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Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons

jon357  72 | 23361
3 Nov 2021   #781
so I only don't want to see dynasties of judges i

So you think somebody shouldn't be a judge is they have family members who are or have been judges?

gumishu  15 | 6227
3 Nov 2021   #782
in the country where access to the solicitor/attorney proffession was until 2005 limited by the very self-governing body of solicitors/attorneys(samorząd adwokacki) I very much do object to such instances
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
3 Nov 2021   #783
So....what if s

What if tells me you have no argument.

a say in disputes between members

Yo use that mechanism to undercut your competitor and to make you pay more and buy electricty in Germany. Nit con, and there is no supirse that you a sad pscho side with conmen.

according to a new poll

Germans belive all those sad politcians from Poland who are acting against Poland they buy into their story that they have support of 80% of the people in Poland. They are supported by 20% of people in Poland.
jon357  72 | 23361
3 Nov 2021   #784
was until 2005 limited

Fortunately it isn't now. In large part due to a British man who had to sue them in order to register.
gumishu  15 | 6227
3 Nov 2021   #785
What would you want to happen if it were the other way around,

there is also the case of the Czech gypsum open mine near Ostrava on the border with Poland - Poland even ceded some land a couple of years ago to Czechs so they could expand the mine - might be interesting to see how it affects the ground water levels in the vicinity
jon357  72 | 23361
3 Nov 2021   #786
might be interesting to see how it affects the

Doubtless such things are tested, and if there are grounds to sue, then there are grounds to sue.

Even if there are grounds to sue, it's just pointless whataboutery since the issue is the massively polluting Turów coal mine and not a gypsum mine somewhere else..
gumishu  15 | 6227
3 Nov 2021   #787
there is also the case of the Czech gypsum open mine near Ostrava

ok - I passed information that was out of date - the Koberice gypsum mine has been depleted by 2012 - what remains there is just a big hole in the ground
jon357  72 | 23361
3 Nov 2021   #788
There's still a gypsum mine close to Pinczow; as far as I know it's fairly green.
Crow  154 | 9463
3 Nov 2021   #789
Who gives a sh**. EU is anyway real monkeyland.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
5 Nov 2021   #790
real monkeyland.

That is a praise!

They are supported by 20% of people in Poland.

Wrong coz it is about 50%. I see you like cooking statistical figures as you wish. :):):)
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
5 Nov 2021   #791
Wrong coz it is about 50%. I

In what ZOO? Not in Poland.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
5 Nov 2021   #792
Polish zoo. :) I see you are afflicted with short memory.
mafketis  38 | 11137
5 Nov 2021   #793
I remember Polskie ZOO (though when I first saw it I didn't understand so much....)
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
5 Nov 2021   #794
with short memory.

you're living in the past.

Rocky Balboa on TV!! There is nothing on TV, worth watching.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
5 Nov 2021   #795
Not in Poland.

Yes, in Poland. The opposition parties are supported by over 50%. Your 20% is a lie - now I have to call it by its proper name but it is your fault coz you made me - at first I had wanted to play with you in velvet gloves. :):) So, yes, it is a lie.

My advice to you - stop lying in the forum coz I am really allergic to it and will refute it instantly.

There is nothing on TV,

That is why I don`t watch it.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
5 Nov 2021   #796
will you say you didn`t profit from Polish access?

I did not profit from it at all because I pay all my staff a fair salary, well above the minimum wage irrespective of their narionality.

And anyway, Poles are not the hardest workers, Lirhuanians and Romanians are better.
Crow  154 | 9463
5 Nov 2021   #797
That is a praise!

Strange. I thought its too simplistic. So hand on heart, to me, EU looks like ghetto of Maracaibo.



See? If I didn`t tell its Maracaibo, you would think its suburb of some western European city.

Now, moron can say its multiculturalism and tolerance. No, its experimentation on people. Mental f*k. Cooperation within movement of non-aligned countries is multiculturalism and tolerance. You helping to former colonies to develop and you cooperate with them, you show respect to their cultures and you praise human diversity. All profit in the process. BUT, but you don`t bring them to your home, neither they take you to their home.

So, I f*k EU.

Maracaibo, man. Maracaibo.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
6 Nov 2021   #798
The opposition parties are supported by over 50%

Accoring to their polls.
Accoring to their claims 80%
Accoring to MR Reality 20%

Let leave it. I am talking about people who support Sikorski and other EUposelów that went against Poland oppenly. Germans like to think there is 80% support in Poland for those 'people' in fact there is only 20%.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
6 Nov 2021   #799
You are one funny man. Even the elderly in Poland support EU membership. Leaving the EU is not even a real option. The EU and Brussels are going to back down once the disciplinary branch is gone. France now challenges EU primacy over fishing concerns and Brexit, and Germany has already bucked the EU primacy argument. This is Brussels with a Napoleon complex.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
6 Nov 2021   #800
Accoring to their polls.

Of course not. What is wrong with you that you distrust independent polling agencies or those PIS-controlled ones???

Accoring to their claims 80%

Prove it.

Accoring to MR Reality 20%

Prove it.

Let leave it.

No, let`s not. I won`t allow you to peddle lies here without correcting them. Now I am acting as a teacher - no mistake goes unnoticed in my class and it is ALWAYS corrected. Remember it for future occassions. :):):)
OP pawian  224 | 27236
20 Jan 2022   #801
Yesterday the European Commission sent a request to the PiS government to pay penalties - 70 million e - for failing to comply with the CJEU's decision to suspend the Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court. PiS consistently refuses to dissolve the Chamber which is illegal acording to European court ruling.

On the one hand, it is tragic news coz it is my and other Poles` money which should be spent on the country`s development.

On the other hand, it is excellent news coz when PIS is voted out of power one day, they will be charged with negligence or even sabotage and contributing to serious financial losses. And those are criminal charges with prison sentences involved.

Where will PiS defect to avoid being sued when they lose power ? Belarus or Russia? Prime Minister Morawiecki family is already selling out their properties and assets in Poland worth millions. They started to smell the rat.......
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
20 Jan 2022   #802
Something new. People in Warsaw started talking about Polexit. I mean avarege people it is new.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
20 Jan 2022   #803
People in Warsaw

You mean United Right or Konfa voters?

it is new.

Of course it isn`t. You should do regular updates of Polish affairs. Some rightist voters have dreamt of Polexit for years. :):) Find the first thread in this forum about Polexit and check when it came into being.
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Jan 2022   #804
People in Warsaw

Which people would those be?
OP pawian  224 | 27236
20 Jan 2022   #805
Something new.

Did you check as I advised when the first thread about Polexit was started in the forum? So you know now it was in 2016. In May exactly. Almost 6 years ago. :):):)

Do you understand now why I suggested you need to do regular updates on your knowledge of Polish affairs?? Coz now it is in a very poor shape. :):):)

Stay tuned and you will be properly informed and educated here. hihihihi
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
20 Jan 2022   #806
You mean United Right or Konfa voters?

No I mean regular people. I don't know if they vote or who they vote for.

Some rightist voters have dreamt of Polexit for years. :):)

You can read their dreams now. Spare us your stories, put them in a SF novel.

about Polexit was started in the forum?

What some forum has to do with Poland? Can you just read what I wrote without trying to sideline it?
OP pawian  224 | 27236
20 Jan 2022   #807
put them in a SF novel.

You mean Polexit is SF? No, Un Rite is really intent to implement it if they don`t get more money from the EU.

What some forum has to do with Poland?

Namely this that people already started talking about it 6 years ago. So your claim about it being a new thing was baseless.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Jan 2022   #808
There is not going to be a Polexit, at least not anytime soon. Poland is in the perfect situation with the EU - we collect billions from the western EU countries while refusing to abide by their far left diktats with taking in third world migrants, promoting LGBT, etc. In 2015 they were crying about us not "doing our fair share" for refusing to take in all the migrants that Merkel invited, today they're applauding Poland for keep the migrants at bay on the border with Belarus even though they know Polish forces are doing technically illegal push-backs and using force. Quite frankly, the EU doesn't know what to do with Poland - we're not leaving, they can't kick us out, and all they can do is bark, bark and bark but with no bite in sight. And to top it off, the notion that Polish law trumps EU law is now legal precedent and the EU hates it, but once again can do nothing about it except get people like Ursula Von Leyden and Merkel to complain.

As much as I hate the EU, I don't want Poland to leave either so long as the money is flowing in and that's how a lot of other right wingers in Poland feel. Why spend our own money building gyms and painting park benches when we can make the suckers west of us pay for it. Plus, there's a lot of Poles that profited handsomely with the EU funded projects. Remember the airport they were going to convert/build in Gdynia? 100 mln zloty still unaccounted for to this day.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
20 Jan 2022   #809
I don't want Poland to leave either so long as the money is flowing in

Clever attitude :):):) and shared by the ruling rightists too. However, as I mentioned earlier, the flow is being cut down on now before it is completely stopped soon. Currently, the EU is withholding the so called Recovery Plan funds. Next they are going to block other funds if PiS government doesn`t comply with EU requests to annul illegal institutions like Disciplinary Chamber or bring back the judges who were illegally removed from work.
mafketis  38 | 11137
20 Jan 2022   #810
Why spend our own money building gyms and painting park benches when we can make the suckers west of us pay for it.

So for you Poland is a leech country?

Plus, there's a lot of Poles that profited handsomely with the EU funded projects.

Now you're in favor of kleptocratic corruption?

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