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Scandals, conflicts, tensions, arguments - real life examples from Poland

NoToForeigners  6 | 948
5 Apr 2020   #271
And no-one else enters or leaves the building?

Yes. No-one enters and leaves the building.
"Ex-health minister from PO fake news. Even the TVN presenter couldn't handle his lies"
OP pawian  226 | 27817
15 Jul 2020   #272
The scandal develops as both Foreign Office and President`s officials accuse each other of setting the President up in a comical situation, namely a phone conversation with Russian pranksters who impersonated the UN Secretary, calling to congratulate Duda on his victory.

Duda didn` t do badly except for his usual stuttering but the fact that such a conversation took place at all proves that PiS security for the state institutions is made of cardboard.

Watch the video and memes here

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
4 Aug 2020   #273
The latest remark by Janusz Gajos, a famous actor, caused huge upheaval in PiS ranks. He said: a small man (Kaczyński) divided Poland into two parts. It is a crime. Such acts led to nazism in the past.

PiS reacted hysterically, as usual. They called him a simpleton or an actor from a puppet theatre. Also, suggested his roles in communist series certainly influenced his thinking. hahahaha

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gumishu  15 | 6228
4 Aug 2020   #274
took place at all proves that PiS security for the state institutions is made of cardboard.

you forgot to mention that the Russian pranksters also fooled Macron and Boris Johnson
OP pawian  226 | 27817
4 Aug 2020   #275
Actually, I don`t care about those losers. Poland is my priority. Always has been.
Wincig  2 | 225
5 Aug 2020   #276
He said: a small man (Kaczyński) divided Poland into two parts. It is a crime. Such acts led to nazism in the past.

I think it is an utterly stupid comparison. I 'm no fan of PiS or Mr K, and disagrees with most of what they say or do, but such comparison discredits the speaker and just ends up feeding the ambient paranoia
OP pawian  226 | 27817
5 Aug 2020   #277
You didn`t think hard enough about it. By the division he probably meant that Nazis chose certain groups and stigmatised them as parasites and enemies which had to be annihilated: Jews, communists, LGBT, Slavs, Gypsies. Later they organised Holocaust for them.

PIS is doing the same thing today. Poland is divided coz half the nation supports such stigmatising, half rejects it.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Aug 2020   #278
Not true. Polls clearly show that the majority of Poles reject LGBT and turd world migrants. With gays it's something like 80%+ of Poles rejecting them and with african and middle east migrants it's 74%.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
5 Aug 2020   #279
Of course not. Recent elections proved the gap is only 2%. 49 to 51. Simple.
Wincig  2 | 225
5 Aug 2020   #280
OK, but unless I am misinformed, PiS is not suggesting to annihilate those groups?
mafketis  38 | 11284
5 Aug 2020   #281
It would be stupid because it's mostly those who don't support PiS who pay for PiS electoral sausage.... the four or five least developed województwa voted overwhelmingly to keep the gibs train running while the most economically functional województwa all went for Trzaskowski.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
5 Aug 2020   #282
OK, but unless I am misinformed, PiS is not suggesting to annihilate those groups?

It always starts from stigmatising and enmity, annihilation comes later as a natural consequence when most people are so brainwashed they are ready to close an eye and keep silent when murderers do their job.

That is why hundreds of people who survived WW2 and are still alive, during various conferences, meetings, marches, demonstrations etc warn the society not to allow second nazism to be born in Poland.

Here, despite PiS gigantic brainwashing in state media, nearly half people voted against them. That is a very positive factor in that unpleasant situation we are experiencing with the right in power.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
5 Aug 2020   #283
Gajos` interview and PiS` hysterical reaction is still widely commented. People from the show business support Gajos and ciritisize PiS. E..g, Włodzimierz Press, famous Grigorij Shakaashvilli from Georgia.

That`s appalling. I don`t understand the times we live in and feel very bad about this all.,681c1dfa

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Ziemowit  14 | 3936
5 Aug 2020   #284
suggested his roles in communist series certainly influenced his thinking

One of the least 'amused' at Gajos comments was Beata Mazurek and that other PiS chap with whom she used to appear together before the TV cameras until they both became European MPs. (This led to a funny scene in the "Ucho Prezesa" series where one of the couple said: 'one of us thinks and the other speaks up' to which the Chairman asked: 'which is which then?').

One of the couple (likewise, I cannot tell now which one) has in this context reproached Janusz Gajos for his excellent role as Prosecutor in the film UKŁAD. Have you perhaps read Wojciech Mann's excellent comments to all this?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
5 Aug 2020   #285
Yes. Right now, all people of culture who spoke on that matter defend Gajos and nobody has condemned him. Reminds me communist times after the martial law - there were a few renegades who collaborated with communists but most artists boycotted them and their media. Sth similar is happening now while neobolshevik PIS rule.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
7 Aug 2020   #286
Janusz Gajos for his excellent role as

Another one of his excellent roles: in this amazing song Gajos as Mr Turkish sings about Poland:it hasn`t died and won`t die, as long as we are alive.Whenever I feel down and think that PiS has overwhelmed whole Poland with its gangster tentacles, I always play this song to cheer me up. The fight must go oooooon!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 Aug 2020   #287
uuuf, at last. Szumowski, PIS Health Minister, resigns together with his deputy. He has been very stubborn to leave just now coz allegations that a company owned by his brother received millions in government grants during the crisis appeared a few months ago. Some medical equipment bought by the Polish government to fight the virus has never been delivered or was completely useless. E.g., the Ministry paid millions for worthless masks transported to Poland by the largest plane in the world.

How many times did we mention that no other party before was involved in so many corruption scandals like PiS now?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
28 Aug 2020   #288

LGBT news from Poland

Michael Szutowicz, called Margot, a nonbinary activist, has just been released after 3 weeks of pretrial arrest. It seems the authorities got worried with bad publicity that Poland received after this detention. Pressure from various institutions and organisations, including human rights ones, has led to the release.

Why was she arrested? Read about it here:

awaiting trial for allegedly causing damage to a truck promoting false anti-LGBT propaganda

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Ziemowit  14 | 3936
28 Aug 2020   #289
Good news! His case should be a real shame for the government.

I don't understand why moderators have merged your thread with this one here. This thread is just a random blablabla thread whereas the LGBT has become a hot political issue in Poland..Do the mods of this forum secretly support our shabby government in the persecution of the LGBT people in Poland and try to conceal your explicitly formulated title because it displays the 'LGBT' word in it?

Mods, stand up to political oppression in Poland, too, and restore Pawdog's thread to its proper place!
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
28 Aug 2020   #290
restore Pawdog's thread to its proper place!

Agreed! It should go straight to trash folder.

LGBT has become a hot political issue in Poland

Only for some leftist weirdos. And if you support lgbt clowns so much, why don't you cast more light on that story? Like, for example, the fact that Margot's girlfriend has ridden off into the sunset with 400K donations (raised specifically for the poor bastard) in her back pocket while Szutowicz is crying all alone now. If PiS wins once again, it will be thanks to idiots like you, pawian and Łania ;)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Aug 2020   #291
I don't understand why moderators have merged your thread with this one here.

Because every other LBGTQRSTUV thread has been closed.
Men having sex with another man or a woman having sex with another woman is considered perverted.
That already has been established here a 1000 times now.
Starting a new thread will not change that fact.
Is the country of Poland so boring that you need to focus on something so dull as Homo's ?
Ironside  51 | 13124
29 Aug 2020   #292
Michael Szutowicz, called Margot, a nonbinary activist,

dude is a thug and should end up in jail.

Homo's ?

See he has many women and claim to be a lesbian, he is aggressive and attacks people who are proudly pro-life or some such. He was arrested because he beat up a truck driver ....

People like Ziemowit are exposed by defending that dude, What more they are morons.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
29 Aug 2020   #293
He was released following an appeal to the Court of Appeal in Warsaw.

And if you support lgbt clowns so much[ ...]If PiS wins once again, it will be thanks to idiots like you, pawian and Łania ;)

So you are against the LGBT and at the same time you are against PiS? Very interesting.

Poland has never been boring. Poland was the most cheerful barrack in the (communist) block and now it continuous to be the most cheerful barrack in Central-Eastern Europe.

(And between you and me, this is why people like Ironside left Poland many years ago. He had and still has no sense of humour although, strangely, he is a clown!)
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
29 Aug 2020   #294
So you are against the LGBT and at the same time you are against PiS?

Well I understand that it could be hard for you to comprehend, but ordinary ppl usually don't feel the need to let a particular party run their lives. However, being a commie makes you unable to realize that.

Very interesting.

So you are pro-lgbt clown because you are against PiS? Very stupid, indeed. But you're just a commie after all ;) Btw, any comments on Łania and how easily she managed to screw the whole lgbt fabase (e.g. you)? Or better yet, are ging to donate more money for poor Margot? :P
OP pawian  226 | 27817
31 Aug 2020   #295
I don't understand why moderators have merged your thread with this one here.

They must suffer from some kind of obsession - whenever LGBT is mentioned, sth strange happens to it. hahaha E.g., the thread Post Election Political Scene was closed after we discussed LGBT there. So funny.......

Thank you very much for voicing your opinion - you are one of few decent people here. Those rightards and fascists are really hopeless. Christian values! hahahaha
OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 Jan 2021   #296
Changes, changes, changes.

A female MP brought her baby to a parliament workshop and fed it while taking an active part in a discussion. Y

A few years ago it would have been a big scandal but now most comments are positive, only a few scornful and condemning. Times change and people`s attitudes with them. Campaigns promoting a healthy life style are effective.

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Ironside  51 | 13124
11 Jan 2021   #297
How about PO voting on some questionable Pis legislation as a good doggie. Even some PIS MPs had doubts about it but PO like a one big happy family supported it totally.

The some with the lock down that killing business people are getting fed up with that nonsense and PiS BS!
Only PO totally support it. lol!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
11 Jan 2021   #298
We need more details, as usual in case of your posts. :):)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jan 2021   #299
Rightist hypos and liars are in action every day. The latest one: a top minister took her 3 sons and went skiing, though it had been banned by her own government. When the news surfaced, she lied blatantly that her sons belonged to a club and had licences. Today Polish Skiing Association stated they didn`t.

Rightard swine are more equal than other animals.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
14 Jan 2021   #300
It's almost constant with the scandals and stench of wrongdoing around them. The fact that she's been caught red handed lying is nothing new at all.

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