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R. Trzaskowski, current mayor of Warsaw, future President of Poland

Luke1410  - | 146
6 Aug 2023   #241
Good to see cordial relations, very important
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Aug 2023   #242
Can you guess when and why?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2023   #243
Mr Future President of Poland, worried that PIS is destroying this country due to their incompetence, corruption, thievery, aggression, etc etc

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From far away
17 Aug 2023   #244
You manufactured all that bulk**it for free or Trzaskowski - ubek is paying you?
It's unbelievable crap sunshine. Trzaskowski would not keep his current job anywhere in the world due to his incompetence. Plain and simple. Nobody would vote for him. The guy is only a spoiled, lazy dickhe@d who steals some lame " ideas" from the rainbow crowd in the

Any Polish citizen who is" against "the just war reparations for the war from Germany is simply a traitor and a scumbag.
The country was robbed and left in ruins, so the reparations are without any doubt justifiable. Greece also demands reparations from the krauts. Trzaskowski recently refused to sign a letter demanding reparations. He does not think Poland "deserves " reparations from the German aggressors. Unbelievable! He must have been a truant during his" education"...little wonder he doesn't even have a Polish " matura" only some nonsense from a provincial ( 4 thousands residents...) " school" in the

To most normal people in the world, irrespectively of their geographical location, that kind of "behavior" and" attitude" is signalling a traitor and a scumbag, who opportunistically doesn't want to offend the aggressors, because of personal profit. That kind of person is worth only contempt, and that's precisely what Trzaskowski gets on most Polish forums. To describe Trzaskowski as a "candidate" for the Polish presidency can be done only by an arrogant commie di*k brain, who is hoping all the Polish citizens are complete idiots...hahaha
jon357  72 | 23706
17 Aug 2023   #245
Mr Future President of Poland

And a noisy minority hate that. Such hatred against anyone who doesn't share their particular political vision and anguish from them when people vote a way they don't personally like.

They can crawl back under their stone since Mr T is growing in popularity.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2023   #246

Try to make your posts shorter. Usually I don` read whole posts by posters I don`t like - only the beginning and the end. :):):)

Trzaskowski as a candidate

Yes, the best of all. Ha!

They can crawl back under their stone

Like scorpions. :):):)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2023   #247
to sign a letter demanding war reparations from the aggressor.

Why only one aggressor??? It is unfair that only Germans are targeted for reparations.


Exactly!! Anybody who doesn`t demand reparations from Russia is a traitor. Ha! It was Soviet Russians who invaded us on 17th Sep 1939. Why don`t you demand reparations from current Russia, the heir of the USSR?? You fekking TRAITOR!

get lost

hahaha Sorry, I can`t. Fighting various traitors of Poland like PiS and nationalists or azholes like you is my duty! Holy task, so to say. hahahaha
Luke1410  - | 146
17 Aug 2023   #248
Such hatred against anyone who doesn't share their particular political vision

What is his political vision, I have a fairly good idea of PiS's what is Trzaskowki's? all i hear from him is stirring up hatred for PiS and nothing more? Could somebody enlighten me as to what he stands for as to me he is an empty suit. I hope I'm wrong of course.
Luke1410  - | 146
17 Aug 2023   #249
Trzaskowski's disgusting decision not to support it.

Demanding reparations from Germany whilst we are at war with Russia was a rash move from PiS in response to the EU withholding funds they desperately needed with the Ukrainian refugee situation. It was politically naive and the less said about it the better.

KO seem to be a very pro German party and so of course they are not going to have anything to do with it. They have far bigger weak points to focus on however! Namely their silence on condemning Russia...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2023   #250
NOT to sign a letter

It was a PiS` letter, right? So, anybody who didn`t sign those gangsters` documents is a decent person. I value Mr Future President of Poland Trzaskowksi even more than before. Ha!
From far away
17 Aug 2023   #251
Meritoriously you have absolutely nothing to say. Only blind bigotry and idiotic" choise" for the presidency. Idiotic, because Rafal Trzaskowski's decision NOT to support that just initiative, is a highly anty Polish decision.

You can NOT aspire for the presidency of a country you are acting AGAINST!
You" pawian" clearly have no brain whatsoever. Get a life! It's not relevant who wrote the letter in this case. You are clearly too thick for that.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Aug 2023   #252
It's not relevant who wrote the letter in this case.

We are in Poland and it is very relevant who writes letters. PiS` letters are for PiS while the opposition`s letters are for the opposition. Ha!

Fekk all PiS`s letters! Fekk PiS altogether! hahaha

PS. This division is a result of PiS` policy for the past 8 years.

You" pawian"

Why pawian in quotation marks? Do you suggest I am a fake pawian??? hahahaha Is there another one in the forum???
From far away
17 Aug 2023   #253
As usual you are paying attention not to the most important thing in this matter. The most important thing is that reparations from Germany are just and for all the Poles. It might be politically inconvenient for Trzaskowski the letter was written by PIS but those fools from the opposition could have done it themselves, but of course they did not. Tusk was saying on a number of occasions that he is a German. Fine. Trzaskowski is Jewish ,so why would he bother to do something positive for the Poles and " offend" the Germans to his own detriment? That's understandable too. Trzaskowski should not become any Polish president not only because he is completely incompetent and would not give a flying rat's ass about the Poles, but also because he is Jewish. Why? Simply , because there is no chance a Pole would become a president of Isreal. So why a Jew would become a president of Poland and for whose benefit? After Trzaskowski's refusal to sign the letter to Scholz about the reparations, it is also crystal clear Trzaskowski would NOT act for the benefit of the Poles. Simple as that.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Aug 2023   #254

Oh, you are a little antisemite, too? Amasing. :)
Luke1410  - | 146
18 Aug 2023   #255
PS. This division is a result of PiS` policy for the past 8 years.

You are correct, and it is the PiS policy of wanting Warsaw to govern Poland in particular rather than cede power over to the EU that is causing the division. You cannot serve two masters as it is written. And so this policy of wanting Warsaw to govern Poland was always going to lead to a fight that we are seeing now.

Trzaskowski and DT are in the EU camp, wanting Poland to be ruled from afar with Warsaw only allowed menial, inconsequential decisions.

This may have been acceptable previously, but now we have a third major player in the mix, i.e. Moscow (backed by China) and the EU has been completely unable to respond, why? Because the EU is nothing more than a protection racket for international business and international business will not protect Poland, they only care about getting to the souls of Polish children with their brands via screens and who's first instinct was to ignore what was happening in Ukraine.
Ironside  51 | 13124
18 Aug 2023   #256

are you jewish? or just a lazy moron like Trzaskowski?
18 Aug 2023   #257
Burst! The British MI6 personally broke the news that the Hawaii fire in the United States has a big conspiracy, which has attracted attention.
Luke1410  - | 146
18 Aug 2023   #258
What is his political vision

Anyone care to elaborate?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Aug 2023   #259
the EU has been completely unable to respond, why?

BS. Europe responded very well with sanctions and aid to Ukraine. .

PiS policy of wanting Warsaw to govern Poland in particular rather than cede power over to the EU that is causing the division.

When Poland acessed Europe, it agreed to cede some powers. That`s written in the contract. Anybody who tries to go back on it in fact is planning to leave the EU. PIS is trying ignore the European rule of law and the EU has no choice but to punish Poland with fines. Rightists will be sued for it in free Poland.

are you jewish?

yes, of course. Will you like me less now when I said it??? hahaha
Luke1410  - | 146
18 Aug 2023   #260
BS. Europe responded very well with sanctions and aid to Ukraine. .

After Ukraine decided to fight, their first instinct was to give Ukraine up so as not to rock the boat too much.
Alien  26 | 6565
18 Aug 2023   #261
because there is no chance a Pole would become a president of Isreal.

Just for your information, but don't tell anyone. There were as many as 5 "Polish" Presidents of Israel, including the last one, Szymon Perez.
Luke1410  - | 146
18 Aug 2023   #262
When Poland acessed Europe, it agreed to cede some powers

Absolutely correct, but what I'm saying is that it was completely unsustainable situation having two masters governing a country and the division is as a result of this. You are either moving towards a federal states of Europe situation or you are moving towards the nation state of Poland, it is not going to remain static. You clearly prefer the former that's fair enough, I prefer the latter.
Ironside  51 | 13124
18 Aug 2023   #263

good I can be racist against you now!!! pawian na madagaskar!


you are either stupid or you lie or both.

Anyone care to elaborate?

copy, paste and some more of what fad in the west. if left and progressive.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
18 Aug 2023   #264
Meritoriously you have absolutely nothing to say.

Thank you, Captain Obvious. :)

Also, Pawian seems to forget that Koalicja Obywatelska supports the rightful demands for reparations from Germany. Mr Trzaskowski's private opinion is of very little value in this matter.

pawian na madagaskar!

You are a cruel man, Iron. Why would you want to impose such a disaster on the good people of Madagascar? We know how to handle Pawian - better for him to stay here. ;)

Stick to the topic please.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Aug 2023   #265
Pawian seems to forget that Koalicja Obywatelska supports the rightful demands for reparations from Germany.

Yes, this view surfaced a few days ago. I don`t care - they can support or not, it doesn`t matter as long as Russia is left out. When they include Russia into reparations, I will join in.

As for fekking PiS letters, the opposition has to keep away from any deals with those gangsters. Jebać PiS i do przodu alleluja!!!


You see, what racist and antisemite fascist you are??? :):):)
amiga500  5 | 1547
18 Aug 2023   #266
When Poland acessed Europe, it agreed to cede some powers. That`s written in the contract. Anybody who tries to go back on it

Can you detail what competencies we ceded to the European Union and what competencies remain the sole remit of the European nation states?
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
18 Aug 2023   #267
Jebać PiS i do przodu alleluja!!!

And here once again we agree on something. :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Aug 2023   #268
Can you detail what competencies we ceded to the European Union

The rule of law. Among others, politicians mustn`t breach judiciary independence. PiS is intent on doing it.
Alien  26 | 6565
18 Aug 2023   #269
Jebać PiS i do przodu alleluja!!!

Jebać PiS - incitement to violence
do przodu - pure agitation
alleluja - clericalism
How do you want to win this election?
amiga500  5 | 1547
18 Aug 2023   #270
The rule of law. Among others, politicians mustn't breach judiciary independence.

Can you please show me the treaty paragraph that delegates any responsibility of 'rule of law', political and judicial governance to the European Union from the member states?

Hint there is no such paragraph. All political and judicial matters pertaining to the governing of a nation state remain the sole competence of a nation state.

The only exception if there is corruption or fraud in the very narrow area of distribution of EU funds.

Everything you are so worked up about, is a power domination attempt by the Germans through the machinations of the EC and ECJ. But since you love the germans like kania loves the russians I can see how you would fall for it, like a dumb village ingrate.

Home / News / R. Trzaskowski, current mayor of Warsaw, future President of Poland

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