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Poland says no to flood of Immigrants

Lyzko  41 | 9545
3 Oct 2023   #61
It wasn't of their own creation though, Rich, that's precisely the point. Sweden, like The Netherlands, Germany and the UK, merely was trying to keep up with their liberal neighbors and lost touch with the constituent base. Swedish voters were talking, but the state wasn't listening. Put another way, the majority wasn't silent, the government was deaf, tone deaf.

Sound familiar? It ought to; Biden's been accused of the same thing and heaven knows, it might cost him '24!!
Novichok  4 | 7630
3 Oct 2023   #62
It wasn't of their own creation though,

Who let Somali scum into Sweden? China?
Lyzko  41 | 9545
4 Oct 2023   #63
Who pressured Sweden into making that decision anyway?
Novichok  4 | 7630
4 Oct 2023   #64
I just asked that question in #62.
Alien  22 | 5460
5 Oct 2023   #65
Swedish voters were talking, but the state wasn't listening.

Apparently they didn't speak loudly and clearly enough.
Lyzko  41 | 9545
5 Oct 2023   #66
amiga500  5 | 1473
5 Oct 2023   #67
Apparently they didn't speak loudly and clearly enough.

No the swedes are conformist asians, and if it won't take the weekly bombings to wake them up, it will take a civil war, vote $1 Muslim for president, it' won't be long now till the non natives have a majority, 20 years i reckon
Lyzko  41 | 9545
5 Oct 2023   #68
What precisely do you mean by "conformist Asians"? Conformist in the sense of complying with societal rules and norms to a far greater degree than, say, the US, is certainly correct.

However, I don't feel they are overly liberal for its own sake. In this way, they are indeed conforming to general changes which have occurred and are presently occurring throughout Europe.
amiga500  5 | 1473
5 Oct 2023   #69
What precisely do you mean by "conformist Asians"?

jezzus do u know nothing about the swedes? the conformist corridor is famous for them, they will stick stick to a program, like they did with open borders, then like a herd of sheep they will go with the next program, i just hope the next program is not the next holocaust haha they are viking after all, they have centuries of peace, but at a drop of a hat, they gonna go crazy.. ie rape their daughters by migrants too much.
Lyzko  41 | 9545
5 Oct 2023   #70
I probably know more about the Swedes than some kangaroo-hugging moron!!
You obviously know nothing about Sweden's post-War history. Have you ever visited Sweden?
amiga500  5 | 1473
5 Oct 2023   #71
Have you ever visited Sweden?

Yep looks clean till u get to a suburb in malmo and visit my polish uncle, he's 90 but it's all changed now, gotta carry a knife and pretend ure part of mafia crew bro, pretend ure white or pretend ure black, it dosn't matter as long as ure hold ure head up, ure a man and carry a knife. (gun better)

You obviously know nothing about Sweden's post-War history

I know all about it , u know the laws till the late 50s prevented marrying jews? , and it was the jews that put the guilt trip on swedish parliament to open up and borders and embrace multikuliti? how that working out??
Novichok  4 | 7630
5 Oct 2023   #72
Great job, amiga.

than some kangaroo-hugging moron!!

Lyzko = moron
Amiga = genius

Conformist in the sense of complying with societal rules ...

...aka bootlickers. Even if their own women are raped...government is always right...
OP Joker  2 | 2188
5 Oct 2023   #73
I probably know

Ooop`s you did it again! LOL

A little bit too much projecting, Mr. Wizard:)

Yep looks clean till u get to a suburb

The exact opposite in the USA where the cities are f***ed up and the last bastion of normal life away from leftard wokies is the suburbs!

People are starting to fight back! It will take some time before stupid libtards finally wake up. The keep getting stabbed and robbed over here and wonder why??

Ask Lysko! LOL His New Jersey Demorat Senator just got busted as well! Another lying leftard crook! Hahahaha
Novichok  4 | 7630
6 Oct 2023   #74
The keep getting stabbed and robbed over here and wonder why??

After this stabbing in NY, I am seriously thinking about carrying. The guy would be alive today if he had a piece on him.
But the anti-gun a-holes here will still tell us that guns are evil.
OP Joker  2 | 2188
6 Oct 2023   #75

I am seriously thinking about carrying

And you legally can!
After seeing this video, I'm going to sign up for the classes to get my CCP as well. Nothing is going to change for the better with Democrats in charge of the country. Its just as bad, if not worse in Illinois under Pritzker. Im glad I dont live in Chicago anymore:) All Dem cities are hell holes and there is no hope insite until the next election.

Compare Bidens USA to 5 years ago...

Oh yeah, its all MAGAs fault...LOLOLOL

OP Joker  2 | 2188
6 Oct 2023   #76
This is what happens when you "defund the police" leftards!
Lyzko  41 | 9545
6 Oct 2023   #77
@Rich, you only dub amiga a "genius" because you happen to agree with him.
@amiga, you seem to be allowing your own pre-set values to cloud your objective judgement.
While we all do this, at least I'm honest about it.

Amiga, Rich and most others here on PF seem to conveniently ignore the simple fact that migrants are the government's answer to cheap labor in order to further a purely post-Reagan capitalist agenda a la Donald Trump! The more non-native born, non-target language speaking, typically darker-skinned low level workers to conveniently misunderstand what native nationals are saying, the more the government profits.

Middle-age to older native Caucasians have slowly proven a serious threat to the ignorant business community at the top who desire nothing more than a "flexible", quick-turnover labor force whom the bosses can merrily, easily hire and fire. usually without having to pay them much of anything, forget about unemployment benefits.
Novichok  4 | 7630
6 Oct 2023   #78
Amiga, Rich and most others here on PF seem to conveniently ignore the simple fact that migrants are the government's answer to cheap labor

We don't ignore it. We know that this is what the ruling mobs do for the benefit of their buddies and to the detriment of working stiffs.

That is why it's a crime against the natives who are never asked if it's OK to bring the smelly foreign hordes that are willing to work for less. Walmarts pay sh*it and that is why they help their employees to apply for welfare - funded by the natives, of course.

As I already explained, "cheap labor" is extremely expensive if we count what they produce and what they receive in social services funded by the rest of us. Like educating their little bastards and getting treated in the emergency rooms - for "free".

I called - not dubbed - amiga a genius because he was one in comparison to your incomprehensible fake "classy" English nobody who wants to be seen as normal uses.

Practice "You are a moron" in the next dozen posts and you will feel much better. At least we will not need the Lyzko-to-English decoder.

Also, avoid "seem".
amiga500  5 | 1473
6 Oct 2023   #79
Amiga, Rich and most others here on PF seem to conveniently ignore the simple fact that migrants are the government's answer to cheap labor

We don't ignore it, We just know there is a big difference between a points based visa system, and random kunts just rocking up across the border or across the sea, illegally.
Novichok  4 | 7630
6 Oct 2023   #80
Hey, Lyzko, read amiga's post above and you will know instantly why I called him a genius.

Random useless kunts nobody wants is a clear and accurate description. Unless, like Swedes, you want your women raped at the rate that turns your little heaven into hell. Then the kunts are useful.

The worst of it is that the useless kunts multiply at rates higher than the natives.

In Sweden and Germany, they probably get more money for each additional bastard neither country wants.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
6 Oct 2023   #81
Imagine if PoznaƄ's most wanted list looked like Philadephia's most wanted list...

... we definitely need more racial diversity in Poland!

When I switched to all fugitives...

... I came to the conclusion that there must have been a horrible global warming in Philadelphia. xD
Alien  22 | 5460
6 Oct 2023   #82
Philadephia's most wanted list...

Are there no white people living in Philadelphia anymore?
Novichok  4 | 7630
6 Oct 2023   #83
Whites lost their balls to oppose the invasion. They don't even know how to commit crimes. Where are those evil white gangs...
Alien  22 | 5460
6 Oct 2023   #84
Al Capone would clean up, right?
Novichok  4 | 7630
6 Oct 2023   #85
Al Capone did less damage to the country in his entire life than did Biden as our acting president. Three million illegals in the last 12 months. Nobody can beat that...

You owe Al an apology.
Lyzko  41 | 9545
6 Oct 2023   #86
I reiterate, how should any advanced capitalist society survive, if not through the hire, if reluctantly, of cheap labor?
Most of that needed labor force will be foreign, usually from Third World nations, grateful for the chance to live and work in the US:-)

Why is the world so very different from that of the homogeneous '50's? The answer is because once upon a long time ago, Caucasian Americans were not afraid to learn a trade and work with their hands.
Novichok  4 | 7630
6 Oct 2023   #87
I reiterate, how should any advanced capitalist society survive,

Are you a retard or just playing one?

How many times do I have to explain that there is no such thing as "cheap labor". Do you want me to explain it one more time?
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
6 Oct 2023   #88
Are you a retard or just playing one?

He's not playing Rich, he really is a retard.....he doesn't realise that this is no longer the 1950's, times have changed.
Novichok  4 | 7630
6 Oct 2023   #89
he doesn't realise that this is no longer the 1950's, times have changed.

YOu are right. I my immigrant times, you were on your own.
Today, they get everything for free. That includes Medicare - instantly and without paying a dime into the system. You know...chain migration including your parents and uncles.
OP Joker  2 | 2188
6 Oct 2023   #90
he doesn't realise that this is no longer the 1950's, times have changed.

He still thinks FDR is the President.

were not afraid to learn a trade and work with their hands.

Why are they afraid now? Its mostly blacks that sit around and sleep all day and dont want work. Leftist politicians support them with welfare so they can buy their vote.

Its backfiring on them now as Biden is forced to start building Trumps wall...LOL

Chicago blacks want the migrants out!

New York

The Democrats own this and are going to pay at the ballot box...FJB!!!

Texas border...11K illegals cross every day

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