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Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons

PolAmKrakow  2 | 917
19 Sep 2021   #631
Parades are for people who are looking for attention. Nothing more. An antiquated procession through the streets to celebrate what should be a private issue is simply asking for trouble regardless of the parade subject. The cocaine is really good in Poland, I did some off your mom's @$$ with my coffee this morning.
amiga500  5 | 1505
19 Sep 2021   #632
If jon wants to go to a pride parade and draw attention to himself I have no problem with that, in the same way I have no problem with catholics going to religious parade waving crosses and drawing attention to themselves.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 917
19 Sep 2021   #633
I have a problem with it. Parades are for people who need to say "hey look at me" they are for attention seekers who desperately need others to tell them its ok to be what ever they are. When the rest of us really dont gaf what they are in their own home. People in general just need to mind their own business and have a life. Pretty simple thing to do. Yet these attention seekers who need to find other attention seekers and those who need a cause to be involved with because they dont have lives will always find a way to irritate the rest of us. The funniest one in Poland is BLM, this just cracks me up. The EU though, is far too liberal, and PiS while pooping the bed in nearly every other way, keeps these "demonstrations" to a minimum.
amiga500  5 | 1505
19 Sep 2021   #634
but there is a social dimension to the parades, that is the gays are marching for civil unions and gay marriage and the catholics are marching against abortion and further secularisation of society. By your reasoning all protests and social change marches should be banned and left to the government.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 917
19 Sep 2021   #635
I am not saying leave to government at all. I am saying that marches and parades are not effective. They draw unwanted attention from competing groups. There is no such thing as a "nice" parade any more. I am saying parades going through people's neighborhoods where the work and live are irritants and should be banned. Want a parade, have it in a public park, not on my street. Want to be gay, be gay, just not on my street, want to be an Muslim go ahead in you own home.

Want to immigrate to Poland? Great. If you can accept that the people already living here don't want to change their culture to accommodate you, have at it. Telling people they have to change is never a good idea. I don't have to accept openly gay relationships, my choice. All the parades and rainbow flags in the world wont change my choice. Want to quietly live your gay life in your own home? Go ahead, they have been doing it for centuries. Like hetero couple have as well. To each their own.

The social dimension of flamboyant gays wearing costume and dancing in the streets acting like they have lost their minds is really not a social issue I want, or most want in the streets where they work and live. Forcing the majority to accept the minority never works in the long run.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
19 Sep 2021   #636
Parades are for people who need to say "hey look at me"

Maybe. So what? Why do you want to refuse them the right to have this need satisfied?

People in general just need to mind their own business

Who are you to tell people what they need to do in life? It is none of your business.

They draw unwanted attention from competing groups.

Everywhere in the world????
OP pawian  224 | 27236
19 Sep 2021   #637
The EU has become a hostile institution

It is naive to suppose that by leaving the EU Poland will avoid "hostile" influence., Of course not. The social and cultural changes initiated after the collapse of communism are unstoppable, regardless if Poland is in the EU or not. Being out of it won`t bring Poland back to its "roots" as you are dreaming of. Poland is in Europe, surrounded by states which belong to the EU and that is enough for the process of change to go on.

That is why I have always been amused by all those "leave the EU" ideas coz they only prove the idiocy of their supporters.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 917
19 Sep 2021   #638
Poland, for the last 30 years, and since joining the EU has done a very good job at maintaining traditions and its culture. It will be the last country to see its identity fade to a multicultural mess. Poland wont leave the EU on its own, maybe they will get kicked out, but they wont leave on their own.

As for all the bleeding heart ideals you support. It is my right to not have to be forced to see these demonstrations in places I work and live. It is their right to have their needs fulfilled in a public area like a park. I do mind my own business until people have to put their personal beliefs on display when I didn't ask to see them. Their right to have a parade does not trump my right to not be forced to view it.
Ironside  50 | 12916
19 Sep 2021   #639
but they won't leave on their own.

Says who?
Once it will sink in that prices of electricity are skyrocketing due to the EU regulation. You will be surprised how fast public opinion will change the tune and demand Polexit.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 917
19 Sep 2021   #640
Unlike England, Poland can not afford to buy its way out of all the EU agreements. Poland is a net receiver of funds, and not a net payer. Poland could not even barrow its way out of the EU. Leaving the EU would decimate Poland, it would be hitting an automatic reset button and sending the country in a time machine back to conditions more like Ukraine today. Been to Ukraine lately? I have. Not a place I would recommend.
amiga500  5 | 1505
19 Sep 2021   #641
Not a place I would recommend.

I thought you were thinking of moving your business there since you were so sick of PiS? second thoughts captain? We could always go the Norway/Switzerland route, being part of the single market whilst distancing ourselves from the supranational liberal-left agenda of the EU... noticed Norway just elected a government that is all for oil money and two fingers to the EU. I am not advocating for that but just stating there are always options.
Ironside  50 | 12916
19 Sep 2021   #642
Poland can not afford to buy its way out of all the EU agreements.

Stop that. Poland can and will leave the EU when the time is right.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
19 Sep 2021   #643
It is my right to not have to be forced

Actually, you have no right to demand anything like that.
Now imagine that I demand you stop travelling by plane and car which you do quite extensively.

I do mind my own business

No, you don`t when you travel coz you contribute to increasing the footprint which gradually influences the climate change which also affects me. I have the right to demand it from you coz I want to leave in the moderate climate I am used to, not in the arid one. You force me and my kids to live in one.

You see? That was just a random sample of a demand for a personal right. Anybody can demand anything from others. Do you understand now that your claims about your rights not to see a parade near your house are infantile and most of all, hypocritical???
Spike31  3 | 1485
19 Sep 2021   #644
Poland wont leave the EU on its own

I'm not saying that we should leave straight away. PiS government is doing a good job, even if it's against their will, by eroding the power of Brussel's beaurocracy by refusing to comply with anti-constitutional laws and by refusing to place the EU law above the Polish constitution.

Basically, in our interest is to pick the benefits of the EU ie. open market for goods and services, and to block things that is against our national interest. It will become much easier once Poland becomes a net payer, which is soon. The EU is a toothless dog, there's no reason to be scared when it barks.

Poland is a net receiver of funds, and not a net payer

Not during this round but it will become a net payer by the end of this decade.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
19 Sep 2021   #645
PiS government is doing a good job,

Yes, a very good job coz in this way they will lose power more quickly after the EU cuts off the funds.
But if you hope that Konfa will gain through PiS` loss, I wouldn`t count on it so much.
amiga500  5 | 1505
19 Sep 2021   #646
they will lose power more quickly after the EU cuts off the funds.

You are a joke. Poland is too strong for EU to cut off funds, even Tusk recognised it , instead of saying EU should cut off funds, now he is saying he will do all he can that Poland gets the money. It will be approved within weeks. stop dreaming your soviet traitor dreams that polish people will be deprived of money to further your sick cause. You really should be strung up for the benefit of Poland.
Spike31  3 | 1485
19 Sep 2021   #647
For me, the best interest of Poland is above any personal political sympathies. Political parties are just tools for enforcing it.

And in the best interest of Poland is to not be swallowed by a federalization of the leftist EU.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
19 Sep 2021   #648
You really should be strung up for the benefit of Poland.

:):) Yes, we know you have bolshevik inclinations. I copied this part and will use you as an example of a rabid neobolshevik dog here and elsewhere, if you allow. :):):)
PolAmKrakow  2 | 917
19 Sep 2021   #649
Slovakia my friend, not Ukraine. Much better tax and residency conditions. Though I could probably own my own city in Ukraine, not worth the headache.

You obviously meant the "carbon footprint"? You say my rights are infantile? You are the infant here. You are a wannabe special interest left wing nut case. Even Amiga is not as crazy as you are with theories. Good to know your rainbow flag waiving didnt get in the way of you having kids though.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
19 Sep 2021   #650
Even Amiga is not as crazy as you

hahaha I have just shown that demanding things from people your style is infantile and hypocritical. I demand you stop polluting my environment. Do I have the right to demand it from you or not?
amiga500  5 | 1505
19 Sep 2021   #651
I demand you stop polluting my environment

No. In the end Polamkrakow and me, despite our differences will band together and have you swinging from a lamp post for being a soviet traitor.. he is polish afterall unlike you which is pure soviet.
Lenka  5 | 3531
19 Sep 2021   #652
You say my rights are infantile?

No, your reasoning is.
Novichok  4 | 8753
19 Sep 2021   #653
...gays are marching for marriage and the Catholics are marching against abortion...

Gays and Catholics - just as Poles and Jews - do not belong in the same sentence.
Gays are mentally ill and and no society can exist with just gays. An all-Catholic society is very viable and sustainable.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 917
19 Sep 2021   #654
And thats where you need a reading comprehension class. I never demanded anything. I made a statement of my opinion.

You must be sewing rainbow flags with Maf today.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
19 Sep 2021   #655
I never demanded anything.

Hmm, so probably I misunderstood your own words about parades:

I am saying parades [........] should be banned.

Correct, it is not a demand, just a statement of your opinion. :):):) It would be a demand if you sent a letter of demand to the Polish Parliament or President. While the Polish forum doesn`t host demands, just statements. hahaha

If you don`t like the word "demand," can we have a deal and replace it with "statement of opinion" in all my posts where I used it and leave the rest as it is??

Now, what about my statement of opinion that your travels should be banned coz they pollute my environment?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 917
19 Sep 2021   #656
It is about as useful as my stating you should be banned from speaking.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
19 Sep 2021   #657
hahaha Yes, I know I am irritating by asking uncomfortable questions and proving how wrong sb can be.

So, you stated one thing about others, the others stated another thing about you. In this way a perfect balance in nature has been achieved. Isn`t it amazing???
PolAmKrakow  2 | 917
19 Sep 2021   #658
Not uncomfortable at all. Just time wasting.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
19 Sep 2021   #659
Exactly. Stating our opinions here wastes our and others` time. We perfectly know it, yet we never cease to return to certain eternal topics when a slightest opportunity appears. :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8753
19 Sep 2021   #660
Stating our opinions here wastes our and others` time.

Just the opposite. This forum's only attraction is the opinions. Information is out there already.

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