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Ups and downs of the democratic government 2023-2027 in Poland

OP pawian  226 | 27547
10 Dec 2023   #31
paved the way to power for Kaczynski and PiS.

They paved that way by keeping the responsible control over the budget and not wasting money. PIS promised benefits and that`s why they won among homo sovieticuses.
Torq  8 | 1041
10 Dec 2023   #32
Your analysis would seem to entail a certain measure of oversimplification, to put it mildly. There was more to it than just PO's reluctance to be more leftist and spend some money on social programs. The contempt towards ordinary people is what brought their downfall, and even people from their own camp admit that...,nId,7200995
OP pawian  226 | 27547
10 Dec 2023   #33
The contempt towards ordinary people is what

The contempt of the elites towards commons has been a problem since ancient Rome. :):): Yet, commons have always voted for the elites. Strange. :):):)
In 2015 PIS added benefits and turned the tables with the help of homo sovieticuses who are unable to exist without state support. Mentally unable, of course.
mafketis  38 | 11165
10 Dec 2023   #34
The contempt towards ordinary people is what brought their downfall

And PiS's contempt for everyone they couldn't buy with welfare brought their downfall....
OP pawian  226 | 27547
11 Dec 2023   #35
Today the Parliament appointed Mr Donald Tusk to the position of the Prime Minister.Tomorrow the expose and later the President`s approval.
The destructive rule of PiS bolsheviks is finished.
Clap! Clap! Clap!!! hahahahaha
Korvinus  3 | 610
11 Dec 2023   #36
I announce the opening of the season for clapping your ears that it's Tusk and not Kaczyński even though it's still shi*tty

We'll see what the new government will do about that:

But I'm not optimistic. Transport and shipping constitute over 7% of our GDP, and these traitors are ruining another branch of the Polish economy.
OP pawian  226 | 27547
11 Dec 2023   #37
for clapping your ears

I clap with everything I possess, even my balls.hahahahaha Coz I am so happy PIS bolsheviks lost.

Aż się rozpadnie w proch i pył
PiSowska zawierucha!

Znasz li ten cytat???
Braveheart16  19 | 142
11 Dec 2023   #38
Finally the elected government is taking control and Prime Minister Tusk will take the lead to remove all traces of PIS involvement be it with the Judges...abortion....cosy PIS positions, the economy, and hopefully will return to a more traditional way to govern where they work for the benefit of the public (the people who pay these politicians) and not for the benefit of greedy politicians whose only goal is to make money at any cost without any consideration of the electorate. Donald Tusk is by far the best choice and where he might not be liked is clearly the right choice to take Poland into the next Century. The electorate have had enough of PIS nonsense...pretending to do good....when they were slowly lining their own pockets. Still cannot forgive PIS for allowing so many ancient trees to be cut down....what a tragedy.
OP pawian  226 | 27547
11 Dec 2023   #39
Wow, it is so rewarding to read a voice of reason. :):):)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
11 Dec 2023   #40
the economy, and hopefully will return to a more traditional way to govern where they work for the benefit of the public

You honestly think a politician is able to do that

Here I thought I was one of the most naive people. Thanks for opening my eyes
OP pawian  226 | 27547
11 Dec 2023   #41
You honestly think a politician is able to do that

PiS crossed all the borders and limits of decency by appointing their friends and families to lucrative positions in state companies. Some of them held as many as 3 positions! They earned millions from leeching state assets.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
11 Dec 2023   #42
Excactly my point, just as every future government.

«Scratch my back, I scratch yours» it's politics 101

People support for support, most cases. Material support... They try to calculate who their backers are or possibly start supporting them (political party), when they know that they increase their budget. Then decrease budget of those who mostly do not support them.

Like removing TVP, to take budget of a pro-PiS group. To fund a pro KO group. I am not an idiot
Korvinus  3 | 610
11 Dec 2023   #43
I clap with everything I possess

Well, don't say hop while the duck is still breathing.
Alien  25 | 6424
11 Dec 2023   #44
duck is still breathing.

Let's make Peking duck.
OP pawian  226 | 27547
12 Dec 2023   #45
the duck is still breathing.

Let him breathe as long as possible. I don`t cherish any death wishes for PiS. :):):)

Let's make Peking duck.

It takes about 2 hours to cook it properly.

The same time that it took Donald Tusk to deliver the expose for his new gov today. Judging by the time, he will rule long and happily ever after. hahahahaha
OP pawian  226 | 27547
12 Dec 2023   #46
Breaking news!!!!!

The Parliament appointed the new pro-democratic patriotic government led by Donald Tusk. 248 MPs voted for it, 201 against it, and no one abstained.

So fekking amasing!!!!! hahaha buhahahaha
Bobko  27 | 2098
12 Dec 2023   #47
pro-democratic patriotic government

Pro-Democratic and Patriotic?

What could be better?
Alien  25 | 6424
12 Dec 2023   #48
What could be better?

OP pawian  226 | 27547
12 Dec 2023   #49
Alien, thanks, it is late and I am old so I tend to forget basic things. :):):)

What could be better?

For the putinist regime in Russia, many things could be better than Tusk`s gov. But they aren`t coz life is brutal. hahahaha
mafketis  38 | 11165
12 Dec 2023   #50

Don't push it.... the EU is a mixed bag and while it has its uses I don't think most Polish people see its continual expansion (in terms of how it affects people in their daily lives) as a good thing....
OP pawian  226 | 27547
12 Dec 2023   #51
Don't push it.

John Rambo said it in First Blood.
Don`t be like Rambo and get a grip, maf. Poles voted for the opposition and anti PiS coz they have had enough of anti European rhetoric.

I don't think most Polish people see

You suggest they see things. Are you planning to send them to a counsellor? hahahaha
I suggest you get a grip. :):):)
mafketis  38 | 11165
12 Dec 2023   #52
they have had enough of anti European rhetoric.

Agreed, but that's no reason to go all 'federal Europe'.... the UK left for a reason (lots of reasons some better than others).
OP pawian  226 | 27547
12 Dec 2023   #53
to go all 'federal Europe'..

It is a thing of the past, already. Stop living yesterday and start living today and tomorrow. :):):)
Alien  25 | 6424
12 Dec 2023   #54
the UK left for a reason (lots of reasons some better than others).

what reasons exactly, dear.
mafketis  38 | 11165
12 Dec 2023   #55
It is a thing of the past

Is it? What do the Germans here say? Is "Federal Europe" a dead idea?

what reasons exactly, dear.

Biggest was that it was never a good fit for British ways and interests and the more integrated it became the less a good fit it was.

I'm not saying it's all great, but British and other European values just don't always align. It is what it is.
jon357  72 | 23490
12 Dec 2023   #56
Is "Federal Europe" a dead idea?

It bloody should be.

Let's go for the best we can all get together.

You can have a bit of both worlds, you can aspire to the greatest good for the greater number, however you have to fight for that.
OP pawian  226 | 27547
14 Dec 2023   #57
Tusk's government is restoring funding for a helpline for children in mental crisis
The Helpline for children in mental crisis 116 111 will be fully financed by the new government. The previous government withdrew funding, questioning the competences of the Empowering Children Foundation that runs the telephone line.

Is "Federal Europe" a dead idea?

Yes, it is after the elections in the Netherlands.
Alien  25 | 6424
14 Dec 2023   #58
Yes, it is

This idea will survive and come back.
mafketis  38 | 11165
14 Dec 2023   #59
God... it's like a monster in a slasher movie... that keeps rising up....
jon357  72 | 23490
14 Dec 2023   #60
survive and come back

Perhaps a different way of looking at it. Not federal and not limited to geographic Europe.

a monster in a slasher movie

And behaves like one in all respects. Nevertheless, dragons can be slain.

Home / News / Ups and downs of the democratic government 2023-2027 in Poland

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