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Poles march against Mandatory poisoning by vaccines

johnny reb  49 | 7974
7 Jun 2018   #91
that unvaccinated kids can also cause huge medical problems to people in their presence

What risk could they possibly be to the pro-vaxxer's who have had their vaccinations to make them bullet proof.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
7 Jun 2018   #92
What risk could they possibly be to the pro-vaxxer's who have had their vaccinations

Plenty especially to their children and infants who are not yet old enough to be vaccinated. Vaccines do not always work 100% on every individual.
7 Jun 2018   #93
22 people out of over 700 million in Europe, 500 mil in the eu... So so scary... more people die from bears

Nope, wrong on the basic facts YET AGAIN!

The pool of vulnerable people is much smaller than 700/500m because it only contains those who were a) not vaccinated, b) too young to be vaccinated (babies, unborns), or c) the small number who were vaccinated but it wasn't effective.

And to correct your other wrong statement - bear fatalities in Europe average less than one per 3 years.

you're safe because you're vacced remember??

Oddly as it may seem for a 'me first' American, I am not only cocerned about myself, but for the wider society that I live in, as well as my loved ones.

And, in any case, here's your third correction (3 out of 3, you've been wrong on everything!): I am not "safe" because the TB vaccine is not 100% effective, so I could still get it, perhaps an incurable form, although the chances are greatly reduced as I have been vaccinated.

Any other facts that you need help with correcting, just let me know...
7 Jun 2018   #94
Right yet hpv was linked to cervical cancer....

And there is a vaccine for that, routinely given to girls aged 12-18 in the UK.

To prevent lung cancer, just stop smoking.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
7 Jun 2018   #95
And there is a vaccine for that, routinely given to girls aged 12-18 in the UK.

And to the boys in that age group in America.
Have you read about the horrible side effects that vaccine has had.
It has done much more damage then good.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
7 Jun 2018   #96
And there is a vaccine for that, routinely given to girls aged 12-18 in the UK.

And also to boys that identify as girls so that they fit in with their peers, very progressive.
Ironside  50 | 12916
7 Jun 2018   #97
The health and survival of the wider community as a whole certainly trump the oddities of individual

Hmm what kind of liberal are you? You're much for a marriage for gays, a free abortion for all, a something that would account for the oddities of individuals with a total disregard what it does to the wider community as whole.

Where it is clear that the best place to rise children is a working properly family unit that consist of a man and a woman; abortion not only are detrimental to women's physical and mental health . Also if we are talking about survival of the winder community - not having enough children is a danger as well.

Maybe you should rethink your position.

I live like all those self-proclaimed liberal are so authoritarian if not tyrannical at hearth.

Well, I'm a liberal by temperament but I'm not a fool either. Seems to me it cannot be said about 'liberals' on this forum at the least.

I think they more like goodie two shoes that go by what a mainstream bourgeoisie culture is in fashion. (disclaimer - it not aimed at you jon, well not at you personally)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Jun 2018   #98
scratch a liberal leftie too hard and you will find a raging fascist underneath...:):)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
7 Jun 2018   #99
...and the logical side of the brain missing.
7 Jun 2018   #100
Have you read about the horrible side effects that vaccine has had.

Any medical literature to back that up? Not activist websites, but academic published science?
7 Jun 2018   #101
And also to boys that identify as girls so that they fit in with their peers, very progressive.

Everyone who will ever have sex should get it, the only reason not to do so being cost, as in the UK.

I presume you're safely exempt ;)
johnny reb  49 | 7974
7 Jun 2018   #102
Liberals are full of hate, never admit they are wrong, have no other agenda then to destroy other peoples freedoms (if they don't want it then neither should you have it) and think their freedoms trump your freedoms.

...and the logical side of the brain missing.

Progressive socialists have no logic or common sense.
That is why they can't debate the facts.
They are parasites to functioning cultures that they want to change to appease their ilk.

Back on topic however............
I wonder how much of that teeny weenie amounts of mercury you claim in each vaccination (along with who knows what else) to those teeny weenie little babies that have natural immunities from their mothers milk already.

And the suggested 65 vaccinations by the time a child is five years old is fcking insane.
How mush is a teeny weenie amount of mercury times 65 ?

the only reason not to do so being cost, as in the UK.

They are free in the U.S. and were made mandatory and just look AFTER they were given the damage that they caused on a generation of test subjects.
TheOther  6 | 3596
7 Jun 2018   #103
What risk could they possibly be to the pro-vaxxer's who have had their vaccination

That was already explained. Read the thread.

have no other agenda then to destroy other peoples freedoms

Destroy your "freedom" to spread a contagious disease and endanger other people? What are you guys? Neanderthals? If you are really against vaccinations, then hide in an effing cave and don't come out until the last one of you has been wiped out by measles or tuberculosis. Or stay in your backward communities until evolution has taken care of you. Oh wait, you don't believe in that either.

scratch a liberal leftie too hard and you will find a raging fascist underneath

You don't even have to scratch some of our conservatives here to see the brown color shining through...
johnny reb  49 | 7974
7 Jun 2018   #104
Liberals are full of hate,

As you can see from the last post. lol
TheOther  6 | 3596
7 Jun 2018   #105
Facts, science and other "liberal evils" don't reach you and your ilk. What's left is ridicule and despise. Congratulations.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
7 Jun 2018   #106
So would mandatory vaccinations extend to forcing it, probably with violence, onto Amish or others with genuine religious objections ?

Would you prevent unvaccinated children e.g. from Pakistan, Nigeria or Iraq entering the country?

Would you prevent children below the vaccination age from travelling to other countries where vaccination is not in force?

The black-and-white view simply cannot apply in every circumstance.

In fact before all the controversy about the MMR jab started, there were about 8% of kids in Western Europe not vaccinated - I do not remember this causing massive rates of measles, munos and whatever else it is.

Let's also consider what might happen if there was a genuinely controversial drug - like thalidomide- it was not withdrawn overnight, there was a decade-long debate about whether or not it was safe and started obviously from someone questioning the clusters of deformities. If we were in a similar position now would you insist on mandatory vaccination of a drug that was possibly seriously harmful from? Why not tell parents the risks and let them decide?

There are obviously modern diseases which are growing - autism, certain cancers, certain neurological conditions. as I said I have no idea what is causing them, but it will be something that we were previously told was safe - whether its diet, environmental, medical, radioactivity et cetera.
Tacitus  2 | 1264
7 Jun 2018   #107
How mush is a teeny weenie amount of mercury times 65 ?

Are you really this ignorant, or are you doing this on purpose? We are talking about such small traces of mercury that even 1000 vaccines would not cause any harm.

As this thread demonstrates, many people have apparantly no idea how statistics and percentages work.

I do not remember this causing massive rates of measles, munos and whatever else it is.

Because the vast majority is still vaccinated. Once the nunber of vaccinated people drops below a certain threshold, you will see yet again outbreaks of those diseases.
TheOther  6 | 3596
7 Jun 2018   #108
So would mandatory vaccinations extend to forcing it, probably with violence, onto Amish or others with genuine religious objections ?

I said it before: no vaccination ... no day care, no kindergarten, no school, no college. You do home schooling, since your religious objections are so genuine.

Would you prevent unvaccinated children e.g. from Pakistan, Nigeria or Iraq entering the country?

Medical exams and vaccinations are already mandatory for new permanent residents/ immigrants.

Would you prevent children below the vaccination age from travelling to other countries where vaccination is not in force?

Would you take your children to Africa without vaccination? That's common sense.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
7 Jun 2018   #109
I said it before:

So we are back to your freedoms trump my freedoms.
You insist on me marching to YOUR beat.
You don't like guns so I shouldn't be allowed to own one either mentality.
What is good for you is good for me and my freedoms don't matter.
That's typical Liberalism.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
7 Jun 2018   #110
Nope, wrong on the basic facts YET AGAIN!

That was YOUR own claim rofl you said 22 people died in Europe

Measles has killed 22 people in Europe

Like I said, considering eu is 500 mil and all of europe is 700 mil, better chances of winning the lottery....7
cms neuf  1 | 1846
7 Jun 2018   #111
But what if someone is coming from Pakistan on holiday ?

There are some vaccines only adminstered when the kid is older - what if you need to travel in the meantime ( i had my TB jab when i was about 13 and yes i travelled before then)

What is the magic percentage below which this heard immunity does not work ? If it is 90 percent then is the 91st person ok but the 89th a child abusing murderer ? Any really clear statisitcs on herd immunity with undeniable results ?

Is state education compulsory ? Of course it is in almost every country - but some remote risks are deemed more important than that principle ?

What if a new vaccine is invented - in Poland would you retrospectively jab 6 million kids ? If not then wont this herd immunity thing be useless ?

Again - what jf major doubts are being raised about a treatment ? Should parents carry on regardless ?

There is little coherence to the mandatory vaccination argument - it seems more to come from a platform of posiions in the liberal press.

My problem is not ith vaccinations but by the insistence that the state knows better than parents and that the medical professions views are both settled and infallible.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
7 Jun 2018   #112
Destroy your "freedom" to spread a contagious disease and endanger other people?

Again, if their vaccinated then they shouldn't have any concern for people who aren't.

If we're going by that logic then we should also lock up all gay people or castrate them to prevernt then from having sex since homosexuals are the overwhelming majority of HIV/AIDS cases. But of course youd never force gay people not to have sex even though they are far more likely to spread a contagious disease thats far worse than measles diphtheria or any of the other diseases they vaxx for.

To prevent lung cancer, just stop smoking.

You can still get lung cancer even if you've never smoked, inckuding from pollution. That's only one of the many diseases that are far far more deadly and have way more people dying from them than bogus measles with 22 deaths out of 700 mil in Europe or youur earlier statement of 2 deaths per year because of tetanus

Its a matter of CHOICE, if you want to vaxx thats you're right its your body. If I dont I won't because my body doesn't belong to society and certainly not the government

Also you have ZERO recourse should a vaccine permanently **** you up. No other drug is like that not otc, not prescription drugs nor even medical devices.

Any medical literature to back that up? Not activist websites, but academic published science?


There are a variety of complications, which have been identified and acknowledged in the medical literature and by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), National Academy of Sciences, including:

Brain Inflammation/Acute Encephalopathy
Chronic Nervous System Dysfunction
Febrile Seizures
Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)
Brachial Neuritis;
Acute and Chronic Arthritis
Smallpox, polio, measles and varicella zoster vaccine strain infection
Death (smallpox, polio and measles vaccine)
Shock and "unusual shock-like state"
Protracted, inconsolable crying
Deltoid Bursitis

And VAERS specifically studies DEATHS caused by vaxxing - lists all serious side effects for vaccines some of which are really bad. And this is the CDC admitting this which has a bias for vaccination.

Even the WHO admits you can DIE from a vaccine but they play it off like its so rare. The funny thing is they wont mention that people dying from tetanus - 2 per year, 22 out of 500 mil for measles...

More deaths caused by vaxxing
VAERS Reports of Death Following Immunization.

And thatsnjust people who DIED let alone people whos health was severely compromised...

But they habe 1 thing in common - they can't sue the vaccine makers because of the no fault statute

hide in an effing cave and don't come out until the last one of you has been wiped out by measles or tuberculosis.

Good idea. Let's start with all the unvaxxed migrants....

Oh and of course Dr. Wakefield who the vaxx and phatma lobby has been trying to discredit ever since his report.

Some adults have terrible reactions from just a flu vaccine. I can only only imagine what 65 vaccines does to small children who don't habe the strongest immune system.

Besides it doesn't matter whether a person wants to buy the science for or against vaxxing. Its a personal choice what you put into your body. If I was a woman and wanted to have an abortion thats my right in the us because its my body, if I want to butt **** an hiv infected dude that's my right, if I want to chose aspirin over Tylenol for a fever because it agrees with my body more even though Tylenol is more effective accoeding to scientific studies thats my right.

If you want to vaxx, that's up to you. But then dont hate people for making the choice not to vax. That's their decision to make, not yours. And if you're going to use the line that oh its dangerous to the rest of society (even though that shouldn't be a concern for you if you claim vaccines are soooo effective) then dont stop there. Lock up all the hiv positive people and castrate them so rhey cant spread it, lock up all the Amish, Jehovah's witnesses, migrants from the third world (which the left defends constantly... oh and why stop there lets lock up everyone with a runny nose or a sore throat for the good of socirty
johnny reb  49 | 7974
7 Jun 2018   #113
And there is a vaccine for that, routinely given to girls aged 12-18 in the UK.

Yes and the name of it is Guardasil bing hyped as to prevent cervical cancer and std warts.
Is it really necessary when it is not that effective considering the possible side effects of death ?
Yes death.

ABC News Chief Medical Editor Dr. Timothy Johnson said that he, too, would encourage parents to learn more about the shot before getting their daughters vaccinated.

"We know it does what it says - it prevents HPV infections," he said.
But he added that when it comes to comparing the benefits of the HPV vaccine against its potential risks, he believes there simply is not enough evidence to recommend to all parents that they have their daughters vaccinated.

"I don't think we yet know the long term benefits or risks," Johnson said.
Sounds to me like a throw of the dice on your children's health/life.

Some of the other reported side effects from this mandatory money making drug for Big Pharmacy and the people with the patent on Guardasil are adverse events were serious, including blood clots and neurological disorders.

They don't tell that to the little elven year old girls or their parents about that part of it for some reason until AFTER the vaccine has been injected.

All side effect results will be coming in for the next twenty years with WHOOPS !
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Jun 2018   #114
in fact Gardasil was the only one that I said no to, in consultation with my daughter of course.

I just don't think that our schools are appropriate places for mass drug testing tbh.

yes I had my tinfoil hat on for that one.
7 Jun 2018   #115
That was YOUR own claim rofl you said 22 people died in Europe

Try and keep up. Yes, 22 have died in Europe this year. You said that was out of 500 or 700 million (wrong, it's out of the number of non-vaccinated or vulnerable people) and you said that bears killed more people than that (wrong again).

Like I said, considering eu is 500 mil and all of europe is 700 mil, better chances of winning the lottery....7

And like I said, you're wrong on the numbers.


You seem to have trouble with slectively quoting. I went ot the page you linked to, and it said this:

"A vaccine, like any medicine, could cause a serious reaction. But the risk of a vaccine causing serious harm, or death, is extremely small."

Read the back of a packet of aspirin, and see the 'potential side effects'. Stop talking as if side effects are guaranteed, or even common. They're not. They're "extremely" rare, as your linked website says.
TheWizard  - | 217
7 Jun 2018   #116
This thread should be called ' crackpots march in support of pseudo science'.
TheOther  6 | 3596
7 Jun 2018   #117
Again, if their vaccinated then they shouldn't have any concern for people who aren't.

Again: no vaccine protects 100%. There's always a chance to contract a disease, but the chance is much smaller for vaccinated people than for the unvaccinated crowd. Every anti-vaxxer needlessly increases the risk for society.

But what if someone is coming from Pakistan on holiday ?

Then the anti-vaccination folks are obviously much more at risk to get exposed to a potentially deadly disease than the people who are vaccinated. The risk of international travel.

So we are back to your freedoms trump my freedoms.

You are not free to deliberately put other people at risk. The freedom and health of the vast majority of Americans who are pro vaccination (>80%) are far more important than the questionable views of some troglodytes who think that returning to the Middle Ages is a good idea which is "keeping the gubermint out of their lives". If you want to kill yourself by contagious disease, then by all means go for it, but please leave the sane people in this country out of your bizarre life choices.
TheOther  6 | 3596
7 Jun 2018   #118
then by all means go for it

Forgot to add: long as you stay in your cave or remote community
TheWizard  - | 217
7 Jun 2018   #119
Where i live you lose government support if you don't vaccinate your kids. Parents don't want these kids in child care centers alongside protected kids. We have the same idiots here and they are openly ridiculed for good reason. The chief crackpot from the usa was banned recently from visiting, she wanted to travel the country spreading her insanity and spreading disease. Some of the dumbest people on the planet!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Jun 2018   #120
anyway all these ones banging on about evil vaccines will change their mind once they have a child.

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