well well well.The Witcher 3 going on sale today,and it becomes one of the most anticipated game this year.over 1 million pre ordered sale.
but what is shocking about this game,is critical reception.game was praised and considered one of the best game ever made.and new generation rpg,skyrim killer.ect.
with gamespot giving it 10/10.making it 9-th game that ever achieved this score in gaming history.
congratulation cdproject red.it was a shocking great start.
of course,some controversy arisen,and fans outrage after one of critic from major game reviving sites,slashed Witchers score,cus there was no black people in its world.and women were not treated nicely.well,we all know about leftist stupidity.
am not a big gamer myself well not anymore,but am considering giving it a shot.
let me know what you think about this great success.
but what is shocking about this game,is critical reception.game was praised and considered one of the best game ever made.and new generation rpg,skyrim killer.ect.
with gamespot giving it 10/10.making it 9-th game that ever achieved this score in gaming history.
congratulation cdproject red.it was a shocking great start.
of course,some controversy arisen,and fans outrage after one of critic from major game reviving sites,slashed Witchers score,cus there was no black people in its world.and women were not treated nicely.well,we all know about leftist stupidity.
am not a big gamer myself well not anymore,but am considering giving it a shot.
let me know what you think about this great success.