This might be better placed in the GENERAL category, but I'm curious how Duda will receive a US president so vastly different from Trump.
How do Poles feel about Biden?
President Duda acknowledged that the media anointed Beijing Biden and Commie Kamala and therefore he qualified that it was still up the Electoral College to finish its work.
Poland is fully aware that Trump has been an excellent friend and that Dementia Joe won't be.
Poland is fully aware that Trump has been an excellent friend and that Dementia Joe won't be.
Maybe Duda will propose to naming a military base after Biden, like he did with Trump?
how Duda will receive a US president
Why? You seen one you seen them all. On a political level they work with whoever holds that office.
Poland is fully aware that Trump has been an excellent friend and that Dementia Joe won't be.
lol! what friend? There no friends, He has been making very good deals in Poland in the interest of the USA.
Maybe Duda will propose to naming a military base after Biden, like he did with Trump?
Right, how we should name you - a nuttjob?
Cargo pants 3 | 1425
9 Nov 2020 #5
You back from hell AGAIN?I thought Corona/Tecate/Modelo beer got you:)
He wants better relations with France & Germany,Poland is last on his list.OR Poland is on his $hit list.
You back from hell AGAIN?I thought Corona/Tecate/Modelo beer got you:)
Poland is fully aware that Trump has been an excellent friend and that Dementia Joe won't be.
He wants better relations with France & Germany,Poland is last on his list.OR Poland is on his $hit list.
I see...I think. So then you guys want to see a return to (monkey)business as usual, is that it? Hmm, all very telling.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
9 Nov 2020 #7
Pervert joe already said that he was making a huge cut in military spending.
Poland no doubt will be on the list of cuts due to joey's payback's to Ukraine.
Poland no doubt will be on the list of cuts due to joey's payback's to Ukraine.
Why are you all taking part while this thread isn`t for you? Lyzko asked Poles about their opinions. Not American Polacks or expats who lost Polish citizenship long ago. Stop pushing in where you aren`t welcome.
My opinion as a Pole: Biden will be much better than Trump. He won`t close an eye to the Polish rightist government`s dirty tricks which they have been planning to do.
My opinion as a Pole: Biden will be much better than Trump. He won`t close an eye to the Polish rightist government`s dirty tricks which they have been planning to do.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
9 Nov 2020 #9
Why are you all taking part while this thread isn`t for you?
Same reason you take part in threads that are not for you.
Stop pushing in where you aren`t welcome.
Who put you in charge to be so pushy, Podunk ?
My opinion as a Pole/Am: Biden won't last a year and will bow out due to poor health. So it will be Kamala Harris that will be dealing with Poland's great PiS party that is doing great things for Poland.
Same reason you take part in threads that are not for you.
You are lying as usual. Point to a single thread which is meant for non-Poles only.
So it will be Kamala Harris that will be dealing with Poland's great PiS party
Even better. hahahaha she will be much tougher on those rightards than Biden
johnny reb 49 | 8003
9 Nov 2020 #11
No, you are lying because the thread was put in a USA.Canada category.
You are just being jealous again.
Maybe in the U.S. but certainly not in Poland as she doesn't even know where Poland is on the map.
You are just being jealous again.
she will be much tougher on those rightards than Biden
Maybe in the U.S. but certainly not in Poland as she doesn't even know where Poland is on the map.
No, you are lying because the thread was put in a USA.Canada category.
It was put in that category coz Biden is American. But are you blind? Go and read it again - it is for Poles, not Polack Americans.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
9 Nov 2020 #13
Liar, you are blind as it is in the category of U.S.A.
One in the same only Podunks have that jealousy issue.
Now get back on topic and quit trolling Lyzko's thread.
it is for Poles, not Polack Americans.
One in the same only Podunks have that jealousy issue.
Now get back on topic and quit trolling Lyzko's thread.
Now that Biden will be at the helm, say hello to the American Empire again.
I wonder where will the American Empire strike back first.
-NATO expansion - Belarus and Serbia?
-Franco-Israeli proxy war - Lebanon?
I wonder where will the American Empire strike back first.
-NATO expansion - Belarus and Serbia?
-Franco-Israeli proxy war - Lebanon?
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2136
9 Nov 2020 #15
My opinion about Biden:
From a catholic family +
Irish ancestry +
Grew up in U.S.A +
Able to calm the most left wing parts of American society +
Seems clueless about any part of the world except
U.S.A, which could lead to terrible international relations for U.S.A -
Might look at Poland as Republicans ally and not an ally of U.S.A -
Might try to influence Democrat party politics on other states internal politics -
Seems dishonest -
Values crowd support over own values -
Part of what many on the right call "deep state" meaning political dynasties and connections with top bureaucrats and the 1% -
As a pleaser of crowds, might try to please the military faction within U.S.A to start conflicts (skirmishes/war etc) cause he will be reducing their income -
From a catholic family +
Irish ancestry +
Grew up in U.S.A +
Able to calm the most left wing parts of American society +
Seems clueless about any part of the world except
U.S.A, which could lead to terrible international relations for U.S.A -
Might look at Poland as Republicans ally and not an ally of U.S.A -
Might try to influence Democrat party politics on other states internal politics -
Seems dishonest -
Values crowd support over own values -
Part of what many on the right call "deep state" meaning political dynasties and connections with top bureaucrats and the 1% -
As a pleaser of crowds, might try to please the military faction within U.S.A to start conflicts (skirmishes/war etc) cause he will be reducing their income -
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
9 Nov 2020 #16
American Empire again
Yep there is going to be conflict and war again, leftards cannot help themselves but to try and impose their will over other nations.
Given Bidens connections to the IRA it would not surprise me if he kicks off the troubles again in Northern Ireland.
Somehow I don't think he will be a friend of Poland.
Anyway lets sit back relax and watch what happens, The American people have made their choice, give the mad sorry (man) a chance to heal the nation.
Anyway lets sit back relax and watch what happens
The first order of business is going to be dissident suppression. This means "non-stop" flood of non-whites (Biden's own words), "white man bad" propaganda in everything, 24/7, complete sanitation of the internet until it becomes as water tight as TV, and so on and so forth.
America is essentially headed to become South Africa and Americans are going to love every minute of it.
What should Poles think of Biden, the man who would open path to Germany to try to create some new reich. Sure, if Trump fails to prevent it.
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2136
9 Nov 2020 #19
This ain't about you, drink some Rakija to clean your brain and post about it in Serbia thread. I'll write there in due time
This ain't about you, drink some Rakija to clean your brain and post about it in Serbia thread. I'll write there in due time
I actually took my morning rakija to eliminate the germs from the throat. That`s enough for now. Did you killed your germs?
And what you want now? I didn`t say that I can imagine Biden as a new Pope but not as a new USA President. I could tell it but, see, I didn`t.
And what you want now? I didn`t say that I can imagine Biden as a new Pope but not as a new USA President. I could tell it but, see, I didn`t.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11967
9 Nov 2020 #21
Somehow I don't think he will be a friend of Poland. could be surprised though. As far as I know the Democrats want Germany to raise its NATO contribution and to scrap Nordstream too.
Biden will only be alot nicer about that, which will make it much harder for Merkel to ignore him, as she just congratulated him this morning...
-NATO expansion - Belarus and Serbia?
I sincerely hope Serbia stay out of that mess. Once you are in NATO you don`t have your sovereignty and you share responsibilities. So, when war (that is inevitable) in Europe is over I would like Serbia isn`t in position to pays with territories the games NATO started. I in fact desire the opposite, Serbia to expand.
Biden will only be alot nicer about that, which will make it much harder for Merkel to ignore him, as she just congratulated him ...
Merkel and Co. only seeks to legalize worldwide opinion how is EU in fact Magna Germania. Biden will only help them accelerate their plans just to secure, as he idiotically see it, counterbalance to Russia in Europe.
And Russia obviously wants rather to have Visegrad (and Central European Union) on its western borders then Magna Germania. That is the game.
And what Poland doing? Its not easy. On one side Poland helping in arming Serbia, counting as always on crazy Serbs that they turn the situation in favor for Poland so Poland can survive and even expand. On the other side, official Poland seek closer ties with Vatican, no matter that it looks like same as if mouse ask protection from the cat. Anyway, at one moment Poland would have to choose. Its Biden knocking on the door and accelerating things.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11967
9 Nov 2020 #23
Biden will only help them accelerate their plans just to secure, as he idiotically see it, counterbalance to Russia in Europe.
I only hope together we will counterbalance China...I wouldn't want a president Biden to become cuddly with Peking again.
If Russia starts licking chinese boots then we will have a problem...all of Europe, Serbs too!
China is not in question now. Its the higher league.
Before that, Europe have two major questions that involve entire continental politics. Countries can appear and disappear from the map of Europe and non would care less. But globalization and development opened questions of destines of three states around which rotate continental politics.
These states are:
1. Germany
2. France
3. Serbia
The continental pandora questions are:
1. On the throne of western Europe can be only one. That is the game here. What would EU become, extended France or extended Germany.
2. On the other side there is Serbia. Without Serbia you don`t have Slavic South, you don`t have Slavic West and Russia changing its format. With Serbia, there is gravitic force for creation of new continental conglomerate and that is Central European Union.
Before that, Europe have two major questions that involve entire continental politics. Countries can appear and disappear from the map of Europe and non would care less. But globalization and development opened questions of destines of three states around which rotate continental politics.
These states are:
1. Germany
2. France
3. Serbia
The continental pandora questions are:
1. On the throne of western Europe can be only one. That is the game here. What would EU become, extended France or extended Germany.
2. On the other side there is Serbia. Without Serbia you don`t have Slavic South, you don`t have Slavic West and Russia changing its format. With Serbia, there is gravitic force for creation of new continental conglomerate and that is Central European Union.
- it is for Poles, not Polack Americans.
How come youre not complaining about the Serbian, British of German posters on this thread? What a bigot! His true colors really are shining here!
I only hope together we will counterbalance China.
Biden is beholden to the commie chinese. We will be sold out down the road again.
Biden's "ignorance" about matters European could in the end be a blessing in disguise, providing him the opportunity to learn, as we;llas listen. Joe knows people. The reason Trump doesn't know people is because he's always got his big yap open, and brother, look out!
Vesko Vukovic 1 | 266
9 Nov 2020 #27
Joe Biden is a dangerous psychopath & warmonger.
Don't forget that Biden was also among those who created ISIS.
Joe Biden is a dangerous psychopath & warmonger.
Don't forget that Biden was also among those who created ISIS.
moondoggie - | 26
9 Nov 2020 #28
Biden and Harris will likely be cool to Poland, make a love fest with Mama Merkel
This chaos in US producing France and Germany. Biden is their man. Meaning, not Polish man.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
9 Nov 2020 #30
As an American Pole my opinion is this:
First we must Impeach Biden by exposing the Biden crime family and their ties to China's military complexes and money laundering
Then when Trump wins in court to have the ballots gone over with a fine tooth comb in Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia and Nevada it will expose the voter fraud of all the illegal voters and fraudulent ballots.
Then Trump will continue to drain the Deep State Swamp until we get our Constitution back in order as it was set up to be followed.
Everyone will be ordered to own a gun, go to church on Sunday and fire all the Marxist teachers in our educational system promoting Marxist values.
Once the Dems see the taxes that are going to be taken out of their paychecks to pay for Bidens $4 Trillion tax increase they will be begging to have Trumps tax cuts back.
Once they see that Socialized medicine causes private hospitals to close and doctors to quit because of low pay they will beg Trump to come back.
Sometimes you have to let the a child learn the hard way and let them burn themselves to learn not to touch hot things.
The Libtards are going to learn real quick just what they voted for.
Did Trump need to go......yes he did, but he would have been gone in four years while Biden will do more damage in those four years then this country will ever recover from.
Hide and watch.
First we must Impeach Biden by exposing the Biden crime family and their ties to China's military complexes and money laundering
Then when Trump wins in court to have the ballots gone over with a fine tooth comb in Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia and Nevada it will expose the voter fraud of all the illegal voters and fraudulent ballots.
Then Trump will continue to drain the Deep State Swamp until we get our Constitution back in order as it was set up to be followed.
Everyone will be ordered to own a gun, go to church on Sunday and fire all the Marxist teachers in our educational system promoting Marxist values.
Once the Dems see the taxes that are going to be taken out of their paychecks to pay for Bidens $4 Trillion tax increase they will be begging to have Trumps tax cuts back.
Once they see that Socialized medicine causes private hospitals to close and doctors to quit because of low pay they will beg Trump to come back.
Sometimes you have to let the a child learn the hard way and let them burn themselves to learn not to touch hot things.
The Libtards are going to learn real quick just what they voted for.
Did Trump need to go......yes he did, but he would have been gone in four years while Biden will do more damage in those four years then this country will ever recover from.
Hide and watch.