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Poles march against Mandatory poisoning by vaccines

Slavictor  6 | 193
5 Jun 2018   #1
Well done. Be prepared to defend your family. Determine which member(s) of the political class have taken a pharmaceutical company bribe to promote compulsory use. Isolate, remove and punish.

Watch for further insights.
Tacitus  2 | 1272
5 Jun 2018   #2
Anti-Vaccine movements are the best proof that a society does not become smarter simply because of scientific advancements. People simply like conspiracy theories. I hope most Poles are smarter than this.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Jun 2018   #3
Actually more and more Poles aren't vaxxing their kids. Due to the high levels of thimerosal I likely won't give my kids all the vax's either. There's too many reports of kids getting all messed up especially after the MMR shot. Its bad enough water has a **** ton of fluoride which gets into your body even from bathing. And if the government doesn't like it sue me...

When I got my vaccines as a baby in PRL they were way smaller, way more spread out, and they didn't start giving them basically the instant a baby is born. I still have my PRL era 'ksiazeczka dziecenca' or whatever its called.. Now the doses are way higher, theres way more vaccines, and they don't even give hepatitis b vaccines in the US... that's just retarded...
Tacitus  2 | 1272
5 Jun 2018   #4
Actually more and more Poles aren't vaxxing their kids.

Those are very bad news. Not vaccinating children is nothing less than child abuse. You condemn your child to unneeded suffering and potential health risks.

high levels of thimerosal

Nothing to worry about:

When I got my vaccines as a baby

Vaccines are much safer than they used to be 30 years ago. They are not given instantly, we still have to wait several months. Which is another reason why vaccination should be obligatory, babies depend on herd protection until they are vaccinated. Hopefully we can one day vaccinate babies immediately after their birth and spare them from most diseases.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
5 Jun 2018   #5
more and more Poles aren't vaxxing their kids. Due to the high levels of thimerosal I likely won't give my kids all the vax's either.

you are an idiot than. thimerosal firstly isn't really used in most vaccines (only one or two use it), secondly the amount found in vaccines is almost non-existent.

but let me ask you- do you use common salt when you cook/eat something? I hope not, after all there is a dangerous gas used to kill bacterias and people in it (chlorine)!

Now the doses are way higher, theres way more vaccines, and they don't even give hepatitis b vaccines in the US...

another BS. now, even 5-in-1 vaccines do contain fewer (dead or weakened- depends if its a live or dead vaccine) pathogens than older, single vaccines.

but hey, thanks to the anti-vaccine idiots like yourself whooping cough (krztusiec) is back!
5 Jun 2018   #6
In my country the government vaccinated several pregnant women, result: millions of babies were born with microcephaly

But the media and the government concealed the cause--->effect (=vaccination--->problem) by saying that there was an outbreak of Zika Virus which would supposedly cause microcephaly. Mysteriously the problem of Zika -> microcephaly DISAPPEARED! (Perhaps because there had never been such a relationship). And nobody else talks about it.

It is not novelty that is interesting to the globalists (whom many consider to be actually Jews and the famous "Jewish Question") the population reduction (White genocide + immigration as "salvation") and biological manipulation (Manipulate sex hormones to decrease fertility).

Poles, be alert, you do not know how important you are, do not let unscrupulous people touch you and your children.

Its bad enough water has a **** ton of fluoride which gets into your body even from bathing.

This exists in my country too.

Thus, children in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas.

In my country people like @Tacitus receive "little gifts" (status, travels) from globalist institutions ( NGOs, UN, EU ) or pharmacy companies. Do not be fooled.
5 Jun 2018   #7
In my country the government vaccinated several pregnant women, result: millions of babies were born with microcephaly

No problem with vaccines then, as "several" vaccinated women couldn't have given birth to "millions of babies...with microcephaly", you utter fool.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Jun 2018   #8
do you use common salt when you cook/eat something?

No. I don't buy sh1t with corn syrup, sat fat, any high sugar contents either and I have a great filtration system to take out the chlorine in the water. I pay very close attention to my health. Nonetheless, I do smoke cigarettes which I am cutting back on - but at least I smoke American spirits where are (supposedly) all natural or at least htat's what the box claims so it doesn't have all the crazy chemicals that say a Marlboro does and hence a far lower nicotine content

idiots like yourself

And there's that key indicator of someone inferior intelligence - immediately resort to name calling as their brain is too slow to use rhetorical devices, even when time is not a constraint.

Whooping cough is all but dead. And diseases that are actually life threatening like Hep B aren't even vaccinated against in the US. The flu vaccines are another bs scam - I've never had one in my life and I haven't had the flu since undergrad, maybe even high school. And yes, many vaccines do still contain thimerosol especially MMR. I remember even specifically asking about this when I had to submit my vax records for my uni and they told me I would need an MMR booster, which of course I won't get as I'll take my chances with any of the 3 than knowingly inject my body with mercury.

women couldn't have given birth to "millions of babies.

My ex-gf's sister won a huge case against Yaz as it left her permanently sterile. ALL medicines have side effects - some of which may not yet be known as medicines affect every person differently. Even the tiniest dose of any ADHD med like Adderall or Ritalin will keep me up for like 2 days no matter how much melatonin or Benadryl/diphenhydramine or even ambien to try to fall asleep. That doesn't happen to most people. When a drug is mandatory and a company has a monopoly there is simply less incentive to

Why is it all the left leaning people on here are so pro-vaxx? I wonder why that is.... I believe that it's a personal decision whether to get vaccinated. A baby who wasn't vaxxed can always get vaccines later in life if he/she decide they want them. I would've still been vaxxed, just done far more research on each vaccine, the company, any reported side effects from people, etc.

Also, many scientists that HAVE demonstrated a link between vaccines specifically MMR and autism, not to mention immediately getting a super high fever and getting all puffy in many instance. There's many scientists that show there is no link. Till there's more research, I'm out on this one and won't give my kid MMR.
5 Jun 2018   #9
The diseases we fought we eradicated from civilised world are coming back. Cases of Polio and other are emerging...For now we can deal with it thanks to herds immunity but how long will it last?

Only in the 60 we had towns closed down thanks to one infected person...But who cares, right?
The worst part is that it's probably not those responsible who will suffer. It will be babies, ppl after transplants, older ppl. But who cares, right?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Jun 2018   #10
As long as they're not mine or my families....

And actually the big killer now is Hep C due to all the baby boomers and intravenous drug users who have it. There's no vaccine against it.

Its pretty easy to see that the statistics of people dying from diseases are mainly cancers, heart related problems/ heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc - sh1t like that. While the amount of people dying from measles, rubella, whooping cough is very very low - a tiny fraction when compared to things like heart attacks, strokes, cancers - many of which are preventable through good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle - not vaccines. There's no vaccines against heart attacks, prostate cancers and strokes.
5 Jun 2018   #11
We had this antivaxxer hysteria in Serbia in 2016 and 2017, due to which the vaccination levels dropped to record low. In October, the outbreak of measles was declared. Since then 16 people have died, mostly children and young mothers. Public turned against antivaxxers, and prominent ones who advised parents over the media not to vaccinate their children, have been detained and will be facing trial. Same might happen in Poland, but due to much larger population, hundreds of Polish children will die. Poland should learn from what happened in Serbia, and lock those antivaxxers before people start dying.
5 Jun 2018   #12
That's because we mostly beat this deaseses and we live long and healthy enough to have ither problems. If we let them to come back...

Just 200 years ago ppl in Poland lived around 40 if ai remember correctly. ..No wonder there was no many cancers, heart attacks and diabetes...
And even if you take this very selfish approach who can guarantee you you and your family will be safe? You may need a transplant... Your parents may caught something...

And if more ppl will stop vaccinating their kids soon no babies will be safe Including yours. How do you fancy having a kid crippled by Polio? Or being scared because your partner is about to give birth but there is whooping caugh epidemic?

You are terribly shortsighted. ..
kondzior  11 | 1026
5 Jun 2018   #13
Hopefully we can one day vaccinate babies immediately after their birth and spare them from most diseases.

We don't ban or vaccinate homosexuals just because they have a greater chance to spread HIV, because you see it's immoral to force a peaceful person into doing something against his will, especially if the person is way too young to give consent.

This is precisely the principle you lefists were never able to grasp: possible greater good in the future does not justify coercion of the peaceful in the present. The worst nightmares on this Earth happened because people believed they were building a better tomorrow at the expense of suffering of today.
5 Jun 2018   #14
We don't ban or vaccinate homosexuals just because they have a greater chance to spread HIV,

I'm a bit behind on my reading but I didn't realise it's so bad that I missed the moment we invented HIV vaccine. ..
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
5 Jun 2018   #15
quite a lot of anti vaxxers justify their selfish decision by saying 'oh well the others are vaccinated, so my children will benefit from herd immunity anyway'. I honestly heard that, back when I had babies and this was the topic of conversation.

My children got the lot, almost.
Their selfishness is breathtaking.
5 Jun 2018   #16
Why is it all the left leaning people on here are so pro-vaxx?

I think you mean 'scientifically literate people'.

Tot up all the side effects from vaccinations, all the "ex-gf's sisters" against the number of people per year who used to die from polio, measles, smallpox etc, and I think you'll find your answer.

We don't ban or vaccinate homosexuals just because they have a greater chance to spread HIV

Actually the UK does, sort of. The PrEP drug is available on the NHS as a pre-emptive drug to prevent HIV infection, primarily among gay men.

possible greater good in the future does not justify coercion of the peaceful in the present.

By that logic, children should not be sent to school to learn to read or right, because these peaceful kids might read Mein Kampf and then start making leaflets glorifying the Nazis.

But instead, we balance that risk against the benefits to the individual and everyone else of a literate society. Similarly, we vaccinate kids because the likely benefits to them (not dying of measles or polio) and everyone else (not spreading measles or polio) outweighs any risks.

It's very simple really. It takes quite a high amount of paranoia and lack of scientific understanding to convince yourself that vaccination is a bad idea.
kondzior  11 | 1026
5 Jun 2018   #17
So are people fine with vaccination being mandatory? It doesn't happen often, but people can and do die from vaccines, and it makes sense to think that children would be far more vulnerable.

But instead, we balance that risk against the benefits to the individual and everyone else of a literate society.

Seems like liberal science is overtaking this thread, I see.

If your kid dies from a vaccine, the doctor isn't even held accountable (not that it would still matter much at that point). As I understand it, if something goes awry during a vaccination, which is rare, but still can happen, no one would be held lawfully responsible. There are numerous claims that vaccines can and do cause complications, reports of infant deaths right after vaccination; it is rare, but it can happen.
5 Jun 2018   #18
So are people fine with vaccination being mandatory? It doesn't happen often, but people can and do die from vaccines,

Yes, people are fine, because whatever the chances are of dying from a vaccination, the chances of dying from the disease it protects against if everyone is NOT vaccinated is massively greater. It's a no-brainer.

It's necessary for it to be mandatory, for the reason that anti-vaccinators prove with every breath they take - some people are not clever or literate enough to make important decisions on society's overall health, so it has to be made for them. Just like those people who think their kids will be fine without an education - the state makes it mandatory for them to have schooling.

Some people are weak links in the chain, but that doesn't mean everyone has to sit around and watch the chain break.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
5 Jun 2018   #19
it is rare, but it can happen.

i think this miniscule risk is truly tiny next to the risk of children dying of preventable diseases.
When I pulled a face at the amount of inoculations there were for the children, my health visitor said well the African women don't complain about this free service, that is because they have seen small children dying from silly diseases like measles etc.
5 Jun 2018   #20
Seems like liberal science is overtaking this thread

There is no such thing as "liberal science", or "conservative science". It's just science. Politics and policy can be liberal or conservative, but science is not political, it's just the best objective information available.

Only a moron ignores the best information available, in favour of opinion.
5 Jun 2018   #21
they have seen small children dying from silly diseases like measles

I think that's a hugr part of it- we forgot how deadly they were. I however talked to my mom and uncle about it and they still remember seing plenty of ppl crippled by Polio- something you don't see nowadays. ..
kondzior  11 | 1026
5 Jun 2018   #22
the chances of dying from the disease it protects against if everyone is NOT vaccinated is massively greater.

Everyone poses a danger to society. For instance, there are a lot of mentally unstable people who might turn sociopath and start murdering at any moment, but we don't institutionalize them because they might harm someone some day. Or people can kill other people in traffic accidents, but we don't ban cars. Of course, you lefists would like to ban everything.
5 Jun 2018   #23
Everyone poses a danger to society..

But everyone is not an EQUAL danger, are they? Someone waving a knife shouting 'God is Great' is likely a greater immediate danger than someone sat reading a newspaper. Someone with measles is a greater danger to babies than someone who has been vaccinated.

Of course, you lefists would like to ban everything.

You're confusing yourself, sweetheart. It's you who wants to ban vaccination.
kondzior  11 | 1026
5 Jun 2018   #24
No. I am talking about mandatory i.e. forced vaccination.
5 Jun 2018   #25
If someone has a highly contagious and deadly disease, such as ebola, the state can forcibly imprison them in hospital. To not do so threatens the lives of many others - an individual does not have the right to spread infection. Govts exist to protect society as a whole, not individuals per se.

Vaccination only works if sufficient people are vaccinated, as this maximises protection for society (and the individual). Most people with experience of epidemics, like many Africans today or many Americans or Europeans in the 1960s, knew this, and so welcomed vaccination.

The only people against vaccination today are Isis, and Americans with short memories and few brain cells, and the dumb people influenced by both of those groups.

Even the Catholic church, not known for its liberalism, supports vaccination - even vaccines developed using cells from aborted foetuses. Even THEY accept the greater good.
gumishu  15 | 6228
5 Jun 2018   #26
It takes quite a high amount of paranoia and lack of scientific understanding to convince yourself that vaccination is a bad idea.

if you die or face other serious health problems because of vaccination it surely was a bad idea to undergo it
kondzior  11 | 1026
5 Jun 2018   #27
Govts exist to protect society as a whole, not individuals per se.

So lefists really are that far gone, huh? Maybe they should warn the patients that complications may occur, instead of reassuring them that everything is 100% safe.

First result you get after googling "death from vaccines".
I'm not saying they can't benefit society; I'm saying it should never be mandatory, and that the risks should be acknowledged.

Again, liberal science at work.
jon357  72 | 23668
5 Jun 2018   #28
You condemn your child to unneeded suffering and potential health risks.

It's also a potential crime against others, if unvaccinated kids are allowed in the presence of people who have weakened immune systems.

Their selfishness is breathtaking.

Yes, it's actually willful harm, and goes against all medical knowledge.

Even the leading 'anti-vaxxer' a creep called Mr Andrew Wakefield, was struck off the medical register for falsifying data that pretended there was a correlation between MMR and autism. There isn't.

It isn't a coincidence that the brief 'anti-vaxxer' fad led to fatal outbreaks of disease. Children died, however the loons that push their silly unscientific theories don't actually care.
cms neuf  2 | 1959
5 Jun 2018   #29
Why is it a crime to consider that just possibly there might be areas where medicines/vaccines/established science is not correct and there are risks to kids ? Does making your own decision about this really constitute child abuse ? Agree with Kondzior that while they clearly make life better they are not without flaws and potential risks.

There is of course a long history of drugs being withdrawn - even Tacitus says here that vaccines 30 years ago were a lot less safe than now. When I was born it was just after Thalidomide had been withdrawn - but science moved on, too late for the people who had been told it was harmless.

Being sceptical about compulsory vaccines and the huge vested interests that lie behind that is not the same as believing the earth is flat.

I don't know what is behind the huge rise in autism/adhd/aspergers etc but it was a valid exercise to look at all angles - pesticides, vaccines, pollution, radiation etc as such a rapid increase can not only be explained by genetics.
jon357  72 | 23668
5 Jun 2018   #30
just possibly there might be

Public health doesn't deal with ' just possibly there might be'. It deals with scientifically verifiable facts, and acknowledges vaccination as being among the greatest developments in healthcare in the history of humanity.

I don't know what is behind the huge rise in autism/adhd/aspergers etc

Certainly not the MMR jab. Although those people who push the 'miracle bleach enema' and 'colloidal silver' online clain to have all the answers.

In mqtters of healthcare, listen to the medical profession.

Home / News / Poles march against Mandatory poisoning by vaccines

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