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Scandals, conflicts, tensions, arguments - real life examples from Poland

OP pawian  224 | 27236
14 Jan 2021   #301
caught red handed lying

Those rightards have no shame.
Ironside  50 | 12916
14 Jan 2021   #302
Rightard swine

you can be a vulgar dick all you want it doesn't matter you are the lowest of the low.
mafketis  38 | 11137
14 Jan 2021   #303
How about PO

How about playing a new effin' tune! PO have been out of power for six (6) years! And all you can do is bellyache and moan about them whenever people point out problems with PiS....
Ironside  50 | 12916
14 Jan 2021   #304
problems with PiS.

Are they an opposition or not. That is a legitimate question!!!
OP pawian  224 | 27236
29 May 2021   #305
The opposition accused Pres Duda he didn`t know how to display the Polish flag. But they were wrong coz the wreath that Duda put in the Turkish Tomb contained national Turkish, not Polish colours!

  • LANDSCAPE_840.jpg
OP pawian  224 | 27236
10 Sep 2021   #306
Full Monty in the small city of Świdnica. A local district attorney/prosecutor was detained for strolling around the area in Adam`s garb. He was also drunk. The rumour is he has had enough of being a rightist stooge and decided to join the Chippendale team.,178336,27553255,nagi-mezczyzna-robil-zakupy-spacerowal-swidnica24-to-prokurator.html

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amiga500  5 | 1505
11 Sep 2021   #307
Come on you know why prosecutor did it because he got assigned a case that dealt with the mafia or oligarchy and it was way to be suspended so he would not have to deal with it.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
11 Sep 2021   #308
mafia or oligarchy and it was way to be suspended so he would not have to deal with it.

EXACTLY! But not so many SO CALLED intellectuals here can get that or they wont be showing there brilliance on a random forum but be a MENSA member.
Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Sep 2021   #309
That drunk, naked prosecutor was nominated by Ziobro, btw...
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
11 Sep 2021   #310
That drunk, naked prosecutor

Only in Poland...... :-)
Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Sep 2021   #311
Something similar happened in the US with... Yeltsin... When he was in Washington he got drunk and ran down Pennsylvania Avenue screaming at taxis to take him to a pizza place while wearing his underwear only. The prosecutor was butt naked though... I doubt it's funny for his family - I'm guessing he's an alcoholic...
Novichok  4 | 8748
11 Sep 2021   #312
The prosecutor was butt naked though...

"Naked" is not a problem. Ugly is. Too many kielbasas and vodka, I guess.
Now I know where "butt ugly" came from.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
12 Sep 2021   #313
Yeltsin... When he was in Washington he got drunk and ran

years back I heard about it,never read that in print and internet was new and never anything on it as well.

"Naked" is not a problem

Watch him get a slap on the wrist,getting drunk and doing stupid things are popular in this part of the world.
amiga500  5 | 1505
12 Sep 2021   #314
LOL Only Cargo understands Poland and how much the criminal underworld can scare individual justices. Just like that judge that decided to get caught shoplifting so that they would get taken off a case a few years back. smart lad. Paulina the townspeople said that they had never seen him drunk before in 13 years and that he was a normal guy yet you mention ziobro. you are being a fanatical idiot again.
Alien  25 | 6353
12 Sep 2021   #315
It's like the Usedomer Krimi episode Träume in which a German prosecutor gets drunk unconscious at a party with policemen on the Polish side. As you can see it is nothing new in prosecutors world.
Paulina  17 | 4465
12 Sep 2021   #316
Come on you know why prosecutor did it because he got assigned a case that dealt with the mafia or oligarchy

You know what, you're right - PiS is both mafia and oligarchy in one!:

I guess this is the case the Świdnica prosecutor didn't want to deal with! You and Cargo are geniuses! lol Brawo Wy! 👏

Paulina the townspeople said that they had never seen him drunk before in 13 years

Are you serious or are you joking? lol

you are being a fanatical idiot again.


This is too funny... 🤣
Ironside  50 | 12916
12 Sep 2021   #317
This is too funn

You are being cluelessly idiotic. Snide remarks from the sideline are not that wise. What does PiS have to do with it?
The question is why this wried act and why now. What's up and so on.
You - hahaha you see PiS, Ziobro - that moronic unless you are a teen.

I guess clowns paid by the taxpayers to be the opposition to the PiS are showing their value and worth by clowning at the border running about with a plastic bag full of grocery shopping, Looks like a moron (Filip z konopi)sound like a moron and act like a moron. Hey but that OK he is not from PiS.

Are you all F up in the head people?
cms neuf  1 | 1846
12 Sep 2021   #318
So why was he appointed a prosecutor at all if he doesn't have the guts to confront criminals - like most PiS appointees to public positions he is under qualified and with no leadership genes.

The thing is Amiga that we are paying the wages of these losers through our taxes. Your taxes are just funding the Aussie army in their fight against people taking exercise without a mask.
Paulina  17 | 4465
12 Sep 2021   #319
What does PiS have to do with it?

What do you mean?

The question is why this wried act and why now.

Maybe it wasn't his first time, but this time someone took a photo and actually had the courage to report it to the police (he's PiS' prosecutor, after all):

This is what the witness at the shop said (who called the police):

"Chwyciłam za telefon, a wtedy sprzedawca powiedział, żebym nie robiła zdjęć, bo jest to znana osoba w Świdnicy. Nie obchodziło mnie to. Takie zachowania powinny być karane bez względu na to, kto kim jest."

My translation:

"I took out the phone, but then the shop assistant told me not to take photos, because this person is famous in Świdnica. I didn't care about that. Such behaviour should be punished no matter who the person is."
Ironside  50 | 12916
12 Sep 2021   #320
So why was he appointed a prosecutor

Why? Because since round table con Polish state is in state of F up. all kinds of F ups are there and not much work that well. PiS is not an exception here.

It is funny like people are spewing that crap. Do you claim that before PiS they were OK and all was working fine?
If you do you are full of S!
mafketis  38 | 11137
12 Sep 2021   #321
since round table con Polish state is in state of F up

Why do Poles even have a country then? Shouldn't people unable to create a viable state after 32 years be relieved of a responsibility that is clearly beyond them? Who should absorb the failed (according to you!) state of Poland? Germany? Russia? Should they divide it?
Ironside  50 | 12916
12 Sep 2021   #322
Why do Poles even have a country then?

Why not? Are they are any goldern standards to adhere to for a state to justify its existence? There are many countries that are F up much more than Poland. Geez ... coming from a fellow whose citizens fought a huge civil war.
mafketis  38 | 11137
12 Sep 2021   #323
many countries that are F up much more than Poland

True. So rather than continuing to state the drearily obvious (things are not optimal) maybe some positive criticism and/or analysis... why would this prosecutor do this?
Ironside  50 | 12916
12 Sep 2021   #324
I'm not familiar with him or his case so I can only guess.
Mafia-like connections and he doesn't want to take personal risk to take it on his chest.
Paulina  17 | 4465
12 Sep 2021   #325
What does PiS have to do with it?

Mafia-like connections and he doesn't want to take personal risk to take it on his chest.

There you go, you answered your own question! PiS is like mafia and this is why that prosecutor from Świdnica doesn't want to work on that case described in the article that I linked to in my comment #316. You and amiga500 are absolutely brilliant! :D
amiga500  5 | 1505
12 Sep 2021   #326
Shouldn't people unable to create a viable state after 32 years

Tell me after the American Revolution, did all the americans who supported the British become the top businesman. Did the americans who supported the british remain judges and in the police forces? Or was there a reckoning?
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
12 Sep 2021   #327
Why do Poles even have a country then?

I thought you were one of the brighter posters on PF but this comment makes me wonder.
Please explain yourself.
mafketis  38 | 11137
12 Sep 2021   #328
Please explain yourself.

I should have held up my 'sarcasm' sign.

I just get fed up with the defeatists who claim some weird conspiracy around the roundtable discussions or want some kind of 'reckoning' with the PRL. It happened, almost everyone in the country was complicit in some way or other... move on.

I tend to sympathize with the 'gruba kreska' of Mazowiecki... for reasons I've explained before (for all the good it does...)
amiga500  5 | 1505
13 Sep 2021   #329
I tend to sympathize with the 'gruba kreska' of Mazowiecki...

Mazowiecki himself said his gruba kreska speech did not mean that and the post communists appropriated it. He was for lustration.
Paulina  17 | 4465
14 Sep 2021   #330
Mazowiecki himself said his gruba kreska speech did not mean that

Yes, he meant something else.

A drunk and naked guy vandalised a tram in Kraków on Sunday:

Another prosecutor who "doesn't want to deal with mafia"? lol Or is it some kind of new epidemic?

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