Poles are not interested in being dominated by Russia no matter how much the idea may please Serbia....
No, no, state of eternal conflict between Poles and Russians isn`t in Serbian interest. No way, but you seams like to provoke people. I never suggested that Poles needs to be dominated by Russia. All who knows history of Polish-Serbian relations, knows that Serbians and Poles together resisted to attempts of Russia`s domination. There were periods when Serbians conflicted with Russians. Then, there were periods of cooperation. It is fact that Serbians differ from Russians but also, we share belonging to common Slavic civilization. We can`t denied that. So, despite our differences, we cooperate when hostile non-Slavs threaten either of us.
Anyway, that what Serbians want from Poles is that they start to be truly independent, from western Europe, from Russia, from anybody. Believe it or not, such a Poland we Serbians want. It suits us best. Its because only independent Poland can secure independent mentality of Poles and, exactly that they need if they wants to restore Sarmatia. They need to wants it passionately, desperately, like necessity for breathing. See, along that path I like to dream of future Poles and future Serbians. And we shall know no fear. Never again.