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"Wikileaks" Vatican officials saw Poland as 'US Trojan horse in Europe'

David_18  65 | 966
11 Dec 2010   #1
The Vatican saw Poland as a "counterweight to Western European secularism", but many Holy See high ranking officials also regarded the nation as the US's "Trojan horse" within the EU, according to a 2006 US Embassy cable released by Wikileaks.

The US cable also notes "nationalistic or divisive forces with a Catholic label, such as media outlets under the control of Polish station Radio Maryja" and how a former Polish education minister, Roman Giertych, is a member of Opus Dei.

Down with Radio Maria!!!!!!!!! Worst propaganda machine since the Nazi regime!½
PennBoy  76 | 2429
11 Dec 2010   #2
Down with Radio Maria!!!!!!!!!

Don't tell older people that, Radio Maryja and Liga Polskich Rodzin is sacred

mafketis  38 | 11277
11 Dec 2010   #3
In other late breaking news, it has been determined that Joseph Ratzinger is in fact a practicing Roman Catholic.
milky  13 | 1656
11 Dec 2010   #4
it's sad that scum like Roman Giertych are so deep into the whole system.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387
12 Dec 2010   #5
It will be found that WikiLeaks is run by the Zionists, with possibly some help from CIA.
Pinching Pete  - | 554
12 Dec 2010   #6
Of all the Wikileaks this might be the most idiotic. Figures, look who wrote it.

Given the trade imbalance we have with the EU, I'd like to know exactly when this 'trojan horse' will be released. As of right now he is only sh.tting in the stable.
12 Dec 2010   #7
and how a former Polish education minister, Roman Giertych, is a member of Opus Dei.

As was, if I recall correctly, former UK Education Minister Ruth Kelly. No big deal, and she had the moral courage to resign over some abortion or stem-cell-research related issue in line with her beliefs.

Giertych himself had some redeeming features - not the least of which was that his expenses claim for running the LPR's parliamentary office was zero (one year at least).

But true - LPR as a collective entity was f8cking barking in a way that makes the extremised, dying rump of PiS look bland.
pgtx  29 | 3094
12 Dec 2010   #8
Don't tell older people that, Radio Maryja and Liga Polskich Rodzin is sacred

hehe.... the video is funny.... hehe....
Crow  155 | 9722
13 Dec 2010   #9
"Wikileaks" Vatican officials saw Poland as ‘US Trojan horse in Europe’

USA Trojan horse?? or Trojan horse of EU or of Russia maybe?

or of Serbia?

ahahah hahahah hahahahah
Crow  155 | 9722
18 Nov 2020   #10

Tell me please. Did Polish Catholic Church already declared its separation from Vatican and Papacy? Is there free Polish Catholic Church?

This is necesery and I hope things moving in positive direction.
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Nov 2020   #11
Did Polish Catholic Church already declared its separation from Vatican and Papacy?

Not officially, but rumour is that some conservative bishops would gladly do. They don`t like how the Vatican meddles into their interests here with various accusations and investigations, mainly of pedophilia nature.
Crow  155 | 9722
18 Nov 2020   #12

Well, if they wants to play on pedophilia its their game of choice. Its maybe better to say pedophilia is reason then openly to accuse Vatican for direct assault on Poland's vital Geo-strategic interests because Vatican organized and took part in genocide on Balkan Orthodox Serbs and cultural genocide on Balkan Catholic Serbs, where Vatican presented and once more confurmed itself as deeply pro-Germanic, evil and anti-Christian. Even trecherous on other Catholics.

So, no matter what Polish Catholic Church take as a reason, we all know its game of ultimately financial independance of state of Poland. Its clear that Poland and Serbia restoring wealth line from Baltic to Balkan that was destroyed by Romans and in our time Vatican stand as obstacle to it.
Crow  155 | 9722
4 Jan 2021   #13
People. I contemplated. You know what is next after Covid?

3 options.

1 - Black Pope

2 - Open LGBT Pope so you even don`t know is it man or woman. Great thing would be Black LGBT Pope.

3 - Female Pope

See, bigger the chaos, better the rule over the subjects.

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