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Tragedy in Russia - shouldn`t Poland declare national mourning?

Nathan  18 | 1349
13 Jul 2011   #31
however many Russians read online forums nowadays and I think it's very inhumane to be throwing politics in here.

Oh come on! We have to speak up. There was silence with the submarine on this forum, while wives and mothers of the drowned soldiers desperately cried seeking the justice in sold-out courts. Now, there will be silence, when 50 kids and adults perished just like that (no natural disaster, no war, no disease). Tomorrow there will be another tragedy and you will still be silently mourning? People need to influence however one can to change these circumstances whether in Russia, Ukraine, Poland or the USA.
MediaWatch  10 | 942
13 Jul 2011   #32
My say will be more helpful to these people than when I be trying to be "polite".

You make a good point.

If only Russia put the effort into safety codes as it has in building up to date rockets and equipment for war, more of these Russian accidents can be prevented.

Also two Russian ships just cruised by the drowning people without helping them. What was that about??
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
13 Jul 2011   #33
You make a good point.

Well, I see your points yet I still believe there's "a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak...". True words then and true words today. Those poor souls haven't even been found yet, much less had a proper funeral. But hey, this is the modern age where everyone has an opinion and the opinion has to be shared today, preferably yesterday. Nothing personal, just venting.
wildrover  98 | 4430
13 Jul 2011   #34
Also two Russian ships just cruised by the drowning people without helping them. What was that about??

That was unforgivable....even in times of war enemies respect the law of the sea and rescue their enemies from sinking ships if they can do it without putting themselves in danger...

To sail past a sinking ship of your own countrymen in peacetime is unbelievable.... The Russians know the name of these ships , and it seems have already identified and spoken to the captains , no doubt they will be punished....

Of course its possible the passing ships were overloaded with passengers , and were afraid of getting close to lots of survivors who would try to get on board...?

To be honest i think most of those who died were trapped in the boat when it sank , and even if a passing boat had come to the rescue it would not have been able to save many lives.....but its no excuse for not trying....
Velund  1 | 497
13 Jul 2011   #35
Of course its possible the passing ships were overloaded with passengers

One of ships was loaded oil tanker, large and with just a few people in a crew. I doubt they was able to do very much in rescue effort but would cause additional dangers trying to maneuver near area of river with survivors.

It will be investigated anyway...
Sasha  2 | 1083
13 Jul 2011   #36
Dear Russian brothers, my deepest sympathy is with you. My heart is so saddened by your loss.

Thanks for the kind words, Pan Pawian!

I'm being a bit sceptical though about the national mourning. The point is that the latter is more a political gesture, that of two governments: Polish and Russian and in my mind that would be somewhat odd to condole with the regime (putin's regime) which had up till now by every move encouraged the corruption and negligence in the RF.

Again, I highly appreciate your act of good will i Vashe dobroe serdce but I do believe that in this case it may be only personal: from a Pole to the Russians.

Besides, personal feelings of the Poles may be various...

Are you for real ?

Gary Grzelak  1 | 20
13 Jul 2011   #37
common Russians are our Slavic brothers

All whites are brother! no matter if your Slavic or not!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 Aug 2022   #38
Dear Russian brothers, my deepest sympathy is with you. My heart is so saddened by your loss.

Today I probably wouldn`t make such a statement. I would pity the tragedy in silence, keeping it to myself.
Bobko  27 | 2236
19 Aug 2022   #39
I say: common Russians are our Slavic brothers, showing sympathy would be a brotherly thing to do.

Wooooooow. I could not even imagine, that a baboon could utter such words. Hmm. Again you confuse and disbalance me. Are you sure it is not you that is an intelligence agent?

Seriously, you are a good guy. Thanks for bringing this thread up.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
20 Aug 2022   #40
Are you sure it is not you that is an intelligence agent?

No, I was a normal non chauvinist Pole who accepted it as a natural fact that all nations and races are equal and none is worse or better than the other. But your fekking Putlerite RuSSists made me change my mind about Russians, most of whom I can read now are not Russians, but RuSSians, as they support the war.

That is why I said I wouldn`t make such a comment today.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
20 Aug 2022   #41
acknowledging the fact of differences in mentality, cultural norms, political needs and so on doesn't make a person bad. Just more accurate and understanding that there are different human being with different experiences.

I stand by my conviction that Russians are our lost cousins of old, blinded by lies, hatred, mischief and generally in need of salvation which only Jesus Christ can provide.

Condolences for this tragedy, they will have my prayers tonight.

If you truly are Russian, understand that even if we are to be enemies it doesn't change the fact what is required from us. We can only wish you required more from yourselves.

Good luck on the other side of the barricade

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