewropean union.

You cant even manufacture a towel in Poland now without going through hundreds if not thousands of guidelines depending on the product that the eu imposed. But right those are imaginery.

Peking only nods smiling to that!

With the way business between poland and china has been growing over the past few years of course theyre going to smile. Poland needs to diversify and cant just count on the eu.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
12 May 2020   #393
I would really like to say something like: "Okay...then leave and peg your future to the communists in Peking instead to work together with your european brethren to the best of Europe, we will see how that will pan out for you!"

But frankly I like and respect Poland to much for would be like watching a deadly car crash with indifference or worse, cheering the driver on!

PS: Nobody should have to tell Poland to not log their primeval forest, a unique and ancient european heritage. And no, of couse the Chinese won't care about that....but you should!!!

For all that you constantly talk about threatenend Europe by foreigners you really don't give a sh'it, don't you...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
12 May 2020   #394
Nobody should have to tell Poland to not log their primeval forest,

Exactly. If poles want to log it or not its our decision. Eu should not be sticking their nose in. Its not up to them. Same thing if we dont want to take in muslim migrants or change the constitution to allow for gay marraige. Nasz kraj, nasze zasady.

with your european brethren to the best of Europe, we will see how that will pan out for you!"

The only "european brethren" worth keeping around are the v4. The majority of w eu countries are cucked and want poland to also become a country where theres hordes of turd worlders costing tens of billions in direct benefits every year alone and european women cant even wear a skirt for fear of being raped like in parts of france and germany. Yeah no thanks. Poland will keep its record of ZERO islamic terror, ZERO migrant filled no go zones. You can keep your precious cultural enrichment.

communists in Peking

Yeah because the communists and socialists in the eu are much better right? The eu constitution itself was even based on the USSRs lol
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
12 May 2020   #395
threatenend Europe by foreigners you really don't give a sh'it, don't you...

Are the Chinese blowing people up in europe? Are they driving into crowds or mowing down people with ak47s? Perhaps theyre just costing us billions since the chinese dont want to work and prefer to be on benefits. No its gotta be all the sexual assaults the chinese committed against europeans.

China is the worlds 2nd largest economy soon to be 1st. Not being on good terms with them and not doing business would just be foolish. Even on the micro level its paying off - tons of Poles are making lots of money simply importing chinese goods and reselling them.

If all the muslims in europe were swapped with chinese the amount of terrorism, sexual assault, unemployment rate and even the amount of money spent coddling such turd worlders qith food, housing, cash stipend, etc would plummet.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
12 May 2020   #396
If poles want to log it or not its our decision.

If you destroy one of the last ancient heritages in Europe you should really shut upt about the newly build mosques in european's nothing else, even worse.

No ISIS dschihadist bomber can do to Europe what you are just supporting!

Nobody can rebuild a primeval forest, when it's gone it's gone!

The only "european brethren" worth keeping around are the v4.

Well....maybe you will be become China's newest province when you lick their boots only shiny enough...

The eu constitution itself was even based on the USSRs lol

Then what is your problem? You like prefer to be dictated...but why does it have to be the Chinese?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
12 May 2020   #397
you destroy one of the last ancient heritages in Europe

Thats not the point whether i want to destroy it or not, which i dont. The point is that if Poles want to log it thats our right since its our land. Eu has no business telling us to do something that is outside the eu treaty poland signed.

No ISIS dschihadist bomber can ....when it's gone it's gone!

Right because when someone is killed by some turd worlder because he went on a stabbing spree or drove into a crowd that can be fixed too right? Same with the thousands of european women who were sexuallt assaulted because merkel decided to open up europe to evety freeloader who can make it through.

Well....maybe you will be become China's newest province

If china took over the eu theyd be doing the european people a huge favor. Just by going off the fact that they locked up a million chinese kebabs shows they dont take no **** and they would put all the turd worlders in place real quick. No more terror attacks, dozens of sexual assaults everyday, no more tens of billions spent on people who dont feel like working. And if not theyll kill them and give their organs to a deserving citizen. And to top it off the chinese wont push any sort of lgbt agenda and would likely imprison anyone who does.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
12 May 2020   #398
The point is that if Poles want to log it thats our right since its our land.

That primeval forest has been there long before the polish nation came into existence...your borders encompassing it are totally accidentally...

You begrudge the EU that it cares about such an important european heritage and prefer the Chinese who don't give a sh'it!

I could understand that point of view better if you wouldn't at the same time be famous on this board for lamenting the downfall of european culture, of the soul of Europe itself, all the time.

It doesn't add up...either you are a proud European and because of that prefer the european culture and respect it's history and with that of course want to preserve it's unique and ancient heritages....or you don't!

How you can support the destruction of such an age old heritage and also an agressive, powerful, far away empire who sees Europe only as a rival it want's to best and subdue and at the same time blaming poor, hapless immigrants for the destruction of Europe is absolutely mind boggling!

No muslim Ali can do to Europe what you polish tree logger and chinese Xi are trying to do!

What the f*uck is wrong with you???
Tacitus  2 | 1274
12 May 2020   #399
The eu constitution itself was even based on the USSR

Complete and utter nonsense. The founding fathers of the EU were devoted Christians who loathed Communism and the UdSSR with a passion. If anything the USA was the big example they wanted to follow, hence the dream of a United States of Europe.
Crow  155 | 9736
12 May 2020   #400
Poland alone since it would not be constrained by the EUs diktats and can do whatever it pleases.


Or Poland alone (or Germany alone for that matter)?

Don't do this. The fact that Germany and the EU doesn't have the future has nothing with Poland. Poland isn't and won't be alone.

Instead to live in the past and fearing the resurgence of old Prussia you should really look further to the East for the new danger.

On the east are partners on the west is dictate, while in the center of Europe and on the south of Europe to the Balkan is the realm of Poland.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
12 May 2020   #401
What the f*uck is wrong with you???

What the **** is wrong with you? Can you not read? I specifically stated two things 1) i dont care for logging it and 2) it doesnt matter whether poland wants to log the forest or nor - the point is that is polands decision, not the eu.

Complete and utter nonsense

Not at all. Its a fact that the writers used the ussr as a model. The fact that they were commies/christian is irrelevant. Even prl era leaders were christian.

And just like the ussr constitution, the eu was forced onto people DESPITE the french and dutch voting against it. They forced it upon the population anyway. But thats nonsense too right? The french and dutch never voted but if they did the results were that the majority wants to certainly to join eu. 2/3 of dutch voters didnt want to enter the eu but they forced it on them anyway. Yeah, **** the jewropean union.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
12 May 2020   #402
the point is that is polands decision, not the eu.

No...that's not the point!

I repeat: you begrudge that the EU want Poland to take better care of that treasure in it's borders as it belongs to our all heritage! And yes, that is an interference, but a toothless one, as there is no army being able to guard these old trees from destruction. An interference which should not be needed in the first place at all!

And at the same time you prefer the chinese rule because they don't give a sh'it about Europe and it's heritages!

Of course they would not say a word if Poland would raze that forest down tomorrow....but that doesn't make them friends of Poland or truly interested in the well being of Europe, quite the contrary!

Tacitus  2 | 1274
12 May 2020   #403
the writers used the ussr as a model.

What writers? Here is a list of the founding fathers of the EU. I don't think anyone of them had a socialist, let alone communist outlook. Most of them were in fact conservative.

None of them would have used the SU as role model. And none of them did, they only looked at the US for guidance. It is one thing to repeat those Braitbard lies among your skinhead friends in the USA, but trying to do so on a forum with Europeans is just stupid.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
12 May 2020   #404
in it's borders as it belongs to our all heritage!

It belongs to Poland and thus its our decision what to do with it.

And your the last person to talk about preserving europes heritage. Yeah worry about trees while w europe including germanistan takes crosses off churches because they offend people who are only in europe to leech benefits and allows saudi funded mosques to be built on every other block. Raze centuries old buildings so kebab and ninjas can build kebab stands and islamic centers. And who did that? The EU. Theyre literally clapping as turd worlders change european society and then mad at poland at the v4 that we wont take then in and wish to preserve our societies because we dont want a bunch of ninjas around or terror attacks.

The EU has destroyed far more european heritage and culture not to mention society as a whole than any polish loggers. Thats a fact.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
12 May 2020   #405
It belongs to Poland and thus its our decision what to do with it.

Then why don't you treat it as the treasure it is?

Your...our....ancestors have already hunted through it...our people and nations have been born and are grown in it's's as much part of our european soul as famous stones and bricks!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
12 May 2020   #406
Because theyre trees... trees grow back. And id much rather admire a bedroom armoire or car interior made out of a rare wood. So no im not going to cry if a small part of a massive forest is made to benefit the economy, which was the initial proposal. Im more concerned about european people and society which is being threatened by the eu since they want a social marxist monoculture where european natives gradually lose their societies as kebab and other trash multiplies like rats and outbreeds them as native europeans work tirelessly to create tens of billions every year that is going to people who arent even european let alone native citizens. You already have arabic more widely spoken than french in marseilles - a large european city. So much for preserving heritage and culture. They couldnt even keep their language. Far more of a problem than any logging.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
12 May 2020   #407
.... threatened by the eu since they want a social marxist monoculture

Erm...honest question here.....what do you think China is about????
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
12 May 2020   #408
China is nationalistic and traditional. They dont put up with lgbt crap and they certainly dont let kebab run amuck like in w europe. You wont see china taking in hordes of turd worlders and allow them to gradually replace the native population while the natives toil to pay for the food, healthcare, housing, and all their other b.s demands.
mafketis  38 | 11284
12 May 2020   #409
And under national capitalism

another name for the soviet system...

and when you look at how China and Russia treat their own citizens, what makes you think they'd be any more benevolent to Polish people?

there are massive systemic problems in the EU but Poland is too small to have significant leverage with China or Russia on its own (and the US and UK absolutely would not help Poland in its hour of need).
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 May 2020   #410
key industries like military, energy and other strategic industries should be controlled by Polish private owners and Polish private companies.

Following up on this, how would you make sure that these industries remain in private hands and not subject to interference from politicians?

I have nothing against the privatisation of these companies and making a rule that only Polish citizens can own shares, but how do you prevent it from turning into Russian-style oligarchy? Perhaps worker self-management/self-ownership?

and when you look at how China and Russia treat their own citizens, what makes you think they'd be any more benevolent to Polish people?

Looking at what China's doing elsewhere, they're completely ruthless. First they give, and then they ask. That big shiny new port that the Chinese lent you money for? Oh dear, you couldn't keep up with the it's the home of the 223rd Chinese Fleet. You can still keep a few boats there, but don't interfere with our fleet or else.
mafketis  38 | 11284
12 May 2020   #411
how do you prevent it from turning into Russian-style oligarchy?

Maybe that's what he wants?
kondzior  11 | 1026
12 May 2020   #412
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
12 May 2020   #413
China is nationalistic and traditional

The traditional China got drowned in rivers of blood....
mafketis  38 | 11284
12 May 2020   #414
they put muslims in concentration camps.... Dirk _lurves_ himself some concentration camps.... like any 13 year old edge lord...
12 May 2020   #415
eu (...) want a social marxist monoculture

what do you think China is about???

Heh :)
Spike31  3 | 1485
12 May 2020   #416
We all have to reinvent ourselves...the EU isn't to blame for any of it, but it can help!

Yes, by introducing new taxes, regulations and limitations which will especially hit developing European economies in the first place...

Instead to live in the past

Past shapes the presence. And Germany has, and follows, its historical national interest which is ultimately against the best national interest of Poland. As simple as that.

The only difference is that the tools have changed but the goal is the same: to expand and to control. By finding ways to jeopardize a rigged game Poland is acting rationally and in its best interest.
OP jon357  72 | 23706
12 May 2020   #417
Oh dear, you couldn't keep up with the it's the home of the 223rd Chinese Fleet

That pattern has so far been repeated in quite a few places round the world.

you begrudge that the EU want Poland to take better care of that treasure in it's borders as it belongs to our all heritage!

Of course. Poland is not a remote island; its ecosystem affects all around it, just as Poland's ecosystem is affected by that of other member states plus Belarus/Ukraine. Hence robust measures taken for the common good.
Spike31  3 | 1485
12 May 2020   #418
how would you make sure that these industries remain in private hands and not subject to interference from politicians?

I'd follow best examples on how to handle those matters - relations between big industry and military complex and the state - from countries like the US and the UK and adjust it to a unique local circumstances.

China and Russia treat their own citizens, what makes you think they'd be any more benevolent to Polish people?

Because Poland is not Russia nor China where a human being is not an individual but an object, a property of the state. Never was a never will be.
cms neuf  2 | 1973
12 May 2020   #419
The US and U.K. at the moment are perfect examples of how not to run a country. It will be years before people are asking them for expertise again

They voted for clowns and now they have a circus.

On a broader point how confident are you about Brexit now ? It will be 3x as chaotic as this virus fiasco. The thought that Poland or other countries will follow this example is ludicrous
mafketis  38 | 11284
12 May 2020   #420
Because Poland is not Russia nor China

How do Russia and China treat countries that fall into their "sphere of influence"? What would prevent Poland from falling into one or the other's sphere of influence?

No wishful thinking or platitudes, please. What concrete policies would you have to keep the Bear and Dragon from Poland's door?

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